204 research outputs found

    Longitudinal vortices in concave surface boundary layers

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    Transfer Learning for Content-Based Recommender Systems using Tree Matching

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    In this paper we present a new approach to content-based transfer learning for solving the data sparsity problem in cases when the users' preferences in the target domain are either scarce or unavailable, but the necessary information on the preferences exists in another domain. We show that training a system to use such information across domains can produce better performance. Specifically, we represent users' behavior patterns based on topological graph structures. Each behavior pattern represents the behavior of a set of users, when the users' behavior is defined as the items they rated and the items' rating values. In the next step we find a correlation between behavior patterns in the source domain and behavior patterns in the target domain. This mapping is considered a bridge between the two domains. Based on the correlation and content-attributes of the items, we train a machine learning model to predict users' ratings in the target domain. When we compare our approach to the popularity approach and KNN-cross-domain on a real world dataset, the results show that on an average of 83% of the cases our approach outperforms both methods

    The Meaning of Alpha Female in Female Librarian: Building a Positive Image of Libraries Through Female Librarians as Alpha Female

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    MAKNA DIRI ALPHA FEMALE PADA PUSTAKAWAN PEREMPUAN:Membangun Citra Positif Perpustakaan Melalui Kiprah Pustakawan Perempuan Sebagai Alpha FemaleAbstractThe profession of librarians is often associated with women. This can be justified if we refer to data and research results that have been done in several countries. However, many women who work in the library, this does not necessarily describe that library work is a simple and easy job. However, on the contrary, work in the field of library is increasingly complex and demands the competence and mastery of information technology. Moreover, the expectations of some users who demand a fast and quality service. Therefore to answer this problem required a female librarian who has the competence, intelligent and able to become a leader for his group and can show the characteristics as a professional. As for the description of people like this people call it with the term alpha female. With the birth of alpha female figures among female librarians is expected to change the positive image of librarians and library institutions. This is because the female alpha figure in the female librarian is a figure of women who are considered "perfect" are still rare today.Keywords: library, librarian, symbolic interaction, alpha female. AbstrakProfesi pustakawan kerapkali dikaitkan dengan kaum perempuan. Hal ini dapat dibenarkan jika kita merujuk pada data dan hasil riset yang telah dilakukan di beberapa negara. Namun demikian banyaknya kaum perempuan yang bekerja di perpustakaan, ini tidak serta merta menggambarkan bahwa pekerjaaan perpustakaan merupakan pekerjaan yang sederhana dan mudah. Namun justru sebaliknya pekerjaaan di bidang perpustakaan saat ini semakin kompleks dan menuntut kompetensi dan penguasaan teknologi informasi. Apalagi harapan sebagian pengguna yang menuntut suatu pelayanan ayang cepat dan berkualitas. Oleh karena demikian untuk menjawab permasalahan ini diperlukan sosok pustakawan perempuan yang memiliki kompetensi, cerdas serta mampu menjadi pemimpin bagi kelompoknya dan bisa menunjukkan ciri-ciri sebagai seorang profesional. Adapun gambaran orang seperti ini orang menyebutnya dengan istilah alpha female. Dengan lahirnya sosok alpha female di kalangan pustakawan perempuan diharapkan mampu merubah citra yang positif terhadap pustakawan dan lembaga perpustakaan. Hal ini dikarenakan sosok alpha female pada diri pustakawan perempuan merupakan sosok wanita yang dianggap “sempurna” yang masih jarang ditemukan saat ini

    Keterkaitan Ritual Tolak Bala (Ghatib beghanyut) dengan Pelestarian Nilai-nilai Keagamaan

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    Ghatib Beghanyut is a religious tradition of the Siak Malay community. This tradition has been going on since the days of the Malay sultanate. The purpose of this research is to find out the process of carrying out this tradition and to analyze the relationship between ritual and religious values. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques are by observing, interviewing, documenting, and reviewing the literature. The results of the study show that this tradition began during the XII Sultan, namely Sultan Syarif Kasim II. Since the beginning, this tradition has followed Islamic guidelines, namely based on the Koran. As the saying goes, Adat is based on syara', syara' is based on the Book of Allah. The conclusion in this study is that ghatib beghanyut or commonly known as the tradition of rejecting reinforcements is a culture created by a group of people with the aim of asking for protection from the Almighty.Ghatib Beghanyut merupakan tradisi keagamaan masyarakat Melayu Siak. Tradisi ini sudah berlangsung sejak zaman kesultanan Melayu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan tradisi tersebut serta menganalisis keterkaitan ritual dengan nilai-nilai keagamaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yakni dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi serta kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tradisi tersebut bermula pada masa Sultan ke XII yakni Sultan Syarif Kasim II. Sejak awal tradisi tersebut mengikuti pedoman islam yakni dengan berlandaskan Al-quran. Seperti kata pepatah yakni Adat bersendikan Syara’, Syara’ bersendikan Kitabullah. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini ialah ghatib beghanyut atau yang biasa dikenal dengan tradisi tolak bala merupakan sebuah budaya yang diciptakaan oleh sekelompok masyarakat dengan tujuan memohon perlindungan pada Yang Maha Kuasa. &nbsp

    Inventarisasi Kearifan Lokal Ghatib Beghanyut Masyarakat Siak Sri Indrapura

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    The tradition of rejecting reinforcements for the Siak community and an intangible cultural heritage that needs to be preserved by taking an inventory. This research aims to discover local wisdom regarding the Ghatib Beghanyut tradition in Siak Sri Indrapura. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive. The technique of collecting data in this research is by conducting interviews, observing, and conducting literature studies. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Historically, this tradition has existed since the XII Sultan of Siak; 2) Conceptually, this tradition is a regeneration activity through knowledge transfer, the actualization of religious values, ongoing activities, and their implementation of every Safar month between the 7th, 8th, 9th or 22nd, 23rd, 24th. This is adjusted to the low tide of the river. 3) The Ghalib Beghanyut tradition has undergone several location changes and has additional agendas, such as grave pilgrimages. This research concludes that cultural inventory is significant to be carried out as a form of cultural preservation and can make young people aware of the importance of maintaining and using existing culture in the future

    Preliminary Test on Cross Axis Type Wind Turbine

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    The dependence on fossil fuel for power generation has a significant negative impact on environmental damage. To reduce the environmental damage, the use of wind energy for power generation needs to be increased and improved. A new type of wind turbine which has been reported recently is a cross axis wind turbine which can be designed for use in high-rise urban buildings where wind condition is more favorable. A model of a cross axis wind turbine which has a rotor diameter of 70 cm and a height of 60 cm has been fabricated and preliminarily tested. The wind turbine model consists of five vertical blades and two horizontal blade arrangements each having five blades. The performance test was carried out at a constant wind speed. During the test, the blade pitch angle was varied from 20 to 60 and wind speed was varied from 5 m/s to 7 m/s. Analysis and evaluation results show that the output power and efficiency of the wind turbine are affected by the blade pitch angle. At wind speed of about 7 m/s, the estimated maximum power is 0.15 W and maximum efficiency of only 0.17% for which the pitch angle was about 60 and tip speed ratio about 0.35

    Distribution of Wind Speed Before and After Through Vane Tube Type Flow Straightener

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    Wind energy is one of the most potential renewable energy sources to be utilized as a source of electrical energy. Utilization of wind energy for electricity generation does not cause negative impact on the environment. Wind in the atmosphere is in turbulent conditions. Wind in turbulent conditions has a random and uniform velocity. In wind power plants wind speed is a major factor affecting the amount of wind energy input that can be converted into electrical anergy. The main part of wind power is wind turbines. This wind turbine converts wind energy into mechanical energy of shaft rotation and then converted into electrical energy by electric generator. To measure wind speed the wind speed conditions are made uniformly by using wind flow alignment. The wind flow straightening test kit consists of flow alignment, fan, pitot tube meter, and pitot tube holder arm rod. Straight stream flow used in this study is the type of vane tube. In this study, the wind speed measurement was taken before and after passing the flow straighteners. Measurements of wind velocity on the cross section of the wind turbine are performed horizontally, vertically and diagonally. The number of wind speed measurements as much as fifty-two points of gravity with the distance between the point of measurement about two centimeters. Based on the results of measurement and analysis, the average wind speed before passing the straightener is about 4.94 m/s and after passing the flow alignment is about 3.22 m/s. The wind velocity distribution after passing through the vane tube flow alignment is more uniform

    Control Demonstration of the Ricefield Breeding Mosquito Anopheles Aconitus Donitz in Central Java, Using Poecilia Reticulata Through Community Participation : 3. Field Trial and Evaluation

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    Suatu penelitian dilakukan untuk menjajagi kemungkinan menggunakan minapadi sebagai cara pemberantasan nyamuk Anopheles aconitus. Minapadi dilakukan dengan ikan Cyprinus carpio. Dengan tersedianya air di sawah untuk ikan, ikan pemakan jentik Poecilia Reticulata yang ditebarkan dapat hidup pula. Penebaran dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa melalui minapadi yaitu dengan penebaran, ikan P. reticulata pada kepadatan 2 ekor /m2, populasi An. aconitus selama 5 tahun dapat diturunkan sebanyak 99,7% dan S.P.R. malaria sebanyak 98.8%. [1] Regency Health Service, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java

    Control Demonstration of the Ricefield Breeding Mosquito Anopheles Aconitus Donitz in Central Java, Using; Poecilia Reticulata Through Community Participation : 1. Experimental Design and Concept

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk menjajagi cara memberantas vektor malaria Anopheles aconitus di sawah dengan ikan pemakan jentik Poecilia reticulata. Dalam penelitian ini terlihat bahwa dalam pelaksanaan program pemberantasan ini, partisipasi petani untuk mina padi dapat digalakkan melalui rapat kelompok tani. Program mina padi menye­diakan tempat hidup bagi ikan pemakan jentik. Rencana pelaksanaan program ini serta cara penggalakan petani dibicarakan dalam makalah ini