26,072 research outputs found

    Fractal analysis of CE CT lung tumours images

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    AIM The fractal dimension (FD) of a structure provides a measure of its complexity. This pilot study aims to determine FD values for lung cancers visualised on Computed Tomography (CT) and to assess the potential for tumour FD measurements to provide an index of tumour aggression. METHOD Pre-and post-contrast CT images of the thorax acquired from 15 patients with lung cancers of greater than 10mm were transformed to fractal dimension images using a box-counting algorithm at various scales. A region of interest (ROI) was determined covering tumour locations, which were more apparent on FD images as compared to images before processing. The average tumour FD (FDavg) was computed and compared with the intensity average before FD processing. FD values were correlated with 2 markers of tumour aggression: tumour stage and tumour uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as determined by Positron Emission Tomography. RESULTS For pre-contrast images, the tumour FDavg correlated with tumour stage (r = 0.537, p = 0.0387) and FDG uptake (r= 0.64, p< 0.001). FDavg decreased following contrast enhancement for most tumours. CONCLUSION Fractal analysis of CT images of lung tumours could potentially provide additional information about likely tumour aggression and so impact on clinical management decisions and choice of treatment

    Texture analysis of aggressive and nonaggressive lung tumor CE CT images

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    This paper presents the potential for fractal analysis of time sequence contrast-enhanced (CE) computed tomography (CT) images to differentiate between aggressive and nonaggressive malignant lung tumors (i.e., high and low metabolic tumors). The aim is to enhance CT tumor staging prediction accuracy through identifying malignant aggressiveness of lung tumors. As branching of blood vessels can be considered a fractal process, the research examines vascularized tumor regions that exhibit strong fractal characteristics. The analysis is performed after injecting 15 patients with a contrast agent and transforming at least 11 time sequence CE CT images from each patient to the fractal dimension and determining corresponding lacunarity. The fractal texture features were averaged over the tumor region and quantitative classification showed up to 83.3% accuracy in distinction between advanced (aggressive) and early-stage (nonaggressive) malignant tumors. Also, it showed strong correlation with corresponding lung tumor stage and standardized tumor uptake value of fluoro deoxyglucose as determined by positron emission tomography. These results indicate that fractal analysis of time sequence CE CT images of malignant lung tumors could provide additional information about likely tumor aggression that could potentially impact on clinical management decisions in choosing the appropriate treatment procedure

    Two Ships in the Night or in the Same Boat Together? Why the European Court of Justice Made the Right Choice in the Kadi Case. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 03/2009, June 2009

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    This paper investigates the approaches to the recent Kadi case taken by both the Court of First Instance and the Advocate General and asks whether the European Court of Justice made the right choice with regard to the case’s implications for the relationship between European and international law. It argues that the Court’s judgement of 3 September 2008 in Kadi is to be welcomed, also from an internatio-nal perspective. It rightly rejected the approach presented by the Court of First Instance, which, albeit stressing the importance of the UN Charter, ultimately turned out to be a ‘false friend’ of international law. By largely following the Advocate General’s Opinion, the Court maintained the integrity and the superior human rights standard of the EU legal order. Without jeopardizing the compliance of the Member States with their UN Charter obligations right away, it sent a clear warning signal to the United Nations Security Council to exhaust its potential for reform of the targeted sanction regime to the fullest. The Court showed that in an interdependent world of multilevel governance, the different components cannot ‘pass by each other like ships in the night’. In the face of threats like global terrorism like the threat of terrorism as well as undue curtailing of human rights, we are all in the same boat together after all

    EU Law, International Law, and Economic Sanctions Against Terrorism: The Judiciary in Distress?

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    This Article seeks to examine the relationship between European Union (“EU”) law, international law, and the protection of fundamental rights in light of recent case law of the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) and the Court of First Instance (“CFI”) relating to economic sanctions against individuals. It first looks at the judgment in Kadi. After a short presentation of the factual and legal background, it explores the question of whether the EU has competence to adopt smart sanctions. It then examines whether the EU is bound by resolutions of the UNSC, whether the ECJ has jurisdiction to review Community measures implementing such resolutions, and looks at the applicable standard of judicial scrutiny. It analyzes the contrasting views of the CFI, the Advocate General, and the ECJ, taking account also of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR” or “Strasbourg Court”). Further, the Article explores the consequences of annulling the contested regulation. It then turns to discussing CFI case law in relation to sanctions lists drawn up not by the UNSC but by the Community. The Article concludes by welcoming the judgment of the ECJ. While its reasoning on the issue of Community competence is questionable, once such competence is established, it is difficult to support the abrogation of Community standards for the protection of fundamental rights. Such standards should ensure procedural due process while recognizing the importance of public security

    Terrorism and the ECJ: Empowerment and Democracy in the EC Legal Order

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    In its judgment in Kadi &amp; Al Barakaat International Foundation v Council (C-402/05 P &amp; C-415/05 P) Not yet reported September 3, 2008, the ECJ held that the Community has competence to adopt economic sanctions not only against states but also against individuals on the basis of Arts 301, 60 and 308 EC. It also held that UN Security Council resolutions are binding only in international law and cannot take precedence over the Community’s internal standards for the protection of fundamental rights. The judgment raises some profound constitutional questions pertaining to the competence of the Community, its relationship with international law and the scope of fundamental rights protection. In parallel, in a number of cases culminating in its judgment of October 23, 2008 in People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran v Council (OMPI II) (T-256/07), the CFI has annulled anti-terrorist sanctions imposed by the European Community indicating a strong adherence to process rights. The purpose of this contribution is to discuss the above case law and its implications

    Criminalizing Support for Terrorism: A Comparative Perspective

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    The student project Elba at KTH started in 2011 and is a project where a battery driven prototype car is developed. The vehicle competes in Eco Shell Marathon in Rotterdam, Holland. In this competition the vehicle that travels a certain distance including several starts and stops with the lowest energy consumption wins. To minimize the consumption is therefore very important, which requires knowledge of the vehicles energy losses. A vehicle's energy losses depends on several factors and can be divided into the powertrain efficiency and the driving resistance. The driving resistance can then be divided in to rolling and air resistance, if smaller losses like vibrations are ignored. This report seeks to develop, describe, and evaluate a couple of methods to measure these two parameters on behalf of KTH Transport Labs. The methods chosen are based on a literature study of earlier developed methods and a dialog with the clients. The measuring methods have been adapted to a low budget and simple measuring conditions such as a garage or a tarmac road. The methods are based on either pulling and free rolling, or only free rolling. The traveled distance, speed, acceleration and driving force are logged during the measurements. The measurements have been done at two different locations, in a garage at StockholmsmĂ€ssan in Älvjö and on a parking lot by Teknikringen 8 at KTH. To measure the different parameters an encoder, accelerometer and force transducer has been used. To computing the driving resistance a graphical user interface was developed in Matlab. The developed measuring methods compute both the rolling and air resistance coefficients which creates great demands on the environment for the measurement. This could make it hard to find a satisfying test track. The unreasonable results from the coast-down, were Elba were rolling freely, at Teknikringen 8 shows the difficulties when the measurement is unprotected from the wind. With small resistance, as in an energy efficient vehicle like Elba, the measurement is more sensitive to disturbances. This causes the need of preprocessing data before the calculations are done. The final finding is that a combination of the described methods is preferable. A measurement to calculate the rolling resistance coefficient is made by pulling the car. Then a coast-down is made according to any of the two suggested methods. This allows the cast down to be done on a different road surface than the one that the rolling resistance coefficient is calculated for. This means that the air resistance for instance could be measured indoors where there is no wind. The purpose of this project was to develop a method to measure rolling and air resistance for Elba or similar vehicles. Due to technical issues and poor measuring conditions no reliable values of the resistance have been resolved with the developed and chosen methods. If the measurements would be repeated with better equipment and better conditions, a good result would be possible to get.Studentprojektet Elba pĂ„ KTH startade 2011 och Ă€r ett projekt dĂ€r en batteridriven prototypbil avsedd att tĂ€vla i Eco Shell Marathon i Rotterdam, Holland tas fram. I denna tĂ€vling vinner det fordon som pĂ„ utsatt tid kör en viss strĂ€cka inkluderande flera starter och stopp med en sĂ„ lĂ„g energiförbrukning som möjligt. Att minimera energikonsumtionen Ă€r alltsĂ„ mycket viktigt vilket stĂ€ller krav pĂ„ kunskap om fordonets förluster. Ett fordons energiförluster beror av flera faktorer sĂ„som drivlinans verkningsgrad och fĂ€rdmotstĂ„ndet. Om mindre förluster sĂ„ som vibrationer försummas kan fĂ€rdmotstĂ„ndet i sin tur delas upp i rull- och luftmotstĂ„nd. Denna rapport syftar till att ta fram, beskriva och utvĂ€rdera nĂ„gra metoder för att mĂ€ta dessa tvĂ„ parametrar pĂ„ uppdrag av KTH Transport Labs. Metoderna som har valts att studeras Ă€r baserade pĂ„ en litteraturstudie av tidigare framtagna metoder och samtal med bestĂ€llaren. Valen utgĂ„r frĂ„n en lĂ„g budget och enkla testmiljöer sĂ„ som garage eller asfaltsvĂ€g. Metoderna bestĂ„r av att antingen dra och frirulla, eller enbart frirulla fordonet. Tillryggalagd strĂ€cka, hastighet, acceleration och drivande kraft loggas under mĂ€tningen. MĂ€tningar har genomförts vid tvĂ„ olika platser, i ett garage vid StockholmsmĂ€ssan i Älvsjö och pĂ„ en parkering vid Teknikringen 8 pĂ„ KTH. För att mĂ€ta de olika storheterna har en pulsgivare, accelerometer och kraftgivare anvĂ€nts. För behandling av data och berĂ€kning av fĂ€rdmotstĂ„nden har ett grafiskt anvĂ€ndargrĂ€nssnitt tagits fram i Matlab. De framtagna mĂ€tmetoderna berĂ€knar bĂ„de rull- och luftmotstĂ„ndskoefficienten vilket stĂ€ller stora krav pĂ„ mĂ€tmiljön. Detta kan göra det svĂ„rt att hitta en tillfredstĂ€llande testbana. De orimliga resultaten frĂ„n utrullningen, dĂ€r Elba frirullas, vid Teknikringen 8 visar pĂ„ svĂ„righeterna dĂ„ mĂ€tningen görs utan skydd frĂ„n vinden. Med smĂ„ fĂ€rdmotstĂ„nd, som hos ett energisnĂ„lt fordon som Elba, blir berĂ€kningarna kĂ€nsligare för störningar. Detta medför att viss förbehandling av data krĂ€vs innan berĂ€kningarna kan genomföras. Slutsatsen Ă€r att en kombination av de beskrivna metoderna Ă€r att föredra. Ett dragtest görs separat för att bestĂ€mma rullmotstĂ„ndskoefficienten. Sedan appliceras nĂ„gon av de tvĂ„ metoderna för att berĂ€kna luftmotstĂ„ndskoefficienten. Detta gör att utrullningen inte behöver ske pĂ„ det underlag som rullmotstĂ„ndskoefficienten söks för. Det innebĂ€r att luftmotstĂ„ndet Ă€r möjligt att mĂ€tas inomhus dĂ€r det Ă€r vindstilla. Syftet med detta arbete var att ta fram en metod för berĂ€kning av rull- och luftmotstĂ„nd hos Elba eller andra liknande fordon. PĂ„ grund av tekniska problem och bristfĂ€lliga mĂ€tmiljöer har inga tillförlitliga vĂ€rden för motstĂ„nden tagits fram med de utvecklade och valda metoderna. Om mĂ€tningarna skulle Ă„terupprepas med bĂ€ttre utrustning och med bĂ€ttre förhĂ„llanden skulle dock trovĂ€rdiga resultat kunna uppnĂ„s

    European Approaches to Fighting Terrorism

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    PÄ senare tid har smarta mobila enheter fÄtt en allt större roll i vardagen och det finns en uppsjö av applikationer till dessa. Den som Àr uppmÀrksam kan upptÀcka att prestandan och anvÀndarupplevelsen kan variera kraftigt mellan olika applikationer. Prestandaoptimering Àr en viktig del i utvecklingsprocessen för mobila applikationer eftersom mobila enheter ofta har betydligt mer begrÀnsade resurser jÀmfört med till exempel persondatorer. Eftersom prestanda Àr komplext med mÄnga faktorer som spelar in kan man anvÀnda sig av verktyg för att underlÀtta optimeringsarbetet. För att hitta de mest lÀmpliga verktygen för prestandaoptimering av Android-applikationer har en utvÀrdering av en delmÀngd verktyg som finns pÄ marknaden utförts. UtvÀrderingen har fokuserat pÄ verktygens funktionalitet och effektivitet och mÄlet Àr att utifrÄn utvÀrderingsresultatet ge en rekommendation av de verktyg som Àr lÀmpligast att anvÀnda. Resultatet av utvÀrderingen visade pÄ att alla verktyg som utvÀrderats gav goda indikationer och prestandavinster hos testprogramvaran kunde dokumenteras vid anvÀndning av samtliga verktyg. Det verktyg som var mest heltÀckande gÀllande dess funktionalitet var Traceview, ett profileringsverktyg som kunde anvÀndas för att analysera CPU-prestanda, layout-prestanda och svarstids-prestanda. För att utföra en heltÀckande prestandaoptimering krÀvdes dock kompletterande verktyg för optimeringsomrÄdet minnes-prestanda. Genom arbetet och den resulterade rekommendationen kan utvecklare av Android-applikationer förbÀttra sina arbetsmetoder vid prestandaoptimering, genom att anvÀnda sig av lÀmpliga och effektiva verktyg
