4,338 research outputs found

    Phase diagram and influence of defects in the double perovskites

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    The phase diagram of the double perovskites of the type Sr_{2-x} La_x Fe Mo O_6 is analyzed, with and without disorder due to antisites. In addition to an homogeneous half metallic ferrimagnetic phase in the absence of doping and disorder, we find antiferromagnetic phases at large dopings, and other ferrimagnetic phases with lower saturation magnetization, in the presence of disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, some errata correcte

    Incidencia de tuberculosis osteoarticular en el área sanitaria del Hospital de León. 1997-2001

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    Introducción y objetivos: Nos proponemos en este trabajo estudiar la incidencia de tuberculosis en su forma osteoarticular en el área sanitaria del Hospital de León durante los años 1997 a 2001, ambos inclusive. Material y método: Dieciséis casos de tuberculosis osteoarticular confirmados por cultivo microbiológico y/o análisis anatomopatológico fueron incluidos. De ellos, cinco afectaron a columna vertebral, cuatro a rodilla y el resto a otras localizaciones más inusuales. Resultados: De las cinco columnas vertebrales afectadas, tres requirieron tratamiento quirúrgico para descomprimir y estabilizar. En una rodilla se realizó sinovectomía abierta y en otra por artroscopia. Se drenaron abscesos fríos en diferentes localizaciones. Todos los casos recibieron tratamiento médico. Se reflejan los diferentes resultados, desde la restitución ad integrum hasta la anquilosis. Discusión y conclusiones: La incidencia de tuberculosis osteoarticular en nuestra área sanitaria en el periodo 1997-2001 fue del 2% al 4% de todos los cascos de tuberculosis. Hubo una alta incidencia de localizaciones inusuales (muñeca, codo, sacroilíaca).Introduction: Current issue is to study the incidence of osteoarticular tuberculosis, within the sanitary area of the Hospital of Leon. Material and Method: Sixteen cases of osteoarticular tuberculosis confirmed by culture and pathological analysis were included. Five of them involved the raquis and knee. Another cases in unusual local sites. Results: Three of five raquis were managed by decompression and stabilization. One knee was treated by open synovectomy and another one by arthroscopy synovectomy. Cold abscesses were drained in different sites. All cases were treated with drugs. Different results are showed since restitutio ad integrum to anquilosis. Discussion: Osteoarticular tuberculosis incidence in our sanitary area between 1997 to 2001 was 2% to 4%. There was a high incidence for unusual localizations (wrist, elbow and sacroiliaca joints)

    Gauge Fixing in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    Linearized four-derivative gravity with a general gauge fixing term is considered. By a Legendre transform and a suitable diagonalization procedure it is cast into a second-order equivalent form where the nature of the physical degrees of freedom, the gauge ghosts, the Weyl ghosts, and the intriguing "third ghosts", characteristic to higher-derivative theories, is made explicit. The symmetries of the theory and the structure of the compensating Faddeev-Popov ghost sector exhibit non-trivial peculiarities.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Effect of band-filling and structural distortions on the Curie temperature of Fe-Mo double perovkites

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    By means of high resolution neutron powder diffraction at low temperature we have characterized the structural details of LaxSr2xFeMoO6\rm La_{x}Sr_{2-x}FeMoO_6 (0x0.50\leq {\rm x}\leq 0.5) and CaxSr2xFeMoO6\rm Ca_{x}Sr_{2-x}FeMoO_6 (0x0.60\leq {\rm x}\leq 0.6) series of compounds. This study reveals a similar variation of the mean bond-angle \FeOMo in both series. In contrast, the mean bond-distance \FeMoO\ increases with La but not with Ca substitution. Both series also present a different evolution of the Curie temperature (TCT_C), which raises in the La series and slightly decreases in the Ca one. We thus conclude that the enhancement of TCT_C in the La series is due to the electron filling of the conduction band and a concomitant rising of the density of states at the Fermi level.Comment: Revtex, 4 Journal pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Low precision matrix multiplication for efficient deep learning in NVIDIA Carmel processors

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    [EN] We introduce a high performance, multi-threaded realization of the gemm kernel for the ARMv8.2 architecture that operates with 16-bit (half precision)/queryKindly check and confirm whether the corresponding author is correctly identified. floating point operands. Our code is especially designed for efficient machine learning inference (and to a certain extent, also training) with deep neural networks. The results on the NVIDIA Carmel multicore processor, which implements the ARMv8.2 architecture, show considerable performance gains for the gemm kernel, close to the theoretical peak acceleration that could be expected when moving from 32-bit arithmetic/data to 16-bit. Combined with the type of convolution operator arising in convolutional neural networks, the speed-ups are more modest though still relevant.This work was supported by projects TIN2017-82972-R and RTI2018-093684-B-I00 from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, project S2018/TCS-4423 of the Comunidad de Madrid, project PR65/19-22445 of the UCM, and project Prometeo/2019/109 of the Generalitat Valenciana.San Juan-Sebastian, P.; Rodríguez-Sánchez, R.; Igual, FD.; Alonso-Jordá, P.; Quintana-Ortí, ES. (2021). Low precision matrix multiplication for efficient deep learning in NVIDIA Carmel processors. The Journal of Supercomputing. 77(10):11257-11269. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-021-03636-41125711269771

    Surface Localization of Buried III–V Semiconductor Nanostructures

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    In this work, we study the top surface localization of InAs quantum dots once capped by a GaAs layer grown by molecular beam epitaxy. At the used growth conditions, the underneath nanostructures are revealed at the top surface as mounding features that match their density with independence of the cap layer thickness explored (from 25 to 100 nm). The correspondence between these mounds and the buried nanostructures is confirmed by posterior selective strain-driven formation of new nanostructures on top of them, when the distance between the buried and the superficial nanostructures is short enough (d = 25 nm)

    Ausencia de diferenciación ecotípica entre rodales selectos de pino piñonero en la cuenca del Duero

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    The relicts of stone pine forests on marly or even gypsiferous slopes with high pH values induced the hypothesis of a possible genetic adaptation to this site types, marginal for a species normally growing on siliceous sandy plains. Actually, the forest reproductive materials from selected seed stands on those slopes are used preferably for forestations on analogous sites. In 1998, a multi-site comparative test was established with plant lots obtained from seven selected seed stands and two non-selected seed sources. At least up to the age of eight years, the saplings did not show any significant differentiation among basic materials in outplanting success, survival, vegetative phase change, height or diameter growth, whereas a common, strong phenotypic plasticity among test sites was observed. Hence there seems to be no reason for managing separately seed lots and plants of the same provenance and certify category (e.g. selected reproductive material) instead of mixing them.La presencia de masas relícticas de pino piñonero sobre cuestas margosas de elevado pH, dentro de la región de procedencia Meseta Norte ha dado lugar a un manejo separado de su material forestal de reproducción por una posible adaptación diferenciada que le conferiría un especial interés para la restauración forestal de estaciones análogas, definiéndose para tal fin unos rodales selectos en las mejores masas sobre cuesta. En 1998, se instaló en esta región un ensayo comparativo de materiales forestales de reproducción de esta región de procedencia de Pinus pinea en varios sitios de ensayo. Tras ocho años, se estudia el comportamiento de los distintos lotes de planta obtenidos de semilla de siete rodales selectos y se compara con dos fuentes de semilla testigo, analizando el arraigo y la supervivencia inicial, el cambio de fase juvenil-adulto y el crecimiento en altura y en diámetro. Contrasta la gran plasticidad fenotípica observada entre sitios de ensayo frente a la diferenciación casi nula entre rodales de origen, al menos en esta fase inicial de establecimiento de la masa. Estos resultados no apoyan el manejo por separado de los materiales de reproducción de una misma categoría, justificándose la mezcla y el manejo común de los lotes de semilla cosechados en los diferentes rodales selectos de la misma región de procedencia