2,033 research outputs found

    Analisis Konsumsi dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, konsumsi periode sebelumnya, pendapatan disposibel dan suku bunga terhadap konsumsi di Sumatera Barat dan menganalisis pengaruh konsumsi, kapital dan tenaga kerja terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sumatera Barat periode 2000 - 2011. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan analisis model persamaan simultan dengan metode Two Stages Least Square (TSLS). Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa :1) pertumbuhan ekonomi, konsumsi periode sebelumnya, pendapatan disposibel, dan suku bunga secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap konsumsi di Sumatera Barat. Akan tetapi secara parsial tingkat suku bunga tidak berpengaruh terhadap konsumsi. 2) konsumsi, kapital dan tenaga kerja baik secara bersama-sama maupun secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Sumatera Barat. Implikasi kebijakan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah : Pemerintah Daerah Sumatera Barat perlu memberikan insentif terhadap sektor-sektor produktif atau sektor riil agar mampu meningkatkan produksi (ouput) sehingga akan berdampak terhadap peningkatan konsumsi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi

    An improved IAR sorghum thresher

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    Nigeria is the one of the major sorghum producing countries in the world with annual yield over Six million tons, however, threshing and cleaning of sorghum have remain serious problems to farmers due to high drudgery involve in traditional method. This shows that a little mechanization exist in post- harvest operation of such crop and affect the production. To address such problems, IAR sorghum thresher was developed at the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) Samaru, Zaria. Complete randomize design was used as the experimental design with three replications. The effect of the independent variable on the dependent variables was determined using ANOVA. The results showed that the moisture content is highly significance on the threshing and cleaning efficiency while their interaction was not significance at the same probability level (0.05). It was also observed that moisture content, feed rate and speed are highly significance on the throughput capacity, mechanical grain damage and scatter losses. Similarly all their interaction between the factor show similar effect

    Determination of Saturated Hydrocarbon from Nigerian Crude Oil from Selected Oil Wells: A Comparative Study

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    The saturated hydrocarbons were isolated from the crude oil samples by the use of SARA separation and column chromatography methods. The fractions obtained were identified using GC-MS. The result shows that the saturated hydrocarbons presence in the samples indicate that all the samples spectra indicated the presence of Trans-decalin-2-methyl, Dodecane, Tridecane, Tetradecane, Pentadecane, Hexadecane, Octadecane, Nonadecane and Eicosane, all at a minimum quality of correlation of 70%.  The result of the GC-MS indicated that sample D has the highest number of saturated hydrocarbons presence in a minimum quality of % correlation of 70% and sample E has the lowest amount of saturated hydrocarbons. Keywords: Crude oil drilling, GC-MS, Sara analysis, Saturated hydrocarbons, Trans-decalin-2-methy

    Determinants of Place of Delivery among Women in a Semi-Urban Settlement in Zaria, Northern Nigeria

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    Background : Majority of the maternal deaths that occur especially in developing countries are avoidable or preventable. Studies have shown that the health, reproductive behaviour and socio economic status of women are among the important determinants of maternal mortality. This study was aimed at assessing the role of some health, socio-economic and demographic factors in determining the place of delivery among women in a semi-urban settlement in Zaria, north-western Nigeria. Methods : The study design was a cross sectional descriptive study conducted in Sabuwar Unguwa, Magume district Zaria Local Government Area Kaduna State Nigeria in June, 2003.A total of 496 women who had delivered at least once were interviewed using a pre-tested interviewer administered questionnaire. Results: The study revealed both high rates of home deliveries and deliveries not supervised by skilled attendants of 70% and 78% respectively. Mother's educational level, husband's occupation and age at first pregnancy were the main determinants of place of delivery. Statistically significant associations between non- formal education and home delivery, (\u3c72 = 6.7 df = 1 P<0.05) age at first pregnancy and home delivery (\u3c72 =18.7 df = 1 P<0.05) were observed. There was no statistical significance between employment status of fathers and home delivery (\u3c72 = 0.59 df = 1 P>0.05). Conclusion: Low maternal education, unemployment among fathers, first pregnancies at less than 18 years of age increase the likelihood of home delivery in Sabuwar Unguwa, Magume district of Zaria. Girl child education, income generating activities and training of TBAs could reduce the high rate of home deliveries and its consequences in the study area.Introduction: La plupart des femmes meurent \ue0 la suite d'accouchement particuli\ue8rement dans les pays en voie de d\ue9veloppement. Pourtant des mesures pr\ue9ventives peuvent \ueatre prises. Des \ue9tudes ont montre que le saut\ue9 des femmes en grossesse, la sant\ue9 des femmes en travail, l'espacement des naisseuses et la situation socio- \ue9conomique figurent parmi les causes importantes de la mortalit\ue9 maternelle. L'objectif de cette \ue9tude est de' examiner le r\uf4le que Jouent des facteur sanitaire, socio-\ue9conomique et d\ue9mographique dans le choix du lieu d'accouchement dans un faubourg de Zaria au nord - ouest du Nigeria. M\ue9thode: Cette \ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e \ue1 Sabuwar Unguwa, un quartier p\ue9riph\ue9rique de Magume situ\ue9 \ue0 Zaria dans l'\ue9tat de Kaduna en Juin 2003. Une fraction repr\ue9sentative d'une population de 496 femmes d'ages et classes sociales diff\ue9rentes et qui ont accouche ou moins une fois a \ue9t\ue9 choisie en vue d'une interview. Des questions auteueunes pour lasses interviews out \ue9t\ue9 pos\ue9es. R\ue9sultats: L'\ue9tude a rivel\ue9 respectivement un taux \ue9lev\ue9 de 70% et 80% des accouchements \ue1 domicile et des accouchements sans surveillance m\ue9dicale assur\ue9e par des gyn\ue9cologues ou si\ue8ge femmes sp\ue9cialis\ue9es Le rivaux d'\ue9ducation de la m\ue8re la profession du mari et l'age d\ue9s la premi\ue8re grossesse sont consid\ue8re comme des facteurs importants qui d\ue9terminent le lieu d'accouchement. Des rapports statistique importants entre l'\ue9ducation informelle et l'accouchement a domicile (\u3c72 = 6. 7 df = 1 P < 0.05), l'age d\ue9s la premi\ue8re grossesse et l'accouchement \ue1 domicile (\u3c72 = 18. 7 df = 1 P< 0.05) ont \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9s. Aucun rapports statistique important n'a \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9 entre la profession des man's et l'accouchement a domicile (\u3c72 = 0.59 df = 1 P > 0.05) Conclusion: La baisse de l'\ue9ducation des femmes, le ch\uf4mage des maris et la grossesse pr\ue9coce grossissent probablement la nombre des accouchements \ue1 domicile a Margum\ue9 \ue1 Zaria. L'\ue9ducation des filles. Les activit\ue9s qui permettent de grogner d'argent, (training of TBAs) le cr\ue9ation de bonnes maternit\ue9s dans cette p\ue9riph\ue9rie r\ue9duirai eut le taux d'accouchements \ue1 domicile et ses cons\ue9quences

    Perceptions on Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Disease among Livestock Marketers at Wudil Cattle Market, Wudil, Kano

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    African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT) is a debilitating disease that hinders livestock productivity in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. Numerous strategies have been developed over time to fight this devastating disease, which are emphasized mostly on containing the spread of its causative agent and principal vector. However, very little has been done to include livestock marketers in decision making, planning and implementation of control programs. Therefore, this study was carried out to fill that void, by evaluating the knowledge of this group of people on Tsetsefly and Trypanosomosis in Wudil Cattle Market. Questionnaires were developed to collect relevant information, and were administered through ‘Standard Focus Group Discussions’. The results revealed that tsetse fly was known by all respondents (100%), who significantly reported that they were most commonly found in the forests (95%), during the wet season (85%). Respondents also reported that these flies prefer to bite animals (71.25%). Similarly, a majority of respondents (97.5%) reported to being cognizant of trypanosomosis disease, while also stating that it had infected their animals at some point in time. Respondents believed infection was most prevalent during the wet season (60%) than the dry season (40%). Respondents had mixed views when it came to perceived causes of the disease, as some associated it with bite from flies (53.75%), while others linked it to transhumance (38.75%). In terms of signs and symptoms, 80% of respondents were able to identify with at least four symptoms of the disease. In essence, this study further intensifies the need to engage livestock marketers in tsetse and trypanosomosis control programs, in addition to emphasizing the need to create awareness campaigns that can further limit the spread of the disease and ensure vector control

    Strategic Issues in Dam Operation and Maintenance in Indonesia

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    Strategic issues in dam operation and maintenance are important to meet domestic water needs and the study was conducted by the Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project (DOISP) in two phases. DOISP Phase I was established to continue the Dam Safety Program with the focus on the operational improvement and the safety of dams. The Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project Phase II (DOISP Phase II) is a continuation of DOISP Phase I that previously has provided support to the completion of remedial and rehabilitation works and operational and safety improvement of 34 dams owned the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) as well as the preparation of various guidelines which relate to the dam management operation. Strategic issues in operation and maintenance are prepared in 2020-2024, strategic plan by the Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation (Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas). Planning based on strategic issues in operation and maintenance is important because a dam and reservoir can support hydropower, navigation, recreation, flood control, irrigation, and water supply, with each multipurpose benefit having a significant social and economic impact at the local level, regional and national

    Factors associated with prelacteal feeding practices in a rural northern Nigerian setting

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    Introduction: Prelacteal feeding practice contravenes the recommendation of World Health Organisation that breastfeeding be initiated within an hour of childbirth. Consequently, the health, social, emotional and economic benefits of optimal breastfeeding are limited. Therefore, to break this vicious cycle of prelacteal feeding and suboptimal breastfeeding, factors associated with the practice must be identified.Objective: To assess prelacteal feeding practices and its associated factors in a rural community with the view to generate data for community-level interventions that will promote optimal breastfeeding.Methods: Data was collected during a community-based surveillance for maternal, newborn and child health project in Tsibiri, a rural community in north-western Nigeria. The survey questionnaire was uploaded into mobile devices running on an android operating system. Trained female interviewers collected the data over a period of one week in 2011.Results: A total of 270 out of 309 interviewed women had experienced childbirth and were included in the analysis. Majority (85.2%) of respondents utilised prelacteal feeds for their newborns. Plain water was the most common prelacteal feed (44.7%). Prelacteal feeding was associated with births assisted by unskilled birth attendants (AOR 5.322, 95%CI 1.634-17.333); while operative delivery reduced the likelihood of the practice (AOR 0.168, 95%CI 0.060-0.470). No statistically significant association was found between use of prelacteal feed and women’s age, education or access to income.Conclusion: The predominance of prelacteal feeding practices underscores the need for innovative strategies that create awareness among mothers and health care providers, with emphasis on health facility deliveries, advantages of breastfeeding and risks of prelacteal feeding.Keywords: Breastfeeding, Newborns, Prelacteal feeds, Rural community, Wome

    Modification and Performance Evaluation of Cleaning System for IAR Sorghum Thresher

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    Sorghum is a major source of food for most families and as raw material to many industries in Nigeria. Cleaning is among the most important post-harvest operation after threshing. However, manual cleaning of crop is quite tedious, time and labour intensive. A prototype thresher has already been developed at Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR) but yet it has been associated with many difficulties during operation. Among the problems of IAR prototype sorghum thresher are low operating performance such as higher scatter loss and low cleaning efficiency thus the need for modification to improve the above mentioned parameters. This study was undertaken to modify the cleaning system of the IAR sorghum thresher with the aim of minimizing the drudgery involved in its operation and to improve its performance. The major modifications were on shaking mechanism and sieves. The number of sieves was increased from one to three while the connecting rode for shaking mechanism was changed from horizontal to vertical orientation. The sizes of the pulleys were also changed. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experimental design was used for determining the effect of moisture content, speed and feed rate on the cleaning performance of the machine. The maximum performance achieved were 99.95 %, 5.45 %, and 250 kg/h for cleaning efficiency, scatter loss and throughput capacity respectively
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