45 research outputs found

    Elastic-brittle-plastic behaviour of shale reservoirs and its implications on fracture permeability variation: an analytical approach

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    Shale gas has recently gained significant attention as one of the most important unconventional gas resources. Shales are fine-grained rocks formed from the compaction of silt and clay sized particles and are characterised by their fissured texture and very low permeability. Gas exists in an adsorbed state on the surface of the organic content of the rock and is freely available within the primary and secondary porosity. Geomechanical studies have indicated that, depending on the clay content of the rock, shales can exhibit a brittle failure mechanism. Brittle failure leads to the reduced strength of the plastic zone around a wellbore, which can potentially result in wellbore instability problems. Desorption of gas during production can cause shrinkage of the organic content of the rock. This becomes more important when considering the use of shales for CO2 sequestration purposes, where CO2 adsorption-induced swelling can play an important role. These phenomena lead to changes in the stress state within the rock mass, which then influence the permeability of the reservoir. Thus, rigorous simulation of material failure within coupled hydro-mechanical analyses is needed to achieve a more systematic and accurate representation of the wellbore. Despite numerous modelling efforts related to permeability, an adequate representation of the geomechanical behaviour of shale and its impact on permeability and gas production has not been achieved. In order to achieve this aim, novel coupled poro-elastoplastic analytical solutions are developed in this paper which take into account the sorption-induced swelling and the brittle failure mechanism. These models employ linear elasticity and a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion in a plane-strain condition with boundary conditions corresponding to both open-hole and cased-hole completions. The post-failure brittle behaviour of the rock is defined using residual strength parameters and a non-associated flow rule. Swelling and shrinkage are considered to be elastic and are defined using a Langmuir-like curve, which is directly related to the reservoir pressure. The models are used to evaluate the stress distribution and the induced change in permeability within a reservoir. Results show that development of a plastic zone near the wellbore can significantly impact fracture permeability and gas production. The capabilities and limitations of the models are discussed and potential future developments related to modelling of permeability in brittle shales under elastoplastic deformations are identified

    A numerical model for caprock analysis for subsurface gas storage applications

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    In considering a site for gas storage, it will be important to evaluate the effects of gas storage on the formation, so as to minimize the risk of a breach occurring in the system. Gas injection will result in an increase in formation fluid pressure, especially around the injection source, which in turn results in redistribution of the stress field. The induced deformations within the reservoir can potentially result in a damage zone within the caprock formation. This mechanical failure may involve shear along many of the existing fractures or creation of new fractures that reduce the sealing properties of the caprock system. The main objective of this paper is to develop a model to estimate the growth and extension of cracks in the caprock. In order to achieve this, the smeared crack approach is used to model the process of cracking in the caprock. Smeared cracking is a continuum approach for damage mechanics which is based on the idea that a crack is modeled by modifying the strength and stiffness of the material. The main model presented in this paper has three sub-models, which are the reservoir model, the caprock model and the smeared crack model. The reservoir model is a simplified coupled hydro-mechanical model that numerically simulates the radial fluid flow and analytically estimates the associated stress and strain within the reservoir. The results of the reservoir model are used as boundary conditions for the caprock model that estimates the stress and strain within the sealing caprock due to the deformation of the reservoir. Using the calculated stress and strain, the smeared crack model predicts the growth and extension of cracks within the caprock. The caprock is assumed to be initially crack free and impermeable. The developed model is then used to study the Yort-e-shah aquifer caprock in Iran to predict the growth and extension of cracks

    Mechanical and flow behaviours and their interactions in coalbed geosequestration of CO2

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    Studying gas transport mechanisms in coal seams is crucial in determining the suitability of coal formations for geosequestration and/or CO-enhanced coal bed methane recovery (ECBM), estimating CO storage capacity and recoverable volume of methane, and predicting the long-term integrity of CO storage and possible leakages. Due to the dual porosity nature of coal, CO transport is a combination of viscous flow and Fickian diffusion. Moreover, CO is adsorbed by the coal which leads to coal swelling which can change the porous structure of coal and consequently affects the gas flow properties of coal, i.e. its permeability. In addition, during CO permeation, the coal seam undergoes a change in effective stress due to the pore pressure alteration and this can also change the permeability of the coal seam. In addition, depending on the in situ conditions of the coal seam and the plan of the injection scheme, carbon dioxide can be in a supercritical condition which increases the complexity of the problem. We provide an overview of the recent studies on porous structure of coal, CO adsorption onto coal, mechanisms of CO transport in coalbeds and their measurement, and hydro-mechanical response of coal to CO injection and identify opportunities for future research

    Stability and characterisation of spoil heaps in European surface lignite mines: a state-of-the-art review in light of new data

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    The large amount of spoil material produced during the mining process imposes a significant economic and environmental liability on lignite producers. In this context, the present paper provides an overview of the geotechnical characteristics of European lignite mine spoil heaps and discusses their significance to the stability of the heaps. In order to achieve this, samples collected from spoil heaps of Polish, Czech and Greek mines are analysed and the results are compiled with data from the literature. A major conclusion drawn is that both physical and engineering properties of spoil heaps indicate a noteworthy variability, which is larger than typical in-situ ground material. This is because of the additional factors affecting spoil heap deposition, such as the transportation and dumping method. Furthermore, failure mechanisms and case histories of large instabilities in lignite spoil heaps are critically discussed in order to better understand triggering failure mechanisms. It is concluded that classical assumptions made for natural soil slopes and relevant limit equilibrium models should be cautiously applied to spoil heaps. The challenges associated with numerical and probabilistic modelling of spoil heap stability, such as the inherent spatial variability of spoils and the time-dependent changes in their geotechnical properties, are also critically discussed. Finally, important research gaps in design and analysis of spoil heap stability, such as the absence of appropriate constitutive models developed specifically for spoil materials, are summarised

    Centrifuge modelling of rainfall-induced slope instability in sand and silty sand

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    Rainfall-induced instability in slopes is an important challenge around the world. This paper aims to provide a better understanding of the processes involved when modelling slopes in a geotechnical centrifuge by presenting data from tests with two types of soil under two rainfall conditions. Results show that slopes with pure sand do not fail under low and high rainfall intensity whereas a slope comprising the same sand but with 10% silt (i.e. A silty sand), failed under both low and high rainfall intensity. In case of the silty sand slope with low rainfall intensity, a failure occurred even though the relative intensity of the rainfall (i.e. Ratio of rate of rainfall to saturated permeability of the soil) was lower than that of pure sand with high rainfall intensity. The different results obtained for the two types of soil are explained by the difference in their permeability and the physical phenomena at grain scale

    A general framework for coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of rainfall-induced instability in unsaturated slopes with multivariate random fields

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    An accurate estimation of rainfall-induced instability of slopes for extremely nonhomogeneous materials such as lignite mine spoils is a major challenge. This paper investigates the stability of nonhomogeneous soil slopes with respect to slip surface development, size of sliding volume, and determination of safety factor. Specified dependent random variables are cross-correlated using a multivariate Gaussian copula, the use of which provides a faster and more accurate representation of the inter-dependent properties of randomly-distributed soil. A Monte-Carlo simulation is used to generate a series of multivariate random fields for slopes. These are then implemented in Abaqus and analysed under constant rainfall conditions using a fully coupled hydro-elasto-plastic model. The resulting stress, strain, pore pressure, and displacement data are further processed in MATLAB to evaluate critical slip surfaces and safety factors. Results indicate that the factor of safety in a homogenous case is overestimated compared to the nonhomogeneous condition, while the sliding volume is underestimated. Moreover, the factor of safety decreases as the rainfall simulation continues and the probability of failure increases to nearly 100% after 10 days of rainfall. The framework developed in this paper can provide guidance for conducting relatively inexpensive probabilistic analyses

    Multiphysics of carbon dioxide sequestration in coalbeds: A review with a focus on geomechanical characteristics of coal

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    To reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, it is proposed to inject anthropogenic CO2 into deep geological formations. Deep un-mineable coalbeds are considered to be possible CO2 repositories because coal is able to adsorb a large amount of CO2 inside its microporous structure. However, the response of coalbeds is complex because of coupled flow and mechanical processes. Injection of CO2 causes coal to swell, which leads to reductions in permeability and hence makes injection more difficult, and at the same time leads to changes in the mechanical properties which can affect the stress state in the coal and overlying strata. The mechanical properties of coal under storage conditions are of importance when assessing the integrity and safety of the storage scheme. On the other hand, the geomechanical response of coalbed will also influence the reservoir performance of coalbed. This paper provides an overview of processes associated with coalbed geosequestration of CO2 while the importance of geomechanical characteristics of coalbeds is highlighted. The most recent findings about the interactions between gas transport and geomechanical characteristics of coal will be discussed and the essence will be delivered. The author suggests areas for future research efforts to further improve the understanding of enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) and coalbed geosequestration of CO2

    Designing an Automated Timetable for University Courses Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Designing timetables, for example course timetables in an institute, is one of the most complicated and time-consuming challenges for personnel. Automating it, not only can help the personnel to manage their work better, but also can be considered as a desired sample to assess the ways of planning and to tackle the constraint satisfaction in artificial intelligence. In this paper, genetic algorithms are primarily studied and then it is applied for optimization of an imaginary faculty course timetable. The new designed algorithm is based on keeping the better chromosomes of the population and employing genetic operators on the others in order to improve the overall quality of genes. Some other amendments are also carried out to develop a more capable genetic algorithm for TT applications, compared to the standard one. According to the tests, the new GA algorithm will be more successful in generating high fidelity TTs which do not break any hard constraint. The proposed ideas, in this approach are applicable in other similar situations