345 research outputs found

    Experimental and theoretical investigations of the near-ground propagation of acoustic radiation in the atmosphere

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    Near-ground propagation of monochromatic acoustic radiation at frequencies of 300, 1000, 2000, and 3150 Hz along atmospheric paths up to 100 m long is investigated experimentally and theoretically depending on altitudes of the acoustic source and receiver. The experiment was carried out at the experimental site of the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems (IMCES) using a specially developed setup. The dependence of the recorded sound pressure level on the propagation path length and initial signal power is analyzed. The theoretical analysis is performed by the Monte Carlo method using the local estimation algorithm developed by the authors. The comparison of the experimental and theoretical results shows their satisfactory agreement, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and its applicability to predicting the near-ground sound propagation


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    The carbon paste electrodes (CPE) in various degree modified by crosslinked N-2-sulfoehylchitosan with substitution degree of 0.5 are for the first time created. The CPE main electrochemical properties as potentiometric sensors for silver (I) determination (slope, detection limit, linear range of electrode function) are studied. It is shown that all studied CPE in ammonium acetate buffer solution have the super-Nernstian slopes. It is established that ion-selective electrode with a 10 % content of modifier has the lowest detection limit of copper (II) and silver (I), equal 3.2∙10-7 mol/dm3 and 6.3∙10‑8 mol/dm3, respectively. For this sensor a response time and potentiometric selectivity coefficients are defined. Negative logarithms of the selectivity coefficients defined with respect to nickel (II), cobalt (II), lead (II), copper (II), calcium, zinc, strontium, sodium and potassium ions, are equal 4.64, 4.40, 4.38, 4.11, 3.16, 3.06, 4.41, 3.04 and 3.04, respectively. The measurement technique of a silver mass content in solders tin and tin-lead by a potentiometric titration method with use as indicator CPE with the 10 % modifier content is developed. The characteristics of the measurement error are determined, certification is carried out.Keywords: potentiometric titration, modified carbon paste electrodes, silver, N-2-sulfoethylchitosan, tin and tin-lead solders.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.008 L.K. Neudachina, Iu.S. Petrova, D.A. Rakov Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin», Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation Впервые созданы угольно-пастовые электроды (УПЭ), в различной степени модифицированные сшитым глутаровым альдегидом N-2-сульфоэтилхитозаном со степенью замещения атомов водорода аминогруппы 0.5 (СЭХ 0.5). Изучены основные электрохимические свойства УПЭ как потенциометрических сенсоров для определения меди (II) и серебра (I) (предел обнаружения, крутизна, диапазон линейности электродной функции). Показано, что все исследуемые УПЭ в аммиачно-ацетатном буферном растворе обладают сверхнернстовской крутизной электродной функции. Установлено, что наименьшим пределом обнаружения меди (II) и серебра (I), равным 3.2∙10-7 моль/дм3 и 6.3∙10-8 моль/дм3, соответственно, обладает ионоселективный электрод с 10 % содержанием модификатора. Для данного сенсора определены время отклика на ионы серебра (I) и коэффициенты потенциометрической селективности. Отрицательные логарифмы коэффициентов селективности, определенных по отношению к ионам никеля (II), кобальта (II), свинца (II), меди (II), кальция, цинка, стронция, натрия и калия, составили 4.64, 4.40, 4.38, 4.11, 3.16, 3.06, 4.41, 3.04 и 3.04 соответственно. Разработана методика измерений массовой доли серебра в припоях оловянных и оловянно-свинцовых методом потенциометрического титрования с использованием в качестве индикаторного УПЭ с 10%-ным содержанием СЭХ 0.5. Определены характеристики погрешности измерений по данной методике, проведена ее аттестация.Ключевые слова: потенциометрическое титрование, модифицированные угольно-пастовые электроды, серебро, N-2-сульфоэтилхитозан, оловянные и оловянно-свинцовые припои.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.008

    Increased Production of Outer Membrane Vesicles by Salmonella Interferes with Complement-Mediated Innate Immune Attack

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    Bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) enriched with bioactive proteins, toxins, and virulence factors play a critical role in host-pathogen and microbial interactions. The two-component system PhoP-PhoQ (PhoPQ) of Salmonella enterica orchestrates the remodeling of outer membrane lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules and concomitantly upregulates OMV production. In this study, we document a novel use of nanoparticle tracking analysis to determine bacterial OMV size and number. Among the PhoPQ-activated genes tested,; pagC; expression had the most significant effect on the upregulation of OMV production. We provide the first evidence that PhoPQ-mediated upregulation of OMV production contributes to bacterial survival by interfering with complement activation. OMVs protected bacteria in a dose-dependent manner, and bacteria were highly susceptible to complement-mediated killing in their absence. OMVs from bacteria expressing PagC bound to complement component C3b in a dose-dependent manner and inactivated it by recruiting complement inhibitor Factor H. As we also found that Factor H binds to PagC, we propose that PagC interferes with complement-mediated killing of Salmonella in the following two steps: first by engaging Factor H, and second, through the production of PagC-enriched OMVs that divert and inactivate the complement away from the bacteria. Since PhoPQ activation occurs intracellularly, the resultant increase in PagC expression and OMV production is suggested to contribute to the local and systemic spread of Salmonella released from dying host cells that supports the infection of new cells.; IMPORTANCE; Bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) mediate critical bacterium-bacterium and host-microbial interactions that influence pathogenesis through multiple mechanisms, including the elicitation of inflammatory responses, delivery of virulence factors, and enhancement of biofilm formation. As such, there is a growing interest in understanding the underlying mechanisms of OMV production. Recent studies have revealed that OMV biogenesis is a finely tuned physiological process that requires structural organization and selective sorting of outer membrane components into the vesicles. In Salmonella, outer membrane remodeling and OMV production are tightly regulated by its PhoPQ system. In this study, we demonstrate that PhoPQ-regulated OMV production plays a significant role in defense against host innate immune attack. PhoPQ-activated PagC expression recruits the complement inhibitor Factor H and degrades the active C3 component of complement. Our results provide valuable insight into the combination of tools and environmental signals that Salmonella employs to evade complement-mediated lysis, thereby suggesting a strong evolutionary adaptation of this facultative intracellular pathogen to protect itself during its extracellular stage in the host

    Room temperature coexistence of large electric polarization and magnetic order in BiFeO3 single crystals

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    From an experimental point of view, room temperature ferroelectricity in BiFeO3 is raising many questions. Electric measurements made a long time ago on solid-solutions of BiFeO3 with Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 indicate that a spontaneous electric polarization exists in BiFeO3 below the Curie temperature TC=1143K. Yet in most reported works, the synthesised samples are too conductive at room temperature to get a clear polarization loop in the bulk without any effects of extrinsic physical or chemical parameters. Surprisingly, up to now there has been no report of a P(E) (polarization versus electric field) loop at room temperature on single crystals of BiFeO3. We describe here our procedure to synthesize ceramics and to grow good quality sizeable single crystals by a flux method. We demonstrate that BiFeO3 is indeed ferroelectric at room-temperature through evidence by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and P(E) loops. The polarization is found to be large, around 60 microC/cm2, a value that has only been reached in thin films. Magnetic measurements using a SQUID magnetometer and Mossbauer spectroscopy are also presented. The latter confirms the results of NMR measurements concerning the anisotropy of the hyperfine field attributed to the magnetic cycloidal structure.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Operation of a Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger as a Refrigerating Machines’ Evaporator

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    This paper describes the design of an industrial experimental facility designed to explore the prototypes and production samples of plate-fin heat exchangers. Values of evaporator’s heat capacity are performed. The obtained results are used to determine technical design characteristics of heat exchangers, as well as to create equipment selection program for the required parameters.В работе описана конструкция промышленной испытательной установки, предназначенной для изучения опытных и серийных образцов жидкостных испарителей. Приведены значения тепловой мощности аппарата в разных режимах. Результаты работы используются для определения конструктивных технических характеристик теплообменных аппаратов, а также с целью создания программы подбора оборудования по требуемым параметрам

    The Impact of the Sustainable Development Agenda on the Transformation of National Policies of Commodity Producing Countries

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    In 2015, as a response to global challenges, the members of the United Nations (UN) designed the Sustainable Development Goals they intend to achieve by 2030. The transition to a green economy is at the core of the global sustainable development agenda. Such an approach includes the introduction of sustainable production and consumption patterns, increased use of renewable energy sources, and carbon footprint reduction in production chains. In particular, the countries that export fuel and energy resources are under pressure due to the plans to stop using hydrocarbons as a fuel source. Subsequently, a new technological paradigm will put additional pressure on the countries that export mineral resources. Thus, it is appropriate to examine how commodity producing countries integrate the principles of sustainable development in national policies. We analysed the countries that are largely dependent on the export of fuel and energy resources as well as the countries that export mineral resources. Then, we assessed the participation of these countries in key international initiatives for sustainable development. Finally, we summarised and systematised the approaches of the examined countries to introduce sustainable development principles into national strategies and policies. Examination of the international experience allows making the following conclusions. Commodity producing countries consider the global sustainable development agenda as an opportunity to improve the national economy and implement the reforms necessary for further development. In this case, the global agenda is an additional argument to substantiate the necessity of reforms for the national elite. In the field of sustainable development, there is a trend towards strengthening the regulatory role of the state, which combines direct control measures and measures aimed at the establishment of the green national economy.В 2015 г. в ответ на глобальные вызовы государства — члены ООН приняли Цели в области устойчивого развития, которых они обязались достичь к 2030 г. Основу новой глобальной повестки устойчивого развития составляет переход к зеленой экономике, предусматривающий внедрение рациональных моделей потребления и производства, расширение использования возобновляемых источников энергии и снижение углеродного следа в производственных цепочках. Колоссальному давлению в первую очередь подвергаются страны — экспортеры топливно-энергетических ресурсов в связи с планируемым прекращением использования углеводородов в качестве источников энергии. В последующем страны — экспортеры полезных ископаемых также будут испытывать давление в связи с переходом на новый технологический уклад. Поэтому изучение опыта сырьевых стран в области интеграции принципов устойчивого развития в государственную политику является особенно актуальным. В этой статье проведен анализ стран, в значительной степени зависящих от экспорта топливно-энергетических ресурсов, и стран, в экспорте которых основную часть составляют полезные ископаемые. Дана оценка участию этих государств в ключевых международных инициативах в области устойчивого развития. В результате исследования обобщены и систематизированы подходы рассмотренных стран к интеграции принципов устойчивого развития в национальные стратегии и политику. Изученный зарубежный опыт позволяет сделать следующие выводы. Сырьевые страны воспринимают глобальную повестку в области устойчивого развития как возможность модернизировать национальную экономику и реализовать реформы, необходимость в которых назрела в связи с накопленными проблемами развития. Глобальная повестка в данном случае выступает в качестве дополнительного аргумента при обосновании перед национальными элитами необходимости реформирования. Наблюдается общая тенденция по усилению регулирующей роли государства в области устойчивого развития, а меры прямого регулирования умело сочетаются с мерами, направленными на создание благоприятных условий для «озеленения» национальной экономики

    Spatial coupling of particle and fluid models for streamers: where nonlocality matters

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    Particle models for streamer ionization fronts contain correct electron energy distributions, runaway effects and single electron statistics. Conventional fluid models are computationally much more efficient for large particle numbers, but create too low ionization densities in high fields. To combine their respective advantages, we here show how to couple both models in space. We confirm that the discrepancies between particle and fluid fronts arise from the steep electron density gradients in the leading edge of the fronts. We find the optimal position for the interface between models that minimizes computational effort and reproduces the results of a pure particle model.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Investigation of slag formed in the submerged arc welding of the minerals Urals

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    Dilatometric tests and estimation external and internal surfaces of welded crusts obtained in the process of submerged arc welding of mineral raw materials Urals region are performed. Separation and porosity welding crusts, thermal expansion coefficient of slag and weld metal are investigated.Проведены дилатометрические исследования и оценка внешней и внутренней поверхностей шлаковых корок, полученных в процессе сварки под слоем флюса из минерального сырья Уральского региона. Исследованы отделяемость и пористость сварочных корок, коэффициенты теплового расширения шлака и наплавленного металла