840 research outputs found

    Relaxation of superflow in a network: an application to the dislocation model of supersolidity of helium crystals

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    We have considered the dislocation network model for the supersolid state in He-4 crystals. In difference with uniform 2D and 3D systems, the temperature of superfluid transition T_c in the network is much smaller than the degeneracy temperature T_d. It is shown that a crossover into a quasi superfluid state occurs in the temperature interval between T_c and T_d. Below the crossover temperature the time of decay of the flow increases exponentially under decrease of the temperature. The crossover has a continuous character and the crossover temperature does not depend on the density of dislocations.Comment: Corrected typo

    Application of IT in the formation of sustainable reporting of business entities

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    The article deals with information technologies applied in the formation of sustainable reporting of business entites and provides a review of current information solutions and their development trends. Authors analyze the current situation in the field of non-financial reporting in the Russian Federation. To improve the competitiveness of companies and industries, strengthen the business reputation of organizations, authors proposed to develop a digital platform that is cabaple to create, publish, store of non-financial reports, go through the verification process.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of the Clinical Efficacy of Prednisolone in the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases with Different Dosage Methods

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    Aim: to investigate the clinical efficacy of two methods of oral dosing of prednisolone (in mg and mg/kg) for the induction of remission for patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) using the technology of constructing and evaluating the effectiveness function (dose-effect relationship).Material and methods. In this study were included 86 patients aged from 18 to 65 years with moderate or severe active inflammatory bowel disease (61 — UC, 25 — CD). All patients were treated with prednisolone at an initial daily dose from 30 to 60 mg with a subsequent tapering of dose. The clinical response to treatment was evaluated at the time of complete withdrawal of prednisolone using the generally accepted criteria. Two efficiency functions were constructed, compared and analyzed: the first — at the initial dosage of prednisolone in mg and the second calculating the dose in mg/kg of patient weight. The patients' body weight ranged from 41 to 98 kg. The “dose-effect” relationship for prednisolone was constructed with statistical transformation of the baseline clinical data and a quantitative expression of the actual doses and alternative responses into a graph of the effectiveness function. The mean value at each point was estimated based on the regression kernel scoring method.Results. Two graphs of the “dose-effect” of prednisolone in mg and mg/kg of patient weight were constructed. The optimal clinically effective dose (OCED) when calculated in mg/kg of weight was 0.70 ± 0.01 (0.68 + 0.72) mg/kg with the corresponding effect 79.25 ± 6.26 (66.62 91.88) %. When two graphs in mg and mg / kg of weight were superimposed, it is shown that when an initial dose of 40 mg is prescribed without taking into account the patient's weight, the effect of therapy will be 25 % lower. Prescribing a dose of 60 mg per day without weight will be optimal for patients with a body weight of 85-90 kg. With a lower body weight, the clinical effect will not decrease, but the likelihood of recognized side effects of prednisolone should be expected in proportion to the decrease in body weight.Conclusion. The clinical efficacy of two methods of prednisolone dosing (mg and mg/kg) for patients with IBD during the first induction course was compared.Using a new technology for constructing and evaluating the effectiveness function (dose-effect relationship) allowed us to prove a reliable relationship between the body weight of patients with the clinical effect of prednisolone in patients with UC and CD. Based on the analysis of the dose-effect relationship, the optimal clinically effective dose of prednisolone for patients with UC and CD during the first induction course was established, equal to 0.70 mg/kg, which can be recommended for use in clinical practice for calculating individual doses

    Innovative development professional pedagogical education: managerial aspects

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    Анализируются проблемы повышения уровня инновационности российского профессионального образования, которые ставятся в современных исследованиях ученых. Авторы, выделяя сильные и слабые стороны происходящих в образовании инновационных процессов, формулируют рекомендации организационно-управленческого плана по решению сложившихся проблемThe article analyzes the problem of increasing the level of innovation of the Russian vocational training, are put in contemporary studies of scientists. The authors, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of ongoing innovation processes in education, formulate recommendations to the organizational and management plan to address the existing problem

    Epithets in Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel Never Let Me Go status and perspectives

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    The paper focuses on the analysis of the status of the epithet in the contemporary literary text of K. Ishiguro. The pertinence of the study stems from the fact that in Western linguistics, there is no tradition to consider the epithet as a distinct and independent stylistic means, and its main features have not been widely distinguished; in some cases, researchers endow the epithet with the function of the characters’ personality descriptio

    Mosquitoes of Anopheles hyrcanus (Diptera, Culicidae) group: species diagnostic and phylogenetic relationships

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    Herein, we report the results of study of Anopheles species in Primorsk and Khabarovsk regions of Russia. Three species of the Anopheles hyrcanus group: An. kleini, An. pullus, and An. lesteri were identified by molecular taxonomic diagnostics for the first time in Russia. Surprisingly, An. sinensis, which earlier was considered the only species of Anopheles in Russian Far East, was not observed. We analyzed nucleotide variation in the 610-bp fragment of the 5' end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region. All species possessed a distinctive set of COI sequences. A maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree was constructed for members of the hyrcanus group. The examined Anopheles hyrcanus group members could be divided into two major subgroups: subgroup 1 (An. hyrcanus and An. pullus) and subgroup 2 (An. sinensis, An. kleini, and An. lesteri), which were found to be monophyletic

    Analysis of industrial areas of Ekaterinburg

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    The article views the relationship between the change in the purpose of the industrial area and the planning structure of the city. Moreover it includes the proposed gradation of enterprises depending on the area of their industrial sites. Also the text point out the uniqueness of the industrial site of PJSC "Uralmashzavod"among other enterprises of the heavy industry of the city of Ekaterinburg. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Determination of the parameters characterizing the superexchange interaction in complex ferrite-spinels

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    A calculation procedure is proposed here for determining the values of exchange parameters, applicable to spinels which contain three kinds of ions in tetrahedral positions and which have an arbitrary distribution of cations. The values of exchange integrals obtained here for ferrites of the manganese-zinc system provide a useful basis for a quantitative interpretation of the spread of Curie-temperature readings in experiments which involve ferrites with the same composition. © 1976 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    First record of the invasive mosquito species Aedes koreicus (Diptera, Culicidae) in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    The natural distribution range of Aedes koreicus is Korea, China, Japan, and the Russian Far East. Since 2008, this species has been recorded as an invasive species in some European countries (Belgium, European Russia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, and Switzerland). The invasive mosquito species Ae. koreicus is reported from the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time. Its morphological identification was confirmed by molecular-genetic analyses of ND4 sequences using specific primers. Aedes koreicus larvae were found in an artificial water reservoir together with the larvae of Culiseta longiareolata and Culex pipiens s.l. Aedes koreicus successfully overwintered in Almaty at low winter temperatures in 2018–2019. This suggests that the Ae. koreicus acclimation capacity is greater than it has been considered until now. We assume that Ae. koreicus will spread over the west and south of the Republic of Kazakhstan and territories of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan Republics bordering the Almaty region