20,553 research outputs found

    Differentiating patterns of violence in the family

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    The feasibility and prevalence of Reciprocal, Hierarchical and Paternal patterns of family aggression hypothesised by Dixon and Browne (2003) were explored within a sample of maltreating families. The psychological reports of 67 families referred to services for alleged child maltreatment that evidenced concurrent physical intimate partner violence and child maltreatment were investigated. Of these, 29 (43.3%) cases were characterised by hierarchical; 28 (41.8%) Reciprocal and 10 (14.9%) Paternal patterns. Significant differences in the form of child maltreatment perpetrated by mothers and fathers and parent dyads living in different patterns were found. In Hierarchical sub-patterns, fathers were significantly more likely to have been convicted for a violent and/or sexual offence than mothers and were significantly less likely to be biologically related to the child. The findings demonstrate the existence of the different patterns in a sample of families involved in the Child Care Protection process in England and Wales, supporting the utility of a holistic approach to understanding aggression in the family

    Limits and dynamics of stochastic neuronal networks with random heterogeneous delays

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    Realistic networks display heterogeneous transmission delays. We analyze here the limits of large stochastic multi-populations networks with stochastic coupling and random interconnection delays. We show that depending on the nature of the delays distributions, a quenched or averaged propagation of chaos takes place in these networks, and that the network equations converge towards a delayed McKean-Vlasov equation with distributed delays. Our approach is mostly fitted to neuroscience applications. We instantiate in particular a classical neuronal model, the Wilson and Cowan system, and show that the obtained limit equations have Gaussian solutions whose mean and standard deviation satisfy a closed set of coupled delay differential equations in which the distribution of delays and the noise levels appear as parameters. This allows to uncover precisely the effects of noise, delays and coupling on the dynamics of such heterogeneous networks, in particular their role in the emergence of synchronized oscillations. We show in several examples that not only the averaged delay, but also the dispersion, govern the dynamics of such networks.Comment: Corrected misprint (useless stopping time) in proof of Lemma 1 and clarified a regularity hypothesis (remark 1

    Renormalization group approach to matrix models via noncommutative space

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    We develop a new renormalization group approach to the large-N limit of matrix models. It has been proposed that a procedure, in which a matrix model of size (N-1) \times (N-1) is obtained by integrating out one row and column of an N \times N matrix model, can be regarded as a renormalization group and that its fixed point reveals critical behavior in the large-N limit. We instead utilize the fuzzy sphere structure based on which we construct a new map (renormalization group) from N \times N matrix model to that of rank N-1. Our renormalization group has great advantage of being a nice analog of the standard renormalization group in field theory. It is naturally endowed with the concept of high/low energy, and consequently it is in a sense local and admits derivative expansions in the space of matrices. In construction we also find that our renormalization in general generates multi-trace operators, and that nonplanar diagrams yield a nonlocal operation on a matrix, whose action is to transport the matrix to the antipode on the sphere. Furthermore the noncommutativity of the fuzzy sphere is renormalized in our formalism. We then analyze our renormalization group equation, and Gaussian and nontrivial fixed points are found. We further clarify how to read off scaling dimensions from our renormalization group equation. Finally the critical exponent of the model of two-dimensional gravity based on our formalism is examined.Comment: 1+42 pages, 4 figure

    A systematic review of the discriminating biomechanical parameters during the single leg squat

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    Objective: To determine whether there are common biomechanical parameters when analysing the single leg squat movement to compare pathological and non-pathological groups and whether these parameters are able to effectively distinguish between groups. Methods: Five electronic databases were searched using MESH terms, keywords and phrases across four constructs: squat, biomechanical measures, region of interest, study design. Studies were selected based on inclusion of a quantitative biomechanical measure, compared between a pathological and a non-pathological group, and participants performed a single leg squat movement. Results: Fifteen studies were included and reviewed, where the majority of studies investigated patellofemoral pain. There was considerable variation in the biomechanical outcome measure used to compare between groups. The frontal plane projection angle was the most commonly reported measure. There was considerable variation in the manner in which the single leg squat was performed. Conclusion: Due to variation in how the single leg squat was performed, it was not possible to determine specific biomechanical parameters that distinguish between pathological and non-pathological groups. Frontal plane projection angle appeared to be a parameter that could be effectively utilised. Standardisation of the single leg squat movement is needed to allow comparison between studies of pathological and non-pathological groups

    The effect of distance on reaction time in aiming movements

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    Target distance affects movement duration in aiming tasks but its effect on reaction time (RT) is poorly documented. RT is a function of both preparation and initiation. Experiment 1 pre-cued movement (allowing advanced preparation) and found no influence of distance on RT. Thus, target distance does not affect initiation time. Experiment 2 removed pre-cue information and found that preparing a movement of increased distance lengthens RT. Experiment 3 explored movements to targets of cued size at non-cued distances and found size altered peak speed and movement duration but RT was influenced by distance alone. Thus, amplitude influences preparation time (for reasons other than altered duration) but not initiation time. We hypothesise that the RT distance effect might be due to the increased number of possible trajectories associated with further targets: a hypothesis that can be tested in future experiments

    Wilson chains are not thermal reservoirs

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    Wilson chains, based on a logarithmic discretization of a continuous spectrum, are widely used to model an electronic (or bosonic) bath for Kondo spins and other quantum impurities within the numerical renormalization group method and other numerical approaches. In this short note we point out that Wilson chains can not serve as thermal reservoirs as their temperature changes by a number of order Delta E when a finite amount of energy Delta E is added. This proves that for a large class of non-equilibrium problems they cannot be used to predict the long-time behavior.Comment: 2 page


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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the study programs of costing subjects in three business administration courses. The qualitative and exploratory study involved the content analysis of the subjects’ study programs and the conduction of semi-structured interviews with professors and coordinators. Findings uncover a concern with turning the teaching of costs less operational by directing it to the management process. They also indicate that the changes in business did not impact the programs as much as expected and admit the importance of costing techniques, even though it is not easy to adjust the contents taught to the needs generated by the fast changing external scenery. The teaching of costs is given preference in industrial companies over the commerce and service area. To conclude, the study supplied information that may induce reflection on the pertinence, present relevance and adequacy of the contents of this area taught in business administration courses.El objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar los planes de estudio de las asignaturas del área de costos en tres cursos de administración de empresas. El estudio, cualitativo y exploratorio, abarcó el análisis de los contenidos de los planes de enseñanza de las asignaturas y la realización de encuestas semiestructuradas con profesores y coordinadores. Los resultados señalan la preocupación por hacer que la enseñanza de costos sea menos operacional, volcándose más para los procesos de gestión, indican que los cambios en el área de los negocios no tuvieron el impacto esperado en los planes de estudio y reconocen la importancia de las técnicas de costeo, aunque haya dificultades para adaptar los contenidos enseñados a las necesidades generadas por los rápidos cambios ocurridos en el ámbito externo. Se privilegia la enseñanza de costos en empresas en detrimento del área de comercio y servicios. Se concluye que el estudio aportó informaciones que pueden generar reflexiones respecto de la importancia, actualidad y adecuación de los contenidos enseñadas en esta área en cursos de administración. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os programas de ensino das disciplinas da área de custos em três cursos de administração de empresas. O estudo, qualitativo e exploratório, envolveu a análise do conteúdo dos planos de ensino das disciplinas e a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores e coordenadores. Os resultados mostram a preocupação em tornar o ensino de custos menos operacional, voltando-o para o processo de gestão, indicam que as mudanças no campo dos negócios não impactaram os programas quanto deveriam e reconhecem a importância das técnicas de custeio, embora haja dificuldades em se adequar os conteúdos ensinados às necessidades geradas pelas rápidas modificações no cenário externo. É privilegiado o ensino de custos em empresas industriais em detrimento da área de comércio e serviços. Conclui-se que o estudo forneceu informações que podem gerar reflexões sobre a pertinência, atualidade e adequação dos conteúdos ensinados nesta área em cursos de administração

    Mindfulness-based interventions for young offenders: a scoping review

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    Youth offending is a problem worldwide. Young people in the criminal justice system have frequently experienced adverse childhood circumstances, mental health problems, difficulties regulating emotions and poor quality of life. Mindfulness-based interventions can help people manage problems resulting from these experiences, but their usefulness for youth offending populations is not clear. This review evaluated existing evidence for mindfulness-based interventions among such populations. To be included, each study used an intervention with at least one of the three core components of mindfulness-based stress reduction (breath awareness, body awareness, mindful movement) that was delivered to young people in prison or community rehabilitation programs. No restrictions were placed on methods used. Thirteen studies were included: three randomized controlled trials, one controlled trial, three pre-post study designs, three mixed-methods approaches and three qualitative studies. Pooled numbers (n = 842) comprised 99% males aged between 14 and 23. Interventions varied so it was not possible to identify an optimal approach in terms of content, dose or intensity. Studies found some improvement in various measures of mental health, self-regulation, problematic behaviour, substance use, quality of life and criminal propensity. In those studies measuring mindfulness, changes did not reach statistical significance. Qualitative studies reported participants feeling less stressed, better able to concentrate, manage emotions and behaviour, improved social skills and that the interventions were acceptable. Generally low study quality limits the generalizability of these findings. Greater clarity on intervention components and robust mixed-methods evaluation would improve clarity of reporting and better guide future youth offending prevention programs