204 research outputs found

    Automating the conflict resolution process

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    The purpose is to initiate a discussion of how the conflict resolution process at the Network Control Center can be made more efficient. Described here are how resource conflicts are currently resolved as well as the impacts of automating conflict resolution in the ATDRSS era. A variety of conflict resolution strategies are presented

    Hubungan Senam Yoga Prenatal dengan Lamanya Proses Persalinan Kala II pada Ibu Bersalin di BPS Nengah Sriniati Kabupatenmesuji Tahun 2017

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    Persalinan merupakan proses pergerakan keluarnya janin, plasenta, dan membrane dari dalam rahim melalui jalan lahir, proses persalinan di pengaruhi oleh 5 faktor yaitu power, passage, passenger, psikis dan penolong. Hasil prasurvey didapatkan pada bulan Januari – Desember tahun 2016 terdapat 15 ibu bersalin dimana yang mengalami persalinan lama terdapat 10 orang, yang mengalami persalinan cepat terdapat 5 Orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan senam yoga prenatal dengan proses persalinan. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh ibu bersalin yang mengikuti yoga pranatal di BPS Nengah Sriniati sebanyak 71 orang dengan teknik total sampling. Analisa data menggunakan Chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan distribusi frekuensi terdapat 21 (70,4%) ibu hamil yang mengalami persalinan lama dan 57 (80,3%) ibu yang rutin mengikuti senam yoga prenatal. Ada hubungan senam yoga prenatal terhadap proses persalinan pada ibu bersalin di BPS Nengah Sriniati Amd.Keb Kecamatan Way Serdang Kabupaten Mesuji dengan p-valu=0,003 sehingga p-<α=00,5. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat meningkatkan penyuluhan kepada kelas ibu hamil khususnya tentang pentingnya senam yoga serta manfaat yang dapat dirasakan oleh ibu hamil yaitu, dapat mengurangi rasa takut ibu yang akan menghadapi persalinan, mengencangkan tubuh, mengendorkan otot - otot yang kaku serta memperlancar proses persalinan

    Automated conflict resolution issues

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    A discussion is presented of how conflicts for Space Network resources should be resolved in the ATDRSS era. The following topics are presented: a description of how resource conflicts are currently resolved; a description of issues associated with automated conflict resolution; present conflict resolution strategies; and topics for further discussion

    The influence of year-end bonuses on colorectal cancer screening

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    The objective of the paper is to estimate the effect of physician bonus eligibility on CRC screening while controlling for patient and primary care physician characteristics. The study is retrospective, using a managed care plan’s claims data on fifty-year-old commercially insured patients in the years 2000 and 2001. The data also include links to enrollment and provider files. Multivariate logistic regression models are used to assess the association between CRC screening receipt and physician bonus eligibility. The results indicate that the probability that a patient received a CRC screening was approximately 3 percentage points higher in the year physicians were eligible for a bonus. There were also significant differences according to the gender of both the patient and physician, income, and race.

    Pengaruh Penambahan Bokhasi Kubis (Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum L) Pada Tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning

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    Garlic (Allium sativum. L) constitute one of plant which requisition high it at marketing because has a lot of benefit as condiment of cookery, as salving as and effects anti microbe. For meeting that marketing requisition needs improved its production. One of problem in garlic instilling is media plant out that has to increase low fecundity as soiled as podzolik tingles to yellow (PMK). Therefor needs effort for added organic fertiliser, one of that potentially is cabbage waste (Brassicaoleracea var. capitata) one that made by bokhasi with EM4'S application (Effective Microorganisms 4). Base that thing was done research about bokhasi's increase influence cabbage (Brassicaoleraceavar. capitata) to garlic growth (Allium sativum. L) on podzolik's earth tingles to yellow. Research is done on January until May 2015, at Bagiriak's Stone, Elongated allergy and Botanical Physiology Laboratory, FMIPA UNP. This experiment research utilize random design furnished with 5 conducts and 4 dry runs. Conduct that is given is distinctive dosed bokhasi's manure cabbage which is conduct A = 0 g / polibagbokhasi cabbages, conduct b = 250 g / polibag, conduct c = 500 g / polibag, conduct d. = 750 g / polibag, and conduct e = 1000 g / polibag. Observed parameter is tall plant, total helai leaf, total fang / corm, wet weight, dry weight, total root and pH is earth. dianalisis's data by use of ANOVA and lanjut DNMRT's quiz on level 5%. Result observationaling to point out that bokhasi's application cabbage significanting to high, total helai leaf, total fang / corm, wet weight, dry weight, and plant root amount garlic and not give reality influence on pH earth

    Acidic microenvironment plays a key role in human melanoma progression through a sustained exosome mediated transfer of clinically relevant metastatic molecules

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    Background: Microenvironment cues involved in melanoma progression are largely unknown. Melanoma is highly influenced in its aggressive phenotype by the changes it determinates in its microenvironment, such as pH decrease, in turn influencing cancer cell invasiveness, progression and tissue remodelling through an abundant secretion of exosomes, dictating cancer strategy to the whole host. A role of exosomes in driving melanoma progression under microenvironmental acidity was never described. Methods: We studied four differently staged human melanoma lines, reflecting melanoma progression, under microenvironmental acidic pHs pressure ranging between pH 6.0-6.7. To estimate exosome secretion as a function of tumor stage and environmental pH, we applied a technique to generate native fluorescent exosomes characterized by vesicles integrity, size, density, markers expression, and quantifiable by direct FACS analysis. Functional roles of exosomes were tested in migration and invasion tests. Then we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of acid versus control exosomes to elucidate a specific signature involved in melanoma progression. Results: We found that metastatic melanoma secretes a higher exosome amount than primary melanoma, and that acidic pH increases exosome secretion when melanoma is in an intermediate stage, i.e. metastatic non-invasive. We were thus able to show that acidic pH influences the intercellular cross-talk mediated by exosomes. In fact when exposed to exosomes produced in an acidic medium, pH naĂŻve melanoma cells acquire migratory and invasive capacities likely due to transfer of metastatic exosomal proteins, favoring cell motility and angiogenesis. A Prognoscan-based meta-analysis study of proteins enriched in acidic exosomes, identified 11 genes (HRAS, GANAB, CFL2, HSP90B1, HSP90AB1, GSN, HSPA1L, NRAS, HSPA5, TIMP3, HYOU1), significantly correlating with poor prognosis, whose high expression was in part confirmed in bioptic samples of lymph node metastases. Conclusions: A crucial step of melanoma progression does occur at melanoma intermediate -stage, when extracellular acidic pH induces an abundant release and intra-tumoral uptake of exosomes. Such exosomes are endowed with pro-invasive molecules of clinical relevance, which may provide a signature of melanoma advancement

    Enhancing the sustainability performance of Agri-Food Supply Chains by implementing Industry 4.0

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    [EN] In order to enhance the sustainability in the supply chain, its members should define and pursue common objectives in the three dimensions of the sustainability (economic, environmental and social). The Agri-Food Supply Chain (AFSC) is a network of different members such as farmers (producers), processors and distributors (wholesales, retailers.), etc.. In order to achieve the performance objectives of the AFSC, Industry 4.0 technologies can be implemented. The aim of this paper is to present a classification of these technologies according to two criteria: objective to be achieved (environmental or social) specified in the main issues to be covered in each objective and member of the AFSC supply chain where it is implemented. In this work, we focus on technologies that deal with environmental and social sustainability because economic sustainability will depend on the specific characteristics of the business (a supply chain using a specific Industry 4.0 technology may be profitable while others do not).This work has been funded by the Project GV/2017/065 "Development of a decision support tool for the management and improvement of sustainability in supply chains" funded by the Regional Government of Valencia. Authors also acknowledge the Project 691249, RUC-APS: Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems.PĂ©rez Perales, D.; Verdecho SĂĄez, MJ.; AlarcĂłn Valero, F. (2019). Enhancing the sustainability performance of Agri-Food Supply Chains by implementing Industry 4.0. 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