837 research outputs found

    Spin transport in magnetic multilayers

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    We study by extensive Monte Carlo simulations the transport of itinerant spins travelling inside a multilayer composed of three ferromagnetic films antiferromagnetically coupled to each other in a sandwich structure. The two exterior films interact with the middle one through non magnetic spacers. The spin model is the Ising one and the in-plane transport is considered. Various interactions are taken into account. We show that the current of the itinerant spins going through this system depends strongly on the magnetic ordering of the multilayer: at temperatures TT below (above) the transition temperature TcT_c, a strong (weak) current is observed. This results in a strong jump of the resistance across TcT_c. Moreover, we observe an anomalous variation, namely a peak, of the spin current in the critical region just above TcT_c. We show that this peak is due to the formation of domains in the temperature region between the low-TT ordered phase and the true paramagnetic disordered phase. The existence of such domains is known in the theory of critical phenomena. The behavior of the resistance obtained here is compared to a recent experiment. An excellent agreement with our physical interpretation is observed. We also show and discuss effects of various physical parameters entering our model such as interaction range, strength of electric and magnetic fields and magnetic film and non magnetic spacer thicknesses.Comment: 8 pages, 17 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Cond Matte

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Gaussian Chain Graph Models under the Alternative Markov Property

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    The AMP Markov property is a recently proposed alternative Markov property for chain graphs. In the case of continuous variables with a joint multivariate Gaussian distribution, it is the AMP rather than the earlier introduced LWF Markov property that is coherent with data-generation by natural block-recursive regressions. In this paper, we show that maximum likelihood estimates in Gaussian AMP chain graph models can be obtained by combining generalized least squares and iterative proportional fitting to an iterative algorithm. In an appendix, we give useful convergence results for iterative partial maximization algorithms that apply in particular to the described algorithm.Comment: 15 pages, article will appear in Scandinavian Journal of Statistic

    Carbon Nanotubes as Schottky Barrier Transistors

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    We show that carbon nanotube transistors operate as unconventional "Schottky barrier transistors", in which transistor action occurs primarily by varying the contact resistance rather than the channel conductance. Transistor characteristics are calculated for both idealized and realistic geometries, and scaling behavior is demonstrated. Our results explain a variety of experimental observations, including the quite different effects of doping and adsorbed gases. The electrode geometry is shown to be crucial for good device performance.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, appears in Physical Review Letter

    Center of mass and relative motion in time dependent density functional theory

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    It is shown that the exchange-correlation part of the action functional Axc[ρ(r,t)]A_{xc}[\rho (\vec r,t)] in time-dependent density functional theory , where ρ(r,t)\rho (\vec r,t) is the time-dependent density, is invariant under the transformation to an accelerated frame of reference ρ(r,t)ρ(r,t)=ρ(r+x(t),t)\rho (\vec r,t) \to \rho ' (\vec r,t) = \rho (\vec r + \vec x (t),t), where x(t)\vec x (t) is an arbitrary function of time. This invariance implies that the exchange-correlation potential in the Kohn-Sham equation transforms in the following manner: Vxc[ρ;r,t]=Vxc[ρ;r+x(t),t]V_{xc}[\rho '; \vec r, t] = V_{xc}[\rho; \vec r + \vec x (t),t]. Some of the approximate formulas that have been proposed for VxcV_{xc} satisfy this exact transformation property, others do not. Those which transform in the correct manner automatically satisfy the ``harmonic potential theorem", i.e. the separation of the center of mass motion for a system of interacting particles in the presence of a harmonic external potential. A general method to generate functionals which possess the correct symmetry is proposed

    Level Set Approach to Reversible Epitaxial Growth

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    We generalize the level set approach to model epitaxial growth to include thermal detachment of atoms from island edges. This means that islands do not always grow and island dissociation can occur. We make no assumptions about a critical nucleus. Excellent quantitative agreement is obtained with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for island densities and island size distributions in the submonolayer regime.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Temperature dependence of the magnetic Casimir-Polder interaction

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    We analyze the magnetic dipole contribution to atom-surface dispersion forces. Unlike its electrical counterpart, it involves small transition frequencies that are comparable to thermal energy scales. A significant temperature dependence is found near surfaces with a nonzero DC conductivity, leading to a strong suppression of the dispersion force at T > 0. We use thermal response theory for the surface material and discuss both normal metals and superconductors. The asymptotes of the free energy of interaction and of the entropy are calculated analytically over a large range of distances. Near a superconductor, the onset of dissipation at the phase transition strongly changes the interaction, including a discontinuous entropy. We discuss the similarities with the Casimir interaction beween two surfaces and suggest that precision measurements of the atom-surface interaction may shed new light upon open questions around the temperature dependence of dispersion forces between lossy media.Comment: 11 figure

    Photoemission And Transport Studies Of The Metal-insulator Transition In Granular Palladium Films

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    Photoemission and resistivity measurements of granular Pd samples are reported which exhibit a metal-insulator transition with decreasing metal fraction. As the net metallic concentration is reduced the resistivity passes through T, lnT, exp{+(AT)14}, and insulating exp{+(BT)12} temperature dependences while the photoemission results show a continuous reduction in the Pd local density of states within 1 eV of the Fermi level. In the insulating regime a gap is observed in the photoemission spectrum. © 1983 The American Physical Society.50221795179

    Effect of bonding of a CO molecule on the conductance of atomic metal wires

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    We have measured the effect of bonding of a CO molecule on the conductance of Au, Cu, Pt, and Ni atomic contacts at 4.2 K. When CO gas is admitted to the metal nano contacts, a conductance feature appears in the conductance histogram near 0.5 of the quantum unit of conductance, for all metals. For Au, the intensity of this fractional conductance feature can be tuned with the bias voltage, and it disappears at high bias voltage (above \sim 200 mV). The bonding of CO to Au appears to be weakest, and associated with monotomic Au wire formation.Comment: 6 figure

    The Effective Particle-Hole Interaction and the Optical Response of Simple Metal Clusters

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    Following Sham and Rice [L. J. Sham, T. M. Rice, Phys. Rev. 144 (1966) 708] the correlated motion of particle-hole pairs is studied, starting from the general two-particle Greens function. In this way we derive a matrix equation for eigenvalues and wave functions, respectively, of the general type of collective excitation of a N-particle system. The interplay between excitons and plasmons is fully described by this new set of equations. As a by-product we obtain - at least a-posteriori - a justification for the use of the TDLDA for simple-metal clusters.Comment: RevTeX, 15 pages, 5 figures in uufiles format, 1 figure avaible from [email protected]