282 research outputs found
The article explores the problem of understanding the essence of aesthetic emotions and their connection with artistic and expressive means in musical art by junior pupils. The main objectives of the process of modeling aesthetic emotions by junior pupils in music class are determined. The paper cites parts of junior school music classes in which the pupils got acquainted with a matrix that allows identifying the moods and feelings expressed by different kinds of music, analyzes the means of musical expressiveness, and creates a model of the aesthetic emotions of the sublime and the comic. The rationale for using the methods of plastic and color modeling of music in the process of comprehending the content is explained.El artículo explora el problema de comprender la esencia de las emociones estéticas y su conexión con los medios artísticos y expresivos en el arte musical de los alumnos menores. Se determinan los objetivos principales del proceso de modelado de emociones estéticas por parte de los alumnos menores en la clase de música. El documento cita partes de las clases de música de la escuela secundaria en las que los alumnos se familiarizaron con una matriz que permite identificar los estados de ánimo y los sentimientos expresados por diferentes tipos de música, analiza los medios de expresividad musical y crea un modelo de las emociones estéticas de lo sublime. y el cómic Se explica la justificación del uso de los métodos de modelado plástico y de color de la música en el proceso de comprensión del contenido.O artigo explora o problema de compreender a essência das emoções estéticas e sua conexão com os meios artísticos e expressivos na arte musical pelos alunos juniores. Os principais objetivos do processo de modelar emoções estéticas por alunos juniores na aula de música são determinados. O artigo cita partes das aulas de música nas escolas primárias, nas quais os alunos se familiarizam com uma matriz que permite identificar os humores e sentimentos expressos por diferentes tipos de música, analisa os meios de expressividade musical e cria um modelo das emoções estéticas do sublime e os quadrinhos. A justificativa para o uso dos métodos de modelagem plástica e de cores da música no processo de compreensão do conteúdo é explicada
Nonspecific response of Lake Baikal phytoplankton to anthropogenic impact
In this study, we present the first results on oxidation stress in Lake Baikal phytoplankton and its adaptation to environmental changes under anthropogenic impact. As was shown, the changing of the dominant species of phytoplankton collected from the surface water layer (~0.3 m) took place from February to June 2021. Phytoplankton were collected at a nearshore station (a littoral station at a distance of ~0.01 km from the shoreline, depth to bottom is ~5 m) and an offshore station (a pelagic station at a distance of ~1 km from the shoreline, depth to bottom is ~543 m). In February, dinoflagellates were dominant (~40 %) as well as diatoms (≤33 %) and green algae (≤12 %). Their biomass was 100 mg·m–3. In March, chrysophytes were dominant (up to 50 %) as well as cryptophytes (≤43 %) and dinoflagellates (≤30 %). Their biomass was 160–270 mg·m–3. In April, biomass increased up to 700–3100 mg·m–3 with the dominance of large cell dinoflagellates (up to 99 %), chrysophytes (up to 50 %), and cryptophytes (up to 35 %). By the end of the first decade of May, the percentage of dinoflagellates decreased and that of cryptophytes increased. In the second decade of May, the percentage of diatoms increased up to ~26–38 % but phytoplankton biomass was minimal (13–30 mg·m–3). By June, the percentage of diatoms in the samples reached 44–75 % at 60–550 mg·m–3. The oxidation stress of phytoplankton as a nonspecific adaptive response to a prolonged, intensive, or recurrent effect of a stress factor was estimated from the content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). The mean content of these substances (markers of the lipid peroxidation) was determined spectrophotometrically. The oxidation stress of phytoplankton was revealed only when diatom algae dominated. It can be explained by adaptation of algae of other classes to the stress factor. The content of the lipid peroxidation markers in the coastal phytoplankton collected close to the settlement of Listvyanka known as a large touristic center was estimated from 100 to 500 μg·g–1 of dry weight of sample. During the period of diatom blooming in 2016 and 2018, oxidation stress of phytoplankton collected near large settlements was found. In phytoplankton from deep-water pelagic stations most remote from settlements, stress was not revealed. Using the method of gas chromatography, we showed a lower (up to 15 %) content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in phytoplankton characterized by stress occurrence. This confirms cell membrane damages. In Lake Baikal surface water, we found a higher content of synthetic anionic surfactants (sodium alkylbenzene sulfonates), which are components of detergents and cause oxidation stress of hydrobionts (up to 30 ± 4 μg·L–1). The presence of these substances in a water ecosystem can result in exhausting of phytoplankton cell resources, homeostasis imbalance, stress, pathological changes, and rearrangements in phytoplankton assemblage
Fortification of food with micronutrients: development of methodological and regulatory framework in the Russian Federation
The available scientific literature, domestic and international regulatory codes of normative documents concerning the fortification of various types of food products have been analyzed. The groups of food products of conventional and regular consumption included into the diets of all categories of consumers, recommended for fortification with essential micronutrients, have been determined: wheat and cereal flour (spelt wheat, buckwheat, oat, corn flour, etc.); pastry; milk and dairy products, including ice cream; non-alcoholic soft drinks; mineralized drinking water; fruit and vegetable juices; fat and oil products (vegetable oils, margarines, spreads, mayonnaise); confectionery and sweets (pastry, sugar, chocolate); cereals (breakfast cereals, muesli, ready-to-eat extruded cereals, instant pasta and cereals, mixtures for bakery, flour for sweet pastry); food concentrates (jelly, instant drinks, concentrates of sweet foods, instant food, instant cereal concentrates); table salt. The groups of food products assigned for certain categories of population are used as part of therapeutic diets for patients with various diseases (metabolic disorder syndrome, cardio-vascular system pathology with atherosclerotic vascular injury, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal tract diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetic nephropathy, etc.), as well as assigned to reduce the risk of diseases developing, the nutrients are recommended for targeted fortification of certain types of food. Examples of micronutrients fortification of sausages and minced meat semifinished products are given below. Requirements for fortification of mass consumption food products and for fortification of foods for special dietary uses are formulated in this article, the amount of fortifying components in the various groups of food products are justified, ensuring their efficiency for improving the micronutrient status and safety of its consumption. Based on the analysis of the available scientific literature, domestic and international regulatory framework of normative documents on fortification of various types of food products, recommendations have been developed for fortification of food with micronutrients
Beneficial Effects of a Q-ter® Based Nutritional Mixture on Functional Performance, Mitochondrial Function, and Oxidative Stress in Rats
BackgroundMitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are central mechanisms underlying the aging process and the pathogenesis of many age-related diseases. Selected antioxidants and specific combinations of nutritional compounds could target many biochemical pathways that affect both oxidative stress and mitochondrial function and, thereby, preserve or enhance physical performance.Methodology/principal findingsIn this study, we evaluated the potential anti-aging benefits of a Q-ter based nutritional mixture (commercially known as Eufortyn) mainly containing the following compounds: terclatrated coenzyme Q(10) (Q-ter), creatine and a standardized ginseng extract. We found that Eufortyn supplementation significantly ameliorated the age-associated decreases in grip strength and gastrocnemius subsarcolemmal mitochondria Ca(2+) retention capacity when initiated in male Fischer344 x Brown Norway rats at 21 months, but not 29 months, of age. Moreover, the increases in muscle RNA oxidation and subsarcolemmal mitochondrial protein carbonyl levels, as well as the decline of total urine antioxidant power, which develop late in life, were mitigated by Eufortyn supplementation in rats at 29 months of age.Conclusions/significanceThese data imply that Eufortyn is efficacious in reducing oxidative damage, improving the age-related mitochondrial functional decline, and preserving physical performance when initiated in animals at early midlife (21 months). The efficacy varied, however, according to the age at which the supplementation was provided, as initiation in late middle age (29 months) was incapable of restoring grip strength and mitochondrial function. Therefore, the Eufortyn supplementation may be particularly beneficial when initiated prior to major biological and functional declines that appear to occur with advancing age
Возраст грязевой брекчии грязев ых вулканов Академического хреб та озера Байка
Lake Baikal is the only freshwater reservoir on Earth with gas-hydrate accumulations in its bottom sediments, partly due to the activity of mud volcanoes. This paper describes a group of mud volcanoes recently discovered on the slope of the Academician Ridge between the northern and central Lake Baikal basins. Our analysis of diatom skeletons in the mud breccia sampled from the study area shows a high abundance of Cyclotella iris et var. These extinct species were also discovered in a core sample from BDP-98 borehole. Based on the biostratigraphic and seis-mostratigraphic correlations, the age of the mud breccia in the studied mud volcanoes ranges from the Late Miocene to the Early Pliocene (4.6 to 5.6 Ma). The correlations suggest that the material originated from a depth of less than 310 m below the lake bottom
Primary School Children’s Vandalism: The Problem of Upbringing and Interaction in Russian Families
The study is devoted to the problem of primary school children’s vandalism, and particularly its connection with child-parent relationships on the example of Russian families. We define the main predictors of a child’s vandal activity on the basis of psychological diagnostics of 228 8–9-year-old children and the assessment of the frequency and specifics of their vandal behaviour by their 228 parents. The children are classified into 3 groups by the extent of their propensity for vandalism. The complex analysis identifies personal and emotional factors influencing the frequency of a child’s acts of destruction and transformation of other people’s items, devaluation of their own and others’ things including those explained by the covert desire to acquire new items. The research findings confirm a significant role of the parent-child relationships in the formation of the child’s readiness for vandal behaviour. In particular, we prove that limitation of a child’s freedom by excessive strictness and hyper protection aggravates children’s propensity for vandalism
Project approach to training teachers for secondary vocational education
При проектном подходе к подготовке педагогических кадров для среднего профессионального образования изменяются взаимоотношения между заказчиками – учебными заведениями СПО и профессионально-педагогическим вузом, отвечающим за подготовку квалифицированных педагогов профессионального обученияThe design approach to the preparation of teachers for secondary vocational education changed the relationship between customers – educational institutions of secondary vocational and vocational-pedagogical University responsible for the training of qualified, meeting the requirements of the act, teachers of vocational trainin
New Online Ecology of Adversarial Aggregates: ISIS and beyond
Support for extremist entities - whether from the far right, or far left -
often manages to survive globally online despite significant external pressure,
and may ultimately inspire violent acts by individuals having no obvious prior
history of extremism. Examining longitudinal records of extremist online
activity, we uncovered an ecology evolving on a daily timescale that drives
online support, and we provide a mathematical theory that describes it. The
ecology features self-organized aggregates (online groups such as on Facebook
or another social media analog) that proliferate preceding the onset of recent
real-world campaigns, and adopt novel adaptive mechanisms to enhance their
survival. One of the predictions is that development of large, potentially
potent online groups can be thwarted by targeting smaller ones.Comment: Similar to version that appeared in Science (2016
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