3,607 research outputs found

    Differential correction and preliminary orbit determination for lunar satellite orbits

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    Differential correction and preliminary orbit calculation for lunar satellite orbit


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    Diatomées périphytiques comme indicateurs de stress combinés liés à l'historique minier et à la pression urbaine dans le bassin versant de Junction Creek (Ontario, Canada)

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    International audienceSudbury (Ontario, Canada) has a long mining history that has left the region with a distinctive legacy of environmental impacts. Several actions have been undertaken since the 1970s to rehabilitate this deteriorated environment, in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Despite a marked increase in environmental health, we show that the Junction Creek system remains under multiple stressors from present and past mining operations, and from urban-related pressures such as municipal wastewater treatment plants, golf courses and stormwater runoff. Water samples have elevated metal concentrations, with values reaching up to 1 mg·

    Glutathione deficit in schizophrenia: strategies to increase glutathione levels in " in vitro " and clinical studies

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    Summary: Decrease in glutathione (GSH) levels was observed in cerebrospinal fluid, prefrontal cortex and post-mortem striatum of schizophrenia patients. Evidences suggest a defect in GSH synthesis at the levels of the rate-limiting synthesizing enzyme, glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL). Indeed, polymorphisms in the gene of the modifier subunit of GCL (GCLM) was shown to be associated with the disease in three different populations, GCLM gene expression is decreaséd in fibroblasts from patients and the increase in GCL activity induced by an oxidative stress is lower in patients' fibroblasts compared to controls. GSH being a major antioxydant and redox regulator, its presence is of high importance for protecting cells against oxidative stress. The aim of the present work was to use various substances to increase GSH levels by diverse strategies. Since the synthesizing enzyme GCL is defective, bypassing this enzyme was the first strategy we used. GSH ethyl ester (GSHEE), a membrane permeable analog of GSH, succeeded in replenishing GSH levels in cultured neurons and astrocytes previously depleted in GSH by L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of GCL. GSHEE also abolished dopamine-induced decrease of NMDA-mediated calcium response observed in BSO-treated neurons. y-Glutamylcysteine ethyl ester (GCSE), a membrane permeable analog of the product of GCL, increased GSH levels only in astrocytes. The second strategy was to boost the defective enzyme GCL. While quercetin (flavonoid) could increase GSH levels only in astrocytes, curcumin (polyphenol) and tertbutylhydroquinone (quinone) were successful in both neurons and astrocytes, via an increase in the gene expression of the two subunits of GCL and, consequently, an increase in the activity of the enzyme. However, FK506, an immunosupressant, was unefficient. Treating astrocytes from GCLM KO mice showed that the modulatory subunit is necessary for the action of the substances. Finally, since cysteine is the limiting precursor in the synthesis of GSH, we hypothesized that we could increase GSH levels by providing more of this precursor. N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a cysteine donor, was administered to schizophrenia patients, using adouble-blind and cross-over protocol. NAC significantly improved the mismatch negativity (MMN), a component of the auditory evoked potentials, thought to reflect selective current flowing through open, unblocked NMDA channels. Considering that NMDA function is reduced when GSH levels are low, increasing these levels with NAC could improve NMDA function as reflected by the improvement in the generation of the MMN. Résumé: Les taux de glutathion (GSH) dans le liquide céphalo-rachidien, le cortex préfrontal ainsi que le striatum post-mortem de patients schizophrènes, sont diminués. L'enzyme limitante dans la synthèse du GSH, la glutamyl-cysteine ligase (GCL), est défectueuse. En effet, des polymorphismes dans le gène de la sous-unité modulatrice de GCL (GCLM) sont associés à la maladie, l'expression du gène GCLM est diminuée dans les fibroblastes de patients et, lors d'un stress oxidative, l'augmentation de l'activité de GCL est plus faible chez les patients que chez les contrôles. Le GSH étant un important antioxydant et régulateur du status redox, sa présence est primordiale afin de protéger les cellules contre les stress oxydatifs. Au cours du présent travail, une variété de substances ont été utilisées dans le but d'augmenter les taux de GSH. Passer outre l'enzyme de synthèse GCL qui est défectueuse fut la première stratégie utilisée. L'éthylester de GSH (GSHEE), un analogue du GSH qui pénètre la membrane cellulaire, a augmenté les taux de GSH dans des neurones et des astrocytes déficitaires en GSH dû au L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO), un inhibiteur du GCL. Dans ces neurones, le GSHEE a aussi aboli la diminution de la réponse NMDA, induite parla dopamine. L'éthyl-ester de y-glutamylcysteine (GCEE), un analogue du produit de la GCL qui pénètre la membrane cellulaire, a augmenté les taux de GSH seulement dans les astrocytes. La seconde stratégie était d'augmenter l'activité de l'enzyme GCL. Tandis que la quercétine (flavonoïde) n'a pu augmenter les taux de GSH que dans les astrocytes, la curcumin (polyphénol) et le tert-butylhydroquinone (quinone) furent efficaces dans les deux types de cellules, via une augmentation de l'expression des gènes des deux sous-unités de GCL et de l'activité de l'enzyme. Le FK506 (immunosupresseur) n' a démontré aucune efficacité. Traiter des astrocytes provenant de souris GCLM KO a permis d'observer que la sous-unité modulatoire est nécessaire à l'action des substances. Enfin, puisque la cysteine est le substrat limitant dans la synthèse du GSH, fournir plus de ce présurseur pourrait augmenter les taux de GSH. Nacétyl-cystéine (NAC), un donneur de cystéine, a été administrée à des schizophrènes, lors d'une étude en double-aveugle et cross-over. NAC a amélioré le mismatch negativity (MMN), un composant des potentials évoqués auditifs, qui reflète le courant circulant via les canaux NMDA. Puisque la fonctionnalité des R-NMDA est diminuée lorsque les taux de GSH sont bas, augmenter ces taux avec NAC pourrait améliorer la fonction des R-NMDA, réflété par une augmentation de l'amplitude du MMN

    Light Scattering and Electron Microscopy Study of the Surface Morphology of GaAs Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    The surface morphology of thermally quenched GaAs films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates has been studied by elastic light scattering, by scanning electron microscopy and by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in air. STM shows that the oxide-desorbed surface of GaAs is pitted, but smooths after deposition of a few hundred nanometers of material. Light scattering shows that, after the surface has smoothed, the power spectral density of the surface approaches a q-2 dependence on spatial frequency over the spatial frequency range 0.2 μm-1 \u3c q \u3c 20 μm-1 that is accessible to the light scattering measurements at 488 nm. This result is in agreement with the predictions of dynamical scaling theory in the case where the time evolution of the surface morphology is described by an Edwards-Wilkinson type equation

    Grading Error Reduces Grower Incentive to Increase Prune Quality

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    Grading is important to ensure the production of high-quality foods, but It Is usually done with error, distorting market signals and diminishing Incentives to produce high-quality products. Size is the main quality criterion for dried prunes and the crucial characteristic In determining prune value. We studied the economic effects of errors In commodity grading, focusing In particular on the Implications of one-way (asymmetric) grading errors, namely when small, low quality product Is erroneously classified as high quality, but not vice versa. In an application to the California prune Industry, we estimated the extent to which large prunes are undervalued and small prunes are overvalued. We conclude that grading error means that prunes graded as high-quality may not really be high-quality prunes. The presence of these Incorrectly graded prunes depresses the prices that growers are paid for high-quality prunes and increases the net returns for small prunes. As a result, growers face reduced incentives to produce larger prunes

    The XXL Survey X: K-band luminosity - weak-lensing mass relation for groups and clusters of galaxies

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    We present the K-band luminosity-halo mass relation, LK,500M500,WLL_{K,500}-M_{500,WL}, for a subsample of 20 of the 100 brightest clusters in the XXL Survey observed with WIRCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). For the first time, we have measured this relation via weak-lensing analysis down to M500,WL=3.5×1013MM_{500,WL} =3.5 \times 10^{13}\,M_\odot. This allows us to investigate whether the slope of the LKML_K-M relation is different for groups and clusters, as seen in other works. The clusters in our sample span a wide range in mass, M500,WL=0.3512.10×1014MM_{500,WL} =0.35-12.10 \times 10^{14}\,M_\odot, at 0<z<0.60<z<0.6. The K-band luminosity scales as log10(LK,500/1012L)βlog10(M500,WL/1014M)\log_{10}(L_{K,500}/10^{12}L_\odot) \propto \beta log_{10}(M_{500,WL}/10^{14}M_\odot) with β=0.850.27+0.35\beta = 0.85^{+0.35}_{-0.27} and an intrinsic scatter of σlnLKM=0.370.17+0.19\sigma_{lnL_K|M} =0.37^{+0.19}_{-0.17}. Combining our sample with some clusters in the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) present in the literature, we obtain a slope of 1.050.14+0.161.05^{+0.16}_{-0.14} and an intrinsic scatter of 0.140.07+0.090.14^{+0.09}_{-0.07}. The flattening in the LKML_K-M seen in previous works is not seen here and might be a result of a bias in the mass measurement due to assumptions on the dynamical state of the systems. We also study the richness-mass relation and find that group-sized halos have more galaxies per unit halo mass than massive clusters. However, the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in low-mass systems contributes a greater fraction to the total cluster light than BCGs do in massive clusters; the luminosity gap between the two brightest galaxies is more prominent for group-sized halos. This result is a natural outcome of the hierarchical growth of structures, where massive galaxies form and gain mass within low-mass groups and are ultimately accreted into more massive clusters to become either part of the BCG or one of the brighter galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: A&A, in pres