25 research outputs found

    Two-Phase Modeling of Hot Tearing in Aluminum Alloys: Applications of a Semicoupled Method

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    Hot tearing formation in both a classical tensile test and during direct chill (DC) casting of aluminum alloys has been modeled using a semicoupled, two-phase approach. Following a thermal calculation, the deformation of the mushy solid is computed using a compressive rheological model that neglects the pressure of the intergranular liquid. The nonzero expansion/compression of the solid and the solidification shrinkage are then introduced as source terms for the calculation of the pressure drop and pore formation in the liquid phase. A comparison between the simulation results and experimental data permits a detailed understanding of the specific conditions under which hot tears form under given conditions. It is shown that the failure modes can be quite different for these two experiments and that, as a consequence, the appropriate hot tearing criterion may differ. It is foreseen that a fully predictive theoretical tool could be obtained by coupling such a model with a granular approach. These two techniques do, indeed, permit coverage of the range of the length scales and the physical phenomena involved in hot tearin

    A Granular Model of Equiaxed Mushy Zones: Formation of a Coherent Solid and Localization of Feeding

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    The gradual transformation of a mushy zone during alloy solidification, from a continuous liquid film network to a fully coherent solid, has been simulated using a granular model. Based on a Voronoi tessellation of a random set of nucleation centers, solidification within each polyhedron is computed considering back-diffusion and coalescence. In the network of connected liquid films, a pressure drop calculation is performed assuming a Poiseuille flow in each channel, Kirchhoff’s conservation of flow at nodal points and flow Losses compensating solidification shrinkage(KPL model). In addition to intergranular liquid pressure maps, the model shows the progressive formation of grains clusters, the localisation of the flow at very high solid fraction, and thus natural transitions of the mushy zone

    Crystal structures of the NO sensor NsrR reveal how its iron-sulfur cluster modulates DNA binding

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    NsrR from Streptomyces coelicolor (Sc) regulates the expression of three genes through the progressive degradation of its [4Fe–4S] cluster on nitric oxide (NO) exposure. We report the 1.95 Å resolution crystal structure of dimeric holo-ScNsrR and show that the cluster is coordinated by the three invariant Cys residues from one monomer and, unexpectedly, Asp8 from the other. A cavity map suggests that NO displaces Asp8 as a cluster ligand and, while D8A and D8C variants remain NO sensitive, DNA binding is affected. A structural comparison of holo-ScNsrR with an apo-IscR-DNA complex shows that the [4Fe–4S] cluster stabilizes a turn between ScNsrR Cys93 and Cys99 properly oriented to interact with the DNA backbone. In addition, an apo ScNsrR structure suggests that Asn97 from this turn, along with Arg12, which forms a salt-bridge with Asp8, are instrumental in modulating the position of the DNA recognition helix region relative to its major groove

    Transition of the mushy zone from continuous liquid films to a coherent solid

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    While studies of solidification microstructures have focused mainly on the tips of the dendrites, the last stage solidification is equally important from the point of view of defect formation (porosity, hot tearing), mechanical strength build-up and precipitation of phases. In particular, the transition from continuous liquid films to a coherent solid in low concentration alloys is of crucial importance for hot tearing formation, and more generally speaking for liquid feeding ability and coherency development. Based on a fairly recent theoretical model of coalescence which will be recalled briefly, new results obtained for a population of equiaxed grains will be presented. A granular-type model based on a Voronoi tessellation has been used for the description of the gradual disappearance of liquid films and the clustering of equiaxed grains. This percolation-type approach has been used then to calculate the pressure drop in the mushy zone on the assumptions of a Poiseuille flow in between the grains and a Kirchhoff model for the connectivity of the liquid films including the Losses associated with solidification shrinkage (i.e, PKL model). Comparison with a standard average pressure drop calculation based on Carman-Kozeny’s relationship will be presented

    Prediction of solidification behaviour via microstructure models based on granular structures

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    Two important factors affecting hot tearing - semi-solid constitutive behaviour and grain percolation - have been simulated through the use of microstructure models based on granular structures. The semi-solid model geometry is based on a modified Voronoi tessellation, and includes rounded corners to approximate an equiaxed-globular grain structure with liquid surrounding the grains. The percolation model combines solidification and thermodynamic aspects to predict the gradual transition within the mushy zone from a continuous liquid to a coherent solid network, while the constitutive behaviour model uses experimentally-derived data to describe the behaviour of the solid grains. By performing a series of model runs over ranges of grain size and fraction solid, the simulations have revealed an important link between grain size, semi-solid yield stress, strain localisation, and grain coalescence. Furthermore, the models provide insight on the relative importance of each mechanism on hot tear formation, and show promise for improving quantitative hot tearing predictions