93 research outputs found
Cosmogenic activation of Germanium and its reduction for low background experiments
Production of Co and Ge from stable isotopes of Germanium by
nuclear active component of cosmic rays is a principal background source for a
new generation of Ge double beta decay experiments like GERDA and
Majorana. The biggest amount of cosmogenic activity is expected to be produced
during transportation of either enriched material or already grown crystal.
In this letter properties and feasibility of a movable iron shield are
discussed. Activation reduction factor of about 10 is predicted by simulations
with SHIELD code for a simple cylindrical configuration. It is sufficient for
GERDA Phase II background requirements. Possibility of further increase of
reduction factor and physical limitations are considered. Importance of
activation reduction during Germanium purification and detector manufacturing
is emphasized.Comment: 10 pages, 3 tables, 6 figure
The aspects of parameterized tiling in application to algorithms with index domain represented by a convex polyhedron are investigated. The structure of the set of partial tiles is proposed and the formulas to determine this set are constructed. The formula to define the boundaries of local loops in partial tiles is obtained as well. These formulas enable one to minimize the calculation time of local loop boundaries in the implementation of the tiling in sequential and parallel programs. Исследованы аспекты применения параметризованного тайлинга к алгоритмам, область вычисления которых представима выпуклым многогранником. Предложена структура множества неполных тайлов, построены формулы для определения этого множества. Также получены формулы, определяющие границы изменения локальных циклов в неполных тайлах. Эти формулы позволяют минимизировать время расчета границ локальных циклов при реализации тайлинга в последовательных и параллельных программах.
The idea of application of two-level tiling at space-time mapping of algorithms onto parallel computing systems is proposed. A formalized method of parameterized two-level tiling is developed. The formulas for determination of global dependences between different-level tiles are constructed. The formal representation of sets of iterations generating these dependences is obtained. The representation is given in the form of polyhedra with an explicit expression of their boundaries. A formalized method of space-time mapping onto supercomputers is developed. The method is based on the locally parallel globally sequential mapping strategy and the designed method of two-level tiling. The method realizes the proposed idea of space-time mapping in integration with tiling. Предложена идея использования двухуровневого тайлинга для решения задачи пространственно-временного отображения алгоритмов на параллельные вычислительные системы заданной размерности и размера. Разработан формализованный метод параметризованного двухуровневого тайлинга. Получены формулы для определения векторов глобальных зависимостей между тайлами первого и второго уровней, а также формальное представление множеств итераций, порождающих эти зависимости, в виде многогранников с явным выражением их границ. На основе разработанного метода двухуровневого тайлинга и локально параллельной глобально последовательной cтратегии отображения предложен формализованный метод решения задачи пространственно-временного отображения алгоритмов в интеграции с тайлингом.
Плотные покрытия области вычислений гексагональными тайлами
The hexagonal tiling in application to algorithms with a two-dimensional computational domain is investigated. A formal definition of a parametrized hexagonal tiling is proposed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a dense coverage of the computational domain by hexagonal tiles are obtained.Communicated by Corresponding Member Leonid A. YanovichИсследованы аспекты применения гексагонального тайлинга к алгоритмам с двумерной областью вычислений. Предложено формальное определение параметризованного гексагонального тайлинга. Получены необходимые и достаточные условия плотного покрытия области вычислений гексагональными тайлами.Представлено членом-корреспондентом Л. А. Яновиче
Анализ глобальных зависимостей в гексагональном тайлинге
Tiling is a widely used technique to solve the problems of the efficient use of multilevel memory and optimize data exchanges when developing both sequential and parallel programs. This paper investigates the problem of obtaining global dependencies, i.e. informational dependencies between tiles. The problem is solved in the context of parametrized hexagonal tiling in application to algorithms with a two-dimensional computational domain. The paper includes a formalized definition of the hexagonal tile and the criteria for dense coverage of the computational domain with hexagonal tiles. Herein, we have formulated a statement that permits to obtain all global dependencies between tiles. Formulas are constructed for the determination of sets of iterations of hexagonal tiles generating these dependencies. The sets of iterations that generate global dependencies are obtained in the form of polyhedra with an explicit expression of their boundaries.Техника тайлинга широко применяется на практике для решения задач эффективного использования многоуровневой памяти и оптимизации обменов данными при разработке как последовательных, так и параллельных программ. В работе исследуется задача получения глобальных, уровня тайлов, зависимостей. Задача решается в контексте применения параметризованного гексагонального тайлинга к алгоритмам с двумерной областью вычислений. Приведено формализованное определение гексагонального тайла, а также представлены критерии плотного покрытия области вычислений гексагональными тайлами. Cформулировано и доказано утверждение, позволяющее получить все глобальные зависимости между тайлами. Построены формулы, дающие возможность определить множества итераций гексагональных тайлов, порождающих эти зависимости. Множества итераций, порождающих глобальные зависимости, получены в виде многогранников с явным выражением их границ
Delineating Geographical Regions with Networks of Human Interactions in an Extensive Set of Countries
Large-scale networks of human interaction, in particular country-wide telephone call networks, can be used to redraw geographical maps by applying algorithms of topological community detection. The geographic projections of the emerging areas in a few recent studies on single regions have been suggested to share two distinct properties: first, they are cohesive, and second, they tend to closely follow socio-economic boundaries and are similar to existing political regions in size and number. Here we use an extended set of countries and clustering indices to quantify overlaps, providing ample additional evidence for these observations using phone data from countries of various scales across Europe, Asia, and Africa: France, the UK, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, and Ivory Coast. In our analysis we use the known approach of partitioning country-wide networks, and an additional iterative partitioning of each of the first level communities into sub-communities, revealing that cohesiveness and matching of official regions can also be observed on a second level if spatial resolution of the data is high enough. The method has possible policy implications on the definition of the borderlines and sizes of administrative regions.National Science Foundation (U.S.)Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technolog
The process has been investigated and technological parameters for spraying gradient plasma coatings on the basis of zirconium dioxide stabilized with ytterbium dioxide have been optimized in the paper.Проведены исследования процесса и оптимизированы технологические параметры напыления градиентных плазменных покрытий на основе диоксида циркония, стабилизированного диоксидом иттербия
Distribution and abundance of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, 2001’003
In 2001’003, >60,000 km of aerial surveys and 7,700 km of vessel surveys were conducted during June to November when critically endangered Korean–Okhotsk or western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) were present off the northeast coast of Sakhalin Island, Russia. Results of surveys in all years indicated gray whales occurred in predominantly two areas, (1) adjacent to Piltun Bay, and (2) offshore from Chayvo Bay, hereafter referred to as the Piltun and offshore feeding areas. In the Piltun feeding area, the majority of whales were observed in waters shallower than 20 m and were distributed from several hundred meters to ∼ 5 km from the shoreline. In the offshore feeding area during all years, the distribution of gray whales extended from southwest to northeast in waters 30’5 m in depth. During all years, the distribution and abundance of whales changed in both the Piltun and offshore feeding areas, and both north–south and inshore–offshore movements were documented within and between feeding seasons. The discovery of a significant number of whales feeding in the offshore area each year was a substantial finding of this study and raises questions regarding western gray whale abundance and population levels, feeding behavior and ecology, and individual site-fidelity. Fluctuations in the number of whales observed within the Piltun and offshore feeding areas and few sightings outside of these two areas indicate that gray whales move between the Piltun and offshore feeding areas during their summer–fall feeding season. Seasonal shifts in the distribution and abundance of gray whales between and within both the Piltun and offshore feeding areas are thought, in part, to be a response to seasonal changes in the distribution and abundance of prey. However, the mechanism driving the movements of whales along the northeast coast of Sakhalin Island is likely very complex and influenced by a multitude of factors
Introduction. Currently, there is no global consensus regarding the management of breast cancer patients with implant-associated infections. Some studies clearly recommend their removal and surgical debridement with consecutive antimicrobial treatment, while others prefer long-term antibacterial therapy (at least 1 month) with the effectiveness of such conservative approach of 36–73 %.Case description. A 43-year-old patient suffering from brca1-positive right breast cancer t2n0m0 (invasive carcinoma of non-specific type g3, er – 8, pgr – 0, her-2/neu – 0, ki67 (%) – less than 20 %), underwent radical skin-preserving mastectomy on the right with simultaneous implant reconstruction and preventive subcutaneous mastectomy on the left with simultaneous implant reconstruction. Peri-implant infection in the left breast was observed on the 21st day after surgery.Results. The patient received empirical therapy with cefepim. Microbiological examination of the punctate revealed the causative agent of infection – methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) (1×105cfu/ml). Daptomycin 6 mg/kg/day was added to therapy. After 8 weeks, the patient received oral moxifloxacin 400 once daily, for another 3 weeks. A complete response was achieved. The patient has no signs of infection for 3 years.Conclusion. Long-term etiotropic antibacterial therapy with daptomycin followed by oral moxifloxacin resulted in a stable clinical effect.Актуальность. В настоящее время в мире нет единого мнения в отношении тактики ведения пациенток с раком молочной железы с имплант-ассоциированными инфекциями. В одних исследованиях однозначно рекомендованы их удаление и хирургическая санация c последующей антибактериальной терапией, в других – отдается предпочтение длительной антимикробной терапии (не менее 1 мес), при этом эффективность консервативного подхода достигает 36–73 %.Клинический случай. Пациентке 43 лет, страдающей BRCa1-положительным раком правой молочной железы t2n0M0 (инвазивная карцинома неспецифического типа G3, eR – 8, PgR – 0, Her-2/neu – 0, Ki67 (%) – менее 20 %), были выполнены радикальная кожесохранная мастэктомия справа с одномоментной реконструкцией имплантом и профилактическая подкожная мастэктомия слева с одномоментной реконструкцией имплантом. на 21-е сут после операции развилась инфекция в области импланта левой молочной железы.Результаты. Пациентке эмпирически была назначена терапия цефепимом. При микробиологическом исследовании пунктата был выявлен возбудитель инфекции – метициллин-резистентный золотистый стафилококк (MRSA) в количестве 1×105кОЕ/мл. к терапии был добавлен даптомицин 6 мг/кг/сут. Через 8 нед пациентка была переведена на пероральный моксифлоксацин 400 мг 1 раз в сут, который получала еще 3 нед. на фоне лечения был получен полный эффект. Больная без признаков инфекции в течение 3 лет.Заключение. Длительная этиотропная антибактериальная терапия с использованием даптомицина с переходом на пероральный моксифлоксацин позволила получить стойкий клинический эффект и своевременно провести адъювантное противоопухолевое лечение
Disease-associated missense mutations in GluN2B subunit alter NMDA receptor ligand binding and ion channel properties.
Genetic and bioinformatic analyses have identified missense mutations in GRIN2B encoding the NMDA receptor GluN2B subunit in autism, intellectual disability, Lennox Gastaut and West Syndromes. Here, we investigated several such mutations using a near-complete, hybrid 3D model of the human NMDAR and studied their consequences with kinetic modelling and electrophysiology. The mutants revealed reductions in glutamate potency; increased receptor desensitisation; and ablation of voltage-dependent Mg block. In addition, we provide new views on Mg and NMDA channel blocker binding sites. We demonstrate that these mutants have significant impact on excitatory transmission in developing neurons, revealing profound changes that could underlie their associated neurological disorders. Of note, the NMDAR channel mutant GluN2B unusually allowed Mg permeation, whereas nearby N615I reduced Ca permeability. By identifying the binding site for an NMDAR antagonist that is used in the clinic to rescue gain-of-function phenotypes, we show that drug binding may be modified by some GluN2B disease-causing mutations
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