11 research outputs found

    Large-scale discovery of novel genetic causes of developmental disorders

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    Despite three decades of successful, predominantly phenotype-driven discovery of the genetic causes of monogenic disorders1, up to half of children with severe developmental disorders of probable genetic origin remain without a genetic diagnosis. Particularly challenging are those disorders rare enough to have eluded recognition as a discrete clinical entity, those with highly variable clinical manifestations, and those that are difficult to distinguish from other, very similar, disorders. Here we demonstrate the power of using an unbiased genotype-driven approach2 to identify subsets of patients with similar disorders. By studying 1,133 children with severe, undiagnosed developmental disorders, and their parents, using a combination of exome sequencing3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and array-based detection of chromosomal rearrangements, we discovered 12 novel genes associated with developmental disorders. These newly implicated genes increase by 10% (from 28% to 31%) the proportion of children that could be diagnosed. Clustering of missense mutations in six of these newly implicated genes suggests that normal development is being perturbed by an activating or dominant-negative mechanism. Our findings demonstrate the value of adopting a comprehensive strategy, both genome-wide and nationwide, to elucidate the underlying causes of rare genetic disorders

    A Quantitative Analysis of Cardiac Myocyte Relaxation: A Simulation Study

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    The determinants of relaxation in cardiac muscle are poorly understood, yet compromised relaxation accompanies various pathologies and impaired pump function. In this study, we develop a model of active contraction to elucidate the relative importance of the [Ca(2+)](i) transient magnitude, the unbinding of Ca(2+) from troponin C (TnC), and the length-dependence of tension and Ca(2+) sensitivity on relaxation. Using the framework proposed by one of our researchers, we extensively reviewed experimental literature, to quantitatively characterize the binding of Ca(2+) to TnC, the kinetics of tropomyosin, the availability of binding sites, and the kinetics of crossbridge binding after perturbations in sarcomere length. Model parameters were determined from multiple experimental results and modalities (skinned and intact preparations) and model results were validated against data from length step, caged Ca(2+), isometric twitches, and the half-time to relaxation with increasing sarcomere length experiments. A factorial analysis found that the [Ca(2+)](i) transient and the unbinding of Ca(2+) from TnC were the primary determinants of relaxation, with a fivefold greater effect than that of length-dependent maximum tension and twice the effect of tension-dependent binding of Ca(2+) to TnC and length-dependent Ca(2+) sensitivity. The affects of the [Ca(2+)](i) transient and the unbinding rate of Ca(2+) from TnC were tightly coupled with the effect of increasing either factor, depending on the reference [Ca(2+)](i) transient and unbinding rate

    Genetic Manipulation of the Antenna Complexes of Purple Bacteria

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