424 research outputs found

    Reading Martha Lamont's Crow story today

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    It has often been noted that translation is interpretation. My presentation of the printed text of this story seeks to emphasize the parallel truth that decisions made concerning native-language transcription are also interpretive. Thus, the Lushootseed text is formatted in a style different from that of the English. In the Lushootseed text, a new line begins where a pause in the taped performance is preceded by falling intonation; double spaces mark pauses of more than two seconds or the occurrence of a pause accompanied by a change of delivery style (for instance, from straightforward style to declamatory, chanting, or otherwise marked style). Italics identify words and phrases spoken in characterized voices (for Crow or the seagulls), in chant form (characteristic of content that implies spiritual valence), or in a form that emphasizes the innate rhythms and internal echoes of the phrases being spoken (characteristic of formulaic portions of the story). My purpose was not to distinguish among these forms of speech, but merely to indicate the amount of specialized speech in Mrs. Lamont's storytelling.Issue title; "Native American Oral Traditions: Collaboration and Interpretation.

    A framework for the construction of generative models for mesoscale structure in multilayer networks

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    Multilayer networks allow one to represent diverse and coupled connectivity patterns—such as time-dependence, multiple subsystems, or both—that arise in many applications and which are difficult or awkward to incorporate into standard network representations. In the study of multilayer networks, it is important to investigate mesoscale (i.e., intermediate-scale) structures, such as dense sets of nodes known as communities, to discover network features that are not apparent at the microscale or the macroscale. The ill-defined nature of mesoscale structure and its ubiquity in empirical networks make it crucial to develop generative models that can produce the features that one encounters in empirical networks. Key purposes of such models include generating synthetic networks with empirical properties of interest, benchmarking mesoscale-detection methods and algorithms, and inferring structure in empirical multilayer networks. In this paper, we introduce a framework for the construction of generative models for mesoscale structures in multilayer networks. Our framework provides a standardized set of generative models, together with an associated set of principles from which they are derived, for studies of mesoscale structures in multilayer networks. It unifies and generalizes many existing models for mesoscale structures in fully ordered (e.g., temporal) and unordered (e.g., multiplex) multilayer networks. One can also use it to construct generative models for mesoscale structures in partially ordered multilayer networks (e.g., networks that are both temporal and multiplex). Our framework has the ability to produce many features of empirical multilayer networks, and it explicitly incorporates a user-specified dependency structure between layers. We discuss the parameters and properties of our framework, and we illustrate examples of its use with benchmark models for community-detection methods and algorithms in multilayer networks

    Adsorpsi Pb Menggunakan Karbon Aktif dari Bambu Kuning (Bambusa Vulgaris Striata) Teraktivasi KOH

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    Abstrak. Karbon aktif berbahan baku bambu kuning (Bambusa vulgaris striata) dipreparasi dengan KOH aktivasi untuk menyerap Timbal (Pb). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji daya adsorpsi Pb pada karbon aktif. Proses adsorpsi dilakukan dengan mengalirkan larutan Pb melewati unggun yang berisi karbon aktif. Variasi laju alir yang diaplikasikan adalah 5 mL/menit dan 10 mL/menit. Struktur mikro karbon aktif diamati dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan daya adsorpsi Pb tertinggi pada laju alir 5 mL/menit, yaitu pada menit ke 100 menghasilkan konsentrasi effluent 5,82 mg/L.Adsorption of Pb using activated carbon from Yellow Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris striata) using KOH activationAbstract. Activated carbon was prepared from Yellow bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris striata) via KOH activation to adsorb Pb ions from aqueous solutions. This research aimed to determine Pb adsorption using activated carbon. The adsorption process was performed by flowing the Pb solution through the fixed-bed column filled with the prepared activated carbon. The applied flow rate varied between 5 mL/min and 10 mL/min. The microstructure of activated carbon was observed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The obtained results showed that the highest Pb concentration at 5 mL/min was 5.82 mg/L

    Smoking a dangerous addiction: A systematic review on an underrated risk factor for oral diseases

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    Despite growing knowledge of the adverse effects of cigarette smoking on general health, smoking is one of the most widely prevalent addictions around the world. Globally, about 1.1 billion smokers and over 8 million people die each year because of cigarette smoking. Smoking acts as a source for a variety of oral and systemic diseases. Various periodontal issues such as increased pocket depth, loss of alveolar bone, tooth mobility, oral lesions, ulcerations, halitosis, and stained teeth are more common among smokers. This systematic review was conducted according to the guidelines from PRISMA, and research articles were retrieved from the Web database sources on 31 May 2021. The quality of research articles was ensured by the type of evidence from combined schema incorporating as schema-13 evidence type description, Cochrane health promotion and public health field (CHPPHF), and the health gains notation framework-14 screening question for quality assessment of qualitative and quantitative studies. Smokers have been found to have bleeding on probing, periodontal pockets, and clinical attachment loss compared to nonsmokers. Oral and respiratory cancers are among the most lethal known diseases caused by cigarette smoking and other commonly occurring sequelae such as stained teeth, periodontal diseases, etc

    A Multicultural Demographic Study to Evaluate the Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on the Job Satisfaction across the Dental Industry

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    Objective: To evaluate the difference in working conditions as perceived by dentists during the pandemic and their professional satisfaction levels. Material and Methods: An online survey was conducted using the convenience and snowball sampling methods. Two hundred seventy-two respondents across various countries answered information related to socio-demographic data and work satisfaction levels during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Results: 40.1% of dentists reported dissatisfied with their current work, while another 13.6% of dentists fell in the extremely dissatisfied category. 22.8% of dentists were significantly dissatisfied with their current income. Furthermore, 38.4% of the dentists were dissatisfied with physical working conditions, while 33.5% reported dissatisfaction with the freedom of working methods. Conclusion: This study was focused on the connection between various intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting working conditions, social interactions, and psychological stresses. From the findings of this multicultural study, we can see that dentists across different countries have been affected and have varying levels of dissatisfaction. Therefore, regulatory authorities must plan for support and interventional programs to help dental professionals pass this difficult period

    Magnetic Pulse Spot Welding: Application to Al/Fe Joining

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    Magnetic pulse welding is a rapid process (takes place within few micro seconds) that joins both homogeneous and heterogeneous materials in the solid state. The process involves applying variable high current on an inductor to generate Lorentz forces on to the conductive primary part (flyer). To realize the weld it is necessary to accelerate the flyer to impact on to the secondary stationary part (base material) at a very high velocity attained over the distance, called air gap, between the parts. It is typically possible to perform welding of tubes and sheets provided there is an optimized air gap between the parts to be welded. As part of our work we have developed an innovative approach (Magnetic Pulse Spot Welding-MPSW) that eliminates the delicate task of maintaining the aforementioned air gap between the plates. The proposed method opens better viable perspectives for heterogeneous assembly of automotive structures or connecting batteries in a quasi-cold state. The developed approach has been validated on the heterogeneous assembly Al/Fe by tensile tests (quasi-static and dynamic) that attested the quality of welds

    Formulasi Sediaan Gel Antiseptik Tangan Minyak Atsiri Jeruk Lemon (Citrus Limon (L) Burm. F) Dengan Basis Karbopol Dan Aktivitas Antibakteri Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Minyak atsiri jeruk lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.) mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai zat aktif dalam antiseptik tangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri minyak atsiri jeruk lemon terhadap Staphylococcus aureus setelah diformulasikan dalam bentuk gel dan mengetahui pengaruh penambahan minyak atsiri terhadap aktivitas antibakteri dan sifat fisik gel. Formula 1 dibuat tanpa penambahan minyak atsiri, sedangkan formula 2 - 4 dibuat dengan konsentrasi minyak atsiri , , dan . Data dianalisis dengan uji anova satu jalan dilanjutkan dengan uji t-LSD dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gel antiseptik tangan minyak atsiri jeruk lemon mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus. Peningkatan kadar minyak atsiri jeruk lemon dapat meningkatkan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus, daya sebar, pH, dan menurunkan viskositas dari sediaan gel

    Antarmuka Mikrokontroller IoT (ESP32) Dengan USB Host max3421e

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    Electronic equipment made using old technology or electronic equipment in the entry-level category has not been supported by networking equipment, so for the data communication process, the microcontroller requires interfacing facilities that are in accordance with the electronic equipment used, such as a USB port. With the microcontroller that supports IoT, it allows electronic equipment to communicate over the network. An IoT microcontroller such as the ESP32 is equipped with a WiFi feature but is not equipped with a USB controller feature, while the USB Host max3421e supports the communication process using SPI, so that those two microcontrollers can be used to form an interface using the SPI bus. This interface can be applied to electronic equipment with old technology and entry level electronic equipment for wireless communication. For the needs of making an interface between the ESP32 and max3421e, a software was developed by analyzing the SPI features of the ESP32 and the USB protocol according to the USB device state diagram. The results obtained are the handshake process between systems developed with USB devices in the Low-Speed ​​and Full-Speed ​​categories such as printers, flashdisk, bluetooth mouse and external hard disk, and the device descriptor data of each device tested can be read properly

    Further simulation testing in CoopMAC-U for underwater acoustic sensor networks

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    In order for underwater wireless sensor networks to communicate more efficiently, MAC protocols are needed to control the use of acoustic channels. With the high propagation delay and the limited bandwidth available on the acoustic channel, a specially designed MAC protocol is needed for UWASN (Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks). In this research, the adaptation of Cooperative MAC for underwater (CoopMAC-U) will be further studied to test the protocol performance. In the previous research, CoopMAC-U was simulated yet the fairness of the transmission was not simulated and tested. In this research, CoopMAC-U will be studied further and improved. The simulation result shows that the Improved CoopMAC-U protocol produces better-normalized throughput than the initial version of CoopMAC-U. The protocol is also proven that it is backward compatible between conventional mode and cooperative mode. For offered load greater than 0.2, both the initial version of CoopMAC-U and the Improved CoopMAC-U result in stagnant normalized throughputs but the improved ones double the value of the initial version

    Techno-economic evaluation of reducing shielding gas consumption in GMAW whilst maintaining weld quality

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    A new method of supplying shielding gases in an alternating manner has been developed to enhance the efficiency of conventional gas metal arc welding (GMAW). However, the available literature on this advanced joining process is very sparse and no cost evaluation has been reported to date. In simple terms, the new method involves discretely supplying two different shielding gases to the weld pool at predetermined frequencies which creates a dynamic action within the liquid pool. In order to assess the potential benefits of this new method from a technical and cost perspective, a comparison has been drawn between the standard shielding gas composition of Ar/20%CO2, which is commonly used in UK and European shipbuilding industries for carbon steels, and a range of four different frequencies alternating between Ar/20%CO2 and helium. The beneficial effects of supplying the weld shielding gases in an alternating manner were found to provide attractive benefits for the manufacturing community. For example, the present study showed that compared with conventional GMAW, a 17 per cent reduction in total welding cost was achieved in the case of the alternating gas method and savings associated with a reduction in the extent of post-weld straightening following plate distortion were also identified. Also, the mechanical properties of the alternating case highlighted some marginal improvements in strength and Charpy impact toughness which were attributed to a more refined weld microstructure
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