780 research outputs found

    Distribucions de freqüències i distribucions de probabilitats

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    Electrospinning synthesis and characterization of nanofibers of Co, Ce and mixed Co-Ce oxides. Their application to oxidation reactions of diesel soot and CO

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    Co, Ce and Co-Ce nanofibers were synthesized by the electrospinning method. To obtain mixed fibers, Co was incorporated in two ways: one step synthesis and sequential synthesis. Nanofibers were applied to two reactions: gas-solid (CO oxidation) and solid-solid-gas (combustion of diesel soot). Different activity trends were observed in both reactions. For soot combustion, Co-Ce nanofibers were more active either than Co or Ce nanofibers. For CO oxidation instead, the activity order was Co > Co-Ce > Ce. Moreover, in the case of soot combustion, for all samples the temperature of maximum combustion rate occurred at a relatively narrow range (350-390 °C). On the contrary, for CO oxidation the temperature range for T50 was notably wider (150-325 °C). The high activity shown for all the samples for soot oxidation is related to the multiple contact points between the fibers and the soot particles, and the trend observed for CO oxidation related to the higher redox capacity of Co, as observed from CO-TPR experiments

    Discrete fuzzy system orbits as a portfolio selection method

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    [EN] The purpose of this work is to approach the portfolio selection problem from a particular System Theory framework. The System will be formed by the set of public companies in the portfolio and a set of fuzzy relations on those companies. Starting with an equally split portfolio represented by a fuzzy set B, the orbit of B is computed for a particular period obtaining a portfolio to invest in the next period. We present an example ¿nding nine portfolios to invest in 9 months and we compare them with some optimal portfolios in the ef¿cient frontier given by the Modern Portfolio Theory and with some random generated portfolios. We ¿nd a better performance in returns for the portfolio based on the systemic method.Perez-Gonzaga, S.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Miró Martínez, P. (2017). Discrete fuzzy system orbits as a portfolio selection method. Operational Research (Online). doi:10.1007/s12351-017-0361-2SAgliardi E, Agliardi R (2011) Bond pricing under imprecise information. Oper Res 11(3):299–309Esteve-Calvo P, Lloret-Climent M (2006) Coverage, invariability and orbits by structural functions. Kybernetes 35(7/8):1236–1240Jegadeesh N, Titman S (1993) Returns to buying winners and selling losers: implications for stock market efficiency. J Finance 48(1):65–91Klement EP, Mesiar R, Pap E (2013) Triangular norms, vol 8. Springer, New YorkLloret-Climent M, Villacampa-Esteve Y, Us-Domenech JL (1998) System-linkage: structural functions and hierarchies. Cybern Syst 29(1):35–46Ma YH, Lin Y (1987) Some properties of linked time systems. Int J Gen Syst 13(2):125–134Markowitz H (1952) Portfolio selection. J Finance 7(1):77–91Perez-Gonzaga S, Lloret-Climent M, Nescolarde-Selva JA (2015) Invariability, orbits and fuzzy attractors. Int J Gen Syst 45(1):29–40Tiryaki F, Ahlatcioglu B (2009) Fuzzy portfolio selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Inf Sci 179(1):53–69Von Bertalanffy L (1968) General system theory: foundations, development, applications. George Braziller, New York, pp 40Zadeh LA (1962) From circuit theory to system theory. Proc IRE 50(5):856–86

    Ionogram inversion F1-layer treatment effect in raytracing

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    This paper shows the importance of the F1-layer shape in the electron density profiles obtained from ionograms with different inversion techniques when the profiles are used in ray tracing. This layer often controls the propagation on the path with ranges less than about 2000 km, particularly for spring and summer periods. Ionograms from two different stations, Hainan (19.4N, 109E) and El Arenosillo (37.1N, -6.7E), obtained during the month of July 2002 (average sunspot number: 99.6) during geomagnetic quiet conditions (Ap-index between 9 and 15) are analyzed. The profiles obtained with two different inversion techniques with different options are used together with the ray tracing program of the Proplab-Pro software. This program calculates the features of the received signal as angle of arrival, path length, height of reflection and range for each given profile assumed to define a spherically symmetric ionosphere in the region along the path. For each ionospheric condition (location, day, hour) the difference between range values obtained with Proplab-Pro program using profiles from the two techniques and the different options (POLAN no valley, POLAN valley, POLAN1-layer and NHPC) are considered

    Validation of a method for ionospheric electron density reconstruction by means of vertical incidence data during quiet and storm periods

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    A preliminary validation of the technique developed using the NeQuick ionospheric model and the «effective ionization parameter» Az, based on vertical total electron content data ingestion, was carried out in a previous study. The current study was performed to extend the analyzed conditions and confirm the results. The method to validate this technique is based on a comparison between hourly F2 peak values measured with Vertical Incidence (VI) soundings and those calculated with the new technique. Data corresponding to different hours and seasons (equinox, summer solstice, and winter solstice) during the period 2000-2003 (high and medium solar activity conditions) were compared for all available ionosonde stations. The results show a good agreement between foF2 and hmF2 values obtained with the new technique and measurements from vertical incidence soundings during quiet and storms conditions

    A model assisted ionospheric electron density reconstruction method based on vertical TEC data ingestion

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    A technique to reconstruct the electron density of the ionosphere starting from total electron content values has been developed using the NeQuick ionospheric electron density model driven by its effective ionization parameter Az. The technique is based on the computation of Az values for a suitable worldwide grid of points. A simple way to obtain relevant Az grids is to use global vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) maps to define for each grid point as Az value, the one that minimizes the difference between the experimental and the modeled vertical TEC. Having a global grid of Az values it is possible to compute the electron density at any point in the ionosphere using NeQuick. As a consequence, slant TEC values for specific ground station to satellite links or ionosphere peak parameter values at any location can be calculated. The results of the comparisons between experimental and reconstructed slant TEC as well as experimental and reconstructed peak parameters values indicate that the proposed reconstruction method can be used to reproduce the observed ionosphere in a realistic way

    Practical approach on frail older patients attended for acute heart failure

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    Acute heart failure (AHF) is a multi-organ dysfunction syndrome. In addition to known cardiac dysfunction, non-cardiac comorbidity, frailty and disability are independent risk factors of mortality, morbidity, cognitive and functional decline, and risk of institutionalization. Frailty, a treatable and potential reversible syndrome very common in older patients with AHF, increases the risk of disability and other adverse health outcomes. This position paper highlights the need to identify frailty in order to improve prognosis, the risk-benefits of invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and the definition of older-person-centered and integrated care plans