2,376 research outputs found

    2MASS J18082002-5104378: The brightest (V=11.9) ultra metal-poor star

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    Context. The most primitive metal-poor stars are important for studying the conditions of the early galaxy and are also relevant to big bang nucleosynthesis. Aims. Our objective is to find the brightest (V<14) most metal-poor stars. Methods. Candidates were selected using a new method, which is based on the mismatch between spectral types derived from colors and observed spectral types. They were observed first at low resolution with EFOSC2 at the NTT/ESO to obtain an initial set of stellar parameters. The most promising candidate, 2MASS J18082002-5104378 (V=11.9), was observed at high resolution (R=50 000) with UVES at the VLT/ESO, and a standard abundance analysis was performed. Results. We found that 2MASS J18082002-5104378 is an ultra metal-poor star with stellar parameters Teff = 5440 K, log g = 3.0 dex, vt = 1.5 km/s, [Fe/H] = -4.1 dex. The star has [C/Fe]<+0.9 in a 1D analysis, or [C/Fe]<=+0.5 if 3D effects are considered; its abundance pattern is typical of normal (non-CEMP) ultra metal-poor stars. Interestingly, the star has a binary companion. Conclusions. 2MASS J1808-5104 is the brightest (V=11.9) metal-poor star of its category, and it could be studied further with even higher S/N spectroscopy to determine additional chemical abundances, thus providing important constraints to the early chemical evolution of our Galaxy.Comment: A&A Letter

    Divergence times and the evolutionary radiation of new world monkeys (Platyrrhini, Primates): an analysis of fossil and molecular data

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    The estimation of phylogenetic relationships and divergence times among a group of organisms is a fundamental first step toward understanding its biological diversification. The time of the most recent or last common ancestor (LCA) of extant platyrrhines is one of the most controversial among scholars of primate evolution. Here we use two molecular based approaches to date the initial divergence of the platyrrhine clade, Bayesian estimations under a relaxed-clock model and substitution rate plus generation time and body size, employing the fossil record and genome datasets. We also explore the robustness of our estimations with respect to changes in topology, fossil constraints and substitution rate, and discuss the implications of our findings for understanding the platyrrhine radiation. Our results suggest that fossil constraints, topology and substitution rate have an important influence on our divergence time estimates. Bayesian estimates using conservative but realistic fossil constraints suggest that the LCA of extant platyrrhines existed at ca. 29 Ma, with the 95% confidence limit for the node ranging from 27-31 Ma. The LCA of extant platyrrhine monkeys based on substitution rate corrected by generation time and body size was established between 21-29 Ma. The estimates based on the two approaches used in this study recalibrate the ages of the major platyrrhine clades and corroborate the hypothesis that they constitute very old lineages. These results can help reconcile several controversial points concerning the affinities of key early Miocene fossils that have arisen among paleontologists and molecular systematists. However, they cannot resolve the controversy of whether these fossil species truly belong to the extant lineages or to a stem platyrrhine clade. That question can only be resolved by morphology. Finally, we show that the use of different approaches and well supported fossil information gives a more robust divergence time estimate of a clade.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Electrical field profile and doping in planar lead halide perovskite solar cells

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    Hybrid lead halide perovskites (PVKs) have emerged as novel materials for photovoltaics and have rapidly reached very large solar to electricity power conversion efficiencies. As occurring with other kind of solar technologies establishing the working energy-band diagram constitutes a primary goal for device physics analysis. Here, the macroscopic electrical field distribution is experimentally determined using capacitance-voltage and Kelvin probe techniques. Planar struc- tures comprising CH3NH3PbI3�����xClx PVK exhibit p-doping character and form a p-n heterojunc- tion with n-doped TiO2 compact layers. Depletion width at equilibrium within the PVK bulk has an extent about 300 nm (approximately half of the layer thickness), leaving as a consequence a significant neutral zone towards the anode contact. Charge collection properties are then accessi- ble relying on the relative weight that diffusion and drift have as carrier transport driven forces

    A Study of the Near-Ultraviolet Spectrum of Vega

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    UV, optical, and near-IR spectra of Vega have been combined to test our understanding of stellar atmospheric opacities, and to examine the possibility of constraining chemical abundances from low-resolution UV fluxes. We have carried out a detailed analysis assuming Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) to identify the most important contributors to the UV continuous opacity: H, H^{-}, C I, and Si II. Our analysis also assumes that Vega is spherically symmetric and its atmosphere is well described with the plane parallel approximation. Comparing observations and computed fluxes we have been able to discriminate between two different flux scales that have been proposed, the IUE-INES and the HST scales, favoring the latter. The effective temperature and angular diameter derived from the analysis of observed optical and near-UV spectra are in very good agreement with previous determinations based on different techniques. The silicon abundance is poorly constrained by the UV observations of the continuum and strong lines, but the situation is more favorable for carbon and the abundances inferred from the UV continuum and optical absorption lines are in good agreement. Some spectral intervals in the UV spectrum of Vega that the calculations do not reproduce well are likely affected by deviations from LTE, but we conclude that our understanding of UV atmospheric opacities is fairly complete for early A-type stars.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Ap

    Demographic expansion and contraction in a neotropical fish during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene

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    Demographic changes during the late Pleistocene-Holocene left signatures in the DNA of contemporary populations. These signatures reveal demographic phenomena like the increase or decrease in effective population size. In this paper we searched for signatures of demographic change in the DNA of the Neotropical freshwater fish Poecilia vivipara . Also, we investigated whether demographic changes are correlated with palaeoclimatic events of the late Pleistocene-Holocene, in particular, if changes in effective population size are correlated with expansion and contraction of available habitats, induced by global ice-volume changes and sea-level fluctuations. We used Bayesian Skyline Plot (BSP) analysis with sequences from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b to estimate the ancestral demography of the Neotropical freshwater fish P. vivipara . To test the assumptions of neutrality and absence of population structure we used Tajima?s D and Spatial Analysis of Molecular Variance (SAMOVA), respectively. Effective population size of P. vivipara remained stable until 75,000 years ago, increased by 10-fold reaching a maximum at approximately 25,000 years ago, then suddenly declined at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary. Variation in effective population size in P. vivipara correlates with expansion and contraction of habitats induced by sea-level fluctuations, caused by the advance and retreat of ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).Fil: Costa, Carolina L. N.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Perez, Sergio Ivan. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Departamento Científico de Antropología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Louvise, José. Faculdade Do Vale Do Jaguaribe; BrasilFil: Tonhatti, Carlos H.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Clemente Carvalho, Rute B. G.. Queens University. Department Of Biology; CanadáFil: Petryna, Ana Mabel. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: dos Reis, S. F.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Brasi

    Influence of the substrate on the bulk properties of hybrid lead halide perovskite films

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    In addition to the known effect of the substrate on the interfacial properties of perovskite films, here we show that the bulk properties of hybrid lead halide perovskite films depend on the type of substrate used for film growth. Despite the relative large film thickness, ∼600 nm, the roughness and nature of the substrate layer (glass, FTO, TiO2 and PEDOT:PSS) affect not just the degree of preferential orientation and crystal grain size but also the lattice parameters of CH3NH3PbI3 films synthesized from the PbCl2 precursor. The obtained changes in lattice parameters indicate that the Pb–Pb distance varies by around 0.7%. We suggest that the substrate roughness and chemical nature determine the concentration of defects mainly by varying the chlorine content and probably by the incorporation of oxygen and iodine vacancies during film nucleation and growth. These differences also have consequences in the observed light induced transformations. Upon laser illumination, the formation of additional defects, most probably related to oxygen, is revealed by 110 and 165 cm−1 Raman peaks. With increasing laser power the chemical transformation into PbOx is clearly identified by the 140 and 275 cm−1 Raman peaks. The irreversible photoluminescence enhancement observed at low power with illumination time, also dependent on the substrate nature, is proposed to be due to the localization of the electron–hole excitons created in the vicinity of the light generated defects. These results shed light on the performance of the perovskite layer and help to understand how bulk processes, where ion migration is a conspicuous example, are severely affected by interfacial properties such as those imposed by the substrate.Funding by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) under Projects MAT2015-65356-C3-1-R and 2-R, MAT2014-54852-R and MAT2015-70611-ERC and Comunidad de Madrid Excellence Network under Project S2013/MIT-2740 (and Associated Lab LABCADIO belonging to CM net labs ref. 351) is acknowledged. We also acknowledge the MINECO for financial support and provision of synchrotron radiation facilities at ESRF, and thank María Vila for her assistance in using beamline BM25-SpLine. B. C. H. is grateful to the support of the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq), Brazil, through the Science without Borders program

    Rocking ratchet induced by pure magnetic potentials with broken reflection symmetry

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    A ratchet effect (the rectification of an ac injected current) which is purely magnetic in origin has been observed in a superconducting-magnetic nanostructure hybrid. The hybrid consists of a superconducting Nb film in contact with an array of nanoscale magnetic triangles, circular rings or elliptical rings. The arrays were placed into well-defined remanent magnetic states by application of different magnetic field cycles. The stray fields from these remanent states provide a magnetic landscape which influences the motion of superconducting vortices. We examined both randomly varying landscapes from demagnetized samples, and ordered landscapes from samples at remanence after saturation in which the magnetic rings form parallel onion states containing two domain walls. The ratchet effect is absent if the rings are in the demagnetized state or if the vortices propagate parallel to the magnetic reflection symmetry axis (perpendicular to the magnetic domain walls) in the ordered onion state. On the other hand, when the vortices move perpendicular to the magnetic reflection symmetry axis in the ordered onion state (parallel to the domain walls) a clear ratchet effect is observed. This behavior differs qualitatively from that observed in samples containing arrays of triangular Ni nanostructures, which show a ratchet of structural origin.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures and 1 tabl

    Diversidad morfológica mandibular de los monos capuchinos: un análisis morfométrico

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    La diversificación de los platirrinos a escala macroevolutiva ha sido sistemáticamente estudiada en años recientes. Sin embargo, el origen de la diversidad fenotípica y de taxones observada a escalas filogenéticas menores, p. ej., dentro de los géneros, ha sido menos estudiada. En este contexto, la diversidad de los monos capuchinos ha sido discutida recientemente. Los trabajos previos reconocían un único género y principalmente cuatro especies. En cambio, algunos estudios recientes, empleando datos morfológicos y moleculares, han propuesto dividir el clado en dos géneros (Cebus y Sapajus) y doce especies. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar la variación morfométrica mandibular de las especies de monos capuchinos para discutir este problema. Los resultados obtenidos -empleando microtomografías computadas, técnicas de la morfometría geométrica en 3D y métodos comparativos filogenéticos- muestran que todas las especies estudiadas se encuentran superpuestas a lo largo del eje principal de variación en forma, y que la diferenciación de las especies que recientemente han sido asignadas a los géneros Cebus y Sapajus se relaciona con cambios no alométricos en forma. Muchas de las características asignadas al recientemente propuesto género Sapajus, incluyendo particularmente la robustez de la mandíbula, son observadas en individuos masculinos de especies de ambos géneros. Estos resultados sugieren que las características morfológicas descritas recientemente para diferenciar los géneros de capuchinos deben ser empleadas con cuidado como criterios para generar nuevas propuestas sistemáticas

    Optical characterisation of silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2/Si3N4 hybrid matrix for third generation photovoltaics

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    Silicon nanocrystals with an average size of approximately 4 nm dispersed in SiO2/Si3N4 hybrid matrix have been synthesised by magnetron sputtering followed by a high-temperature anneal. To gain understanding of the photon absorption and emission mechanisms of this material, several samples are characterised optically via spectroscopy and photoluminescence measurements. The values of optical band gap are extracted from interference-minimised absorption and luminescence spectra. Measurement results suggest that these nanocrystals exhibit transitions of both direct and indirect types. Possible mechanisms of absorption and emission as well as an estimation of exciton binding energy are also discussed

    Bridging the GUI gap with reactive values and relations

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    There are at present two ways to write GUIs for functional code. One is to use standard GUI toolkits, with all the benefits they bring in terms of feature completeness, choice of platform, conformance to platform-specific look-and-feel, long-term viability, etc. However, such GUI APIs mandate an imperative programming style for the GUI and related parts of the application. Alternatively, we can use a functional GUI toolkit. The GUI can then be written in a functional style, but at the cost of foregoing many advantages of standard toolkits that often will be of critical importance. This paper introduces a light-weight framework structured around the notions of reactive values and reactive relations . It allows standard toolkits to be used from functional code written in a functional style. We thus bridge the gap between the two worlds, bringing the advantages of both to the developer. Our framework is available on Hackage and has been been validated through the development of non-trivial applications in a commercial context, and with different standard GUI toolkits