1,034 research outputs found

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    A SINFONI view of Galaxy Centers: Morphology and Kinematics of five Nuclear Star Formation Rings

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    We present near-infrared (H- and K-band) integral-field observations of the circumnuclear star formation rings in five nearby spiral galaxies. The data, obtained at the Very Large Telescope with the SINFONI spectrograph, are used to construct maps of various emission lines that reveal the individual star forming regions ("hot spots") delineating the rings. We derive the morphological parameters of the rings, and construct velocity fields of the stars and the emission line gas. We propose a qualitative, but robust, diagnostic for relative hot spot ages based on the intensity ratios of the emission lines Brackett gamma, HeI, and [FeII]. Application of this diagnostic to the data presented here provides tentative support for a scenario in which star formation in the rings is triggered predominantly at two well-defined regions close to, and downstream from, the intersection of dust lanes along the bar with the inner Lindblad resonance.Comment: 45 pages incl. 4 tables and 12 (mostly color) figures. Accepted for publication in AJ. A version with full resolution figures can be obtained at ftp://ftp.rssd.esa.int/pub/tboeker/SINFONI/ms.pd

    Spectral Analysis of Correlated One-Dimensional Systems with Impurities

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    An averaging procedure is proposed to account for spectral features of correlated one-dimensional systems in the presence of non-magnetic impurities. The dynamical spin structure factor for a corresponding random ensemble of Heisenberg chain segments is calculated by exact numerical diagonalization. It is shown that a few-pole approximation is sufficient to describe the numerical results. A similar analysis is proposed for the discussion of experimental spectra, such as obtained by inelastic neutron scattering measurements on Zn-doped CuO chains. By examination of the disorder-induced pseudo-gap, the loss of spectral weight, and the discrete peak structures due to smallest-cluster contributions, the underlying impurity distribution function can be determined.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages with 4 eps figure

    The Central Region in M100: Observations and Modeling

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    We present new high-resolution observations of the center of the late-type spiral M100 (NGC 4321) supplemented by 3D numerical modeling of stellar and gas dynamics, including star formation (SF). NIR imaging has revealed a stellar bar, previously inferred from optical and 21 cm observations, and an ovally-shaped ring-like structure in the plane of the disk. The K isophotes become progressively elongated and skewed to the position angle of the bar (outside and inside the `ring') forming an inner bar-like region. The galaxy exhibits a circumnuclear starburst in the inner part of the K `ring'. Two maxima of the K emission have been observed to lie symmetrically with respect to the nucleus and equidistant from it slightly leading the stellar bar. We interpret the twists in the K isophotes as being indicative of the presence of a double inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) and test this hypothesis by modeling the gas flow in a self-consistent gas + stars disk embedded in a halo, with an overall NGC4321-like mass distribution. We have reproduced the basic morphology of the region (the bar, the large scale trailing shocks, two symmetric K peaks corresponding to gas compression maxima which lie at the caustic formed by the interaction of a pair of trailing and leading shocks in the vicinity of the inner ILR, both peaks being sites of SF, and two additional zones of SF corresponding to the gas compression maxima, referred usually as `twin peaks').Comment: 31 pages, postscript, compressed, uuencoded. 21 figures available in postscript, compressed form by anonymous ftp from ftp://asta.pa.uky.edu/shlosman/main100 , mget *.ps.Z. To appear in Ap.

    The central region of M83: Massive star formation, kinematics, and the location and origin of the nucleus

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    We report new near-IR integral field spectroscopy of the central starburst region of the barred spiral galaxy M83 obtained with CIRPASS on Gemini-S, which we analyse in conjunction with GHaFaS Fabry-Perot data, an AAT IRIS2 Ks-band image, and near- and mid-IR imaging from the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes. The bulk of the current star formation activity is hidden from optical view by dust extinction, but is seen in the near- and mid-IR to the north of the nucleus. This region is being fed by inflow of gas through the bar of M83, traced by the prominent dust lane entering into the circumnuclear region from the north. An analysis of stellar ages confirms that the youngest stars are indeed in the northwest. A gradual age gradient, with older stars further to the south, characterises the well-known star-forming arc in the central region of M83. Detailed analyses of the Pa beta ionised gas kinematics and near-IR imaging confirm that the kinematic centre coincides with the photometric centre of M83, and that these are offset significantly, by about 3 arcsec or 60 pc, from the visible nucleus of the galaxy. We discuss two possible options, the first of which postulates that the kinematic and photometric centre traces a galaxy nucleus hidden by a substantial amount of dust extinction, in the range A_V=3-10 mag. By combining this information with kinematic results and using arguments from the literature, we conclude that such a scenario is, however, unlikely, as is the existence of other "hidden" nuclei in M83. We thus concur with recent authors and favour a second option, in which the nucleus of the galaxy is offset from its kinematic and photometric centre. This is presumably a result of some past interaction, possibly related to the event which lies at the origin of the disturbance of the outer disk of the galaxy. (Abridged)Comment: MNRAS, in press; 16 pages latex, 15 figure