62 research outputs found


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    The objective of the study was to find out the motivation, job satisfaction and job productivity of Agriculture Extension Workers (AEW). Respondent of the study was 36 AEW at Sukabumi district, West Java. The results of study have shown that most extension agents are male, relatively old, married and having more than three children. Most of them have had diploma program, participated in several trainings, 20 years of working experience, and belonging to third rank employee. Internal factors of AEW (achievement, recognition, job and responsibility are the internal factors performed significance factors. The motivation of agriculture extension agents has influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors; Job satisfaction influenced by psychology, and social, while physical and financial factors have no influence; Job productivity influenced by internal (achievement, recognition, job, responsibility) and external factors (FEW status, interpersonal relation) education background and capacity building, skill, technology, working environment, and discipline. All internal factors, achievement-recognition-work-responsibility has siginificance influence to extension workers productive works

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kesadaran Gender

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis: 1) persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kesadaran gender; 2) hubungan antara sosialisasi primer (jenis kelamin, agama, suku bangsa, tingkat pendidikan orang tua, orang tua pekerjaan, dan tingkat gaji orang tua),) dengan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kesadaran gender; 3) hubungan antara sosialisasi sekunder (daerah tempat tinggal, aktivitas organisasi, interaksi media massa, hubungan dengan teman, kelas gender dan kuliah pengembangan, dan indeks prestasi kumulatif) dengan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kesadaran gender. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dari Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat. Penelitian ini dimulai pada Mei sampai Juni 2009 menggunakan jumlah sampel 70 responden. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 14. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kesadaran gender yang tinggi (39 responden) dan lain-lain (31 responden) memiliki tingkat persepsi media mahasiswa pada kesadaran gender; 2) Sosialisasi primer yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kesadaran gender hanya seks dan yang lain tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kesadaran gender; 3) semua sosialisasi sekunder (ruang tamu, aktivitas organisasi, interaksi media massa, hubungan dengan teman, kelas gender dan kuliah pengembangan, dan prestasi indeks kumulatif) tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan persepsi mahasiswa pada kesadaran gender Kata kunci: Persepsi, kesadaran jender, sosialisasi primer, sosialisasi sekunder, tingkat intelektua


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    Public service is one form of the state apparatus functions as a public servant as well as aservant of the state. Seeing an increasingly competitive business world today, the company thatprovide public service need to change their customer services into a profit center. The quality ofservice provides an important link between the company and customers, also can help to push thecompany to achieve their goals and give positive image. Company's image depends on how thecompany give their services to the customer. Companies are required to constantly monitor publicperceptions or opinions about the company, through its institutional functions of Public Relation (PR).The purpose of this research is to analyze the customer's perception of the quality of public services atPLN UPJ Bekasi Kota, and the relationship between the internal and external factors with thecustomer's perception of public services at PLN UPJ Bekasi Kota. The results of this research showthe customer’s perception on the quality of public services at PLN UPJ Bekasi Kota is good with theaverage score equal to 3.86. Correlation test showed that there are five significant correlation, whichis the relationship between education level and assurance, education level and responsiveness,education level and tangibles, income level and tangibles, and the frequency of respondents callingand responsiveness.Keywords: Public Service, Quality of Service, PL

    Pola Komunikasi Organisasi Program Kawasan Mandiri Pangan di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah: Patterns Communication Organizations of The Kawasan Mandiri Pangan Program in Bangka Tengah District

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    Program Kawasan Mandiri Pangan (KMP) merupakan program bantuan pemerintah dibidang pangan/pertanian berupa pemberian modal usaha produktif (on-farm, off-farm dan non-farm). Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan pola komunikasi program Kawasan Mandiri Pangan.Penelitian menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan rancangan penelitian studi kasus dengan jumlah informan 23 orang. Analisis data menggunakan aplikasi Nvivo 12 dan dibantu secara manual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola komunikasi organisasi program Kawasan Mandiri Pangan di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah ada 2 jenis pola komunikasi. Pola komunikasi chain pattern terjadi pada tahap persiapan, penumbuhan, pengembangan dan kemandirian program KMP. Arah komunikasi organisasi dari atas ke bawah. Pesan yang disampaikan mengenai teknis-teknis pelaksanaan dan aturan program KMP. Frekuensi komunikasi 4 kali dalam 1 bulan. Pola komunikasi star pattern terjadi pada tahap exit strategi keberlanjutan program KMP. Arah komunikasi didominasi dari bawah ke atas, pesan lebih banyak mengenai pengelolaan modal usaha, kekompakan kelompok dan pemasaran produk. Frekuensi komunikasi hanya 1 kali dalam 1 bulan

    The Sustainability of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy among the firms within Indomobil Group have difference performance from stakeholders view.  PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor (PT SIM) have some sector that should be priority to be done like opportunity to work in PT SIM for local community and social disintegration between local community and PT SIM worker.  For PT Nissan Motors Indonesia (PT NMI) and PT Hino Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT HMMI) the sector that should be priority are impact of company existence to increasing of prices of goods and services for local community consumption, planting tree activity, increasing amount of small economic and financial institution.  The policy of CSR should be improvement CSR performance with keep increasing of business growth simultaneous.  The management of CSR activity of Indomobil Group have important role to support company performance as good corporate citizenship in area where company operated especially in factory location.  Positioning of company in stakeholders view is basic step to choose the kind of CSR policy.  To get sustainable CSR especially in automotive industry company should do mapping stakeholders needs and expectation that result priority of atributes.   Key words: CSR, sustainability,stakeholders, company

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    The Sustainability of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy among the firms within Indomobil Group have difference performance from stakeholders view.  PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor (PT SIM) have some sector that should be priority to be done like opportunity to work in PT SIM for local community and social disintegration between local community and PT SIM worker.  For PT Nissan Motors Indonesia (PT NMI) and PT Hino Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT HMMI) the sector that should be priority are impact of company existence to increasing of prices of goods and services for local community consumption, planting tree activity, increasing amount of small economic and financial institution.  The policy of CSR should be improvement CSR performance with keep increasing of business growth simultaneous.  The management of CSR activity of Indomobil Group have important role to support company performance as good corporate citizenship in area where company operated especially in factory location.  Positioning of company in stakeholders view is basic step to choose the kind of CSR policy.  To get sustainable CSR especially in automotive industry company should do mapping stakeholders needs and expectation that result priority of atributes.   Key words: CSR, sustainability,stakeholders, compan

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Peningkatan Kemandirian Penerima Manfaat Program Kotaku dan Dompet Dhuafa

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    Pentingnya mekanisme program dan efektifitas pemberdayaan ekonomi merupakan suatu keniscayaan dalam meningkatkan kemandirian masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor eksternal dan mekanisme program terhadap efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif dan tingkat kemandirian penerima manfaat programyang ada di wilayah provinsi Jawa Barat. Jumlah populasi sebesar 1.888 orang penerima manfaat program, melalui  rumus slovin didapatkan sampel sejumlah 330 responden. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Bogor, Kabupaten Cianjur, Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Kabupaten Bogor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan surveymelalui kuesioner serta diolah dengan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada variabel faktor eksternal, indikatorperan nilai-nilai agama, peran nilai-nilai sosial dan potensi pasar berkategori tinggi. Sedangkan dari indikator dukungan komunitas, kepemimpinan formal dan non formal berkategori sedang. Pada variabel  mekanisme program yang memiliki indikator diantaranya; sosialisasi program, penyaluran dana, kesepakatan pengembalian, pemberian sanksi dan penghargaan menunjukkan kategori tinggi. Sedangkan indikator pemilihan kegiatan usaha masuk pada kategori sedang. Selanjutnya variabel efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif didalamnya ada indikator yaitu efektivitas pemberian bantuan teknis dan efektivitas penguatan kapasitas sama-sama mempunyai kategori tinggi. Variabel tingkat kemandirian penerima manfaat program terdapat beberapa indikator yakni tingkat pendapatan, tingkat investasi usaha, dan tingkat kemitraan usaha berada pada kategori tinggi. Adapun bila dilihat dari pengaruh secara parsial variabel kondisi lingkungan eksternal terhadap efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif sebesar 28,6 %, pengaruh secara parsial variabel mekanis program terhadap efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif sebesar 32,7%, melihat dari pengaruh secara simultan efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif sebesar 37,9% dan pengaruh secara simultan dari efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif terhadap tingkat kemandirian penerima manfaat program sebesar 87,1%

    Peran Human Capital, Corporate Value dan Good Corporate Governance melalui Kinerja Karyawan terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan di PTPN VII Lampung

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    Changes in business environment lead various companies to continue to strive to improve their business strategies in order to survive and have a competitive advantage. The peak changes occurred with the coming of business era in the era of information and science. In this era, business strategies that are considered suitable, among others, the application of human resource development system based on human capital and company management based on corporate values and good corporate governance (GCG). PTPN VII as state-owned enterprise in agribusiness has tried to implement the system. This study aimed to examine the relationship between human capital, corporate values ​​and GCG and their relation to the performances of the employees and the company. The population of this research as many as 400 people consisted of the employees of PTPN VII head office, but the number of the samples set  was 120 respondents. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling with quota sampling technique. The methods of processing and analyzing the data was structural equation modeling analysis-partial least squares (SEM-PLS),  and the data processing used software smartPLS. The results indicated that the implementation of human capital by the company contributed positively to the increase of the employee performance. The implementation and internalization of corporate values ​​to the employees positively contributed to the improvement of the employee performance. The increased employee performance  played a positive role in improving the company performance. The implementation of corporate governance principles could improve the performance of the company, but did not play a great role in improving employee performanc


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    The purposes of this study are 1) to analyzing the employee perceptions on the organizational culture, motivation, leadership, and work environment, and their effects on the employee performance of PT Pul Logistics Indonesia (PLI); 2) to analyze the most influential factors among the organizational culture, motivation, leadership, and work environment on the performance of PLI employees; 3) to formulate strategies to improve the performance of PLI employees by developing the organizational culture, motivation, leadership, and work environment. The methods utilized in this study were the Scale Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Thus, the organizational culture, motivation, leadership, and work environment have significant effects on the employee performance. Leadership is identified as the most influential factor followed by motivation, work environment, and organizational culture as the least. The formulation of strategies to improve employee performance covers the strengthening of professionalism culture, improvement in the commitment of performance assessment transparency, increase in knowledge and leadership awareness indicators, provision of supporting facilities and infrastructure, and increase in the understanding of employee SOP.Keywords: organizational culture, motivation, leadership, work environment, employee performance, SEMABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) menganalisis persepsi karyawan terhadap budaya organisasi, motivasi, kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja, serta pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Pul Logistics Indonesia (PLI); 2) menganalisis faktor yang paling berpengaruh di antara budaya organisasi, motivasi kerja, kepemimpinan, lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan PLI; 3) merumuskan strategi meningkatkan kinerja karyawan PLI melalui peningkatan budaya organisasi, motivasi kerja, kepemimpinan, dan lingkungan kerja. Metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan adalah dengan analisis rentang skala dan analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Budaya organisasi, motivasi kerja, kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja. Kepemimpinan merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja diikuti motivasi selanjutnya lingkungan kerja dan terakhir budaya organisasi. Rumusan strategi meningkatkan kinerja karyawan diantaranya penguatan budaya profesionalisme, peningkatan komitmen transparansi penilaian kinerja, peningkatan indikator pengetahuan dan kesadaran kepemimpin, pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana penunjang kerja, peningkatan pemahaman SOP karyawan. Kata kunci: budaya organisasi, motivasi, kepemimpinan, lingkungan kerja, kinerja karyawan, SE

    Effects of Communication and Characteristics in Pekka Groups on the Economic Empowerment of Members

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    The study was conducted in Batang Regency, Central Java. Still high levels of family poverty in this area, especially the condition of the family head women and tend to have non-permanent work, make the authors interested in doing this in-property research. Research methods using quantitative mixed methods are strengthened by qualitative analysis. The sampling technique uses stratified random sampling, using the Slovin formula to determine the magnitude of the number of respondents. The study population numbered 535, with a total sample of research were 229 female heads of households. The results showed that indicators of group roles and companion roles had a very large contribution in encouraging the characteristics of women's household heads to be more empowered. Through a companion role, making a family of female heads more actively communicating. Through the development of public speaking, establishing a critical culture in the group, thus growing self-confidence, forming a empowered, independent, and potential self. Important research is conducted to see the extent to which the women's head program has walked the trunk, creating many tough women. Research novelty was obtained based on a combination of group communication attributed to economic empowerment

    The Effect of Extension on Small Scale Fish Processing Creativity in West Java, Indonesia

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    Fisheries extension for small scale fish processing in West Java Province - Indonesia, conducted by central government and local government. Extension services were conducted through training and socialization methods. The intensity of counseling is crucial in changing the behavior of small-scale fish processors. This study aims to analyze the effect of perception of fish processors as participants of fisheries extension to business creativity. The method analyzed quantitatively with multiple regression. The results showed that the perception of fish processors as participants of fisheries extension can affect the creativity of the business. Significant variables were the training of product packaging and appropriate training methods that it easily applied by the fish processor. Therefore, the policy of fisheries extension to improve the creativity of the business should be directed to the training of packing the good product. Keywords: creativity, empowerment, extension, fisheries, small scal