143 research outputs found

    Post war economic growth through information technology

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    Economic Growth, Information and Communications Technolog

    Penyusunan Dokumentasi Mutu dengan Review dan Update Manual Mutu, Prosedur Mutu Serta Instruksi Kerja di Departemen Maintenance Berdasarkan Iso 9001:2008

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    PT ABC is one of Pertamina‘s assets which process natural gas into LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) for the world's gas exports. PT ABC has experienced for more than 30 years in the production process and maintenance of LNG plants. PT ABC has maintain the company's performance and implement several quality certificates, one of which is an ISO 9001:2008. One of the clauses in ISO 9001: 2008 states that companies are required to document and maintain a quality management system, it is embodied in the document quality manual, Standart Operating Procedures and work instructions. Quality documents owned by PT ABC at this time is the 2008 edition. There are several activities that are no longer exist but still written in the old edition of quality documents and the new activities that has not been written in the quality documents, so it needs an update quality documents in accordance with the company's current condition. The new aquality documents include quality manual, SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for boiler inspection and Work Instructions for checking relief valve. The analysis show that the new document will help employees in carrying out the activity in accordance with the company standard documents available at this time

    Design and Development of Carborne Survey Equipment

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    In most nuclear and radiological emergencies involving the release of radioactive materials to environment, it is important that data on the geographic distribution of potentially hazardous radioactive materials be quickly presented to the authorities. The mobile radiation detection system makes it possible to measure radioactive materials in the environment at random places because of its easy mobility from place to place. The purpose of the work is to develop a mobile radiation detection system to measure gamma exposure rate, radioactive material on the ground and airborne radioactive particulate in the environment quickly. In this work, we have developed a carborne survey equipment system consisting of three gamma ray detectors, one airbome radioactive particulate sampler, a GPS (Global Positioning System), meteorological sensors, a data acquisition system and an operation software. Performance of the carborne survey equipment has been successfully demonstrated to measure iodine and argon release from medical isotope production facility on Serpong in western Java, Indonesia.Received: 04 October 2014; Revised:16 March 2015; Accepted: 23 March 2015 

    Pendidikan Karakter Terintegrasi Pembelajaran Ekonomi

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    Character education aims to improve quality of implementation and educational result in school which aim on achievement character building and good attitude to student completely, integritevely and equally. The result of research shown: (1) Stakeholder sight ,the character value has not been seen (BT) nationalism, democration, (MT) creative, (MB) curiousity, patriotism, (2) teacher sight, the character value has not been seen (BT) nationalism, democration, (MT) work hard, (MB) honest, social care, (MK) curiousity, patriotism, (3) students sight, the character value has not been seen (BT) nationalism, democration, (MT) creative, (MB) social care, (MK) curiousity, discilpine and (4) student s’parent sight has not been seen (BT) nationalism, democration (MT), creative, work hard, (MB) honest, social care and (MK) patriotism.Pendidikan karakter bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu penyelenggaraan dan hasil pendidikan di sekolah yang mengarah pada pencapaian pembentukan karakter dan akhlak mulia peserta didik secara utuh, terpadu, dan seimbang. Hasil pernelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Menurut Stakeholder (pemangku kepentingan) nilai karakter yang belum terlihat (BT) semangat kebangsaan, demokrasi,, (MT) kreatif, (MB) rasa ingin tahu, mandiri dan (MK) disiplin dan cinta tanah air, (2) menurut Guru nilai karakter yang belum terlihat (BT) semanagat kebangsaan, demokrasi, (MT) kerja keras, (MB) jujur, peduli sosia, (MK) rasa ingin tahu, cinta tanah air, (3) menuurut peserta didik nilai karakter belum terlihat (BT) semangat kebangsaan, demokrasi, (MT) kreatif, (MB) peduli sosial, (MK) rasa ingin tahu, disipin, dan (4) menurut.Orang tua peserta didik nilai karakter belum terlihat (BT) semangat kebangsaan, demokrasi, (MT) kreatif dan kerja keras, (MB) jujur, peduli sosial dan (MK) cinta tanah air


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    Objective: To identify and prevent the vulnerable prediabetic population becoming diabetic patients in the future using the Indian Diabetic Risk Score (IDRS) and to evaluate the performance of the IDRS questionnaire for detecting prediabetes and predicting the risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Chidambaram rural Indian population. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out among patients attending a master health check-up of RMMCH hospital located at Chidambaram. The IDRS was calculated by using four simple measures of age, family history of diabetes, physical activity, and waist measurement. The relevant blood test, like Fasting plasma glucose (FBS), Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) test, were observed for identifying prediabetes. Subjects were classified as Normoglycemic, prediabetics, and diabetics based on the questionnaire and diagnostic criteria of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines. Results: In the study, sensitivity and specificity of IDRS score were found to be 84.21% and 63.4% respectively for detecting prediabetes in community with the positive predictive value of 51.6% and negative predictive value of 89.6% and prevalence of prediabetes in the Chidambaram rural population is 31.6% among the 60 participants. Conclusion: The Indian diabetic risk score questionnaire designed by Ma­dras diabetic research federation is a useful screening tool to identify unknown type 2 diabetes mellitus. The question­naire is a reliable, valuable, and easy to use screening tool which can be used in a primary care setup.&nbsp

    Design and Development of Carborne Survey Equipment

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    In most nuclear and radiological emergencies involving the release of radioactive materials to environment, it is important that data on the geographic distribution of potentially hazardous radioactive materials be quickly presented to the authorities. The mobile radiation detection system makes it possible to measure radioactive materials in the environment at random places because of its easy mobility from place to place. The purpose of the work is to develop a mobile radiation detection system to measure gamma exposure rate, radioactive material on the ground and airborne radioactive particulate in the environment quickly. In this work, we have developed a carborne survey equipment system consisting of three gamma ray detectors, one airbome radioactive particulate sampler, a GPS (Global Positioning System), meteorological sensors, a data acquisition system and an operation software. Performance of the carborne survey equipment has been successfully demonstrated to measure iodine and argon release from medical isotope production facility on Serpong in western Java, Indonesia.Received: 04 October 2014; Revised:16 March 2015; Accepted: 23 March 201

    Pemberian Ransum Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) Untuk Menghasilkan Telur rendah Kolesterol

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    ABSTRAK Suatu penelitian untuk menghasilkan telur rendah kolesterol dengan pemberian ransum belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) telah dilakukan. Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) dipotong kecil-kecil, kemudian diblender, lalu disimpan dalam lemari es. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 9 ekor ayam ras betina dewasa kelamin yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Kelompok 1 sebagai kontrol dengan diberi pakan dasar yang berupa bekatul 15%, konsentrat 35% dan jagung 50%, kelompok 11 diberi pakan dasar ditambah 10 ml belimbing wuluh dalam air minumnya, kelompok 111 diberi pakan dasar dan 20 ml belimbing wuluh yang dicampurkan dalam air minumnya. Kemudian pemeriksaan dilakukan setiap 30 hari sekali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ransum belimbing wuluh belum dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol telur. Hal ini mungkin saja terjadi karena waktu perlakuan masih kurang, sebab untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah tikus saja dibutuhkan waktu 69 hari perlakuan (Syahruman, 1996) apalagi untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol telu