2,368 research outputs found

    Long-term aging of elastomers: Chemical stress relaxation of fluorosilicone rubber and other studies

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    Aerospace applications of elastomers are considered, including: propellant binders, bladder materials for liquid propellant expulsion systems, and fuel tank sealants for high-speed aircraft. A comprehensive molecular theory for mechanical properties of these materials has been developed but has only been tested experimentally in cases where chemical degradation processes are excluded. Hence, a study is being conducted to ascertain the nature, extent, and rate of chemical changes that take place in some elastomers of interest. Chemical changes that may take place in the fluorosilicone elastomer, LS 420, which is regarded as a fuel and high-temperature-resistant rubber are investigated. The kinetic analysis of the chemical stress relaxation and gel permeation chromatography studies comprise the major portion of the report

    Lp-cohomology of negatively curved manifolds

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    We compute the LpL^p-cohomology spaces of some negatively curved manifolds. We deal with two cases: manifolds with finite volume and sufficiently pinched negative curvature, and conformally compact manifolds

    Effects of submerged vegetation on water clarity across climates

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    A positive feedback between submerged vegetation and water clarity forms the backbone of the alternative state theory in shallow lakes. The water clearing effect of aquatic vegetation may be caused by different physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms and has been studied mainly in temperate lakes. Recent work suggests differences in biotic interactions between (sub)tropical and cooler lakes might result in a less pronounced clearing effect in the (sub)tropics. To assess whether the effect of submerged vegetation changes with climate, we sampled 83 lakes over a gradient ranging from the tundra to the tropics in South America. Judged from a comparison of water clarity inside and outside vegetation beds, the vegetation appeared to have a similar positive effect on the water clarity across all climatic regions studied. However, the local clearing effect of vegetation decreased steeply with the contribution of humic substances to the underwater light attenuation. Looking at turbidity on a whole-lake scale, results were more difficult to interpret. Although lakes with abundant vegetation (>30%) were generally clear, sparsely vegetated lakes differed widely in clarity. Overall, the effect of vegetation on water clarity in our lakes appears to be smaller than that found in various Northern hemisphere studies. This might be explained by differences in fish communities and their relation to vegetation. For instance, unlike in Northern hemisphere studies, we find no clear relation between vegetation coverage and fish abundance or their diet preference. High densities of omnivorous fish and coinciding low grazing pressures on phytoplankton in the (sub)tropics may, furthermore, weaken the effect of vegetation on water clarity

    Charge dynamics of a single donor coupled to a few electrons quantum dot in silicon

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    We study the charge transfer dynamics between a silicon quantum dot and an individual phosphorous donor using the conduction through the quantum dot as a probe for the donor ionization state. We use a silicon n-MOSFET (metal oxide field effect transistor) biased near threshold in the SET regime with two side gates to control both the device conductance and the donor charge. Temperature and magnetic field independent tunneling time is measured. We measure the statistics of the transfer of electrons observed when the ground state D0 of the donor is aligned with the SET states

    Climate-dependent CO2 emissions from lakes

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    Inland waters, just as the world's oceans, play an important role in the global carbon cycle. While lakes and reservoirs typically emit CO2, they also bury carbon in their sediment. The net CO2 emission is largely the result of the decomposition or preservation of terrestrially supplied carbon. What regulates the balance between CO2 emission and carbon burial is not known, but climate change and temperature have been hypothesized to influence both processes. We analyzed patterns in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in 83 shallow lakes over a large climatic gradient in South America and found a strong, positive correlation with temperature. The higher pCO2 in warmer lakes may be caused by a higher, temperature-dependent mineralization of organic carbon. This pattern suggests that cool lakes may start to emit more CO2 when they warm up because of climate ch

    SGXTuner: Performance Enhancement of Intel SGX Applications via Stochastic Optimization

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    Intel SGX has started to be widely adopted. Cloud providers (Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud) are offering new solutions, implementing data-in-use protection via SGX. A major challenge faced by both academia and industry is providing transparent SGX support to legacy applications. The approach with the highest consensus is linking the target software with SGX-extended libc libraries. Unfortunately, the increased security entails a dramatic performance penalty, which is mainly due to the intrinsic overhead of context switches, and the limited size of protected memory. Performance optimization is non-trivial since it depends on key parameters whose manual tuning is a very long process. We present the architecture of an automated tool, called SGXTuner, which is able to find the best setting of SGX-extended libc library parameters, by iteratively adjusting such parameters based on continuous monitoring of performance data. The tool is to a large extent algorithm agnostic. We decided to base the current implementation on a particular type of stochastic optimization algorithm, specifically Simulated Annealing. A massive experimental campaign was conducted on a relevant case study. Three client-server applications Memcached, Redis, and Apache were compiled with SCONE's sgx-musl and tuned for best performance. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of SGXTuner

    Characterization of Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules Based on I-V Curves Outdoor Measurement

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    Photovoltaic (PV) systems are well known for their simplicity of design, environmental friendliness, and low maintenance. Among the PV technologies, the behaviour of bifacial PV modules was studied in this research. Measurements of the I-V curves were carried out in the SolarTechLAB test facility at the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano, Italy, to detect the bifacial PV module behaviour, mainly in terms of power performance. In particular, I-V and power-voltage curves were measured at different tilt angles to consider several irradiance and cell temperature levels with both sides uncovered as well as with the back side covered. This last configuration was tested to evaluate the contribution of the rear face in the overall photoelectric conversion process. The comparison between the bifacial and monofacial operations highlighted that the power at the maximum power point of the bifacial operation can increase up to 13%. At the same time, leaving the rear face free allows for reducing the bifacial cell temperature up to about 6°C


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    The present study explores the relationship between the new frontiers of architectural survey and architectural restoration. The result is a project for the reassembly of the Altar of the Holy Heart of Mary in the Cathedral of Gerace, in the province of Reggio Calabria. It was dismantled in the last century with the purpose to restore the "solemn and sober aspect" of the church during the medieval age. The idea was born in the sphere of a multidisciplinary didactic experience, which involved history, conservation, digital modelling, design and enhancement of cultural heritage. The process, from analyses to project, followed four steps: realization of a systematic photogrammetrical survey of each architectural element of the 18th century altars of the cathedral, which were dismantled in the last century, with high precision photomodelling techniques; early identification of the single objects, positioning structured QR-CODE with metadata and short description directly in the shooting phase; pre-cataloguing phase, implemented by the compilation of single cards regarding each piece, using a redrafted version of the ICCD OA card (artwork 3.00 version); a proposal for the reassembly of the altar of the Holy Heart of Mary. The reassembly is conceived as an alternative to the reconstruction of the altar "as it was", using a steel structure that is partially visible, which was studied to support and "exhibit" the marble pieces. The availability of numerical models for each piece facilitated, on one side, weight distribution analysis and, consequently, correct dimensioning of the support structure and, on the other side, interactive simulation processes for design optimisation and aesthetic evaluation

    Facing the blockchain endpoint vulnerability, an SGX-based solution for secure eHealth auditing

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    According to McAfee Labs, even in 2019, the eHealth sector is confirmed as one of the most critical in terms of cybersecurity incidents. It is estimated that more than 176 million patient records were target of attacks between 2009 and 2017, and with a single attack, in 2018, more than 1.4 million patient records were affected at UnityPoint Health. To cope with such a dramatic situation, one of the main strategic priority in the eHealth field is represented by the adoption of Blockchain. Specifically, according to a Deloittes survey, 55% of healthcare executives believe that blockchain technology will disrupt the healthcare industry. Unfortunately, while blockchain provides a valuable tool for enhancing the security of health applications and related data, it cannot be assumed as a panacea for data security. As an example, the so-called Endpoint Vulnerability issue is a well-known problem of Blockchain-based solutions: in such a case the attacker successful in gaining control of the end-point can tamper data off-chain during its generation and/or before it is sent to the chain. In this paper, we face such an issue by shielding the endpoint through the Intel Software Guard eXtension (SGX) technology. We demonstrate our solution for an auditing software belonging to the European eHealth management system (namely OpenNCP). We also discuss how our solution can be generalized to any other Blockchain-based solution. Finally, an experimental evaluation has been conducted to prove the actual feasibility of the proposed solution under the requirements of the real eHealth system
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