386 research outputs found

    Piecewise adiabatic population transfer in a molecule via a wave packet

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    We propose a class of schemes for robust population transfer between quantum states that utilize trains of coherent pulses and represent a generalized adiabatic passage via a wave packet. We study piecewise Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage with pulse-to-pulse amplitude variation, and piecewise chirped Raman passage with pulse-to-pulse phase variation, implemented with an optical frequency comb. In the context of production of ultracold ground-state molecules, we show that with almost no knowledge of the excited potential, robust high-efficiency transfer is possibleComment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Time dependent numerical model for the emission of radiation from relativistic plasma

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    We describe a numerical model constructed for the study of the emission of radiation from relativistic plasma under conditions characteristic, e.g., to gamma-ray bursts (GRB's) and active galactic nuclei (AGN's). The model solves self consistently the kinetic equations for e^\pm and photons, describing cyclo-synchrotron emission, direct Compton and inverse Compton scattering, pair production and annihilation, including the evolution of high energy electromagnetic cascades. The code allows calculations over a wide range of particle energies, spanning more than 15 orders of magnitude in energy and time scales. Our unique algorithm, which enables to follow the particle distributions over a wide energy range, allows to accurately derive spectra at high energies, >100 \TeV. We present the kinetic equations that are being solved, detailed description of the equations describing the various physical processes, the solution method, and several examples of numerical results. Excellent agreement with analytical results of the synchrotron-SSC model is found for parameter space regions in which this approximation is valid, and several examples are presented of calculations for parameter space regions where analytic results are not available.Comment: Minor changes; References added, discussion on observational status added. Accepted for publication in Ap.

    Spectral components in the bright, long GRB 061007: properties of the photosphere and the nature of the outflow

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    We present a time-resolved spectral analysis of the bright, long GRB 061007 (z=1.261) using Swift BAT and Suzaku WAM data. We find that the prompt emission of GRB 061007 can be equally well explained by a photospheric component together with a power law as by a Band function, and we explore the implications of the former model. The photospheric component, which we model with a multicolour blackbody, dominates the emission and has a very stable shape throughout the burst. This component provides a natural explanation for the hardness-intensity correlation seen within the burst and also allows us to estimate the bulk Lorentz factor and the radius of the photosphere. The power-law component dominates the fit at high energies and has a nearly constant slope of -1.5. We discuss the possibility that this component is of the same origin as the high-energy power laws recently observed in some Fermi LAT bursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bounded Representations of Interval and Proper Interval Graphs

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    Klavik et al. [arXiv:1207.6960] recently introduced a generalization of recognition called the bounded representation problem which we study for the classes of interval and proper interval graphs. The input gives a graph G and in addition for each vertex v two intervals L_v and R_v called bounds. We ask whether there exists a bounded representation in which each interval I_v has its left endpoint in L_v and its right endpoint in R_v. We show that the problem can be solved in linear time for interval graphs and in quadratic time for proper interval graphs. Robert's Theorem states that the classes of proper interval graphs and unit interval graphs are equal. Surprisingly the bounded representation problem is polynomially solvable for proper interval graphs and NP-complete for unit interval graphs [Klav\'{\i}k et al., arxiv:1207.6960]. So unless P = NP, the proper and unit interval representations behave very differently. The bounded representation problem belongs to a wider class of restricted representation problems. These problems are generalizations of the well-understood recognition problem, and they ask whether there exists a representation of G satisfying some additional constraints. The bounded representation problems generalize many of these problems

    Ultracold dense gas of deeply bound heteronuclear molecules

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    Recently, the quest for an ultracold and dense ensemble of polar molecules has attracted strong interest. Polar molecules have bright prospects for novel quantum gases with long-range and anisotropic interactions, for quantum information science, and for precision measurements. However, high-density clouds of ultracold polar molecules have so far not been produced. Here, we report a key step towards this goal. Starting from an ultracold dense gas of heteronuclear 40K-87Rb Feshbach molecules with typical binding energies of a few hundred kHz and a negligible dipole moment, we coherently transfer these molecules into a vibrational level of the ground-state molecular potential bound by >10 GHz. We thereby increase the binding energy and the expected dipole moment of the 40K-87Rb molecules by more than four orders of magnitude in a single transfer step. Starting with a single initial state prepared with Feshbach association, we achieve a transfer efficiency of 84%. While dipolar effects are not yet observable, the presented technique can be extended to access much more deeply bound vibrational levels and ultimately those exhibiting a significant dipole moment. The preparation of an ultracold quantum gas of polar molecules might therefore come within experimental reach.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A Mathematical Framework for Agent Based Models of Complex Biological Networks

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    Agent-based modeling and simulation is a useful method to study biological phenomena in a wide range of fields, from molecular biology to ecology. Since there is currently no agreed-upon standard way to specify such models it is not always easy to use published models. Also, since model descriptions are not usually given in mathematical terms, it is difficult to bring mathematical analysis tools to bear, so that models are typically studied through simulation. In order to address this issue, Grimm et al. proposed a protocol for model specification, the so-called ODD protocol, which provides a standard way to describe models. This paper proposes an addition to the ODD protocol which allows the description of an agent-based model as a dynamical system, which provides access to computational and theoretical tools for its analysis. The mathematical framework is that of algebraic models, that is, time-discrete dynamical systems with algebraic structure. It is shown by way of several examples how this mathematical specification can help with model analysis.Comment: To appear in Bulletin of Mathematical Biolog

    The Correlation of Spectral Lag Evolution with Prompt Optical Emission in GRB 080319B

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    We report on observations of correlated behavior between the prompt gamma-ray and optical emission from GRB 080319B, which confirm that (i) they occurred within the same astrophysical source region and (ii) their respective radiation mechanisms were dynamically coupled. Our results, based upon a new CCF methodology for determining the time-resolved spectral lag, are summarized as follows. First, the evolution in the arrival offset of prompt gamma-ray photon counts between Swift-BAT 15-25 keV and 50-100 keV energy bands (intrinsic gamma-ray spectral lag) appears to be anti-correlated with the arrival offset between prompt 15-350 keV gamma-rays and the optical emission observed by TORTORA (extrinsic optical/gamma-ray spectral lag), thus effectively partitioning the burst into two main episodes at ~T+28+/-2 sec. Second, the rise and decline of prompt optical emission at ~T+10+/-1 sec and ~T+50+/-1 sec, respectively, both coincide with discontinuities in the hard to soft evolution of the photon index for a power law fit to 15-150 keV Swift-BAT data at ~T+8+/-2 sec and ~T+48+/-1 sec. These spectral energy changes also coincide with intervals whose time-resolved spectral lag values are consistent with zero, at ~T+12+/-2 sec and ~T+50+/-2 sec. These results, which are robust across heuristic permutations of Swift-BAT energy channels and varying temporal bin resolution, have also been corroborated via independent analysis of Konus-Wind data. This potential discovery may provide the first observational evidence for an implicit connection between spectral lags and GRB emission mechanisms in the context of canonical fireball phenomenology. Future work includes exploring a subset of bursts with prompt optical emission to probe the unique or ubiquitous nature of this result.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Contributed to the Proceedings of the Sixth Huntsville GRB Symposium. Edited by C.A. Meegan, N. Gehrels, and C. Kouvelioto

    Modeling the high-energy emission in GRB 110721A and implications on the early multiwavelength and polarimetric observations

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    GRB 110721A was detected by the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor and the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi satellite and the Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter onboard the IKAROS solar mission. Previous analysis done of this burst showed: i) a linear polarization signal with position angle stable (Ļ•p=160āˆ˜Ā±11\phi_p= 160^\circ\pm11) and high degree of Ī =84āˆ’28+16\Pi=84^{+16}_{-28}, ii) an extreme peak energy of a record-breaking at 15Ā±\pm2 MeV, and iii) a subdominant prompt thermal component observed right after the onset of this burst. In this paper, the LAT data around the reported position of GRB 110721A are analysed with the most recent software and then, the LAT light curve above 100 MeV was obtained. The LAT light curve is modelled in terms of adiabatic early-afterglow external shocks when the outflow propagates into a stellar wind. Additionally, we discuss the possible origins and also study the implications of the early-afterglow external shocks on the extreme peak energy observed at 15Ā±\pm2 MeV, the polarization observations and the subdominant prompt thermal component.Comment: 9 pages and one figure. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Impacts of selected Ecological Focus Area options in European farmed landscapes on climate regulation and pollination services: a systematic map protocol

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    Background: This systematic map protocol responds to an urgent policy need to evaluate key environmental benefits of new compulsory greening measures in the European Unionā€™s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), with the aim of building a policy better linked to environmental performance. The systematic map will focus on Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs), in which larger arable farmers must dedicate 5% of their arable land to ecologically beneficial habitats, landscape features and land uses. The European Commissionā€™s Joint Research Centre has used a software tool called the ā€˜EFA calculatorā€™ to inform the European Commission about environmental benefits of EFA implementation. However, there are gaps in the EFA calculatorā€™s coverage of ecosystem services, especially ā€˜global climate regulationā€™, and an opportunity to use systematic mapping methods to enhance its capture of evidence, in advance of forthcoming CAP reforms. We describe a method for assembling a database of relevant, peer-reviewed research conducted in all agricultural landscapes in Europe and neighbouring countries with similar biogeography, addressing the primary question: what are the impacts of selected EFA features in agricultural land on two policy-relevant ecosystem service outcomesā€”global climate regulation and pollination? The method is streamlined to allow results in good time for the current, time-limited opportunity to influence reforms of the CAP greening measures at European and Member State level. Methods: We will search four bibliographic databases in English, using a predefined and tested search string that focuses on a subset of EFA options and ecosystem service outcomes. The options and outcomes are selected as those with particular policy relevance and traction. Only articles in English will be included. We will screen search results at title, abstract and full text levels, recording the number of studies deemed non-relevant (with reasons at full text). A systematic map database that displays the meta-data (i.e. descriptive summary information about settings and methods) of relevant studies will be produced following full text assessment. The systematic map database will be published as a MS-Excel database. The nature and extent of the evidence base will be discussed, and the applicability of methods to convert the available evidence into EFA calculator scores will be assessed

    Quantum-inspired interferometry with chirped laser pulses

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    We introduce and implement an interferometric technique based on chirped femtosecond laser pulses and nonlinear optics. The interference manifests as a high-visibility (> 85%) phase-insensitive dip in the intensity of an optical beam when the two interferometer arms are equal to within the coherence length of the light. This signature is unique in classical interferometry, but is a direct analogue to Hong-Ou-Mandel quantum interference. Our technique exhibits all the metrological advantages of the quantum interferometer, but with signals at least 10^7 times greater. In particular we demonstrate enhanced resolution, robustness against loss, and automatic dispersion cancellation. Our interferometer offers significant advantages over previous technologies, both quantum and classical, in precision time delay measurements and biomedical imaging.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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