999 research outputs found

    On the stability of the primordial closed string gas

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    We recast the study of a closed string gas in a toroidal container in the physical situation in which the single string density of states is independent of the volume because energy density is very high. This includes the gas for the well known Brandenberger-Vafa cosmological scenario. We describe the gas in the grandcanonical and microcanonical ensembles. In the microcanonical description, we find a result that clearly confronts the Brandenberger-Vafa calculation to get the specific heat of the system. The important point is that we use the same approach to the problem but a different regularization. By the way, we show that, in the complex temperature formalism, at the Hagedorn singularity, the analytic structure obtained from the so-called F-representation of the free energy coincides with the one computed using the S-representation.Comment: 20 pages and 1 figure. The final version that appeared in JHE

    Generalized models reveal stabilizing factors in food webs

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    Insights into what stabilizes natural food webs have always been limited by a fundamental dilemma: Studies either need to make unwarranted simplifying assumptions, which undermines their relevance, or only examine few replicates of small food webs, which hampers the robustness of findings. We used generalized modeling to study several billion replicates of food webs with nonlinear interactions and up to 50 species. In this way, first we show that higher variability in link strengths stabilizes food webs only when webs are relatively small, whereas larger webs are instead destabilized. Second, we reveal a new power law describing how food-web stability scales with the number of species and their connectance. Third, we report two universal rules: Food-web stability is enhanced when (i) species at a high trophic level feed on multiple prey species and (ii) species at an intermediate trophic level are fed upon by multiple predator species

    On the SO(N) symmetry of the chiral SU(N) Yang--Mills model

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    The posibility of quantizing the anomalous SU(N)SU(N) Yang--Mills model preserving the symmetry under the orthogonal subgroup is indicated. The corresponding Wess--Zumino action (1-cocycle) possesses the additional SO(N)SO(N) symmetry and can be expressed in terms of chiral fields taking values in the homogeneous space SU(N)/SO(N)SU(N)/SO(N). The modified anomaly and the constraints commutator (2-cocycle) are calculated.Comment: 9 pages, preprint PAR-LPTHE 92-48 (DECEMBER 1992), Late

    Asymptotic Freedom for Non-Relativistic Confinement

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    Some aspects of asymptotic freedom are discussed in the context of a simple two-particle non-relativisitic confining potential model. In this model asymptotic freedom follows from the similarity of the free-particle and bound state radial wave functions at small distances and for the same angular momentum and the same large energy. This similarity, which can be understood using simple quantum mechanical arguments, can be used to show that the exact response function approaches that obtained when final state interactions are ignored. A method of calculating corrections to this limit is given and explicit examples are given for the case of the harmonic oscillator.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, RevTex

    Kinetics of Ordering in Fluctuation-Driven First-Order Transitions: Simulations and Dynamical Renormalization

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    Many systems where interactions compete with each other or with constraints are well described by a model first introduced by Brazovskii. Such systems include block copolymers, alloys with modulated phases, Rayleigh-Benard Cells and type-I superconductors. The hallmark of this model is that the fluctuation spectrum is isotropic and has a minimum at a nonzero wave vector represented by the surface of a d-dimensional hyper-sphere. It was shown by Brazovskii that the fluctuations change the free energy structure from a ϕ4 \phi ^{4} to a ϕ6\phi ^{6} form with the disordered state metastable for all quench depths. The transition from the disordered to the periodic, lamellar structure changes from second order to first order and suggests that the dynamics is governed by nucleation. Using numerical simulations we have confirmed that the equilibrium free energy function is indeed of a ϕ6 \phi ^{6} form. A study of the dynamics, however, shows that, following a deep quench, the dynamics is described by unstable growth rather than nucleation. A dynamical calculation, based on a generalization of the Brazovskii calculations shows that the disordered state can remain unstable for a long time following the quench.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures submitted to PR

    Simplest random K-satisfiability problem

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    We study a simple and exactly solvable model for the generation of random satisfiability problems. These consist of ÎłN\gamma N random boolean constraints which are to be satisfied simultaneously by NN logical variables. In statistical-mechanics language, the considered model can be seen as a diluted p-spin model at zero temperature. While such problems become extraordinarily hard to solve by local search methods in a large region of the parameter space, still at least one solution may be superimposed by construction. The statistical properties of the model can be studied exactly by the replica method and each single instance can be analyzed in polynomial time by a simple global solution method. The geometrical/topological structures responsible for dynamic and static phase transitions as well as for the onset of computational complexity in local search method are thoroughly analyzed. Numerical analysis on very large samples allows for a precise characterization of the critical scaling behaviour.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Feb 2001). v2: minor errors and references correcte

    Inhomogeneous chiral symmetry breaking in noncommutative four fermion interactions

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    The generalization of the Gross-Neveu model for noncommutative 3+1 space-time has been analyzed. We find indications that the chiral symmetry breaking occurs for an inhomogeneous background as in the LOFF phase in condensed matter.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, published version, minor correction

    Quantum corrections to the ground state energy of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate: A diffusion Monte Carlo calculation

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    The diffusion Monte Carlo method is applied to describe a trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature, fully quantum mechanically and nonperturbatively. For low densities, n(0)a3≀2⋅10−3n(0)a^3 \le 2 \cdot 10^{-3} [n(0): peak density, a: s-wave scattering length], our calculations confirm that the exact ground state energy for a sum of two-body interactions depends on only the atomic physics parameter a, and no other details of the two-body model potential. Corrections to the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii energy range from being essentially negligible to about 20% for N=2-50 particles in the trap with positive s-wave scattering length a=100-10000 a.u.. Our numerical calculations confirm that inclusion of an additional effective potential term in the mean-field equation, which accounts for quantum fluctuations [see e.g. E. Braaten and A. Nieto, Phys. Rev. B 56}, 14745 (1997)], leads to a greatly improved description of trapped Bose gases.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Nanosized superparamagnetic precipitates in cobalt-doped ZnO

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    The existence of semiconductors exhibiting long-range ferromagnetic ordering at room temperature still is controversial. One particularly important issue is the presence of secondary magnetic phases such as clusters, segregations, etc... These are often tedious to detect, leading to contradictory interpretations. We show that in our cobalt doped ZnO films grown homoepitaxially on single crystalline ZnO substrates the magnetism unambiguously stems from metallic cobalt nano-inclusions. The magnetic behavior was investigated by SQUID magnetometry, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, and AC susceptibility measurements. The results were correlated to a detailed microstructural analysis based on high resolution x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and electron-spectroscopic imaging. No evidence for carrier mediated ferromagnetic exchange between diluted cobalt moments was found. In contrast, the combined data provide clear evidence that the observed room temperature ferromagnetic-like behavior originates from nanometer sized superparamagnetic metallic cobalt precipitates.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; details about background subtraction added to section III. (XMCD
