1,578 research outputs found

    Prospects for the internal state financial control development in the Russian Federation

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    Purpose: The presented article is aimed at assessing the modern development of internal state financial control in the Russian Federation. The most important condition for the effective functioning of public finances is the transition to a qualitatively new level required for the dynamic development of the public administration sector, improving the social status of citizens, as well as the investment climate. This predetermines the objective need to rethink and identify fundamentally new approaches to the study of theoretical, methodological and practical problems of financial management. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article is a comprehensive review of the main changes in legislation governing internal state financial control that determines the nature of this concept, the methodology of internal state financial control is presented, problems are identified, substantiated and structured and directions for their solution are proposed in order to increase its development effectiveness. The study used methods of comparative analysis, systematization, classification, analogy and comparison. Findings: The authors identified, substantiated the problems and developed recommendations for improving internal state financial control, which can improve the quality of public and municipal finance management and facilitate the transfer of public administration to a level that meets the needs of modern reform of the Russian economy. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be introduced into the practice of organizing internal state financial control in the Russian Federation in order to improve the quality of public and municipal finance management. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is to develop recommendations for the development of internal state financial control, which will contribute to the effective management of public finances in the executive bodies of the Russian Federation.peer-reviewe

    Accretion dynamics in the classical T Tauri star V2129 Oph

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    We analyze the photometric and spectroscopic variability of the classical T Tauri star V2129 Oph over several rotational cycles to test the dynamical predictions of magnetospheric accretion models. The photometric variability and the radial velocity variations in the photospheric lines can be explained by rotational modulation due to cold spots, while the radial velocity variations of the He I (5876 \AA) line and the veiling variability are due to hot spot rotational modulation. The hot and cold spots are located at high latitudes and about the same phase, but the hot spot is expected to sit at the chromospheric level, while the cold spot is at the photospheric level. Using the dipole+octupole magnetic-field configuration previously proposed in the literature for the system, we compute 3D MHD magnetospheric simulations of the star-disk system. We use the simulation's density, velocity and scaled temperature structures as input to a radiative transfer code, from which we calculate theoretical line profiles at all rotational phases. The theoretical profiles tend to be narrower than the observed ones, but the qualitative behavior and the observed rotational modulation of the H\alpha and H\beta emission lines are well reproduced by the theoretical profiles. The spectroscopic and photometric variability observed in V2129 Oph support the general predictions of complex magnetospheric accretion models with non-axisymmetric, multipolar fields.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Three Disk Oscillation Modes of Rotating Magnetized Neutron Stars

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    We discuss three specific modes of accretion disks around rotating magnetized neutron stars which may explain the separations of the kilo Hertz quasi periodic oscillations (QPO) seen in low mass X-ray binaries. The existence of these modes requires that there be a maximum in the angular velocity of the accreting material, and that the fluid is in stable, nearly circular motion near this maximum rather than moving rapidly towards the star or out of the disk plane into funnel flows. It is presently not known if these conditions occur, but we are exploring this with 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations and will report the results elsewhere. The first mode is a corotation mode which is radially trapped in the vicinity of the maximum of the disk rotation rate and is unstable. The second mode, relevant to relatively slowly rotating stars, is a magnetically driven eccentric (m=1m=1) oscillation of the disk excited at a Lindblad radius in the vicinity of the maximum of the disk rotation. The third mode, relevant to rapidly rotating stars, is a magnetically coupled eccentric (m=1m=1) and an axisymmetric (m=0m=0) radial disk perturbation which has an inner Lindblad radius also in the vicinity of the maximum of the disk rotation. We suggest that the first mode is associated with the upper QPO frequency, νu\nu_u, the second with the lower QPO frequency, ν=νuν\nu_\ell =\nu_u-\nu_*, and the third with the lower QPO frequency, ν=νuν/2\nu_\ell=\nu_u-\nu_*/2, where ν\nu_* is the star's rotation rate.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Targeting the principle implementation in the system of social support

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    Purpose: The article aims to identify the actual problems of implementing the principle of targeting in the social protection system in Russia and to develop a set of measures to transform the mechanism of its provision based on a differentiated approach, which implies not only differences in the size of social transfers, but also on various forms of such support. Design/Methodology/Approach: As the basic approaches of the study there were chosen the theory of social investment and the conception of result-based budgeting. The study suggested the development of a more effective financial support system, the substantiation of a differentiated approach to the organization of a social system based on a single method by determining the degree of financial vulnerability of citizens and the development of methodological recommendations on the use of financial instruments to strengthen the targeting of social protection of needy citizens. Findings: The article substantiates that the necessary condition for the transformation of the social protection system to strengthen the social and financial security of needy citizens is the development of a differentiated approach in the provision of social support measures. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be implemented into the management of social protection in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness by using the targeting of social transfers based on clear criteria of need, the differentiated approach implementation in determining the measures of social support through the use of "map of social support of citizens", expanding the application of social contract technology. Originality/Value: The set of measures proposed in the study will make it possible not only to adjust and direct social support to really needy recipients and to differentiate the volume of the support provided, but also to create conditions for the recipients of targeted protection to self-sufficiency, which, in turn, will contribute to the poverty reduction.peer-reviewe

    Research of regional growth and development theories

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    Исследование теорий регионального экономического рост

    Conductivity, weak ferromagnetism and charge instability in αMnS\alpha-MnS single crystal

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    The temperature dependence of resistivity, magnetization and electron-spin resonance of the αMnS\alpha- MnS single crystal were measured in temperature range of 5K<T<550K5 K < T < 550 K. Magnetization hysteresis in applied magnetic field up to 0.7 T at T=5K,77K,300KT=5 K, 77 K, 300 K, irreversible temperature behavior of magnetization and resistivity were found . The obtained data were explained in terms of degenerate tight binding model using random phase approximation. The contribution of holes in t2gt_{2g} and ege_g bands of manganese ions to the conductivity, optical absorbtion spectra and charge instability in αMnS\alpha -MnS were studied. Charge susceptibility maxima resulted from the competition of the on-site Coulomb interaction between the holes in different orbitals and small hybridization of sub-bands were calculated at T=160K,250K,475KT=160 K, 250 K, 475 K.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure

    Local head loss monitoring using acoustic instrumentation in partially full sewer pipes

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    After an increase in capital investment in UK sewers to reduce hydraulic capacity problems, the proportion of sewer flooding incidents now linked to blockages has increased. It is clear that if sewer operators are to continue to reduce flooding incidents, then better blockage management is now required. Sewer blockage formation is poorly understood; blockages are intermittent and occur in a number of circumstances. This paper reports on the development of low-cost acoustic instrumentation that can identify the location of a pipe blockage and then estimate the local head loss as a result of the presence of a blockage. A set of experiments were carried out in two full-scale laboratory pipes. The pipes' condition was altered by inserting blockages of different sizes. Acoustic data were recorded and presented in terms of the acoustic energy reflected from the partially blocked pipe. The results of this study show that the total reflected acoustic energy correlates with the measured head loss. A new empirical relation between the reflected acoustic energy and head loss due to a blockage is derived. This knowledge can then be used to estimate the reduction in flow capacity resulting from a blockage based on a single remote measurement