110 research outputs found

    Magnetoelastic coupling in iron

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    Exchange interactions in {\alpha}- and {\gamma}-Fe are investigated within an ab-initio spin spiral approach. We have performed total energy calculations for different magnetic structures as a function of lattice distortions, related with various cell volumes and the Bain tetragonal deformations. The effective exchange parameters in {\gamma}-Fe are very sensitive to the lattice distortions, leading to the ferromagnetic ground state for the tetragonal deformation or increase of the volume cell. At the same time, the magnetic-structure-independent part of the total energy changes very slowly with the tetragonal deformations. The computational results demonstrate a strong mutual dependence of crystal and magnetic structures in Fe and explain the observable "anti-Invar" behavior of thermal expansion coefficient in {\gamma}-Fe.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quadratic operators used in deducing exact ground states for correlated systems: ferromagnetism at half filling provided by a dispersive band

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    Quadratic operators are used in transforming the model Hamiltonian (H) of one correlated and dispersive band in an unique positive semidefinite form coopting both the kinetic and interacting part of H. The expression is used in deducing exact ground states which are minimum energy eigenstates only of the full Hamiltonian. It is shown in this frame that at half filling, also dispersive bands can provide ferromagnetism in exact terms by correlation effects .Comment: 7 page

    Theory of quasiparticle spectra for Fe, Co, and Ni: bulk and surface

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    The correlated electronic structure of iron, cobalt and nickel is investigated within the dynamical mean-field theory formalism, using the newly developed full-potential LMTO-based LDA+DMFT code. Detailed analysis of the calculated electron self-energy, density of states and the spectral density are presented for these metals. It has been found that all these elements show strong correlation effects for majority spin electrons, such as strong damping of quasiparticles and formation of a density of states satellite at about -7 eV below the Fermi level. The LDA+DMFT data for fcc nickel and cobalt (111) surfaces and bcc iron (001) surface is also presented. The electron self energy is found to depend strongly on the number of nearest neighbors, and it practically reaches the bulk value already in the second layer from the surface. The dependence of correlation effects on the dimensionality of the problem is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 24 figure

    Model of charge and magnetic order formation in itinerant electron systems

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    We propose a simple model of charge and/or magnetic order formation in systems containing both localized and itinerant electrons coupled by the on-site, spin-dependent interaction that represents Coulomb repulsion and Hund's rule (a generalized Falicov-Kimball model). Ground state properties of the model are analyzed on the square lattice on a basis of the phase diagrams that have been constructed rigorously, but in a restricted configurational space. For intermediate values of the coupling constants there are considerable ranges of itinerant electron densities where phases with complex charge and magnetic structures of the localized electrons have lower energy than the simplest antiferro- and ferromagnetic ones. A strong tendency towards the antiferromagnetic coupling between spins of localized electrons has been observed close to half-filling for any density of localized electrons, including situations where the magnetic ions are diluted. For small band fillings the ferromagnetic coupling between localized spins is predominant.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Comment on "Projective Quantum Monte Carlo Method for the Anderson Impurity Model and its Application to Dynamical Mean Field Theory"

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    A comment about importance of Anderson's orthogonality catastrophe for projective Quantum Monte Carlo methods.Comment: Replaced by final versio

    Nonlinear screening of charge impurities in graphene

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    It is shown that a ``vacuum polarization'' induced by Coulomb potential in graphene leads to a strong suppression of electric charges even for undoped case (no charge carriers). A standard linear response theory is therefore not applicable to describe the screening of charge impurities in graphene. In particular, it overestimates essentially the contributions of charge impurities into the resistivity of graphene.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; final version as published in the journa

    Wave packet dynamics in hole Luttinger systems

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    For hole systems with an effective spin 3/2 we analyzed analytically and numerically the evolution of wave packets with the different initial polarizations. The dynamics of such systems is determined by the 4×44\times 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian. We work in the space of arbitrary superposition of light- and heavy-hole states of the "one-particle system". For 2D packets we obtained the analytical solution for the components of wave function and analyzed the space-time dependence of probability densities as well as angular momentum densities. Depending on the value of the parameter a=k0da=k_0d (k0k_0 is the average momentum vector and dd is the packet width) two scenarios of evolution are realized. For a>>1a>>1 the initial wave packet splits into two parts and the coordinates of packet center experience the transient oscillations or {\it Zitterbewegung} (ZB) as for other two-band systems. In the case when a0a0 remains almost cylindrically symmetric and the ripples arise at the circumference of wave packet. The ZB in this case is absent. We evaluated and visualized for different values of parameter aa the space-time dependence of angular momentum densities, which have the multipole structure. It was shown that the average momentum components can precess in the absence of external or effective magnetic fields due to the interference of the light- and heavy hole states. For localized initial states this precession has a transient character.Comment: 9 pages, 8 gigur

    Modeling electronic structure and transport properties of graphene with resonant scattering centers

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    We present a detailed numerical study of the electronic properties of single-layer graphene with resonant ("hydrogen") impurities and vacancies within a framework of noninteracting tight-binding model on a honeycomb lattice. The algorithms are based on the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation and applied to calculate the density of states, \textit{quasieigenstates}, AC and DC conductivities of large samples containing millions of atoms. Our results give a consistent picture of evolution of electronic structure and transport properties of functionalized graphene in a broad range of concentration of impurities (from graphene to graphane), and show that the formation of impurity band is the main factor determining electrical and optical properties at intermediate impurity concentrations, together with a gap opening when approaching the graphane limit.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, expanded version to appear in PR

    Correlated band theory of spin and orbital contributions to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions

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    A new approach for calculations of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in molecules and crystals is proposed. It is based on the exact perturbation expansion of total energy of weak ferromagnets in the canting angle with the only assumption of local Hubbard-type interactions. This scheme leads to a simple and transparent analytical expression for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vector with a natural separation into spin and orbital contributions. The main problem was transferred to calculations of effective tight-binding parameters in the properly chosen basis including spin-orbit coupling. Test calculations for La2_2CuO4_4 give the value of canting angle in a good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Current-induced phase transition in ballistic Ni nanocontacts

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    Local phase transition from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic state in the region of the ballistic Ni nanocontacts (NCs) has been experimentally observed. We found that contact size reduction leads to an increase in the bias voltage at which the local phase transition occurs. Presented theoretical interpretation of this phenomena takes into the account the specificity of the local heating of the ballistic NC and describes the electron's energy relaxation dependences on the applied voltage. The experimental data are in good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the theory proposed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure