4,336 research outputs found

    Two-twistor particle models and free massive higher spin fields

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    We present D=3 and D=4 models for massive particles moving in a new type of enlarged spacetime, with D-1 additional vector coordinates, which after quantization lead to the towers of massive higher spin (HS) free fields. Two classically equivalent formulations are presented: one with a hybrid spacetime/bispinor geometry and a second described by a free two-twistor dynamics with constraints. After quantization in the D=3 and D=4 cases, the wave functions are given as functions on the SL(2,R) and SL(2,C) group manifolds respectively, and describe arbitrary on-shell momenta and spin degrees of freedom. Finally, the D=6 case and possible supersymmetric extensions are mentioned.Comment: 37 pages, plain latex, v2. Text in Secs. 1 nd 4 enlarged, references added. Version to appear in JHE

    Characterization of digital dispersive spectrometers by low coherence interferometry

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    We propose a procedure to determine the spectral response of digital dispersive spectrometers without previous knowledge of any parameter of the system. The method consists of applying the Fourier transform spectroscopy technique to each pixel of the detection plane, a CCD camera, to obtain its individual spectral response. From this simple procedure, the system-point spread function and the effect of the finite pixel width are taken into account giving rise to a response matrix that fully characterizes the spectrometer. Using the response matrix information we find the resolving power of a given spectrometer, predict in advance its response to any virtual input spectrum and improve numerically the spectrometer's resolution. We consider that the presented approach could be useful in most spectroscopic branches such as in computational spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, hyperspectral imaging, spectral interferometry and analytical chemistry, among others.Fil: Martínez Matos, Ó.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Rickenstorff, C.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Zamora, S.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Izquierdo, J. G.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid; EspañaFil: Vaveliuk, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas; Argentin

    Supersymmetric spacetimes in 2+1 adS-supergravity models

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    We find a class of (2+1)-dimensional spacetimes admitting Killing spinors appropriate to (2,0) adS-supergravity. The vacuum spacetimes include anti-de Sitter (adS) space and charged extreme black holes, but there are many others, including spacetimes of arbitrarily large negative energy that have only conical singularities, and the spacetimes of fractionally charged point particles. The non-vacuum spacetimes are those of self-gravitating solitons obtained by coupling (2,0) adS supergravity to sigma-model matter. We show, subject to a condition on the matter currents (satisfied by the sigma model), and a conjecture concerning global obstructions to the existence of certain types of spinor fields, that the mass of each supersymmetric spacetime saturates a classical bound, in terms of the angular momentum and charge, on the total energy of arbitrary field configurations with the same boundary conditions, although these bounds may be violated quantum mechanically.Comment: 47 pages, phyzzx.tex, no figures

    Supergeometry of Three Dimensional Black Holes

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    We show how the supersymmetric properties of three dimensional black holes can be obtained algebraically. The black hole solutions are constructed as quotients of the supergroup OSp(12;R)OSp(1|\,2;R) by a discrete subgroup of its isometry supergroup. The generators of the action of the isometry supergroup which commute with these identifications are found. These yield the supersymmetries for the black hole as found in recent studies as well as the usual geometric isometries. It is also shown that in the limit of vanishing cosmological constant, the black hole vacuum becomes a null orbifold, a solution previously discussed in the context of string theory.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac, discussion of rotating black hole added, some minor corrections, reference adde

    Fixing the Solar Neutrino Parameters with Sterile Neutrinos

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    Neutrino mixing matrix appears to be close to bimaximal mixing, but for the solar mixing angle which is definitively smaller than forty five degrees. Whereas it seems quite easy to understand bimaximal mixing with the use of new global symmetries, as in models using LeLμLτL_e - L_\mu - L_\tau, understanding the about to eleven degrees of deviation in the observed solar angle seems less simple. We suggest that such a deviation could be due to a light sterile neutrino that mixes with the active sector. The mass scale needed to produce the effect has to be smaller than atmospheric scale, and it would introduce a new mass squared difference which should be smaller than the solar scale. We present a toy model that exemplifies these features.Comment: 19 pages, two figures. Discussion extended. References adde

    Killing spinors, the adS black hole and I(ISO(2,1)) gravity

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    We construct a supersymmetric extension of the I(ISO(2,1))I\big(ISO(2,1)\big) Chern-Simons gravity and show that certain particle-like solutions and the adS black-hole solution of this theory are supersymmetric.Comment: 12 pages, uses phyzz

    A Feasible Framework for Maintenance Digitalization

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    The entire industry is changing as a result of new developments in digital technology, and maintenance management is a crucial procedure that may take advantage of the opportunities brought about by industrial digitalization. To support digital innovation in maintenance management, this study intends to meet the cutting-edge necessity of addressing a transformation strategy in industrial contexts. Setting up a customized pathway with adequate methodologies, digitalization tools, and collaboration between the several stakeholders involved in the maintenance environment is the first step in this process. The results of a previous conference contribution, which revealed important digitalization variables in maintenance management, served as the foundation for the research approach herein suggested. We lead a thorough assessment of the literature to categorize the potential benefits and challenges in maintenance digitalization to be assessed in conjunction with the important digitalization aspects previously stated. As a starting point for maintenance management transformation, we offer a feasible framework for maintenance digitalization that businesses operating in a variety of industries can use. As industrial processes and machines have become more sophisticated and complex and as there is a growing desire for more secure, dependable, and safe systems, we see that this transition needs to be tailored to the specific application context

    Inkjet printed and folded LTE antenna for vehicular application

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    A multi-band antenna suitable for Long-term Evolution (LTE) is inkjet-printed, and then folded around a cylindrical form. The plastic cylinder is also printed using additive manufacturing techniques, as a separate process. The antenna is based on a planar wideband monopole radiator concept with an additional resonator for the LTE700 frequency band. The aim is to study the potential of low-cost additive manufacturing (AM) techniques for the development of vehicular antennas. Two antennas have been fabricated, one on paper substrate, and a second on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. The one on paper is tested as a planar monopole antenna on a large ground plane. The one printed on PET is shaped onto the cylindrical form. The main aim is to investigate the use of low-cost inkjet printing techniques for the fabrication of disposable vehicular antennas that can be upgraded regularly. The antennas successfully operate at all LTE and mobile frequency bands. Finite different time domain simulations compare well with measurements

    Decision-making tools to manage the microbiology of drinking water distribution systems

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    This paper uses a two-fold multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach applied for the first time to the field of microbial management of drinking water distribution systems (DWDS). Specifically, the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) was applied removing the need for reliance on expert judgement, and analysed interdependencies among water quality parameters and microbiological characteristics of DWDS composed of different pipe materials. In addition, the fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (FTOPSIS) ranked the most common bacteria identified during trials in a DWDS according to their relative abundance while managing vagueness affecting the measurements. The novel integrated approach presented and proven here for an initial real world data set provides new insights in the interdependence of environmental conditions and microbial populations. Specifically, the application shows as the bacteria having associated the most significant microbial impact may not be the most abundant. This offers the potential for integrated management strategies to promote favourable microbial conditions to help safeguard drinking water quality

    Managing expert knowledge in water network expansion project implementation

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    The implementation of expansion projects of water networks supplying growing cities is deemed to be a complex decision-making problem involving both technical aspects and expert knowledge. Management and control processes must rely on experts in the field whose knowhow must be coupled with techniques able to deal with the natural subjectivity that affects input evaluations. Given the presence of many decision-making elements, the choice of proper hydraulic technical parameters may be linked to the main aspects of analysis requiring formal expert evaluation. In this contribution, the simulation of hydraulic indicators is integrated with a multi-criteria approach able to eventually determine those areas of a water network through which organising the expansion may be more beneficial. The software EPAnet 2.0 is first used for hydraulic simulations, whereas the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) will eventually rank network's nodes. A case study is solved to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright (C) 2021 The Authors