592 research outputs found


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    The intensive increase in the number of meat poultry, directly broiler chickens both in our country and in the most countries of the world, is accompanied by the accumulation of a large amount of waste (droppings with litter) of this technology in limited areas. According to a number of researchers, the utilization of this biomass must take into account environmental requirements and challenges. These requirements are met by the utilization of poultry droppings by means of vermiculture (growing worms). It is promising to prepare the droppings of broiler chickens with bedding for its use as a substrate for vermiculture by composting with the participation of biodestructors (microbiological preparations). However, the problem of the influence of poultry droppings in the composition of the substrate fermented with the help of biodestrutor BTU-CENTER on the chemical composition of vermiculture biomass remains unstudied. The material for study was the biomass of worms grown on a substrate containing broiler droppings fermented with various doses of a biodestructor. In the control group, vermiculture biomass was grown on a substrate that included 92.0% by weight of broiler chicken droppings with litter fermented for 540 days without the use of a biodestructor and 8.0% wheat straw. In the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd experimental groups, worms were grown on a substrate consisting of 92.0% by mass of broiler chicken droppings with fermented litter for 180 days using the BTU-CENTER biodestructor, respectively, in the amount of 3.75, 7 .5 and 11.25 cm3/t and 8.0% wheat straw. The content of total protein, lipids, ash, zinc, ferrum, copper, lead and cadmium was determined in vermiculture biomass. It has been proven that the content of total protein in vermiculture biomass grown on broiler chicken droppings fermented with a low dose of biodestructor almost does not change. In the biomass of worms obtained on a substrate with the content of broiler droppings fermented with a biodestructor in the amount of 11.25 cm3/t, the total protein content increases by 2.1% compared to the control one. A statistically significant increase in the content of lipids in the biomass of vermiculture grown on a substrate containing broiler droppings fermented with the highest dose of biodestructor (experimental group III) was established. The difference with the control group was 6.7%. It was proven that the more biodestructor was used for fermentation of poultry droppings, the higher the content of total ash was found in the vermiculture biomass grown on it, comparing the I, II and III research groups. The highest ash content was found in the control one. The difference with the experimental groups was 18.1, 12.1 and 6.0%, respectively. Using the substrate with the content of manure fermented with a biodestructor in doses of 7.5 and 11.25 cm3/t, the content of ferrum in the vermiculture biomass was lower than in the control group by 1.95 and 0.76%, respectively. The highest content of copper and zinc was found in the biomass of worms from the control group. In the biomass of vermiculture grown on a substrate with manure fermented with a biodestructor at a dose of 11.25 cm3/t, the content of copper and zinc was lower than in the control group by 2.5 and 0.9%, respectively. It was established that the content of lead and cadmium did not exceed the maximum allowable norm for growing vermiculture on a substrate containing broiler chicken droppings fermented with a biodestructor.Інтенсивне нарощування поголів’я м’ясної птиці, безпосередньо курчат-бройлерів, як в нашій державі, так і в більшості країн світу супроводжується нагромадженням великої кількості відходів (посліду із підстилкою) даної технології на обмежених територіях. За даними ряду дослідників утилізація цієї біомаси має проходити із врахуванням екологічних вимог і викликів. Таким вимогам відповідає утилізація посліду птиці шляхом вермикультивування (вирощування черв’яків). Перспективним є підготовка посліду курчат-бройлерів із підстилкою для використання його у складі субстрату для вермикультури шляхом компостування за участі біодеструкторів (мікробіологічних препаратів). Проте, не вивченим залишається питання впливу посліду птиці у складі субстрату, ферментованого за допомогою біодеструтокра БТУ-ЦЕНТР, на хімічний склад біомаси вермикультури. Матеріалом для вивчення була біомаса черв’яків, вирощена на субстраті із вмістом посліду бройлерів, ферментованого різними дозами біодеструктора. У контрольній групі біомаса вермикультури була вирощена на субстраті, до складу якого входило 92,0 % за масою посліду курчат-бройлерів із підстилкою ферментованого 540 діб без використання біодеструктора і 8,0 % пшеничної соломи. У І, ІІ та ІІІ дослідній групі черв’яків вирощували на субстраті, до складу якого входило 92,0 % за масою посліду курчат-бройлерів із підстилкою ферментованого продовж 180 діб за використання біодеструктора БТУ-ЦЕНТР, відповідно, у кількості 3,75, 7,5 та 11,25 см3/т і 8,0 % соломи пшениці. У біомасі вермикультури визначали вміст загального білка, ліпідів, золи, Цинку, Феруму, Купруму, Плюмбуму та Кадмію. Доведено, що у біомасі вермикультури, вирощеної на посліді курчат-бройлерів, ферментованого низькою дозою біодеструктора вміст загального білка майже не змінюється. У біомасі черв’яків одержаних на субстраті із вмістом посліду бройлерів ферментованих біодеструктором у кількості 11,25 см3/т вміст загального білка збільшується на 2,1 % відносно контролю. Встановлено статистично значуще підвищення вмісту ліпідів у біомасі вермикультури вирощеної на субстраті, який містив послід бройлерів ферментований найбільшою дозою біодеструтора (ІІІ дослідна група). Різниця із контролем становила 6,7 %. Доведено закономірність, що чим більше для ферментування посліду птиці застосовували біодеструктора, тим у вирощеній на ньому біомасі вермикультури виявлено більший вміст загальної золи, порівнюючи між І, ІІ та ІІІ дослідними групами. Найбільший вміст золи виявлено у контролі. Різниця із дослідними групами становила, відповідно, 18,1, 12,1 та 6,0 %. Застосовуючи субстрат із вмістом посліду ферментованого біодеструктором у дозах 7,5 та 11,25 см3/т вміст Феруму у біомасі вермикультури був меншим, ніж у контролі, відповідно, на 1,95 та 0,76 %. Найбільший вміст Купруму та Цинку виявлено у біомасі черв’яків із контрольної групі. У біомасі вермикультури вирощеної на субстраті із вмістом посліду ферментованого біодеструктором у дозі 11,25 см3/т вміст Купруму та Цинку був меншим, ніж у контролі, відповідно, на 2,5 та 0,9 %. Встановлено, що вміст Плюмбуму та Кадмію не перевищував гранично допустимої норми за вирощування вермикультури на субстраті із вмістом посліду курчат-бройлерів ферментованого біодеструктором

    Температура, мікробіологічний та хімічний склад посліду курчат-бройлерів із підстилкою за його компостування з різними дозами біодеструктора

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    The rapid growth of production volumes of broiler chicken products both in our country and in most countries of the world is combined with an increase in industry waste. A significant percentage of this waste is poultry droppings with litter. In the absence of implemented technologies for rational disposal of broiler chicken droppings, economic and ecological problems arise locally. Considering the above, the search for effective methods of disposal of broiler chicken droppings is of scientific and practical importance. Composting poultry droppings with litter (sawdust of non-coniferous trees) can be an alternative method of rational disposal of this waste. To accelerate the fermentation of broiler litter, there is a practice of using various microbiological preparations. The effectiveness of using a biodestructor containing bacteria: Bacillus spp., Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megatherium, Bacillus mesentericus, Bacillus mycoides during composting of broiler chicken excrement and its effect on the microbiological, chemical and physical parameters of fermented biomass remains unexplored. To conduct an experiment, 30 kg samples were formed from the excrement with the litter taken from the poultry house after broiler chickens had been reared for 42 days. In the control group, excrement samples were treated with water without a biodestructor. In the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd research groups, broiler chicken droppings were moistened with biodestructor solutions providing its doses of 143, 1430, and 2860 mg/t, respectively. Temperature and microbiological indicators were determined in the litter of broiler chickens during composting. In non-fermented litter of broiler chickens and litter composted for 150 days using a biodestructor, the crude protein content, mass fraction of Calcium, total Nitrogen and Phosphorus were determined. It has been established that the introduction of a biodestructor at a dose of 2860 mg/t of manure with a moisture content of 60.0 % leads to an increase in the activity of biochemical processes, which is confirmed by an increase in the temperature of the compost during the first hundred days of fermentation. The higher the dose of biodestructor was added to the litter of broiler chickens, the higher the KMAFAnM indicator and the numbers of Bacillus spp. bacteria in compost were higher. A regularity has been established that with the increase in the amount of biodestructor in the litter of broiler chickens, the number of Staphylococcus and Clostridium bacteria in the latter decreases. The use of a biodestructor at a dose of 2860 mg/t of broiler chicken droppings contributes to the increase of Nitrogen, crude protein, and Phosphorus in the compost and accelerates its mineralization compared to the control.Швидке зростання об’ємів виробництва продукції курчат-бройлерів як в нашій країні, так і в більшості держав світу поєднується зі збільшенням відходів галузі. Значний відсоток серед цих відходів припадає на послід птиці з підстилкою. За відсутності впроваджених технологій раціональної утилізації посліду курчат-бройлерів локально виникають господарсько-екологічні проблеми. Із огляду на вищесказане науково-практичне значення має пошук ефективних способів утилізації посліду курчат-бройлерів. Компостування посліду птиці з підстилкою (тирса нехвойних дерев) може виступати альтернативним способом раціональної утилізації цих відходів. Для прискорення ферментації посліду бройлерів є практика застосування різних мікробіологічних препаратів. Невивченим залишається питання ефективності використання біодеструктора із вмістом бактерій: Bacillus spp., Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megatherium, Bacillus mesentericus, Bacillus mycoides під час компостування посліду курчат-бройлерів та його впливу на мікробіологічні, хімічні та фізичні показники ферментованої біомаси. Для проведення експерименту з посліду із підстилкою відібраного з пташника після вирощування впродовж 42 діб курчат-бройлерів формували проби по 30 кг. У контрольній групі проби посліду обробляли водою без біодеструктора. У І, ІІ та ІІІ дослідній групі послід курчат-бройлерів зволожували розчинами біодеструктора, забезпечуючи його дози, відповідно – 143, 1430 та 2860 мг/т. У посліді курчат-бройлерів під час компостування визначали температуру та мікробіологічні показники. У неферментованому посліді курчат-бройлерів та посліді, компостованому протягом 150 діб за використання біодеструктора визначали вміст сирого протеїну, масову частку Кальцію, загального Нітрогену та Фосфору. Встановлено, що внесення біодеструктора у дозі 2860 мг/т посліду із вологістю 60,0 % призводить до підвищення активності протікання біохімічних процесів, що підтверджується зростанням температури компосту протягом перших ста діб ферментування. Чим більша доза біодеструктора була внесена у послід курчат-бройлерів, тим показник КМАФАнМ та кількість бактерій Bacillus spp. у компості були вищими. Встановлено закономірність, що зі зростанням кількості біодеструктора у посліді курчат-бройлерів у останньому зменшується кількість бактерій Staphylococcus та Clostridium. Застосування біодеструктора у дозі 2860 мг/т посліду курчат-бройлерів сприяє підвищенню Нітрогену, сирого протеїну, Фосфору у компості та прискорює його мінералізацію у порівняні із контролем

    Inclusion of vermiculture biomass grown on a substrate of accelerated fermentation into combined feeds for broiler chickens

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    As the population increases, the problem of meat production will grow. An alternative method of solving this problem is growing broiler chickens; however, with this technology, the question of protein content and available amino acids in poultry feed remains open. Vermiculture biomass can be an inexhaustible source of protein for broiler chickens feeding. Under the vivarium of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, worms were grown on a substrate containing poultry droppings with litter fermented by an accelerated method with the participation of a destructor. Therefore, the work aims to establish the effect of such vermiculture biomass on productivity and protein metabolism in the body of broiler chickens. For this purpose, the broiler chickens of the research groups were fed with compound feed with a content of 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 % of vermiculture biomass. Poultry compound feed from the control group did not contain worm biomass. At the end of the experiment, the bird's body weight was recorded, the absolute and average daily gains were determined, and the indicators of protein accounting in the liver of broiler chickens were determined. It has been established that the body weight of broiler chickens varies depending on the content of vermiculture biomass in compound feed. Using a low dose of worms in the feed did not make it possible to obtain a statistically significant increase in the body weight of broiler chickens. By adding 3.0 and 4.5 % vermiculture biomass to the compound feed, the body weight of broilers increases by 3.5 and 3.7 % compared to the index of birds that were not fed worms. It was found that the absolute and average daily growth of broiler chickens that consumed compound feed containing 3.0 and 4.5 % vermiculture biomass increased by a statistically significant amount. It has been proven that using vermiculture biomass affects the protein metabolism indicators in broiler chickens' livers. In the liver of broiler chickens, which were fed with compound feed with a content of 3.0 and 4.5 % of vermiculture biomass, a tendency to an increase in the total protein content and a statistically significant increase in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase was established. In the liver of broilers, which were fed with compound feed with a content of 3.0 and 4.5 % of worm biomass, a tendency to increase the content of total and protein total groups was revealed

    Thermodynamic properties of lanthanum in gallium-indium eutectic based alloys

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    Activity and activity coefficients of lanthanum were determined for the first time in gallium-indium eutectic based alloys in a wide temperature range employing electromotive force method. Activity of β-La and super cooled liquid lanthanum in Ga-In eutectic based alloys between 573 and 1073 K linearly depends on the reciprocal temperature: lgaβ-La(Ga-In)=5.660-15, 352T±0.093 lgaLa(Ga-In)=6.074-15,839T±0.093 Activity coefficients of β-La and super cooled liquid lanthanum in this system at 617-1073 K are described by the following equations: lgγβ-La (Ga-In)=3.786-12,216T±0.171 lgγLa(Ga-In)=4. 199-12,703T±0.171 In addition activity of lanthanum in alloys with In was also determined in the same temperature range. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Measurement of the Nucleon Structure Function F2 in the Nuclear Medium and Evaluation of its Moments

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    We report on the measurement of inclusive electron scattering off a carbon target performed with CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory. A combination of three different beam energies 1.161, 2.261 and 4.461 GeV allowed us to reach an invariant mass of the final-state hadronic system W~2.4 GeV with four-momentum transfers Q2 ranging from 0.2 to 5 GeV2. These data, together with previous measurements of the inclusive electron scattering off proton and deuteron, which cover a similar continuous two-dimensional region of Q2 and Bjorken variable x, permit the study of nuclear modifications of the nucleon structure. By using these, as well as other world data, we evaluated the F2 structure function and its moments. Using an OPE-based twist expansion, we studied the Q2-evolution of the moments, obtaining a separation of the leading-twist and the total higher-twist terms. The carbon-to-deuteron ratio of the leading-twist contributions to the F2 moments exhibits the well known EMC effect, compatible with that discovered previously in x-space. The total higher-twist term in the carbon nucleus appears, although with large systematic uncertainites, to be smaller with respect to the deuteron case for n<7, suggesting partial parton deconfinement in nuclear matter. We speculate that the spatial extension of the nucleon is changed when it is immersed in the nuclear medium.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figure

    Comparative analysis of the intestinal microbiota in patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency of various severity

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    Background. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a critical host factor in determining the composition of the gut microbiota. Diseases that cause exocrine insufficiency can affect the gut microbiome, which can potentiate disease progression and complications. To date, the relationship of exocrine insufficiency in various pancreatic (PA) pathologies, in chronic pancreatitis (CP), with dysbiotic changes in the intestinal microbiota (IM) has not been reliably studied. The available data are heterogeneous and contradictory, which determines the need for further research. Aim. To conduct a comparative analysis of the taxonomic composition of the intestinal microbiota in patients with CP of various etiologies, without or with the presence of EPI of varying severity, as well as patients with severe EPI with a history of surgical intervention (SI) on the pancreas. Materials and methods. A total of 85 patients were included in the study. Patients were divided into groups according to the severity of EPI: Group 1 (n=16) patients with CP without EPI; Group 2 (n=11) patients with CP and mild EPI; Group 3 (n=17) patients with severe CP and EPI; Group 4 (n=41) severe EPI in persons with a history of SI on the pancreas. Verification of CP was carried out according to clinical, anamnestic and instrumental data. The degree of EPI was determined by the level of pancreatic elastase-1 (PE-1) feces. Informed consent for the study was obtained for each patient, an anamnesis was collected, physical and laboratory examinations were performed, and a stool sample was obtained. DNA was extracted from each stool sample, the taxonomic composition of BM was determined by sequencing the bacterial 16S rRNA genes, followed by bioinformatic analysis. Results. We followed the changes in the gut microbiota from a group of patients with CP without EPI to a group with severe EPI, in those who underwent SI. At the level of the phylum, the IM of all groups showed the dominance of Firmicutes, with the lowest representation in the severe EPI group, both with SI and CP, and the growth of the Actinobacteria, Verrucomicrobiota and Fusobacteria types. The differential representation of childbirth varied: in patients with severe EPI and CP, compared with mild, statistically significant genera Akkermansia, Ruminococcus gauvreauii group and Holdemanella; compared with CP without exocrine insufficiency, Prevotella, Ruminococcus gauvreauii group, Peptostreptococcus and Blautia dominated. The CP group with mild EPI was dominated by the following genera: Lachnospiraceae_ND 2004 group, Faecalitalea, Fusobacterium, Catenibacterium, Roseburia, Atopobium, Cloacibacillus, Clostridium innococum group, Ruminococcus torques group. All groups showed a low diversity of taxa with a predominance of opportunistic flora, including participants in oncogenesis. Conclusion. The results of the study show that patients with CP of various etiologies and patients with severe EPI who underwent specific intervention on the pancreas have intestinal microbiota dysbiosis, the severity of which is significantly influenced by the degree of EPI

    High sleep reactivity: clinical, psychological and polysomnographic features

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    Background. The model of sleep reactivity to stress considers sleep reactivity to stress as a link in the pathogenesis of insomnia disorder – the degree to which stress disturbs sleep, which manifests as difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep.The aim. To study clinical and psychological features as well as subjective and objective sleep indexes of subjects with high level of sleep reactivity to stress.Materials and methods. The psychological status, subjective indexes of sleep and sleep reactivity to stress according to Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test were studied among 18–75 year-old subjects without significant sleep disturbances and patients with chronic insomnia. Polysomnography was performed for objective evaluation of sleep parameters.Results. It was found that individuals with high levels of sleep reactivity to stress were characterized by high levels of anxiety, restlessness, and neuroticism. According to results of Pittsburg questionnaire, a lower quality of sleep was revealed. These findings were correlated with objective indexes of sleep according to polysomnographic studies: less deep sleep and its lower efficiency due to sleep disturbances.Conclusions. Individuals with high sleep reactivity to stress are characterized by greater anxiety combined with subjective and objective sleep disturbance like insomnia type

    Microbiome Responses to an Uncontrolled Short-Term Diet Intervention in the Frame of the Citizen Science Project

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    Personalized nutrition is of increasing interest to individuals actively monitoring their health. The relations between the duration of diet intervention and the effects on gut microbiota have yet to be elucidated. Here we examined the associations of short-term dietary changes, long-term dietary habits and lifestyle with gut microbiota. Stool samples from 248 citizen-science volunteers were collected before and after a self-reported 2-week personalized diet intervention, then analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing. Considerable correlations between long-term dietary habits and gut community structure were detected. A higher intake of vegetables and fruits was associated with increased levels of butyrate-producing Clostridiales and higher community richness. A paired comparison of the metagenomes before and after the 2-week intervention showed that even a brief, uncontrolled intervention produced profound changes in community structure: resulting in decreased levels of Bacteroidaceae, Porphyromonadaceae and Rikenellaceae families and decreased alpha-diversity coupled with an increase of Methanobrevibacter, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium and butyrate-producing Lachnospiraceae- as well as the prevalence of a permatype (a bootstrapping-based variation of enterotype) associated with a higher diversity of diet. The response of microbiota to the intervention was dependent on the initial microbiota state. These findings pave the way for the development of an individualized diet.</p

    Transverse Polarization of Σ+(1189)\Sigma^{+}(1189) in Photoproduction on a Hydrogen Target in CLAS

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    Experimental results on the Σ+(1189)\Sigma^+(1189) hyperon transverse polarization in photoproduction on a hydrogen target using the CLAS detector at Jefferson laboratory are presented. The Σ+(1189)\Sigma^+(1189) was reconstructed in the exclusive reaction γ+pKS0+Σ+(1189)\gamma+p\rightarrow K^{0}_{S} + \Sigma^+(1189) via the Σ+pπ0\Sigma^{+} \to p \pi^{0} decay mode. The KS0K^{0}_S was reconstructed in the invariant mass of two oppositely charged pions with the π0\pi^0 identified in the missing mass of the detected pπ+πp\pi^+\pi^- final state. Experimental data were collected in the photon energy range EγE_{\gamma} = 1.0-3.5 GeV (s\sqrt{s} range 1.66-2.73 GeV). We observe a large negative polarization of up to 95%. As the mechanism of transverse polarization of hyperons produced in unpolarized photoproduction experiments is still not well understood, these results will help to distinguish between different theoretical models on hyperon production and provide valuable information for the searches of missing baryon resonances.Comment: pages 1

    Target and beam-target spin asymmetries in exclusive pion electroproduction for Q2>1GeV2 . I. ep→eπ+n

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    Beam-target double-spin asymmetries and target single-spin asymmetries were measured for the exclusive π + electroproduction reaction γ ∗ p → n π + . The results were obtained from scattering of 6-GeV longitudinally polarized electrons off longitudinally polarized protons using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory. The kinematic range covered is 1.1 &lt; W &lt; 3 GeV and 1 &lt; Q 2 &lt; 6 GeV 2 . Results were obtained for about 6000 bins in W ,   Q 2 ,   cos ( θ ∗ ) , and ϕ ∗ . Except at forward angles, very large target-spin asymmetries are observed over the entire W region. Reasonable agreement is found with phenomenological fits to previous data for W &lt; 1.6 GeV, but very large differences are seen at higher values of W . A generalized parton distributions (GPD)-based model is in poor agreement with the data. When combined with cross-sectional measurements, the present results provide powerful constraints on nucleon resonance amplitudes at moderate and large values of Q 2 , for resonances with masses as high as 2.4 GeV