108 research outputs found

    Vaccinia virus protein C16 acts intracellularly to modulate the host response and promote virulence

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    The vaccinia virus (VACV) strain Western Reserve C16 protein has been characterized and its effects on virus replication and virulence have been determined. The C16L gene is present in the inverted terminal repeat and so is one of the few VACV genes that are diploid. The C16 protein is highly conserved between different VACV strains, and also in the orthopoxviruses variola virus, ectromelia virus, horsepox virus and cowpox virus. C16 is a 37.5 kDa protein, which is expressed early during infection and localizes to the cell nucleus and cytoplasm of infected and transfected cells. The loss of the C16L gene had no effect on virus growth kinetics but did reduce plaque size slightly. Furthermore, the virulence of a virus lacking C16L (vΔC16) was reduced in a murine intranasal model compared with control viruses and there were reduced virus titres from 4 days post-infection. In the absence of C16, the recruitment of inflammatory cells in the lung and bronchoalveolar lavage was increased early after infection (day 3) and more CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressed the CD69 activation marker. Conversely, late after infection with vΔC16 (day 10) there were fewer T cells remaining, indicating more rapid clearance of infection. Collectively, these data indicate that C16 diminishes the immune response and is an intracellular immunomodulator

    EAN consensus statement for management of patients with neurological diseases during the COVID‐19 pandemic

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    Background and purpose The recent SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic has posed multiple challenges to the practice of clinical neurology including recognition of emerging neurological complications and management of coexistent neurological diseases. In a fast‐evolving pandemic, evidence‐based studies are lacking in many areas. This paper presents European Academy of Neurology (EAN) expert consensus statements to guide neurologists caring for patients with COVID‐19. Methods A refined Delphi methodology was applied. In round 1, statements were provided by EAN scientific panels (SPs). In round 2, these statements were circulated to SP members not involved in writing them, asking for agreement/disagreement. Items with agreement >70% were retained for round 3, in which SP co‐chairs rated importance on a five‐point Likert scale. Results were graded by importance and reported as consensus statements. Results In round one, 70 statements were provided by 23 SPs. In round two, 259/1061 SP member responses were received. Fifty‐nine statements obtained >70% agreement and were retained. In round three, responses were received from 55 co‐chairs of 29 SPs. Whilst general recommendations related to prevention of COVID‐19 transmission had high levels of agreement and importance, opinion was more varied concerning statements related to therapy. Conclusion This is the first structured consensus statement on good clinical practice in patients with neurological disease during the COVID‐19 pandemic that provides immediate guidance for neurologists. In this fast‐evolving pandemic, a rapid response using refined Delphi methodology is possible, but guidance may be subject to change as further evidence emerges

    Il riordinamento dell'archivio della Scuola di medicina veterinaria di Milano

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    E\u2019 stato di recente reso disponibile agli studiosi l\u2019archivio della Regia Scuola superiore di medicina veterinaria di Milano, un\u2019istituzione che risale al 1791 e che oper\uf2 fino al 1932, quando venne aggregata all\u2019Universit\ue0 di Milano trasformandosi nell\u2019attuale Facolt\ue0 di medicina veterinaria. L\u2019articolo, dopo un breve profilo storico-istituzionale della Scuola e dopo aver esposto le vicende subite dalle carte successivamente alla confluenza della Scuola nell\u2019Ateneo milanese, tratta degli aspetti problematici del riordinamento e presenta la struttura dell\u2019archivio emersa dal lungo lavoro di riordinamento e di inventariazione. Una riflessione finale \ue8 dedicata alla questione dell\u2019applicazione di una cesura periodizzante tra una sezione preunitaria, che copre gli anni napoleonici (da cui iniziano a essere presenti i documenti) e si conclude con la fine della dominazione austriaca (1807-1859), e una seconda sezione che inizia con l\u2019unit\ue0 d\u2019Italia e giunge fino al 1934.The archives of the Royal high School of veterinary medicine of Milan are now available to scholars. The School dates back to 1791 and worked until it joined the University of Milan turning into the present Faculty of veterinary medicine. After a brief historical outline of this institution and a survey of the events the records went through after joining the University of Milan, the paper deals with the problems of rearrangement and shows the structure of the archives as they come out after the long work of rearrangement and inventory. A final remark is devoted to the issue of how to apply an historical periodization between a preunitarian section covering the Napoleonic years (when the records come out) and comes to its close by the end of the Austrian domination (1807-1859), and a second section that begins with the unity of Italy and ends in 1934

    Il mutamento accelerato: come \ue8 cambiata la legislazione archivistica nell\u2019ordinamento italiano

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    Viene condotto un esame critico della sovrabbondante ma non coordinata produzione normativa che dal 1998 al 2006 ha investito il settore degli archivi storici, in rapporto col pi\uf9 vasto ambito della tutela dei beni culturali. Il saggio \ue8 articolato in tre parti che affrontano pi\uf9 specificamente: 1) i nodi critici rilevabili dalla rifusione delle disposizioni della "legge sugli archivi" all'interno delle nuove norme del Codice dei beni culturali; 2) la complicazione del quadro organizzativo del sistema della tutela degli archivi-beni culturali, tra appesantimento delle strutture ministeriali e trasferimento di funzioni alle regioni; 3)le modifiche ai limiti alla libera consultabilit\ue0 dei documenti contemporanei

    Alcune note sul reperto giudiziario degli scritti di Aldo Moro rinvenuti nel 1990

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