404 research outputs found

    The nexus of soil radon and hydrogen dynamics and seismicity of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone

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    The comparison of kinematics and dynamic parameters of radon and molecular hydrogen concentration in subsoil air on the stations network at the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky geodynamic proving ground with seismicity of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone was fulfilled in the period from July till August 2004. On the basis of correlation analysis of the regional seismicity and variations of radon flux density calculated using the data of gas-discharge counters of STS-6 type and SSNTDs it was shown that the radon mass transfer abnormal variations are conditioned by both regional seismicity in total and the subduction zone of proving ground. The azimuths of «geodeformation waves» coming to the registration points are calculated during clearly expressed anomaly beginnings, which coincide with directions to earthquake epicenters taking place at the same time. The geochemical anomalies recorded are presumptively deformative by nature and can be conditioned by processes of «quasi-viscous» flow of the lithosphere during rearrangement of tectonic stress fields of the subduction zone. The short-term (predicted time Τ <14 days) precursor of the earthquakes swarm was revealed in hydrogen dynamics on August, 4-5 (four earthquakes had M≥5.3 and epicentral distance about 130 km from the Paratunka base station)

    Маркетингові дослідження ринку лікарських засобів антидепресивної дії

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    Aim. To conduct the marketing analysis of the domestic market of drugs with the antidepressant action, to analyze the price characteristics of drugs and their dynamics for 2013-2017.Materials and methods. The statistical, graphic, comparative methods of analysis were used.Results. According to the data of the State Register of Drugs of Ukraine as of 01.03.2017 there are 213 antidepressants registered in the country, among them a significant part (87.5%) is drugs of foreign production. The average value of the calculated chain index of average purchasing prices (Ig) equaled 1.29 in 2013-2017. The analysis of the adequacy solvency coefficient (Cas) indicated an increase of this index in the period of 2014-2016. During this time, a tendency towards a decrease in the availability index (A) was noted. In 2017, there is an increase of A, but its value remains less than 1. Conclusions: It has been proven that within 2013-2017 there was an increase in average purchase prices for drugs. It has been found that the growth of the adequacy solvency coefficient (Cas) and the decrease of the availability index (A) in 2014-2016 indicate the reduction of availability of drugs with the antidepressant action. At the same time, a positive tendency of the increase in A in 2017 should be noted, however, its value indicates the insufficient level of the drug availability.Цель: проведение маркетинговых исследований отечественного рынка лекарственных средств антидепрессивного действия, анализ ценовых характеристик лекарств и их динамики за 2013-2017 гг.Методы: статистический, графический, сравнительный.Результаты исследования. По данным Государственного реестра лекарственных средств (ЛС) Украины, по состоянию на 01.03.2017 г. зарегистрировано 223 ЛС антидепрессивного действия, значительную часть (81,6 %) из которых составляют препараты иностранного производства. Среднее значение рассчитанного цепного индекса среднестатистических закупочных цен (Іg) в 2013-2017 гг. равно 1,29. Анализ коэффициента адекватности платежеспособности (Cas) свидетельствует о росте этого показателя в период 2014-2016 гг. За это же время отмечена тенденция к снижению показателя доступности (D). В 2017 наблюдается увеличение показателя D, но его значение остается менее 1.Выводы. Доказано, что в течение 2013-2017 гг. наблюдался рост средних закупочных цен на ЛС. Установлено, что рост показателя адекватности платежеспособности (Cas) и снижение показателя доступности (D) в 2014-2016 гг. свидетельствуют о снижении доступности ЛС антидепрессивного действия. Вместе с тем необходимо отметить положительную тенденцию роста показателя доступности (D) в2017 г., но он указывает на недостаточный уровень доступности исследуемых ЛС.Мета: маркетингові дослідження вітчизняного ринку лікарських засобів (ЛЗ) антидепресивної дії, аналіз цінових характеристик ліків та їх динаміки за 2013-2017 рр.Методи: статистичний, графічний, порівняльний.Результати дослідження. За даними Державного реєстру ЛЗ України, станом на 01.03.2017 р. зареєстровано 223 ЛЗ антидепресивної дії, значну частину (81,6 %) з яких складають препарати іноземного виробництва. Середнє значення розрахованого ланцюгового індексу середньостатистичних закупівельних цін (Іg) у 2013-2017 рр. дорівнює 1,29. Аналіз коефіцієнта адекватності платоспроможності (Cas) свідчить про зростання цього показника протягом 2014-2016 рр. За цей же час відмічена тенденція до зниження показника доступності (D). У 2017 р. спостерігається збільшення показника D, але його значення залишається менше за 1.Висновки. Доведено, що протягом 2013-2017 рр. спостерігалося зростання середніх закупівельних цін на ЛЗ. Встановлено, що зростання показника адекватності платоспроможності (Cas) та зниження показника доступності (D) у 2014-2016 рр. свідчить про зниження доступності ЛЗ антидепресивної дії. Разом з тим необхідно відзначити позитивну тенденцію зростання показника доступності (D) у 2017 р., але він вказує на недостатній рівень доступності досліджуваних ЛЗ

    X-ray film chamber with carbon target of Tien-Shan complex array

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    X-ray films were exposed inside the ionization calorimeter under 74g/sq cm of carbon and 5 cm of lead. The X-ray film chamber area is 35 sq. m. Moving X-ray films were used, 50% of the events, which succeeded to determine incidence time, were identified with corresponding extensive air showers (EAS). For such events the size spectrum of associated EAS was derived. Two methods of energy measurement using X-ray films and ionization calorimeter were compared. The energy transfer from selected hadron to electromagnetic component is illustrated. It is found that in cascades with high energy release into electromagnetic components the hadron component is practically absent

    Postdocs in Russia: Peculiarities of Employment and Incentives

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    The article presents the results of the author’s research aimed at identifying the peculiarities of employment of postdocs, a relatively new labor category for the Russian academic labor market. Due to several difficulties associated with forming a sample of postdocs (difficulty in identifying key persons responsible for the development of postdoctoral programs; direct, but not always justified, refusals to provide data, difficulties in identifying potential respondents due to their occupation of various scientific positions in Russian universities), the “snowball” method was used. As a result, the empirical basis of the study was formed based on the results of an online survey of 44 postdocs. As part of the study, tasks related to compiling a socio-economic portrait of a postdoc based on economic, socio-demographic characteristics and indicators of research efficiency, identifying the characteristics of the employment and placement experience of postdocs, objective factors and individual motives for making decisions in the field of choosing postdoctoral programs were solved, as well as diagnostics of tools and channels for young researchers to search for vacancies. The authors distinguish between types of academic mobility (educational and labor) and consider postdoctoral studies as a promising form of external labor academic mobility aimed at attracting and retaining high-potential young researchers planning a long-term career in the academic labor market.Shifting the emphasis from the inbreeding model of university development (internal labor mobility) to the model of external labor academic mobility of young specialists allows those universities that can effectively manage the flow of academic human capital to receive additional socio-economic preferences and return on investment. There are very few similar empirical studies that analyze the features of the development of postdoctoral institutions in Russia and abroad and are based on quantitative and qualitative data from surveys of direct participants in external labor academic mobility – postdocs, which determines the scientific novelty and practical value of the proposed results

    Magnetic properties of the GdFeSi - GdTiSi solid solutions

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    The GdFe1-xTixSi, x=0-0.2 intermetallic compounds with a tetragonal crystal structure of the CeFeSi (P4/nmm)-type have been studied. It was obtained that the lattice parameter c and the Curie temperature increase quickly, whereas the lattice parameter a is almost unchanged in the system with increasing of Ti content. The GdFeSi compound is easily magnetized along the [001] axis, the field of magnetic anisotropy equals to ∼3.8 kOe at T = 90 K. The saturation magnetization does not change in the GdFe1-xTi x Si system. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-72-10098Support by RSF (Project No. 18-72-10098) is acknowledged


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    Oil production, its transportation and refining, in spite of precautions, may lead to various hydrocarbon components entering the environment due to unwanted events. Three samples were studied, which are products of oil refining: mazut - the residue obtained by rectification of a mixture of West Siberian oils at atmospheric pressure and that is a mixture of hydrocarbons with a boiling point of more than 350° C with a small amount of heteroatomic compounds (sulfur content in the sample is 2.65 wt%), light (LСGO) and heavy (HCGO) cycle gas oils which are fractions enriched with arenes, including polycyclic, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur compounds (mainly thiophene derivatives)).This work is funded by Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation (Project No FSNM-2020-002

    Formation of groundwater levels of drained lands in the natural and climatic conditions of the Novgorod region

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    Studies on the formation of groundwater levels have been carried out on open and closed drainage systems in the natural and climatic conditions of the Novgorod region for more than 30 years at 2 pilot production sites. On the first site there are 4 structures of closed drainage: shallow with a depth of 70 cm; medium-deep drainage (drainage depth 110 cm) with various options for filling the drainage trench-wood chips and sand-gravel mixture; two-tier drainage (drainage depth 110 and 60 cm). On the second site there are four open drainage structures: channels; hollows – without hydro-reclamation structures; with drainage along the bottom-tubular and strip-free. The average long-term data on groundwater regimes on experimental structures were obtained and conclusions were drawn that the average seasonal groundwater level formed by closed drainage systems is 18 cm lower compared to open drainage systems; the most favorable groundwater regime is formed by drainage systems of two-tier drainage. The dependences of groundwater levels formed during the most intense periods of operation of drainage systems (May – 1st decade of June) on the amount of precipitation for previous periods are analyzed. It was revealed that the closeness of the relationship between groundwater levels and the amount of precipitation in the open drainage variants is less close (r2 = 0.01-0.30) compared with the closed drainage variants (r2 = 0.02-0.54). The closest relationship on closed drainage systems is observed between the groundwater level of the third decade of May and precipitation for May: during this period, with an increase in precipitation by 1 mm, groundwater rises by 0.3 cm – in the variant with chip filling and by 0.6 cm – in the variants of shallow and two-tier drainage

    Expression of indaleamine 2,3-dioxygenase mRNA in patients with spontaneous miscarriages at early stages of pregnancy

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    Expression mRNA of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and Toll-like receptors (TLR) 1-4 in epithelial cells of cervix uteri in 57 patients with early stage miscarriages (6-10 weeks of pregnancy) and 57 patients with artificial abortion (control group) was examined using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR