810 research outputs found

    Quorum-quenching activity of the AHL-lactonase from <i>Bacillus licheniformis</i> DAHB1 inhibits vibrio biofilm formation in vitro and reduces shrimp intestinal colonisation and mortality

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a significant cause of gastroenteritis resulting from the consumption of undercooked sea foods and often cause significant infections in shrimp aquaculture. Vibrio virulence is associated with biofilm formation and is regulated by N-acylated homoserine lactone (AHL)-mediated quorum sensing. In an attempt to reduce vibrio colonisation of shrimps and mortality, we screened native intestinal bacilli from Indian white shrimps (Fenneropenaeus indicus) for an isolate which showed biofilm-inhibitory activity (quorum quenching) against the pathogen V. parahaemolyticus DAHP1. The AHL-lactonase (AiiA) expressed by one of these, Bacillus licheniformis DAHB1, was characterised as having a broad-spectrum AHL substrate specificity and intrinsic resistance to the acid conditions of the shrimp intestine. Purified recombinant AiiA inhibited vibrio biofilm development in a cover slip assay and significantly attenuated infection and mortality in shrimps reared in a recirculation aquaculture system. Investigation of intestinal samples also showed that AiiA treatment also reduced vibrio viable counts and biofilm development as determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) imaging. These findings suggest that the B. licheniformis DAHB1 quorum-quenching AiiA might be developed for use as a prophylactic treatment to inhibit or reduce vibrio colonisation and mortality of shrimps in aquaculture

    Dietary Methods of Curing Diseases in the Scriptures of Law

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    Physical well-being is essential to a person's mental development and spiritual progress. When the diet is set properly, the body can live without disease. The only way to treat the disease is to know the status of the disease and take the appropriate diet and medicine while knowing the diet. Thus our ancestors followed a diet for disease and had food as medicine. Thus lived a long day healthy. It is better to keep the body healthy than to get sick. Otherwise, the living days will be reduced and the living days will become miserable. The judicial texts places great emphasis on diet. Through it, we will set up a diet that is naturally healthy and follow the diet to find ways to get healthy without getting sick

    Impact of Viewer's Perception on Effectiveness of Couple Image Sex Appeal Advertisements

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    The present study examined the Influence of Youth's general perception towards use of sex appeal in advertisements on effectiveness of Advertisements using varying degree of intimacy between couple images as a tool for promotion. General Linear Model MANOVA was applied and results indicate that perception influences the effectiveness of Advertisements at multivariate level. At univariate level the influence proved significant for Wild and Mild stimuli not for moderate appeal. Keywords: Perception, Couple Image sexual stimuli, Advertisement Recognition, Brand Recall, TV Advertisements

    Vanity of Indians and the Success of the Cosmetic Advertisements

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    The quest for adornment is a global passion and Indians are no exception to it. Indian Cosmetic market is a multi Billion Market (Lifestyle, 2012) and reportedly growing at 15-20% annually. Though it was observed that demand for skin whitening products by both the genders is the main drive of the bullish trend in the cosmetic market, the same can’t undermine the substantial contribution of the other beauty products. This growing vanity of Indians widens the scope for global cosmetic marketers and not much scholarly light has been thrown upon this area. Hence, this present study concentrates on the influence of Gender and Social status on Physical and Achievement variables and how a latent variable Vanity explains Physical and Achievement, finally the effect of Vanity on Cosmetic Product Advertisement Effectiveness. A sample of 350 was collected from Tamil Nadu Pondicherry, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar by adopting non-probability convenience sampling method. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the complex relationship between variables and test the Hypotheses. Results indicate irrespective of Gender and Social status people are concerned about their appearance and success in life and vanity has a significant role to play towards the likelihood of remembering cosmetic advertisements. The findings of this research may have implications for marketers, Advertising professionals and researchers. Keywords: Vanity, Cosmetic Advertisements, Gender, Social Status, SEM

    Influence of gender and locality on achievement in physics among matriculation students of Krishnagiri district of Tamilnadu

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    The aim of the present study was to measure the influence of Gender and Locality on the Achievement in Physics among the Matriculation Students of Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu. The study belongs to the Normative Survey Research. The sample consists of 350 students of which 190 Urban and 160 Rural students. There are 234 boys and 116 girls totally. The investigators constructed an Achievement Test in Physics consisting of 120 items with 4 alternatives. To find out the significant difference with regard to the variables,lf test was followed. It was found that the achievement of boys in physics in Urban Matriculation schools were significantly higher than their counter part. The higher achievement of the Urban boys and Urban girls may be due to the reasons of higher motivation of the parents, higher instructional facilities, competition among the motivated students and higher students general awareness

    A Comprehensive Revise on Discovering Public Media Psychological Disorders through Online Public Media Search

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    The explosive increase in social networking popularity results in problem usage. A number of social mental illnesses in the network have been reported, including cyber relationship dependence, overload of information and Net Compulsion. The symptoms of these psychiatric illnesses are mostly passively observed today and lead to delayed treatment procedure. We do not rely on self-review of these mental factors through questionnaires in psychology, as our methodology is new and groundbreaking with regard to SNMD detection. We instead provide a deep learning system that exploits features taken from the social network's data to correctly classify possible SNMD incidents. We also suggest the social network's mental disorder detection framework. In order to increase precision, we also use multi-source training in SNMDD and suggest a new SNMD-based tensor model. We further enhance reliability with accuracy guarantees in order to maximize STM's scalability. Our system is assessed by a sample analysis of 3126 apps. A function analysis and SNMDD on massive databases are performed and the properties of the three categories of SNMD analyzed. The findings demonstrate that SNMDD is good at finding consumers of future SNMDs online social network

    Negative values expressed in Vannadasan's work

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    Tamil literature has a continuity of more than two thousand years. Literature is the gateway to the present and the future for oneself and one's own society. It helps to know the past society and living conditions. Creativity can convey the ideas people need or people's thoughts. The experience a person gets while learning such creativity sometimes causes positive thoughts and negative thoughts. Learning to think and act positively is essential to change negative situations. Only a man who has seen many failures can create a steady path of success. In this situation, Vannadasan is a great creator who is moving forward in life by taking positive experiences from fellow human beings. If one wants to excel as a high man, it is better that the thoughts that appear in the heart also be high. One should agree with the people living in the society with affection and attachment. It is known in the way of Vannadhasan's work that when we help each other and understand each other's feelings, relationships improve and we act in such a way that the values ​​are identified by us

    Eating Disorders among Indian Adolescents

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    Objective: To assess and compare the prevalence and risk for eating disorders (ED) among middle and late adolescents in India.Materials and Methods: A prospective study conducted among 1855 adolescents of age group 14 years to 19 years from four schools and three colleges in Mangalore city. A standardized structured questionnaire was used to evaluate the subjects’ attitude toward and preoccupation with food, dieting, eating, physical appearance, and personal control over eating. Eating Attitudes Test questionnaire (EAT-26), consisting of 26 questions that assess the symptoms and concerns that are characteristic of eating disorders and four additional questions to asses weight control behavior patterns adapted. Participants who scored 20 and above on EAT were considered to have eating disorder that would require professional attention.Results: 1855 students participated in the study and completed the self-report EAT-26. Among the study participants, 47.3% were in mid-adolescence and 52.7% in late-adolescent age group respectively. 26.7% of participants scored 20 and above; scores attained were correlated with the behavioral patterns adapted which was found to be statistically significant, indicating a high risk for development of eating disorders among adolescents. Higher prevalence of eating disorder was noted in those with increased BMI (p-value <0.0001) but age and gender did not have a significant influence.Conclusion: Eating disorders and subthreshold eating conditions are prevalent in sample of Indian adolescents and were strongly associated with psychological, behavioral and socio-environmental domains, which show the necessity of initiating routine screening programs and intervention programs to control eating disorders among Indian adolescents. Further evaluation, counseling and follow-up with a qualified professional is essential to rule out any underlying cause for eating disorder

    Fixed drug eruption associated with fixed combination of fluoroquinolone-nitroimidazole

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    Fixed drug eruptions (FDE) are cutaneous adverse drug reaction characterized by well demarcated erythematous plaques which on removal of the offending agent resolves with residual hyperpigmentation patches at the site. FDE to nitroimidazoles and fluoroquinolones have nevertheless been infrequently reported. Awareness about the adverse reaction to the fluoroquinolone-nitroimidazole combination drug and also the likelihood of recurrence with same or similar drugs and the possible cross reaction is eminent. Hereby we report one such case of FDE to ciprofloxacin/tinidazole combination