323 research outputs found

    Inertial parameters and superfluid-to-normal phase transition in superdeformed bands

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    The quasiclassically exact solution for the second inertial parameter B\cal B is found in self-consistent way. It is shown that superdeformation and nonuniform pairing arising from the rotation induced pair density significantly reduce this inertial parameter. The different limiting cases for B\cal B, which allow to study an interplay between rapid rotation, pairing correlations, and mean field deformation, are considered. The new signature for the transition from pairing to normal phase is suggested in terms of the variation of B/A{\cal B}/{\cal A} versus spin. Experimental data indicate the existence of such transition in the three superdeformed mass regions.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure


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    Modern biotechnology is a direction designed to find ways of industrial application of biological agents and processes. This is a complex multidisciplinary field, including microbiological synthesis, genetic, protein and cell engineering, engineering enzymology. Biotechnology is mainly based on the use of microorganisms. Therefore, the knowledge accumulated by microbiology about the diversity of the world, about the structure, genetics, physiology, variability, ecology of microbes creates a scientific basis for the development of many biotechnological industries. Traditional raw materials for various branches of the chemical and processing industries (oil and gas) are depleted, and this will lead to the fact that biomass resources will be increasingly used. In addition to new methods for producing chemicals from biomass, bio-technology also gives us more efficient and industrial catalysts for chemical interconversions. A promising area for further development is the production of valuable substances from plants, such as terpenes and alkaloids used in the manufacture of drugs; currently 25 % of all medicines are made from plants. Using animal cells, the production of viruses for vaccines is possible. In the long term, these are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, herpes type 1 viruses, herpes type 2 viruses, as well as viruses that cause colds, some forms of cancer and dental caries. Indexing:             Современная биотехнология – это направление, призванное изыскивать пути промышленного применения биологических агентов и процессов. Это комплексная многопрофильная область, включающая микробиологический синтез, генетическую, белковую и клеточную инженерию, инженерную энзимологию.  Биотехнология в основном опирается на использование микроорганизмов. Поэтому знания, накопленные микробиологией о многообразии мира, о строении, генетике, физиологии, изменчивости, экологии микробов создают научную основу для развития многих биотехнологических производств. Традиционное сырье для различных отраслей химической и перерабатывающей промышленности (нефть и газ) истощается, а это приведет к тому, что всё более широко будут использоваться ресурсы биомассы.  Помимо новых способов получения химических веществ из биомассы, биотехнология дает нам также более эффективные и производственные катализаторы для осуществления химических взаимопревращений.  Многообещающей областью дальнейшего развития представляется производство ценных веществ из растений, например терпенов и алкалоидов, используемых при производстве лекарств; в настоящее время 25 % всех лекарств производится из растений. С помощью животных клеток возможна продукция вирусов для получения вакцин. В перспективе это вирусы гепатита А, гепатита Б, герпеса типа 1, герпеса типа 2, а также вирусы, вызывающие простудные заболевания, некоторые формы рака и зубной кариес.  Індексація:               &nbsp

    Interobserver Agreement for Endometrial Cancer Characteristics Evaluated on Biopsy Material

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    A shift toward a disease-based therapy designed according to patterns of failure and likelihood of nodal involvement predicted by pathologic determinants has recently led to considering a selective approach to lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer. Therefore, it became critical to examine reproducibility of diagnosing the key determinants of risk, on preoperative endometrial tissue samples as well as the concordance between preoperative and postresection specimens. Six gynaecologic pathologists assessed 105 consecutive endometrial biopsies originally reported as positive for endometrial cancer for cell type (endometrioid versus nonendometrioid), tumor grade (FIGO 3-tiered and 2-tiered), nuclear grade, and risk category (low risk defined as endometrioid histology, grade 1 + 2 and nuclear grade <3). Interrater agreement levels were substantial for identification of nonendometrioid histology (κ = 0.63; SE = 0.025), high tumor grade (κ = 0.64; SE = 0.025), and risk category (κ = 0.66; SE = 0.025). The overall agreement was fair for nuclear grade (κ = 0.21; SE = 0.025). There is agreement amongst pathologists in identifying high-risk pathologic determinants on endometrial cancer biopsies, and these highly correlate with postresection specimens. This is ascertainment prerequisite adaptation of the paradigm shift in surgical staging of patients with endometrial cancer

    Radiative transfer effects in primordial hydrogen recombination

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    The calculation of a highly accurate cosmological recombination history has been the object of particular attention recently, as it constitutes the major theoretical uncertainty when predicting the angular power spectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies. Lyman transitions, in particular the Lyman-alpha line, have long been recognized as one of the bottlenecks of recombination, due to their very low escape probabilities. The Sobolev approximation does not describe radiative transfer in the vicinity of Lyman lines to a sufficient degree of accuracy, and several corrections have already been computed in other works. In this paper, the impact of some previously ignored radiative transfer effects is calculated. First, the effect of Thomson scattering in the vicinity of the Lyman-alpha line is evaluated, using a full redistribution kernel incorporated into a radiative transfer code. The effect of feedback of distortions generated by the optically thick deuterium Lyman-alpha line blueward of the hydrogen line is investigated with an analytic approximation. It is shown that both effects are negligible during cosmological hydrogen recombination. Secondly, the importance of high-lying, non overlapping Lyman transitions is assessed. It is shown that escape from lines above Ly-gamma and frequency diffusion in Ly-beta and higher lines can be neglected without loss of accuracy. Thirdly, a formalism generalizing the Sobolev approximation is developed to account for the overlap of the high-lying Lyman lines, which is shown to lead to negligible changes to the recombination history. Finally, the possibility of a cosmological hydrogen recombination maser is investigated. It is shown that there is no such maser in the purely radiative treatment presented here.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, to be submitted to PR

    Плужный корпус для прецизионной обработки почвы

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    It was shown that the soil formation turnover within the furrow is an important condition for precision tillage. The authors identified the possibility of creating a train of combined machines capable of preparing the soil for sowing or planting in one pass. It was noted that due to inertia forces, the cylindrical plow body is able to hold a layer with and without turf. The preliminary tests of this working body revealed some barriers to the unhindered passage of the soil layer. It was assumed that it is possible to increase the technological reliability of the plow body by placing a wing on the guide board, which operation will create an additional twisting effect. (Research purpose) To substantiate the length of the plow body wing and its angle to the bottom of the furrow. (Materials and methods) Based on the laws of theoretical mechanics, a differential equation for the soil layer segment rotation was obtained, where the soil, as a tillage object, is presented by the coefficients of dynamic viscosity, sliding friction, and density. (Results and discussion) It was determined that the value of the dynamic viscosity coefficient and sliding friction depend on the absolute moisture content of the formation being treated. The main criteria influencing the soil formation turnover included the absolute soil moisture content, the plow body speed, the dump wing length, the angle of the wing installation, the thickness of the interacting boundary layer of the deformable section. As a result of the simulation, it was found out that the angle of the soil layer segment rotation predominantly depends on the plow body speed and the angle of the dump wing installation. (Conclusions) A 90-degree angle of the soil layer segment rotation can be achieved if the dump wing length is 0.1 meter, and the angle of its installation is 23 degrees.Показали, что оборот пласта в пределах борозды – важное условие прецизионной обработки почвы. Выявили возможность создать шлейф комбинированных машин, способных за один проход готовить почву к посеву или посадке. Отметили, что цилиндроидальный плужный корпус при действии сил инерции способен удерживать на своей поверхности пласт с дерниной и без нее. В предварительных испытаниях этого рабочего органа выявили нарушения беспрепятственного прохождения почвенного пласта. Предположили, что повысить технологическую надежность плужного корпуса можно, если разместить на направляющей доске крыло, которое создаст дополнительный закручивающий эффект. (Цель исследования) Обосновать длину крыла плужного корпуса и угол его установки ко дну борозды. (Материалы и методы) На основе законов теоретической механики составили дифференциальное уравнение вращения сегмента почвенного пласта, где почва как объект обработки характеризуется коэффициентами динамической вязкости, трения скольжения, а также плотностью. (Результаты и обсуждение) Определили, что величина обозначенных коэффициентов зависит от абсолютной влажности обрабатываемого пласта. К основным критериям, влияющим на оборот пласта, отнесли абсолютную влажность почвы, скорость движения плужного корпуса, длину крыла отвала, угол установки крыла, толщину взаимодействующего пограничного слоя деформируемого сечения. В результате моделирования установили, что определяющее влияние на угол поворота сегмента почвенного пласта оказывают скорость движения плужного корпуса и угол установки крыла отвала. (Выводы) Угол поворота сегмента почвенного пласта, равный 90 градусам, достижим, если длина крыла отвала составляет 0,1 метра, а угол его установки равен 23 градусам

    Superfluid to normal phase transition and extreme regularity of superdeformed bands

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    We derive the exact semiclassical expression for the second inertial parameter B\cal B for the superfluid and normal phases. Interpolation between these limiting values shows that the function B(I){\cal B}(I) changes sign at the spin IcI_c, which is critical for a rotational spectrum. The quantity B\cal B turns out to be a sensitive measure of the change in static pairing correlations. The superfluid-to-normal transition reveals itself in the specific variation of the ratio B/A{\cal B}/{\cal A} versus spin II with the plateau characteristic of the normal phase. We find this dependence to be universal for normal deformed and superdeformed bands. The long plateau with a small value B/AA8/3{\cal B}/{\cal A}\sim A^{-8/3} explains the extreme regularity of superdeformed bands.Comment: 30 pages in LaTeX, 6 figures (PostScript). To be published in Yadernaya Fizika (Physics of Atomic Nuclei), special edition dedecated to the 90th birthday of Prof. I. I. Gurevit

    Качественная и количественная оценка ликвородинамики

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    Disorders of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) secretion, dynamics and absorption are common in different illnesses and injuries of the central nervous system (CNS). Nowadays magnetic-resonance tomography (MRI) is the leading research method of CSF dynamics. There are some MRI techniques for both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of CSF dynamic. The assessment of CSF movement is needed to define treatment strategy for patients with different types of hydrocephalus. In this review we have summarized the information about physic basement, area of application of modern MRI techniques. The main attention was paid to modern views on hydrocephalus pathogenesis, pathological CSF flow dynamics in CNS disorders and traumatic brain injury.Нарушения продукции, тока и резорбции спинномозговой жидкости (СМЖ) встречаются при многих заболеваниях и повреждениях нервной системы. В настоящее время магнитно-резонансная томография (МРТ) является ведущим методом исследования ликовородинамики. На сегодняшний день известно несколько методик исследования, которые позволяют оценить качественные и количественные параметры движения спинномозговой жидкости. Оценка ликвородинамики необходима для определения правильной тактики лечения пациентов с различными видами гидроцефалии. В обзоре литературы приведены физические основы, области применения современных МРТ-методов изучения ликвородинамики. Особое внимание уделено современным взглядам на патогенез гидроцефалии, особенностям тока ликвора при различных заболеваниях центральной нервной системы и черепно-мозговой травме

    Compressibility of CeMIn5Ce M In_5 and Ce2MIn8Ce_2 M In_8 (M = Rh, Ir and Co) Compounds

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    The lattice parameters of the tetragonal compounds CeMMIn5_{5} and Ce2M_{2}MIn8_{8}(M=M=Rh, Ir and Co) have been studied as a function of pressure up to 15 GPa using a diamond anvil cell under both hydrostatic and quasihydrostatic conditions at room temperature. The addition of MMIn2_{2} layers to the parent CeIn3_{3} compound is found to stiffen the lattice as the 2-layer systems (average of bulk modulus values B0B_{0} is 70.4 GPa) have a larger B0B_{0} than CeIn3_{3} (67 GPa), while the 1-layer systems with the are even stiffer (average of B0B_{0} is 81.4 GPa). Estimating the hybridization using parameters from tight binding calculations shows that the dominant hybridization is fpfp in nature between the Ce and In atoms. The values of VpfV_{pf} at the pressure where the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} reaches a maximum is the same for all CeMMIn5_{5} compounds. By plotting the maximum values of the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} versus c/ac/a for the studied compounds and Pu-based superconductors, we find a universal TcT_{c} versus c/ac/a behavior when these quantities are normalized appropriately. These results are consistent with magnetically mediated superconductivity.Comment: Updated version resubmitted to Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic structure of antiferromagnetic NdRhIn5

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    The magnetic structure of antiferromagnetic NdRhIn5 has been determined using neutron diffraction. It has a commensurate antiferromagnetic structure with a magnetic wave vector (1/2,0,1/2) below T_N = 11K. The staggered Nd moment at 1.6K is 2.6mu_B aligned along the c-axis. We find the magnetic structure to be closely related to that of its cubic parent compound NdIn3 below 4.6K. The enhanced T_N and the absence of additional transitions below T_N for NdRhIn5 are interpreted in terms of an improved matching of the crystalline-electric-field (CEF), magnetocrystalline, and exchange interaction anisotropies. In comparison, the role of these competing anisotropies on the magnetic properties of the structurally related compound CeRhIn5 is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure