563 research outputs found

    Potential Applications of Immobilized β-Galactosidase in Food Processing Industries

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    The enzyme β-galactosidase can be obtained from a wide variety of sources such as microorganisms, plants, and animals. The use of β-galactosidase for the hydrolysis of lactose in milk and whey is one of the promising enzymatic applications in food and dairy processing industries. The enzyme can be used in either soluble or immobilized forms but the soluble enzyme can be used only for batch processes and the immobilized form has the advantage of being used in batch wise as well as in continuous operation. Immobilization has been found to be convenient method to make enzyme thermostable and to prevent the loss of enzyme activity. This review has been focused on the different types of techniques used for the immobilization of β-galactosidase and its potential applications in food industry

    Impact of graphene oxide and highly reduced graphene oxide on cement based composites

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    This study examines and compares the performance of two specific forms of graphene nanomaterials in the cement based composite, namely graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO). A typical forms of GO with the average C:O ratio of 54:46 and a rGO with the average C:O ratio of 82:18 were used in the cement based paste composites. rGO was treated with superplasticizer to improve its dispersibility in water. Both GO and rGO were used as 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 wt% of cement. The effect of GO and rGO on workability, early age hydration, microstructure, mechanical and transport properties was determined. Different characteristics of GO and rGO such as molecular structure, functional groups, d spacing, size and physical strength influenced the properties of the cement based composites. The workability and final setting time of composite gradually decreased compared to 100% PC (control) with higher dosages of GO up to 0.06 wt% (of cement), which is due to the dominant oxygen functional groups and the hydrophilic nature of GO. To the contrary, the workability and final setting time increased in the rGO composites compared to the control mix due to the almost hydrophobic nature of rGO and the presence of superplasticiser. The XRD and TGA quantification of the hydration products shows that GO composites have a greater content of Ca(OH)2 and C-S-H compared to rGO composites measured at 1, 7 and 28 days. Micropores (smaller than ∼10 µm) in GO composites were observed to be filled with calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and crystalline compounds. Random pore filling nature was observed in rGO composites and ettringite was more common element in those pores. Meso and gel pores

    Bio-processing of Agro-industrial Wastes for Production of Food-grade Enzymes: Progress and Prospects

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    Background and Objectives: In the era of global industrialization, enzymes are being used extensively in the various sectors including food processing. Owing to the high price of enzymes, various initiatives have been undertaken by the R&D sector for the development of new processes or improvement in the existing processes for production of cost effective enzymes. With the advancement in the field of biotechnology, different bioprocesses are being used for utilization of different agro-industrial residues for the production of various enzymes. This review focuses on different types of agro-industrial wastes and their utilization in the production of enzymes. The present scenario as well as the future scope of utilization of enzymes in the food industry has also been discussed.Results and Conclusion: The regulations from the various governmental as well as environmental agencies for the demand of cleaner environment have led to the advancement in various technologies for utilization of the wastes for the production of value-added products such as enzymes. Among the different types of fermentation, maximum work has been carried under solid state conditions by batch fermentation. The research has indicated the significant potential of agro-industrial wastes for production of food-grade enzymes in order to improve the economics of the process.Conflict of interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Meta-analysis: A practical decision making tool for surgeons

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    AbstractBackgroundThe exponential rise in published medical research on a yearly basis demands a method to summarise best evidence towards its application to patient care in clinical practice. A robust meta-analysis is a valid tool. It is often considered to be a simple process of pooling results from different studies. This is not true. It appears that surgeons lack a reference guide to help them conduct and appraise a meta-analysis.MethodsThis paper provides a structural framework to perform a meta-analysis. It guides the surgeon on a journey from identification of the correct clinical question to data analysis and through to producing a structured report. Statistical methods are discussed briefly as most commercial software calculates most results in the background. An example of a recent meta-analysis is given. However, important caveats are mentioned as there are limitations of the meta-analytical technique.ConclusionWhereas meta-analyses of homogeneous studies are the highest form of evidence, poorly conducted meta-analyses create confusion and serve to harm the patient. Surgeons practising their art in an era of evidence-based surgery need to understand the principles of meta-analyses

    Utilization of Agro-Industrial Byproducts for Bacteriocin Production Using Newly Isolated Enterococcus faecium BS13

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    Microbial production of antimicrobials as biopreservatives is the major area of focus nowadays due to increased interest of consumers towards natural and safe preservation of ready to eat food products. The agro-industrial byproduct based medium and optimized process conditions can contribute in economical production of bacteriocins. Keeping this in view, the present investigation was carried out on agro-industrial byproducts utilization for the production of bacteriocin using Enterococcus faecium BS13 isolated from local fermented food. Different agro-industrial byproduct based carbon sources (whey, potato starch liquor, kinnow peel, deoiledrice bran and molasses), nitrogen sources (soya okra, pea pod and corn steep liquor), metal ions and surfactants were tested for optimal bacteriocin production. The effect of various process parameters such as pH, temperature, inoculum level, agitation and time were also tested on bacteriocin production. The optimized medium containing whey, supplemented with 4%corn steep liquor and polysorbate-80 displayed maximum bacteriocin activity with 2% inoculum, at pH 6.5, temperature 40oC under shaking conditions (100 rpm)

    Screening of media components and process parameters for production of L(+) lactic acid from potato waste liquid using amylolytic Rhizopus oryzae

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    The utilization of potato waste liquid instead of synthetic substrates for lactic acid production cannot only reduce the production cost but also makes the process environment effective. Unlike many lactic acid bacteria, lactic acid producing Rhizopus strains generates L(+) lactic acid as a sole isomer of lactic acid. Furthermore, some Rhizopus spp. are amylolytic in nature and can produce lactic acid from starchy substrates without prior saccharification. This study aimed at the utilization of potato waste liquid for the production of L(+) lactic acid using amylolytic Rhizopus oryzae MTCC 8784. The effect of media components and process parameters on simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of potato waste liquid by fungal strain has been studied to maximize the production of L(+) lactic acid. The results revealed that highest lactic acid production (15.5 g l–1) was obtained with potato waste liquid containing 30 g l–1 starch supplemented with soya okara hydrolysate (1.5%, v/v), calcium carbonate (1.5%, w/v), and salts. In terms of process parameters, the maximum L(+) lactic acid (18.15 g l–1) production was obtained at pH 6 with temperature 30 °C, agitation of 150 r.p.m., after incubation period of 48 h