59 research outputs found
Do Lianas Shape Ant Communities in An Early Successional Tropical Forest?
Almost half of lowland tropical forests are at various stages of regeneration following deforestation or fragmentation. Changes in tree communities along successional gradients have predictable bottomâup effects on consumers. Liana (woody vine) assemblages also change with succession, but their effects on animal succession remain unexplored. Here we used a largeâscale liana removal experiment across a forest successional chronosequence (7â31 years) to determine the importance of lianas to ant community structure. We conducted 1,088 surveys of ants foraging on and living in trees using tree trunk baiting and handâcollecting techniques at 34 paired forest plots, half of which had all lianas removed. Ant species composition, ÎČâdiversity, and species richness were not affected by liana removal; however, ant species coâoccurrence (the coexistence of two or more species in a single tree) was more frequent in control plots, where lianas were present, versus removal plots. Forest stand age had a larger effect on ant community structure than the presence of lianas. Mean ant species richness in a forest plot increased by ca. 10% with increasing forest age across the 31âyear chronosequence. Ant surveys from forest \u3e20 years old included more canopy specialists and fewer groundânesting ant species versus those from forestsConsequently, lianas had a minimal effect on arboreal ant communities in this early successional forest, where rapidly changing tree community structure was more important to ant species richness and composition
Trees as Islands: Canopy Ant Species Richness Increases with the Size of Liana-Free Trees in a Neotropical Forest
The physical characteristics of habitats shape local community structure; a classic example is the positive relationship between the size of insular habitats and species richness. Despite the high density and proximity of tree crowns in forests, trees are insular habitats for some taxa. Specifically, crown isolation (i.e. crown shyness) prevents the movement of small cursorial animals among trees. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the species richness of ants (Sa) in individual, isolated trees embedded within tropical forest canopies increases with tree size. We predicted that this pattern disappears when trees are connected by lianas (woody vines) or when strong interactions among ant species determine tree occupancy. We surveyed the resident ants of 213 tree crowns in lowland tropical forest of Panama. On average, 9.2 (range = 2â20) ant species occupied a single tree crown. Average (± SE) Sa was ca 25% higher in trees with lianas (10.2 ± 0.26) than trees lacking lianas (8.0 ± 0.51). Sa increased with tree size in lianaâfree trees (Sa = 10.99A0.256), but not in trees with lianas. Ant species composition also differed between trees with and without lianas. Specifically, ant species with solitary foragers occurred more frequently in trees with lianas. The mosaicâlike pattern of species coâoccurrence observed in other arboreal ant communities was not found in this forest. Collectively, the results of this study indicate that lianas play an important role in shaping the local community structure of arboreal ants by overcoming the insular nature of tree crowns
Disease Dynamics in a Specialized Parasite of Ant Societies
Coevolution between ant colonies and their rare specialized parasites are intriguing, because lethal infections of workers may correspond to tolerable chronic diseases of colonies, but the parasite adaptations that allow stable coexistence with ants are virtually unknown. We explore the trade-offs experienced by Ophiocordyceps parasites manipulating ants into dying in nearby graveyards. We used field data from Brazil and Thailand to parameterize and fit a model for the growth rate of graveyards. We show that parasite pressure is much lower than the abundance of ant cadavers suggests and that hyperparasites often castrate Ophiocordyceps. However, once fruiting bodies become sexually mature they appear robust. Such parasite life-history traits are consistent with iteroparityâ a reproductive strategy rarely considered in fungi. We discuss how tropical habitats with high biodiversity of hyperparasites and high spore mortality has likely been crucial for the evolution and maintenance of iteroparity in parasites with low dispersal potential
The Early Evolution of BitingâChewing Performance in Hexapoda
Insects show a plethora of different mandible shapes. It was advocated that these mandible shapes are mainly a function of different feeding habits. This hypothesis was tested on a larger sampling of non-holometabolan bitingâchewing insects with additional tests to understand the interplay of mandible function, feeding guild, and phylogeny. The results show that at the studied systematic level, variation in mandible bitingâchewing effectivity is regulated to a large extent by phylogenetic history and the configuration of the mandible joints rather than the food preference of a given taxon. Additionally, lineages with multiple mandibular joints such as primary wingless hexapods show a wider functional space occupation of mandibular effectivity than dicondylic insects (= silverfish + winged insects) at significantly different evolutionary rates. The evolution and occupation of a comparably narrow functional performance space of dicondylic insects is surprising given the low effectivity values of this food uptake solution. Possible reasons for this relative evolutionary âstasisâ are discussed
Distribuição de Paravelia recens (Drake & Harris, 1935) (HemĂptera, Heteroptera, Veliidae) em Guzmania brasiliensis Ule, 1907 (Bromeliaceae) na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil
Este Ă© o primeiro registro de Paravelia recens (Drake & Harris, 1935) (Heteroptera: Veliidae) em fitotelmata de Guzmania brasiliensis Ule, 1907 (Bromeliaceae). O estudo foi conduzido na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, localizada na rodovia AM 010 km 26, Manaus, Amazonas. Foram realizadas doze amostragens, entre abril de 2003 e abril de 2005, seis no perĂodo chuvoso e seis no perĂodo de seca. Para cada amostragem, 12 bromĂ©lias foram analisadas, seis terrestres e seis epĂfitas, totalizando 144 amostras. Com exceção das amostras de março e outubro de 2004, 94 espĂ©cimes de P. recens foram encontrados. O nĂșmero de indivĂduos coletados foi semelhante nos estratos amostrados, sendo 46 terrestres e 48 epĂfitas. No perĂodo chuvoso foi encontrado um maior nĂșmero de P. recens (teste-t entre perĂodos; t =2,57; p=0,011), assim como a abundĂąncia de indivĂduos esteve positivamente correlacionada com o volume de ĂĄgua por bromĂ©lia (r s= 0,18; p=0,033). Este fato pode ser explicado pelo maior aporte de ĂĄgua no perĂodo chuvoso acarretando o aumento do volume mĂ©dio de ĂĄgua nas bromĂ©lias.This is the first record of Paravelia recens (Drake & Harris, 1935) (Heteroptera: Veliidae) in phytotelmata of Guzmania brasiliensis Ule, 1907 (Bromeliaceae). The study was conduced at Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, located on road AM 010 Km 26, Manaus, Amazonas. Twelve samplings were taken between April 2003 and April 2005, namely, six in the wet season and six in the dry season. Twelve bromeliads were analysed for each sampling, six terrestrials and six epiphytics, totaling 144 samples. With the exception of the 2004 March and October samples, 94 specimens of P. recens were found. The number of individuals was similar in the stratums sampled, accounting for 46 terrestrials and 48 epiphytics. P. recens were found in great abundance in the wet season (t-test between season; t=2,57; p=0,011), and the abundance of individuals was positively correlated with water volume by bromeliad (r s= 0,18; p=0,033). This fact could be explained by the major input of water in the wet season, causing the increase of mean water volume by bromeliad
Data for Indicator Species Analysis
Matrix providing the number of trees in each subplot occupied by each ant species
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