755 research outputs found

    Explosive Welding in the 1990's

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    Explosive bonding is a unique joining process with the serious potential to produce composite materials capable of fulfilling many of the high performance materials capable of fulfilling many of the high performance materials needs of the 1990's. The process has the technological versatility to provide a true high quality metallurgical compatible and incompatible systems. Metals routinely explosively bonded include a wide variety of combinations of reactive and refractory metals, low and high density metals and their alloys, corrosion resistant and high strength alloys, and common steels. The major advantage of the process is its ability to custom design and engineer composites with physical and/or mechanical properties that meet a specific or unusual performance requirement. Explosive bonding offers the designer unique opportunities in materials selection with unique combinations of properties and high integrity bonds that cannot be achieved by any other metal joining process. The process and some applications are discussed

    Scrutinizing the protein hydration shell from molecular dynamics simulations against consensus small-angle scattering data

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    Biological macromolecules in solution are surrounded by a hydration shell, whose structure differs from the structure of bulk solvent. While the importance of the hydration shell for numerous biological functions is widely acknowledged, it remains unknown how the hydration shell is regulated by macromolecular shape and surface composition, mainly because a quantitative probe of the hydration shell structure has been missing. We show that smallangle scattering in solution using X-rays (SAXS) or neutrons (SANS) provide a proteinspecific probe of the protein hydration shell that enables quantitative comparison with molecular simulations. Using explicit-solvent SAXS/SANS predictions, we derived the effect of the hydration shell on the radii of gyration Rg of five proteins using 18 combinations of protein force field and water model. By comparing computed Rg values from SAXS relative to SANS in D2O with consensus SAXS/SANS data from a recent worldwide community effort, we found that several but not all force fields yield a hydration shell contrast in remarkable agreement with experiments. The hydration shell contrast captured by Rg values depends strongly on protein charge and geometric shape, thus providing a protein-specific footprint of protein–water interactions and a novel observable for scrutinizing atomistic hydration shell models against experimental data

    Polyion Adsorption onto Catanionic Surfaces. A Monte Carlo Study

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    The adsorption of a single and negatively charged polyion with varying flexibility onto a surface carrying both negative and positive charges representing a charged membrane surface has been investigated by using a simple model employing Monte Carlo simulations. The polyion was represented by a sequence of negatively charged hard spheres connected with harmonic bonds. The charged surface groups were also represented by charged hard spheres, and they were positioned on a hard surface slightly protruding into the solution. The surface charges were either frozen in a liquidlike structure or laterally mobile. With a large excess of positive surface charges, the classical picture of a strongly adsorbed polyion with an extended and flat configuration emerged. However, adsorption also appeared at a net neutral surface or at a weakly negatively charged surface, and at these conditions the adsorption was stronger with a flexible polyion as compared to a semiflexible one, two features not appearing in simpler models containing homogeneously charged surfaces. The presence of charged surface patches (frozen surface charges) and the ability of polarization of the surface charges (mobile surface charges) are the main reasons for the enhanced adsorption. The stronger adsorption with the flexible chain is caused by its greater ability to spatially correlate with the surface charges

    Global biogeographic patterns in bipolar moss species

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    A bipolar disjunction is an extreme, yet common, biogeographic pattern in non-vascular plants, yet its underlyingmechanisms (vicariance or long-distance dispersal), origin and timing remain poorly understood. Here, combining a large-scale population dataset and multiple dating analyses, we examine the biogeography of four bipolar Polytrichales mosses, common to the Holarctic (temperate and polar Northern Hemisphere regions) and the Antarctic region (Antarctic, sub-Antarctic, southern South America) and other Southern Hemisphere (SH) regions. Our data reveal contrasting patterns, for three species were of Holarctic origin, with subsequent dispersal to the SH, while one, currently a particularly common species in the Holarctic (Polytrichum juniperinum), diversified in the Antarctic region and from here colonized both the Holarctic and other SH regions. Our findings suggest long-distance dispersal as the driver of bipolar disjunctions. We find such inter-hemispheric dispersals are rare, occurring on multi-million-year timescales. High-altitude tropical populations did not act as trans-equatorial 'steppingstones', but rather were derived from later dispersal events. All arrivals to the Antarctic region occurred well before the Last Glacial Maximum and previous glaciations, suggesting that, despite the harsh climate during these past glacial maxima, plants have had a much longer presence in this southern region than previously thought.Peer reviewe

    On the fluid-fluid phase separation in charged-stabilized colloidal suspensions

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    We develop a thermodynamic description of particles held at a fixed surface potential. This system is of particular interest in view of the continuing controversy over the possibility of a fluid-fluid phase separation in aqueous colloidal suspensions with monovalent counterions. The condition of fixed surface potential allows in a natural way to account for the colloidal charge renormalization. In a first approach, we assess the importance of the so called ``volume terms'', and find that in the absence of salt, charge renormalization is sufficient to stabilize suspension against a fluid-fluid phase separation. Presence of salt, on the other hand, is found to lead to an instability. A very strong dependence on the approximations used, however, puts the reality of this phase transition in a serious doubt. To further understand the nature of the instability we next study a Jellium-like approximation, which does not lead to a phase separation and produces a relatively accurate analytical equation of state for a deionized suspensions of highly charged colloidal spheres. A critical analysis of various theories of strongly asymmetric electrolytes is presented to asses their reliability as compared to the Monte Carlo simulations

    Dynamics of oligomer populations formed during the aggregation of Alzheimer's Aβ42 peptide

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    Oligomeric species populated during the aggregation of the Aβ42 peptide have been identified as potent cytotoxins linked to Alzheimer’s disease, but the fundamental molecular pathways that control their dynamics have yet to be elucidated. By developing a general approach that combines theory, experiment and simulation, we reveal, in molecular detail, the mechanisms of Aβ42 oligomer dynamics during amyloid fibril formation. Even though all mature amyloid fibrils must originate as oligomers, we found that most Aβ42 oligomers dissociate into their monomeric precursors without forming new fibrils. Only a minority of oligomers converts into fibrillar structures. Moreover, the heterogeneous ensemble of oligomeric species interconverts on timescales comparable to those of aggregation. Our results identify fundamentally new steps that could be targeted by therapeutic interventions designed to combat protein misfolding diseases

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Semiflexible Polyampholyte Brushes - The Effect of Charged Monomers Sequence

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    Planar brushes formed by end-grafted semiflexible polyampholyte chains, each chain containing equal number of positively and negatively charged monomers is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Keeping the length of the chains fixed, dependence of the average brush thickness and equilibrium statistics of the brush conformations on the grafting density and the salt concentration are obtained with various sequences of charged monomers. When similarly charged monomers of the chains are arranged in longer blocks, the average brush thickness is smaller and dependence of brush properties on the grafting density and the salt concentration is stronger. With such long blocks of similarly charged monomers, the anchored chains bond to each other in the vicinity of the grafting surface at low grafting densities and buckle toward the grafting surface at high grafting densities.Comment: 8 pages,7 figure

    Three-Particle Correlations in Simple Liquids

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    We use video microscopy to follow the phase-space trajectory of a two-dimensional colloidal model liquid and calculate three-point correlation functions from the measured particle configurations. Approaching the fluid-solid transition by increasing the strength of the pair-interaction potential, one observes the gradual formation of a crystal-like local order due to triplet correlations, while being still deep inside the fluid phase. Furthermore, we show that in a strongly interacting system the Born-Green equation can be satisfied only with the full triplet correlation function but not with three-body distribution functions obtained from superposing pair-correlations (Kirkwood superposition approximation).Comment: 4 pages, submitted to PRL, experimental paper, 2nd version: Fig.1 and two new paragraphs have been adde
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