601 research outputs found

    Auswirkung der Weideintensität auf bodenphysikalische und -chemische Parameter und Vegetation

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    Grünland stellt neben Ackerbau die zweitgrößte agrarische Nutzungsform in Deutschland dar. Traditionell wird Grünland primär als Standort für die Produktion von Futtermitteln wahrgenommen, welche über Beweidung oder Mahd geerntet werden. Obwohl ein Trend zur Stallhaltung beobachtet wird, kann die Weidehaltung unter dem Aspekt des Tierwohles, in Hinblick auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Milchviehbetriebe und unter Berücksichtigung der ökologischen Landschaftsfunktionen des Grünlandes eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Neben der Bereitstellung von Futtermitteln gehören zu den wichtigsten Ökosystemleistungen des Grünlandes Wasserregulationsfunktionen und Bodenerosionsschutz, zudem das Potenzial zur Klimaregulierung über vermehrte Kohlenstoffspeicherung und der Schutz biotischer Ressourcen über den Erhalt und Erhöhung der Biodiversität. Wie sich diese Ökosystemleistungen auf intensiv genutzten Weidestandorten mit steigender Nutzungsintensität und Trittbelastung verändern, ist bisher wenig erforscht. Das ÖKOTAWEK-Projekt („Ökonomische, ökologische und Tierwohlaspekte der Weidehaltung von Hochleistungskühen“; gefördert von der Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung) analysiert neben den ökonomischen und Tierwohlaspekten auch das ökologische Wirkungsgefüge der intensiven Weidehaltung. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten anhand ausgewählter Praxisbetriebe in Norddeutschland. Innerhalb des Teilprojektes Bodenökologie wurden auf den Untersuchungsflächen bis zu vier Trittintensitätsklassen untersucht. Für jede Klasse wurden zum einen die bodenphysikalischen Parameter, wie die Trockenrohdichte und Kennwerte auf Basis der Wasserretentionskurve, bestimmt. Zum anderen wurden Unterschiede in Bezug auf chemische Parameter, wie der Gehalt an Phosphor, Kalium, Stickstoff und organischem Kohlenstoff sowie zum pH-Wert, untersucht. Im Weiteren können auf Basis der Vegetationszusammensetzung, Trockenmasseerträge und Kennwerte der Weender Futtermittelanalyse Rückschlüsse der Trittintensität auf Erträge und Erntequalität gezogen werden. Der Vortrag präsentiert die mittels PCA (Principal Component Analysis) und anderen statistischen Verfahren ermittelten Zusammenhänge aus dreijähriger Projektarbeit

    New approach for range measurements of induced magnetic interactions in Pd

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    Integrated results from the COPERNICUS and GALILEO studies.

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    OBJECTIVES: To report on the efficacy and safety of intravitreal aflibercept in patients with macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) in an integrated analysis of COPERNICUS and GALILEO. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were randomized to receive intravitreal aflibercept 2 mg every 4 weeks or sham injections until week 24. From week 24 to week 52, all intravitreal aflibercept-treated patients in both studies and sham-treated patients in COPERNICUS were eligible to receive intravitreal aflibercept based on prespecified criteria. In GALILEO, sham-treated patients continued to receive sham treatment through week 52. RESULTS: At week 24, mean gain in best-corrected visual acuity and mean reduction in central retinal thickness were greater for intravitreal aflibercept-treated patients compared with sham, consistent with individual trial results. At week 52, after 6 months of intravitreal aflibercept as-needed treatment in COPERNICUS, patients originally randomized to sham group experienced visual and anatomic improvements but did not improve to the extent of those initially treated with intravitreal aflibercept, while the sham group in GALILEO did not improve over week 24 mean best-corrected visual acuity scores. Ocular serious adverse events occurred in CONCLUSION: This analysis of integrated data from COPERNICUS and GALILEO confirmed that intravitreal aflibercept is an effective treatment for macular edema following CRVO

    TRPV1-expressing primary afferents generate behavioral responses to pruritogens via multiple mechanisms

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    The mechanisms that generate itch are poorly understood at both the molecular and cellular levels despite its clinical importance. To explore the peripheral neuronal mechanisms underlying itch, we assessed the behavioral responses (scratching) produced by s.c. injection of various pruritogens in PLCβ3- or TRPV1-deficient mice. We provide evidence that at least 3 different molecular pathways contribute to the transduction of itch responses to different pruritogens: 1) histamine requires the function of both PLCβ3 and the TRPV1 channel; 2) serotonin, or a selective agonist, α-methyl-serotonin (α-Me-5-HT), requires the presence of PLCβ3 but not TRPV1, and 3) endothelin-1 (ET-1) does not require either PLCβ3 or TRPV1. To determine whether the activity of these molecules is represented in a particular subpopulation of sensory neurons, we examined the behavioral consequences of selectively eliminating 2 nonoverlapping subsets of nociceptors. The genetic ablation of MrgprD^+ neurons that represent ≈90% of cutaneous nonpeptidergic neurons did not affect the scratching responses to a number of pruritogens. In contrast, chemical ablation of the central branch of TRPV1+ nociceptors led to a significant behavioral deficit for pruritogens, including α-Me-5-HT and ET-1, that is, the TRPV1-expressing nociceptor was required, whether or not TRPV1 itself was essential. Thus, TRPV1 neurons are equipped with multiple signaling mechanisms that respond to different pruritogens. Some of these require TRPV1 function; others use alternate signal transduction pathways

    Genotype-Phenotype Associations of the CD-Associated Single Nucleotide Polymorphism within the Gene Locus Encoding Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non-Receptor Type 22 in Patients of the Swiss IBD Cohort.

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    Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) plays an important role in immune cell function and intestinal homeostasis. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2476601 within the PTPN22 gene locus results in aberrant function of PTPN22 protein and protects from Crohn's disease (CD). Here, we investigated associations of PTPN22 SNP rs2476601 in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study (SIBDCS). 2'028 SIBDCS patients (1173 CD and 855 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients) were included. The clinical characteristics were analysed for an association with the presence of the PTPN22 SNP rs2476601 genotypes 'homozygous variant' (AA), 'heterozygous' (GA) and 'homozygous wild-type' (GG). 13 patients (0.6%) were homozygous variant (AA) for the PTPN22 polymorphism, 269 (13.3%) heterozygous variant (GA) and 1'746 (86.1%) homozygous wild-type (GG). In CD, AA and GA genotypes were associated with less use of steroids and antibiotics, and reduced prevalence of vitamin D and calcium deficiency. In UC the AA and GA genotype was associated with increased use of azathioprine and anti-TNF antibodies, but significantly less patients with the PTPN22 variant featured malabsorption syndrome (p = 0.026). Our study for the first time addressed how presence of SNP rs2476601 within the PTPN22 gene affects clinical characteristics in IBD-patients. Several factors that correlate with more severe disease were found to be less common in CD patients carrying the A-allele, pointing towards a protective role for this variant in affected CD patients. In UC patients however, we found the opposite trend, suggesting a disease-promoting effect of the A-allele

    Peripapillary Sparing With Near Infrared Autofluorescence Correlates With Electroretinographic Findings in Patients With Stargardt Disease

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the correlation between the quantification of peripapillary sparing and electroretinogram (ERG) outcomes in autosomal recessive Stargardt disease (STGD1). METHODS: Near infrared fundus autofluorescence (NIR-FAF) images of 101 eyes of 101 patients were retrospectively reviewed. Peripapillary sparing was assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The area of spared tissue (AST) was calculated in a 1-mm-wide ring around the optic disc after binarization of the 55\ub0 NIR-FAF. These measurements were correlated with the presence of normal ERG (group I), abnormal photopic responses (group II), or abnormal photopic and scotopic responses (group III). RESULTS: AST showed significant correlations with ERG groups (R = -0.802, P < 0.001). While qualitative assessment of peripapillary sparing (i.e., present or not) also showed a significant correlation with ERG groups (R = -0.435, P < 0.001), it was weaker than by AST quantification. The ordinal regression analysis showed that the increase in AST was associated with a decrease in the odds of belonging to ERG groups II and III, with an odds ratio of 0.82 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.78-0.87), P < 0.001. CONCLUSIONS: The AST around the optic disc in eyes with STGD1 correlates with the impairment of photoreceptors as shown in the ERG. If replicated in future longitudinal studies, the quantification of peripapillary sparing may prove to be a useful parameter for evaluating the visual prognosis of these eyes

    Cardiologists appropriately exclude resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrests from emergency coronary angiography

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    Objective: Emergency coronary angiography after resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest as a selective or non-selective diagnostic procedurewith orwithout intervention continues to be the subject of debate. This study sought to determine if cardiologists reliably select patients using clinical judgement for emergency coronary angiography without missing acutely ischemic cases requiring revascularization. Methods: Presenting clinical details and ECGs (within 2 hours) from 52 consecutive out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients who underwent non-selective coronary angiography were compiled retrospectively. Three out-of-hospital cardiac arrestexperienced interventional cardiologists, blinded to patient outcome, independently determined working diagnosis, and decision for emergency coronary angiography using clinical judgement. Sensitivity of the cardiologists’ decision was assessed with respect to the outcome of acute revascularization. Inter-rater differences, consensus in clinical assessment, and influence of working diagnosis were also investigated. Results: Sensitivity of individual cardiologist’s decision for emergency coronary angiography with respect to acute revascularization was very high (adjusted overall sensitivity = 95.8%, 95% CI = 89–100, cardiologist range = 93%–100%), and perfect for the consensus of 2 or more cardiologists (100%, 95% CI = 79.4–100). There was no statistical difference in the sensitivity of this decision between cardiologists (P < 0.05), and inter-rater agreement was moderate (78% overall agreement, Κ = 0.56). Conclusions: Experienced cardiologists recommend emergency coronary angiography in all resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest requiring acute revascularization and appropriately excluded one-third of patients. Rather than advocating a non-selective, or conversely, a restrictive strategy with respect to coronary angiography after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the findings support an individualized approach by a multidisciplinary emergency team that includes experienced cardiologists. The results should be confirmed in a larger prospective study.Melanie R.Wittwer, Chris Zeitz, Sunny Wu, Kumaril Mishra, Sharmalar Rajendran, John F. Beltrame, Margaret A. Arstal

    Prevalence and novelty of PRPF31 mutations in French autosomal dominant rod-cone dystrophy patients and a review of published reports

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    Background: Rod-cone dystrophies are heterogeneous group of inherited retinal disorders both clinically and genetically characterized by photoreceptor degeneration. The mode of inheritance can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked. The purpose of this study was to identify mutations in one of the genes, PRPF31, in French patients with autosomal dominant RP, to perform genotype-phenotype correlations of those patients, to determine the prevalence of PRPF31 mutations in this cohort and to review previously identified PRPF31 mutations from other cohorts.Methods: Detailed phenotypic characterization was performed including precise family history, best corrected visual acuity using the ETDRS chart, slit lamp examination, kinetic and static perimetry, full field and multifocal ERG, fundus autofluorescence imaging and optic coherence tomography. For genetic diagnosis, genomic DNA of ninety families was isolated by standard methods. The coding exons and flanking intronic regions of PRPF31 were PCR amplified, purified and sequenced in the index patient.Results: We showed for the first time that 6.7% cases of a French adRP cohort have a PRPF31 mutation. We identified in total six mutations, which were all novel and not detected in ethnically matched controls. The mutation spectrum from our cohort comprises frameshift and splice site mutations. Co-segregation analysis in available family members revealed that each index patient and all affected family members showed a heterozygous mutation. In five families incomplete penetrance was observed. Most patients showed classical signs of RP with relatively preserved central vision and visual field.Conclusion: Our studies extended the mutation spectrum of PRPF31 and as previously reported in other populations, it is a major cause of adRP in France