1,229 research outputs found

    Twin pregnancy with rupture of cerebral arterio venous malformation with intracranial hemorrhage

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    Cerebral AV malformation in pregnancy is a rare condition with a prevalence rate of approximately 0.01-0.5%. It generally presents symptoms at 20-40 years of age most commonly at around 30 years of age. It affects both men and women but more prevalent in women at this age group. We presented a case of primi gravida at 22 weeks of gestation with DCDA type of twin presenting in emergency department with intracranial hemorrhage secondary to rupture of AV malformation.

    Study of insulin resistance and antioxidant vitamin status in prostate cancer patients

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    The incidence of prostate cancer is 5 per 100000 in southern and eastern Asia. Both genetic and environmental factors have been implicated in its etiology. The mitogenic and growth stimulatory effects of Insulin growth factor may be involved in prostate carcinogenesis. To evaluate serum insulin and insulin resistance was passed by HOMA- IR. Prostatic specific antigen passed by immune-enzymatic assay. Vitamins were estimated by high performance liquid chromatography. In our study 30 prostate cancer patients aged 60-80years were taken as cases. 30 normal age matched disease free person were taken as controls in both groups, Insulin resistance and antioxidant vitamin status was studied.  In the present study, the value of HOMA-IR was (P <0.05) is significantly higher compare to controls. Serum vitamin E and vitamin C values for cases was reduced (P <0.05) significantly lower than controls. The development of prostate cancer is a multistep process. Hyperinsulinemia associated with insulin resistance may play a role in pathogenesis of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer cells generate high levels a ROS

    Influence of Milling Process Parameters on Machined Surface Quality of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Composites Using Taguchi Analysis And Grey Relational Analysis

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    The article presents the milled surface quality of Uni-Directional Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (UD-CFRP) composites from Taguchi’s and grey relational analysis. The novelty is demonstrating the possibility of detecting the surface defects in polymer composites during milling using SEM analysis. The material used for this study is UD-CFRP composite laminates and made by hand-layup process. All the milling operations were carried out using a solid tungsten carbide end milling tool and experiments conducted on CNC milling machine. Taguchi L9, 3-level orthogonal array was considered for experimentation. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to explore the significance of each individual input process parameters on multiple performance characteristics. Optimal process parameters are thoroughly validated by grey relational grade achieved by the grey relational analysis for multi performance characteristics. Finally, experimental results were correlated and analyzed with scanning electron micrographs using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

    Assessment of variability parameters and diversity of panicle architectural traits associated with yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The rice panicle, a pivotal reproductive structure, signifies the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth in plants. Comprising components such as the rachis, primary and secondary branches, seed quantities and branch lengths, panicle architecture profoundly influences grain production. This study delves into the diversity of panicle architecture traits and scrutinizes variability parameters across 69 distinct rice genotypes. Our findings underscore substantial variations in panicle architecture traits among genotypes. Particularly noteworthy are traits with the highest coefficient of variation (CV%), encompassing the count of secondary branches, single plant yield, productive tillers per plant, seeds per secondary branch and panicle weight. Correlation analysis reveals robust positive connections between panicle weight, the number of filled grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight and single plant yield. The number of secondary branches exhibits the most substantial phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV%) at 47.14%, accompanied by a genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV%) of 43.57%. Traits such as days to 50% flowering, plant height and number of filled grains per panicle manifest high heritability (97.04%, 91.24% and 76.22% respectively) and notable genetic advancement (23.11%, 39.62% and 47.49%). The principal component analysis identifies the primary component (PC1) as the principal contributor to variance. Biplot analysis accentuates positive correlations between attributes like the number of filled grains per panicle, panicle length, plant height, primary branch count, panicle weight, seeds per primary branch and the number of secondary branches with single plant yield. By employing Mahalanobis D2 statistics, the classification of genotypes into 6 distinct clusters reveals clusters III and IV as distinguished by their significant inter-cluster and intra-cluster distances. This comprehensive analysis unveils the potential for harnessing panicle architecture traits to enhance grain production and advances our comprehension of intricate relationships within diverse rice genotypes

    Potential of Egg shell powder as replacement of Lime in soil stabilization

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    This paper presents a study on the properties of soil stabilized by using lime and egg shell powder. Tests were conducted to assess the potential of egg shell powder in replacing lime, which can make the overall stabilization process economical and eco-friendly. Results obtained show that all the treated mixes gave much better strength than untreated soil. Egg shell powder was introduced in quantities of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% of the weight of soil. Tests were conducted replacing up to 50% of the lime used for stabilization. It was observed that 25% replacement of lime by egg shell powder gave better strength properties and can be adopted for practical purposes

    Molecular genetic relationships among Arachis diogoi and A. chiquitana accessions

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    Seventeen SSR markers were selected randomly for molecular characterization/fingerprinting of two accessions of Arachis diogoi and three accessions of A. chiquitana to ascertain whether the morphologically different A. chiquitana accession ICG 11560 may be an accession of A. diogoi (=A. chacoense). Two accessions of A. chiquitana, ICG 13181 and ICG 13241, formed a distinct group. A. chiquitana accession ICG 11560 did not group closely with the other A. chiquitana accessions, but showed closer relationship with them than with the A. diogoi accessions ICG 4983 and ICG 8962. The two accessions of A. diogoi, ICG 4983 and ICG 8962, grouped together and were separated from the group formed by section Procumbentes members. These results show that A. chiquitana accessions in general and ICG 11560 in particular are not related to accessions of A. diogoi. In another experiment, similar results were obtained when RAPDs (random amplified polymorphic DNAs) were used to distinguish wild Arachis species


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    Ulcer occurs when stomach acid damages the lining of the digestive tract caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Many pharmacological activities such as antiulcer activity can act against ulcer. Medicinal plants like Mimosa pudica and Vachellia nilotica has the antiulcer activity in a wide range. To study the antiulcer activity in medicinal plants using insilco studies by comparing the phytocompounds of plants with histamine 2 receptor as a binding protein, which is present in the stomach lining of homosapiens. Histamine 2 receptor was modelled using Swiss model and the ligand structures are obtained from PUB-CHEM, viewed easily via PYMOL. All the phytocompounds showed good binding energy with modelled protein on the docking methodology. Specifically ascorbic acid exhibited the lower binding energy of value -3.24 kcal/mol, indole and catechin shows highest binding energy of value -4.99 kcal/mol and -4.98 kacl/mol respectively. The results can be useful for the design and development of phytocompounds having better inhibitory activity against several types of ulcer

    Detection and identification of global maximum power point operation in solar PV applications using a hybrid ELPSO-P&O tracking technique

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    Non-homogeneous irradiation conditions due to environmental changes introduce multiple peaks in non-linear PV characteristics. Hence, to operate PV at the global power point, numerous algorithms have been proposed in the literature. However, due to the insufficient exploitation of control variables, all the MPPT methods presented in literature fail to guarantee Global Maximum Power Point (GMPP) operation. In this paper, a new detection technology to identify global MPP zones using hybrid Enhanced Leader Particle Swarm Optimization (ELPSO) assisted by a conventional Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is proposed. With inherent mutations, ELPSO applied to MPPT excels in exploring global regions at initial stages to determine the global best leader; whilst, P&O is reverted back soon after global solution space is detected. The transition from ELPSO to P&O is mathematically verified and allowed only when ELPSO finds the global optimal zone. Adapting this hybrid strategy, the proposed method has produced interesting results under partial shaded conditions. For further validation, the results of the proposed hybrid ELPSO-P&O are compared with conventional ELPSO and the hybrid PSO-P&O methods. Experimental results along with energy evaluations confirmed the superiority of the ELPSOP&O method in obtaining the maximum available power under all shaded conditions

    Screening of diverse phytochemicals with Aurora Kinase C protein: An In Silico approach

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    Aurora Kinase C, a vital serine-threonine protein Kinase, is an important member of the Aurora Kinase protein family which plays an important role in mitosis is a part of Chromosomal Passenger Complex (CPC).&nbsp; Aurora Kinase C over expression is found to be linked with several cancer cell lines which demonstrate its oncogenic involvement and activity. Aurora C over expression in certain cancer types makes it an important target to be considered for cancer therapeutics. The present research work focuses on the Aurora Kinase C as an important target for computational studies. The protein model of&nbsp; Aurora Kinase C, as a proten target on docking with 1500 natural compounds (phytochemicals) reveals&nbsp; the binding of the natural&nbsp; ligand 3-beta,23,28-trihydroxy-12-oleanene 23-caffeate belonging to the terpenoid class with highest docking score. This best bound ligand with the protein Aurora Kinase C was chosen for further understanding their protein-ligand interactions at the the molecular level using the molecular dynamic simulation approach. Stability of the protein-ligand complex and its conformation helps in disclosing the potentiality of the best bound ligand to be further chosen as an important small molecule inhibitor that would help playing a lead role in further drug discovery process Keywords: Aurora Kinase C, Cancer, Phytochemicals, Docking, Molecular Dynamic

    Insilico and Invitro anthelmintic properties of phytocompounds in Rostellularia quinquangularis (J. Koenig ex Roxb.) Nees

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of various extracts of Rostellularia quinquangularis (R. quinquangularis) against adult Indian earthworms (Pheretima posthuma). Petroleum ether extract (PERQ), ethyl acetate extract (RQEA), and ethanol extract (RQEE) of R. quinquangularis were tested at different concentrations (10, 20, 50, and 100 mg/mL), along with the positive control (albendazole) and negative control (normal saline). Anthelmintic activity was assessed based on the duration of paralysis and mortality. The RQEE extract showed significant anthelmintic activity, with the highest activity observed at a concentration of 100 mg/mL, exhibiting paralysis time of 1.62 min and death times of 19.9 min, compared to the standard albendazole. Further, HR LC-MS analysis of the RQEE extract revealed the presence of various phytoconstituents based on m/z signals. Molecular docking analysis using AutoDock Vina indicated that Columbianetin, Dunnione, Cryptochlorogenic acid, Gaylussacin, Luvangetin, and Albendazole showed docking scores of -8.1, -7.9, -7.4, -7.3, -7.2, and -6.8 Kcal/mol, respectively. These results suggest that R. quinquangularis possesses potent anthelmintic activity, supporting its traditional use in medicinal practices.
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