35 research outputs found

    In Escherichia coli ammonia inhibits cytochrome bo3 but activates cytochrome bd-I

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    Interaction of two redox enzymes of Escherichia coli, cytochrome bo3 and cytochrome bd-I, with ammonium sulfate/ammonia at pH 7.0 and 8.3 was studied using high-resolution respirometry and absorption spectroscopy. At pH 7.0, the oxygen reductase activity of none of the enzymes is affected by the ligand. At pH 8.3, cytochrome bo3 is inhibited by the ligand, with 40% maximum inhibition at 100 mM (NH4 )2SO4 . In contrast, the activity of cytochrome bd-I at pH 8.3 increases with increasing the ligand concentration, the largest increase (140%) is observed at 100 mM (NH4 )2SO4 . In both cases, the effector molecule is apparently not NH4+ but NH3 . The ligand induces changes in absorption spectra of both oxidized cytochromes at pH 8.3. The magnitude of these changes increases as ammonia concentration is increased, yielding apparent dissociation constants Kdapp of 24.3 ± 2.7 mM (NH4 )2SO4 (4.9 ± 0.5 mM NH3 ) for the Soret region in cytochrome bo3, and 35.9 ± 7.1 and 24.6 ± 12.4 mM (NH4 )2SO4 (7.2 ± 1.4 and 4.9 ± 2.5 mM NH3 ) for the Soret and visible regions, respectively, in cytochrome bd-I. Consistently, addition of (NH4)2SO4 to cells of the E. coli mutant containing cytochrome bd-I as the only terminal oxidase at pH 8.3 accelerates the O2 consumption rate, the highest one (140%) being at 27 mM (NH4 )2SO4 . We discuss possible molecular mechanisms and physiological significance of modulation of the enzymatic activities by ammonia present at high concentration in the intestines, a niche occupied by E. coli

    Microsecond Time-Resolved Absorption Spectroscopy Used to Study CO Compounds of Cytochrome bd from Escherichia coli

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    Cytochrome bd is a tri-heme (b558, b595, d) respiratory oxygen reductase that is found in many bacteria including pathogenic species. It couples the electron transfer from quinol to O2 with generation of an electrochemical proton gradient. We examined photolysis and subsequent recombination of CO with isolated cytochrome bd from Escherichia coli in oneelectron reduced (MV) and fully reduced (R) states by microsecond time-resolved absorption spectroscopy at 532-nm excitation. Both Soret and visible band regions were examined. CO photodissociation from MV enzyme possibly causes fast (t,1.5 ms) electron transfer from heme d to heme b595 in a small fraction of the protein, not reported earlier. Then the electron migrates to heme b558 (t,16 ms). It returns from the b-hemes to heme d with t,180 ms. Unlike cytochrome bd in the R state, in MV enzyme the apparent contribution of absorbance changes associated with CO dissociation from heme d is small, if any. Photodissociation of CO from heme d in MV enzyme is suggested to be accompanied by the binding of an internal ligand (L) at the opposite side of the heme. CO recombines with heme d (t,16 ms) yielding a transient hexacoordinate state (CO-Fe2+ -L). Then the ligand slowly (t,30 ms) dissociates from heme d. Recombination of CO with a reduced heme b in a fraction of the MV sample may also contribute to the 30-ms phase. In R enzyme, CO recombines to heme d (t,20 ms), some heme b558 (t,0.2–3 ms), and finally migrates from heme d to heme b595 (t,24 ms) in ,5% of the enzyme population. Data are consistent with the recent nanosecond study of Rappaport et al. conducted on the membranes at 640-nm excitation but limited to the Soret band. The additional phases were revealed due to differences in excitation and other experimental conditions

    In the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli cytochromes bd-I and bd-II are more sensitive to carbon monoxide inhibition than cytochrome bo3

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    Bacteria can not only encounter carbon monoxide (CO) in their habitats but also produce the gas endogenously. Bacterial respiratory oxidases, thus, represent possible targets for CO. Accordingly, host macrophages were proposed to produce CO and release it into the surrounding microenvironment to sense viable bacteria through a mechanism that in Escherichia (E.) coli was suggested to involve the targeting of a bd-type respiratory oxidase by CO. The aerobic respiratory chain of E. coli possesses three terminal quinol:O2-oxidoreductases: the heme-copper oxidase bo3 and two copper-lacking bd-type oxidases, bd-I and bd-II. Heme-copper and bd-type oxidases differ in the mechanism and efficiency of proton motive force generation and in resistance to oxidative and nitrosative stress, cyanide and hydrogen sulfide. Here, we investigated at varied O2 concentrations the effect of CO gas on the O2 reductase activity of the purified cytochromes bo3, bd-I and bd-II of E. coli. We found that CO, in competition with O2, reversibly inhibits the three enzymes. The inhibition constants Ki for the bo3, bd-I and bd-II oxidases are 2.4 ± 0.3, 0.04 ± 0.01 and 0.2 ± 0.1 μM CO, respectively. Thus, in E. coli, bd-type oxidases are more sensitive to CO inhibition than the heme-copper cytochrome bo3. The possible physiological consequences of this finding are discussed

    Bacterial oxidases of the cytochrome bd family: redox enzymes of unique structure, function, and utility as drug targets

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    Significance: Cytochrome bd is a ubiquinol:oxygen oxidoreductase of many prokaryotic respiratory chains with a unique structure and functional characteristics. Its primary role is to couple the reduction of molecular oxygen, even at submicromolar concentrations, to water with the generation of a proton motive force used for adenosine triphosphate production. Cytochrome bd is found in many bacterial pathogens and, surprisingly, in bacteria formally denoted as anaerobes. It endows bacteria with resistance to various stressors and is a potential drug target. Recent Advances: We summarize recent advances in the biochemistry, structure, and physiological functions of cytochrome bd in the light of exciting new three-dimensional structures of the oxidase. The newly discovered roles of cytochrome bd in contributing to bacterial protection against hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, peroxynitrite, and hydrogen sulfide are assessed. Critical Issues: Fundamental questions remain regarding the precise delineation of electron flow within this multihaem oxidase and how the extraordinarily high affinity for oxygen is accomplished, while endowing bacteria with resistance to other small ligands. Future Directions: It is clear that cytochrome bd is unique in its ability to confer resistance to toxic small molecules, a property that is significant for understanding the propensity of pathogens to possess this oxidase. Since cytochrome bd is a uniquely bacterial enzyme, future research should focus on harnessing fundamental knowledge of its structure and function to the development of novel and effective antibacterial agents

    Cytochrome bd protects bacteria against oxidative and nitrosative stress: a potential target for next-generation antimicrobial agents

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    Cytochrome bd is a terminal quinol oxidase of the bacterial respiratory chain. This tri-heme integral membrane protein generates a proton motive force at lower efficiency than heme-copper oxidases. This notwithstanding, under unfavorable growth conditions bacteria often use cytochrome bd in place of heme-copper enzymes as the main terminal oxidase. This is the case for several pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria during host colonization. This review summarizes recent data on the contribution of cytochrome bd to bacterial resistance to hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and peroxynitrite, harmful species produced by the host as part of the immune response to microbial infections. Growing evidence supports the hypothesis that bd-type oxidases contribute to bacterial virulence by promoting microbial survival under oxidative and nitrosative stress conditions. For these reasons, cytochrome bd represents a protein target for the development of next-generation antimicrobials

    Adaptation of aerobic respiration to low O2 environments

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    Aerobic respiration in bacteria, Archaea, and mitochondria is performed by oxygen reductase members of the heme-copper oxidoreductase superfamily. These enzymes are redox-driven proton pumps which conserve part of the free energy released from oxygen reduction to generate a proton motive force. The oxygen reductases can be divided into three main families based on evolutionary and structural analyses (A-, B- and C-families), with the B- and C-families evolving after the A-family. The A-family utilizes two proton input channels to transfer protons for pumping and chemistry, whereas the B- and C-families require only one. Generally, the B- and C-families also have higher apparent oxygen affinities than the A-family. Here we use whole cell proton pumping measurements to demonstrate differential proton pumping efficiencies between representatives of the A-, B-, and C-oxygen reductase families. The A-family has a coupling stoichiometry of 1 H+/e-, whereas the B- and C-families have coupling stoichiometries of 0.5 H+/e-. The differential proton pumping stoichiometries, along with differences in the structures of the proton-conducting channels, place critical constraints on models of the mechanism of proton pumping. Most significantly, it is proposed that the adaptation of aerobic respiration to low oxygen environments resulted in a concomitant reduction in energy conservation efficiency, with important physiological and ecological consequences

    Rehabilitación oral en paciente con amelogénesis imperfecta tipo I

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    Trabajo académicoReporta la rehabilitación bucal de un paciente de sexo masculino de 16 años de edad, con diagnóstico de Amelogénesis Imperfecta Tipo I (Hipoplásica), atendido en el Servicio de Pacientes Medicamente Comprometidos del Departamento de Odontología del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño. Una vez definido el diagnostico se optó por realizar un plan de tratamiento que incluya las fase educativa, fase preventiva, fase curativa, fase rehabilitadora y la fase de mantenimiento. En la fase de rehabilitación se planificó tratamientos de máxima conservación de estructura dental por lo que se realizó con coronas de resina y acero, mostrado una evolución favorable

    High-resolution structural insights into the heliorhodopsin family

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    Rhodopsins are the most abundant light-harvesting proteins. A new family of rhodopsins, heliorhodopsins (HeRs), has recently been discovered. Unlike in the known rhodopsins, in HeRs the N termini face the cytoplasm. The function of HeRs remains unknown. We present the structures of the bacterial HeR-48C12 in two states at the resolution of 1.5 Å, which highlight its remarkable difference from all known rhodopsins. The interior of HeR's extracellular part is completely hydrophobic, while the cytoplasmic part comprises a cavity (Schiff base cavity [SBC]) surrounded by charged amino acids and containing a cluster of water molecules, presumably being a primary proton acceptor from the Schiff base. At acidic pH, a planar triangular molecule (acetate) is present in the SBC. Structure-based bioinformatic analysis identified 10 subfamilies of HeRs, suggesting their diverse biological functions. The structures and available data suggest an enzymatic activity of HeR-48C12 subfamily and their possible involvement in fundamental redox biological processes