552 research outputs found

    Was ist "evidence based" in der Adipositaschirurgie?

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    Zusammenfassung: Seit den 1990er Jahren gilt in den USA der Konsens, dass die bariatrische Chirurgie die beste Therapie zur Erzielung eines lang anhaltenden Gewichtsverlustes wie auch zur Behandlung der adipositasassoziierten Komorbiditäten ist. In der Folge kam es zu einem regelrechten Boom in der bariatrischen Chirurgie. Diese Entwicklung wurde zusätzlich beschleunigt durch das Aufkommen der laparoskopischen Techniken, welche die Morbidität des Eingriffes deutlich verkleinerten. Eine einheitliche Vorgehensweise und Verfahrenswahl existiert bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt nicht. Vergleichende Studien zwischen verschiedenen Verfahren sind rar und die wissenschaftliche Evidenz zur Therapie der Fettleibigkeit ist mager. Allgemein wird anerkannt, dass die Abklärung im Vorfeld einer Operation interdisziplinär im Team erfolgt und dass die behandelnden Ärzte eine lebenslange Nachsorge der Patienten sicherstellen müssen. Der bariatrisch-chirurgische Eingriff sollte heute primär laparoskopisch durchgeführt werden, da dadurch die Folgen des offenen Zuganges wie Wundinfekt- und Narbenhernienraten massiv gesenkt werden. Die verschiedenen Verfahren beinhalten restriktive, malabsorptive und kombinierte Wirkmechanismen. Rein restriktive Verfahren wie das Magenbanding sind den kombinierten und malabsorptiven Verfahren in Bezug auf den erzielbaren Gewichtsverlust unterlegen. Ebenfalls werden Komorbiditäten wie der Diabetes mellitus und die arterielle Hypertonie durch letztere Methoden wirkungsvoller behandelt. Diese Erkenntnisse sollten daher die Grundlage zur Verfahrenswahl bei der chirurgischen Behandlung der morbiden Adipositas bilde

    Disseminated Invasive Aspergillosis with Cerebral Involvement Successfully Treated with Caspofungin and Voriconazole

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    We describe a case of cerebral aspergillosis which was successfully treated with a combination of caspofungin and voriconazole. The patient remains in remission 18 months after stopping antifungal treatment. We discuss primary and salvage therapy of invasive aspergillosis with focus on cerebral involvement. Since historical data showed a fatal outcome in most cases, amphotericin B does not cross the blood brain barrier while voriconazole does, we chose a combination of voriconazole plus caspofungin as primary therap

    Factors associated with positive blood cultures in outpatients with suspected bacteremia

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    Blood cultures are routinely taken in outpatients with fever and suspected bacterial infections. However, in the majority of cases, they are not informative and of limited value for clinical decision making. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate factors associated with positive blood cultures in outpatients presenting to an outpatient clinic and emergency room. This was a case-control study of all outpatients with positive blood cultures from January 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 and matched control patients with negative blood cultures in the same time period. Microbiology results and medical charts were reviewed to determine factors associated with positive blood cultures. The presence of a systemic inflammation response syndrome (SIRS) (OR 2.7, 95% Cl 1.0-7.2) and increased C-reactive protein (CRP) (OR 1.1 per 10mg/l, 95% Cl 1.0-1.2) were the most powerful predictive values for the development of positive blood cultures. In positive cases serum albumin was lower (35mg/l versus 39mg/l) than in controls. SIRS, increasing CRP and low albumin were associated with positive blood cultures in outpatients. With simple clinical assessment and few laboratory tests indicative of infection, it is possible to define a group at higher risk for bacteremia in outpatient

    Air suctioning during colon biopsy acquisition reduces bacterial contamination

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    Background and Aim: Contamination of endoscopy suites with bacteria during procedures is of concern particularly through droplets during handling of biopsy specimens. It has been advocated that suctioning while removing the biopsy forceps could help to reduce potentially hazardous bioaerosols. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of air suctioning during removal of the biopsy forceps. Materials and Methods: Airborne bacteria were collected by an impactor air-sampler (MAS-100). Fifty liters of air were collected continuously for 30 seconds at a 30 cm distance from the colonoscope suction channel. Room air samples were taken in the endoscopy suite in the morning prior to the beginning of the endoscopy program, during colonoscopy with a sham biopsy in the descending colon with and without suctioning and at the end of the procedure day. Standard 90 mm Petri dishes containing a selective medium for gram-positive cocci (CNA blood agar) were used with the impaction sampler and colony forming units/m3 (cfu) were determined. Results: Measurements were performed at fifty consecutive colonoscopies. Prior to the beginning of the endoscopy program, the bioaerosol burden in the colonoscopy suite reached a mean of 4.2 cfu/m3. During colonoscopies performed without suctioning at biopsy the bioaerosol burden increased to 29.4 cfu/m3 whereas this burden increased only to 15.1 cfu/m3 when the suctioning was applied during removal of the biopsy forceps. The difference in bioaerosol burden between suctioning and no suctioning was highly significant (p < 0.0005). At the end of the procedure day the airborne bacteria count dropped to 15.6 cfu/m3. The analysis of the colonies on the CNA blood agar identified predominantly enterococci. Staphylococci spp. and other gram-positive bacteria were rarely isolated. Conclusion: The present study indicates that the bioaerosol burden during handling of biopsy specimens is not neglectable but can be reduced by the simple habit of applying suctioning during acquisition of biopsies. This practice might be an important infection-control measure during gastrointestinal endoscopies

    High secondary failure rate of rebanding after failed gastric banding

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    Background: Over the last decade, more than 130,000 laparoscopic adjustable gastric bandings (LAGB) have been performed for the treatment of morbid obesity. Nowadays, longer follow-up data are available in the literature and increasing numbers of late complications and treatment failures of gastric banding have been reported. The aim of the present study was the long-term evaluation of two different rescue operations after failed LAGB: conversion to laparoscopic Roux-en-Y bypass (LRYGB) versus laparoscopic gastric rebanding. Methods: Between January 1997 and November 2002, 74 consecutive patients underwent either laparoscopic gastric rebanding (n = 44) or LRYGB (n = 30) after failed LAGB. There were 14 men and 60 women, with a median age of 42 (23-60) years. The indication for reoperation was an increasing body mass index (BMI) and band-related complications such as pouch dilatation, band slippage, and penetration after LAGB. Rebandings were done by preference during the initial period of the study and LRYGB was the treatment of choice during the latter period. The success of the rescue operation was assessed by postoperative changes in the BMI, improvements of co-morbidities, and the need for further reoperations (secondary failure). The median follow-up was 36 months (range, 24-60 months). Results: Patients who underwent LRYGB had a significantly better weight loss than patients with a rebanding operation (mean −6.1 versus +1.5 BMI points). In addition, the LRYGB patients showed a significantly better control of serum cholesterol during the long term follow-up (−0.6 versus +0.1 mmol/l). Almost half of the patients (45%) in the rebanding group needed a further operative revision, whereas only 20% underwent reoperation after rescue LRYGB. Thus, the secondary failure rate in the rebanding group was significantly higher compared to the bypass group (p = 0.028). Conclusions: The present long-term study confirms our previous finding that LRYGB is a better treatment than rebanding after failed laparoscopic gastric banding regarding weight loss and treatment of co-morbidities. During the long-term follow-up the reoperation rate due to secondary failure became significantly higher in the rebanding group. We therefore recommend that LRYGB should be preferred as rescue procedure after failed laparoscopic adjustable gastric bandin

    Atmospheric characterization of Proxima b by coupling the Sphere high-contrast imager to the Espresso spectrograph

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    Context. The temperate Earth-mass planet Proxima b is the closest exoplanet to Earth and represents what may be our best ever opportunity to search for life outside the Solar System. Aims. We aim at directly detecting Proxima b and characterizing its atmosphere by spatially resolving the planet and obtaining high-resolution reflected-light spectra. Methods. We propose to develop a coupling interface between the SPHERE high-contrast imager and the new ESPRESSO spectrograph, both installed at ESO VLT. The angular separation of 37 mas between Proxima b and its host star requires the use of visible wavelengths to spatially resolve the planet on a 8.2-m telescope. At an estimated planet-to-star contrast of ~10^-7 in reflected light, Proxima b is extremely challenging to detect with SPHERE alone. However, the combination of a ~10^3-10^4 contrast enhancement from SPHERE to the high spectral resolution of ESPRESSO can reveal the planetary spectral features and disentangle them from the stellar ones. Results. We find that significant but realistic upgrades to SPHERE and ESPRESSO would enable a 5-sigma detection of the planet and yield a measurement of its true mass and albedo in 20-40 nights of telescope time, assuming an Earth-like atmospheric composition. Moreover, it will be possible to probe the O2 bands at 627, 686 and 760 nm, the water vapour band at 717 nm, and the methane band at 715 nm. In particular, a 3.6-sigma detection of O2 could be made in about 60 nights of telescope time. Those would need to be spread over 3 years considering optimal observability conditions for the planet. Conclusions. The very existence of Proxima b and the SPHERE-ESPRESSO synergy represent a unique opportunity to detect biosignatures on an exoplanet in the near future. It is also a crucial pathfinder experiment for the development of Extremely Large Telescopes and their instruments (abridged).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, revised version accepted to A&

    Reconstruction of the gastric passage by a side-to-side gastrogastrostomy after failed vertical-banded gastroplasty: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Vertical-banded gastroplasty, a technique that is commonly performed in the treatment of morbid obesity, represents a nonadjustable restrictive procedure which reduces the volume of the upper stomach by a vertical stapler line. In addition, a textile or silicone band restricts food passage through the stomach. CASE PRESENTATION: A 71-year-old woman presented with a severe gastric stenosis 11 years after vertical gastroplasty. We describe a side-to-side gastrogastrostomy as a safe surgical procedure to restore the physiological gastric passage after failed vertical-banded gastroplasty. CONCLUSION: Occasionally, restrictive procedures for morbid obesity cannot be converted into an alternative bariatric procedure to maintain weight control. This report demonstrates that a side-to-side gastrogastrostomy is a feasible and safe procedure

    A Kerr Polarization Controller

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    Kerr-effect-induced changes of the polarization state of light are well known in pulsed laser systems. An example is nonlinear polarization rotation, which is critical to the operation of many types of mode-locked lasers. Here, we demonstrate that the Kerr effect in a high-finesse Fabry-Pérot resonator can be utilized to control the polarization of a continuous wave laser. It is shown that a linearly-polarized input field is converted into a left- or right-circularly-polarized field, controlled via the optical power. The observations are explained by Kerr-nonlinearity induced symmetry breaking, which splits the resonance frequencies of degenerate modes with opposite polarization handedness in an otherwise symmetric resonator. The all-optical polarization control is demonstrated at threshold powers down to 7 mW. The physical principle of such Kerr effect-based polarization controllers is generic to high-Q Kerr-nonlinear resonators and could also be implemented in photonic integrated circuits. Beyond polarization control, the spontaneous symmetry breaking of polarization states could be used for polarization filters or highly sensitive polarization sensors when operated close to the symmetry-breaking point
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