145 research outputs found

    Motion of a Vector Particle in a Curved Spacetime. II First Order Correction to a Geodesic in a Schwarzschild Background

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    The influence of spin on a photon's motion in a Schwarzschild and FRW spacetimes is studied. The first order correction to the geodesic motion is found. It is shown that unlike the world-lines of spinless particles, the photons world-lines do not lie in a plane.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e, second paper in the series (the first one: gr-qc/0110067), replaced with typos and style corrected version, accepted in MPL

    Restricted three-body problem in effective-field-theory models of gravity

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    One of the outstanding problems of classical celestial mechanics was the restricted 3-body prob- lem, in which a planetoid of small mass is subject to the Newtonian attraction of two celestial bodies of large mass, as it occurs, for example, in the sun-earth-moon system. On the other hand, over the last decades, a systematic investigation of quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential has been carried out in the literature on quantum gravity. The present paper studies the effect of these tiny quantum corrections on the evaluation of equilibrium points. It is shown that, despite the extreme smallness of the corrections, there exists no choice of sign of these corrections for which all qualitative features of the restricted 3-body problem in Newtonian theory remain unaffected. Moreover, first-order stability of equilibrium points is characterized by solving a pair of algebraic equations of fifth degree, where some coefficients depend on the Planck length. The coordinates of stable equilibrium points are slightly changed with respect to Newtonian theory, because the planetoid is no longer at equal distance from the two bodies of large mass. The effect is conceptually interesting but too small to be observed, at least for the restricted 3-body problems available in the solar system.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 8 figure

    Routhian reduction for quasi-invariant Lagrangians

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    In this paper we describe Routhian reduction as a special case of standard symplectic reduction, also called Marsden-Weinstein reduction. We use this correspondence to present a generalization of Routhian reduction for quasi-invariant Lagrangians, i.e. Lagrangians that are invariant up to a total time derivative. We show how functional Routhian reduction can be seen as a particular instance of reduction of a quasi-invariant Lagrangian, and we exhibit a Routhian reduction procedure for the special case of Lagrangians with quasi-cyclic coordinates. As an application we consider the dynamics of a charged particle in a magnetic field.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Routh reduction for singular Lagrangians

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    This paper concerns the Routh reduction procedure for Lagrangians systems with symmetry. It differs from the existing results on geometric Routh reduction in the fact that no regularity conditions on either the Lagrangian LL or the momentum map JLJ_L are required apart from the momentum being a regular value of JLJ_L. The main results of this paper are: the description of a general Routh reduction procedure that preserves the Euler-Lagrange nature of the original system and the presentation of a presymplectic framework for Routh reduced systems. In addition, we provide a detailed description and interpretation of the Euler-Lagrange equations for the reduced system. The proposed procedure includes Lagrangian systems with a non-positively definite kinetic energy metric.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publicaton in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (IJGMMP

    Lagrangian Framework for Systems Composed of High-Loss and Lossless Components

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    Using a Lagrangian mechanics approach, we construct a framework to study the dissipative properties of systems composed of two components one of which is highly lossy and the other is lossless. We have shown in our previous work that for such a composite system the modes split into two distinct classes, high-loss and low-loss, according to their dissipative behavior. A principal result of this paper is that for any such dissipative Lagrangian system, with losses accounted by a Rayleigh dissipative function, a rather universal phenomenon occurs, namely, selective overdamping: The high-loss modes are all overdamped, i.e., non-oscillatory, as are an equal number of low-loss modes, but the rest of the low-loss modes remain oscillatory each with an extremely high quality factor that actually increases as the loss of the lossy component increases. We prove this result using a new time dynamical characterization of overdamping in terms of a virial theorem for dissipative systems and the breaking of an equipartition of energy.Comment: 53 pages, 1 figure; Revision of our original manuscript to incorporate suggestions from refere

    Earth-Moon Lagrangian points as a testbed for general relativity and effective field theories of gravity

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    We first analyse the restricted four-body problem consisting of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun as the primaries and a spacecraft as the planetoid. This scheme allows us to take into account the solar perturbation in the description of the motion of a spacecraft in the vicinity of the stable Earth-Moon libration points L4 and L5 both in the classical regime and in the context of effective field theories of gravity. A vehicle initially placed at L4 or L5 will not remain near the respective points. In particular, in the classical case the vehicle moves on a trajectory about the libration points for at least 700 days before escaping away. We show that this is true also if the modified long-distance Newtonian potential of effective gravity is employed. We also evaluate the impulse required to cancel out the perturbing force due to the Sun in order to force the spacecraft to stay precisely at L4 or L5. It turns out that this value is slightly modified with respect to the corresponding Newtonian one. In the second part of the paper, we first evaluate the location of all Lagrangian points in the Earth-Moon system within the framework of general relativity. For the points L4 and L5, the corrections of coordinates are of order a few millimeters and describe a tiny departure from the equilateral triangle. After that, we set up a scheme where the theory which is quantum corrected has as its classical counterpart the Einstein theory, instead of the Newtonian one. In other words, we deal with a theory involving quantum corrections to Einstein gravity, rather than to Newtonian gravity. By virtue of the effective-gravity correction to the long-distance form of the potential among two point masses, all terms involving the ratio between the gravitational radius of the primary and its separation from the planetoid get modified. Within this framework, for the Lagrangian points of stable equilibrium, we find quantum corrections of order two millimeters, whereas for Lagrangian points of unstable equilibrium we find quantum corrections below a millimeter. In the latter case, for the point L1, general relativity corrects Newtonian theory by 7.61 meters, comparable, as an order of magnitude, with the lunar geodesic precession of about 3 meters per orbit. The latter is a cumulative effect accurately measured at the centimeter level through the lunar laser ranging positioning technique. Thus, it is possible to study a new laser ranging test of general relativity to measure the 7.61-meter correction to the L1 Lagrangian point, an observable never used before in the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Performing such an experiment requires controlling the propulsion to precisely reach L1, an instrumental accuracy comparable to the measurement of the lunar geodesic precession, understanding systematic effects resulting from thermal radiation and multi-body gravitational perturbations. This will then be the basis to consider a second-generation experiment to study deviations of effective field theories of gravity from general relativity in the Sun-Earth-Moon system

    The 1:1 resonance in Extrasolar Systems: Migration from planetary to satellite orbits

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    We present families of symmetric and asymmetric periodic orbits at the 1/1 resonance, for a planetary system consisting of a star and two small bodies, in comparison to the star, moving in the same plane under their mutual gravitational attraction. The stable 1/1 resonant periodic orbits belong to a family which has a planetary branch, with the two planets moving in nearly Keplerian orbits with non zero eccentricities and a satellite branch, where the gravitational interaction between the two planets dominates the attraction from the star and the two planets form a close binary which revolves around the star. The stability regions around periodic orbits along the family are studied. Next, we study the dynamical evolution in time of a planetary system with two planets which is initially trapped in a stable 1/1 resonant periodic motion, when a drag force is included in the system. We prove that if we start with a 1/1 resonant planetary system with large eccentricities, the system migrates, due to the drag force, {\it along the family of periodic orbits} and is finally trapped in a satellite orbit. This, in principle, provides a mechanism for the generation of a satellite system: we start with a planetary system and the final stage is a system where the two small bodies form a close binary whose center of mass revolves around the star.Comment: to appear in Cel.Mech.Dyn.Ast

    Quantum effects on Lagrangian points and displaced periodic orbits in the Earth-Moon system

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    Recent work in the literature has shown that the one-loop long distance quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential imply tiny but observable effects in the restricted three-body problem of celestial mechanics, i.e., at the Lagrangian libration points of stable equilibrium the planetoid is not exactly at equal distance from the two bodies of large mass, but the Newtonian values of its coordinates are changed by a few millimeters in the Earth-Moon system. First, we assess such a theoretical calculation by exploiting the full theory of the quintic equation, i.e., its reduction to Bring-Jerrard form and the resulting expression of roots in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions. By performing the numerical analysis of the exact formulas for the roots, we confirm and slightly improve the theoretical evaluation of quantum corrected coordinates of Lagrangian libration points of stable equilibrium. Second, we prove in detail that also for collinear Lagrangian points the quantum corrections are of the same order of magnitude in the Earth-Moon system. Third, we discuss the prospects to measure, with the help of laser ranging, the above departure from the equilateral triangle picture, which is a challenging task. On the other hand, a modern version of the planetoid is the solar sail, and much progress has been made, in recent years, on the displaced periodic orbits of solar sails at all libration points, both stable and unstable. The present paper investigates therefore, eventually, a restricted three-body problem involving Earth, Moon and a solar sail. By taking into account the one-loop quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential, displaced periodic orbits of the solar sail at libration points are again found to exist

    On Virtual Displacement and Virtual Work in Lagrangian Dynamics

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    The confusion and ambiguity encountered by students, in understanding virtual displacement and virtual work, is discussed in this article. A definition of virtual displacement is presented that allows one to express them explicitly for holonomic (velocity independent), non-holonomic (velocity dependent), scleronomous (time independent) and rheonomous (time dependent) constraints. It is observed that for holonomic, scleronomous constraints, the virtual displacements are the displacements allowed by the constraints. However, this is not so for a general class of constraints. For simple physical systems, it is shown that, the work done by the constraint forces on virtual displacements is zero. This motivates Lagrange's extension of d'Alembert's principle to system of particles in constrained motion. However a similar zero work principle does not hold for the allowed displacements. It is also demonstrated that d'Alembert's principle of zero virtual work is necessary for the solvability of a constrained mechanical problem. We identify this special class of constraints, physically realized and solvable, as {\it the ideal constraints}. The concept of virtual displacement and the principle of zero virtual work by constraint forces are central to both Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers, and Lagrange's equations in generalized coordinates.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. This article is based on an earlier article physics/0410123. It includes new figures, equations and logical conten

    Optical 2-metrics of Schwarzschild-Tangherlini Spacetimes and the Bohlin-Arnold Duality

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    We consider the projection of null geodesics of the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini metric in n+1 dimensions to the space of orbits of the static Killing vector where the motion of a given light ray is seen to lie in a plane. The projected curves coincide with the unparametrised geodesics of optical 2-metrics and can be equally understood as describing the motion of a non-relativistic particle in a central force. We consider a duality between the projected null curves for pairs of values of n and interpret its mathematical meaning in terms of the optical 2-metrics. The metrics are not projectively equivalent but the correspondence can be exposed in terms of a third order differential equation. We also explore the extension of this notion of duality to the Reissner-Nordstrom case.Comment: 10 page
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