889 research outputs found

    Leveraging Semantic Web Service Descriptions for Validation by Automated Functional Testing

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    Recent years have seen the utilisation of Semantic Web Service descriptions for automating a wide range of service-related activities, with a primary focus on service discovery, composition, execution and mediation. An important area which so far has received less attention is service validation, whereby advertised services are proven to conform to required behavioural specifications. This paper proposes a method for validation of service-oriented systems through automated functional testing. The method leverages ontology-based and rule-based descriptions of service inputs, outputs, preconditions and effects (IOPE) for constructing a stateful EFSM specification. The specification is subsequently utilised for functional testing and validation using the proven Stream X-machine (SXM) testing methodology. Complete functional test sets are generated automatically at an abstract level and are then applied to concrete Web services, using test drivers created from the Web service descriptions. The testing method comes with completeness guarantees and provides a strong method for validating the behaviour of Web services

    Abnormal RasGRP1 Expression in the Post-Mortem Brain and Blood Serum of Schizophrenia Patients

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a polygenic severe mental illness. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have detected genomic variants associated with this psychiatric disorder and pathway analyses have indicated immune system and dopamine signaling as core components of risk in dorsolateral-prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus, but the mechanistic links remain unknown. The RasGRP1 gene, encoding for a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is implicated in dopamine signaling and immune response. RasGRP1 has been identified as a candidate risk gene for SCZ and autoimmune disease, therefore representing a possible point of convergence between mechanisms involving the nervous and the immune system. Here, we investigated RasGRP1 mRNA and protein expression in post-mortem DLPFC and hippocampus of SCZ patients and healthy controls, along with RasGRP1 protein content in the serum of an independent cohort of SCZ patients and control subjects. Differences in RasGRP1 expression between SCZ patients and controls were detected both in DLPFC and peripheral blood of samples analyzed. Our results indicate RasGRP1 may mediate risk for SCZ by involving DLPFC and peripheral blood, thus encouraging further studies to explore its possible role as a biomarker of the disease and/or a target for new medication

    Abnormal RasGRP1 Expression in the Post-Mortem Brain and Blood Serum of Schizophrenia Patients

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a polygenic severe mental illness. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have detected genomic variants associated with this psychiatric disorder and pathway analyses have indicated immune system and dopamine signaling as core components of risk in dorsolateral-prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus, but the mechanistic links remain unknown. The RasGRP1 gene, encoding for a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is implicated in dopamine signaling and immune response. RasGRP1 has been identified as a candidate risk gene for SCZ and autoimmune disease, therefore representing a possible point of convergence between mechanisms involving the nervous and the immune system. Here, we investigated RasGRP1 mRNA and protein expression in post-mortem DLPFC and hippocampus of SCZ patients and healthy controls, along with RasGRP1 protein content in the serum of an independent cohort of SCZ patients and control subjects. Differences in RasGRP1 expression between SCZ patients and controls were detected both in DLPFC and peripheral blood of samples analyzed. Our results indicate RasGRP1 may mediate risk for SCZ by involving DLPFC and peripheral blood, thus encouraging further studies to explore its possible role as a biomarker of the disease and/or a target for new medication

    Consequences of the marine climate and ecosystem shift of the 1980-90s on the Ligurian Sea biodiversity (NW Mediterranean Sea)

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    A rapid temperature increase in the 1980-90s has been accompanied by dramatic and unprecedented changes in the biota and communities of the Ligurian Sea. This review uses existing historical series (a few of which have been purposely updated) to assess extent and consequences of such changes. A number of warm-water species, previously absent or occasional in the comparatively cold Ligurian Sea, has recently established thanks to warmer winters. Occurrence among them of invasive alien species is causing concern because of their capacity of outcompeting autochthonous species. Summer heatwaves, on the other hand, caused mass mortalities in marine organisms, some of which found refuge at depth. New marine diseases appeared, as well as other dysfunctions such as the formation of mucilage aggregates that suffocated and entangled benthic organisms. Human pressures have combined with climate change to cause phase shifts (i.e., abrupt variations in species composition and community structure) in different habitats, such as the pelagic environment, seagrass meadows, rocky reefs, and marine caves. These phase shifts implied biotic homogenization, reduction of diversity, and dominance by invasive aliens, and may be detrimental to the resilience of Ligurian Sea ecosystems. Another phase of rapid warming has possibly started in the 2010s and there are clues pointing to a further series of biological changes, but data are too scarce to date for proper assessment. Only well addressed long-term studies will help understanding the future dynamics of Ligurian Sea ecosystems and their possibilities of recovery

    Cerebral blood flow predicts differential neurotransmitter activity

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    Application of metabolic magnetic resonance imaging measures such as cerebral blood flow in translational medicine is limited by the unknown link of observed alterations to specific neurophysiological processes. In particular, the sensitivity of cerebral blood flow to activity changes in specific neurotransmitter systems remains unclear. We address this question by probing cerebral blood flow in healthy volunteers using seven established drugs with known dopaminergic, serotonergic, glutamatergic and GABAergic mechanisms of action. We use a novel framework aimed at disentangling the observed effects to contribution from underlying neurotransmitter systems. We find for all evaluated compounds a reliable spatial link of respective cerebral blood flow changes with underlying neurotransmitter receptor densities corresponding to their primary mechanisms of action. The strength of these associations with receptor density is mediated by respective drug affinities. These findings suggest that cerebral blood flow is a sensitive brain-wide in-vivo assay of metabolic demands across a variety of neurotransmitter systems in humans

    Selection of Food Patches by Sympatric Herbivores in Response to Concealment and Distance from a Refuge

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    Small herbivores face risks of predation while foraging and are often forced to trade off food quality for safety. Life history, behaviour, and habitat of predator and prey can influence these trade-offs. We compared how two sympatric rabbits (pygmy rabbit, Brachylagus idahoensis; mountain cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttallii) that differ in size, use of burrows, and habitat specialization in the sagebrush-steppe of western North America respond to amount and orientation of concealment cover and proximity to burrow refuges when selecting food patches. We predicted that both rabbit species would prefer food patches that offered greater concealment and food patches that were closer to burrow refuges. However, because pygmy rabbits are small, obligate burrowers that are restricted to sagebrush habitats, we predicted that they would show stronger preferences for greater cover, orientation of concealment, and patches closer to burrow refuges. We offered two food patches to individuals of each species during three experiments that either varied in the amount of concealment cover, orientation of concealment cover, or distance from a burrow refuge. Both species preferred food patches that offered greater concealment, but pygmy rabbits generally preferred terrestrial and mountain cottontails preferred aerial concealment. Only pygmy rabbits preferred food patches closer to their burrow refuge. Different responses to concealment and proximity to burrow refuges by the two species likely reflect differences in perceived predation risks. Because terrestrial predators are able to dig for prey in burrows, animals like pygmy rabbits that rely on burrow refuges might select food patches based more on terrestrial concealment. In contrast, larger habitat generalists that do not rely on burrow refuges, like mountain cottontails, might trade off terrestrial concealment for visibility to detect approaching terrestrial predators. This study suggests that body size and evolutionary adaptations for using habitat, even in closely related species, might influence anti-predator behaviors in prey species

    D-Dimer as Biomarker for Early Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Severe Invasive Infections Due to Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Neisseria Meningitidis

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    Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection; no current clinical measure adequately reflects the concept of dysregulated response. Coagulation plays a pivotal role in the normal response to pathogens (immunothrombosis), thus the evolution toward sepsis-induced coagulopathy could be individuate through coagulation/fibrinolysis-related biomarkers. We focused on the role of D-dimer assessed within 24 h after admission in predicting clinical outcomes in a cohort of 270 patients hospitalized in a 79 months period for meningitis and/or bloodstream infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 162) or Neisseria meningitidis (n = 108). Comparisons were performed with unpaired t-test, Mann-Whitney-test or chi-squared-test with continuity correction, as appropriate, and multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed with Bayesian model averaging. In-hospital mortality was 14.8% for the overall population, significantly higher in S. pneumoniae than in N. meningitidis patients: 19.1 vs. 8.3%, respectively (p = 0.014). At univariable logistic regression analysis the following variables were significantly associated with in-hospital mortality: pneumococcal etiology, female sex, age, ICU admission, SOFA score, septic shock, MODS, and D-dimer levels. At multivariable analysis D-dimer showed an effect only in N. meningitidis subgroup: as 500 ng/mL of D-dimer increased, the probability of unfavorable outcome increased on average by 4%. Median D-dimer was significantly higher in N. meningitidis than in S. pneumoniae patients (1,314 vs. 1,055 ng/mL, p = 0.009). For N. meningitidis in-hospital mortality was 0% for D-dimer 7,000 ng/mL. Kaplan-Meier analysis of in-hospital mortality showed for N. meningitidis infections a statistically significant difference for D-dimer >7,000 ng/mL compared to values <500 ng/mL (p = 0.021) and 500\u20133,000 ng/mL (p = 0.002). For S. pneumoniae the mortality risk resulted always high, over 10%, irrespective by D-dimer values. In conclusion, D-dimer is rapid to be obtained, at low cost and available everywhere, and can help stratify the risk of in-hospital mortality and complications in patients with invasive infections due to N. meningitidis: D-dimer <500 ng/mL excludes any further complications, and a cut-off of 7,000 ng/mL seems able to predict a significantly increased mortality risk from much <10% to over 25%

    General psychopathology links burden of recent life events and psychotic symptoms in a network approach

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    Recent life events have been implicated in the onset and progression of psychosis. However, psychological processes that account for the association are yet to be fully understood. Using a network approach, we aimed to identify pathways linking recent life events and symptoms observed in psychosis. Based on previous literature, we hypothesized that general symptoms would mediate between recent life events and psychotic symptoms. We analyzed baseline data of patients at clinical high risk for psychosis and with recent-onset psychosis (n = 547) from the Personalised Prognostic Tools for Early Psychosis Management (PRONIA) study. In a network analysis, we modeled links between the burden of recent life events and all individual symptoms of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale before and after controlling for childhood trauma. To investigate the longitudinal associations between burden of recent life events and symptoms, we analyzed multiwave panel data from seven timepoints up to month 18. Corroborating our hypothesis, burden of recent life events was connected to positive and negative symptoms through general psychopathology, specifically depression, guilt feelings, anxiety and tension, even after controlling for childhood trauma. Longitudinal modeling indicated that on average, burden of recent life events preceded general psychopathology in the individual. In line with the theory of an affective pathway to psychosis, recent life events may lead to psychotic symptoms via heightened emotional distress. Life events may be one driving force of unspecific, general psychopathology described as characteristic of early phases of the psychosis spectrum, offering promising avenues for interventions