2,691 research outputs found

    Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition Revisited

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    We show that, for an exactly solvable quantum spin model, a discontinuity in the first derivative of the ground state concurrence appears in the absence of quantum phase transition. It is opposed to the popular belief that the non-analyticity property of entanglement (ground state concurrence) can be used to determine quantum phase transitions. We further point out that the analyticity property of the ground state concurrence in general can be more intricate than that of the ground state energy. Thus there is no one-to-one correspondence between quantum phase transitions and the non-analyticity property of the concurrence. Moreover, we show that the von Neumann entropy, as another measure of entanglement, can not reveal quantum phase transition in the present model. Therefore, in order to link with quantum phase transitions, some other measures of entanglement are needed.Comment: RevTeX 4, 4 pages, 1 EPS figures. some modifications in the text. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Influence of a magnetic field on the viscosity of a dilute gas consisting of linear molecules.

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    The viscomagnetic effect for two linear molecules, N2 and CO2, has been calculated in the dilute-gas limit directly from the most accurate ab initio intermolecular potential energy surfaces presently available. The calculations were performed by means of the classical trajectory method in the temperature range from 70 K to 3000 K for N2 and 100 K to 2000 K for CO2, and agreement with the available experimental data is exceptionally good. Above room temperature, where no experimental data are available, the calculations provide the first quantitative information on the magnitude and the behavior of the viscomagnetic effect for these gases. In the presence of a magnetic field, the viscosities of nitrogen and carbon dioxide decrease by at most 0.3% and 0.7%, respectively. The results demonstrate that the viscomagnetic effect is dominated by the contribution of the jj¯ polarization at all temperatures, which shows that the alignment of the rotational axes of the molecules in the presence of a magnetic field is primarily responsible for the viscomagnetic effect

    Questioning the existence of a unique ground state structure for Si clusters

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    Density functional and quantum Monte Carlo calculations challenge the existence of a unique ground state structure for certain Si clusters. For Si clusters with more than a dozen atoms the lowest ten isomers are close in energy and for some clusters entropic effects can change the energetic ordering of the configurations. Isotope pure configurations with rotational symmetry and symmetric configurations containing one additional isotope are disfavored by these effects. Comparisons with experiment are thus difficult since a mixture of configurations is to be expected at thermal equilibrium

    A Bell-Evans-Polanyi principle for molecular dynamics trajectories and its implications for global optimization

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    The Bell-Evans-Polanyi principle that is valid for a chemical reaction that proceeds along the reaction coordinate over the transition state is extended to molecular dynamics trajectories that in general do not cross the dividing surface between the initial and the final local minima at the exact transition state. Our molecular dynamics Bell-Evans-Polanyi principle states that low energy molecular dynamics trajectories are more likely to lead into the basin of attraction of a low energy local minimum than high energy trajectories. In the context of global optimization schemes based on molecular dynamics our molecular dynamics Bell-Evans-Polanyi principle implies that using low energy trajectories one needs to visit a smaller number of distinguishable local minima before finding the global minimum than when using high energy trajectories

    Relic density of wino-like dark matter in the MSSM

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    The relic density of TeV-scale wino-like neutralino dark matter in the MSSM is subject to potentially large corrections as a result of the Sommerfeld effect. A recently developed framework enables us to calculate the Sommerfeld-enhanced relic density in general MSSM scenarios, properly treating mixed states and multiple co-annihilating channels as well as including off-diagonal contributions. Using this framework, including on-shell one-loop mass splittings and running couplings and taking into account the latest experimental constraints, we perform a thorough study of the regions of parameter space surrounding the well known pure-wino scenario: namely the effect of sfermion masses being non-decoupled and of allowing non-negligible Higgsino or bino components in the lightest neutralino. We further perform an investigation into the effect of thermal corrections and show that these can safely be neglected. The results reveal a number of phenomenologically interesting but so far unexplored regions where the Sommerfeld effect is sizeable. We find, in particular, that the relic density can agree with experiment for dominantly wino neutralino dark matter with masses ranging from 1.7 to beyond 4 TeV. In light of these results the bounds from Indirect Detection on wino-like dark matter should be revisited.Comment: 49 pages, 15 figure

    Ab initio Studies of the Possible Magnetism in BN Sheet by Non-magnetic Impurities and Vacancies

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    We performed first-principles calculations to investigate the possible magnetism induced by the different concentrations of non-magnetic impurities and vacancies in BN sheet. The atoms of Be, B, C, N, O, Al and Si are used to replace either B or N in the systems as impurities. We discussed the changes in density of states as well as the extent of the spatial distributions of the defect states, the possible formation of magnetic moments, the magnitude of the magnetization energies and finally the exchange energies due to the presence of these defects. It is shown that the magnetization energies tend to increase as the concentrations of the defects decreases in most of the defect systems which implies a definite preference of finite magnetic moments. The calculated exchange energies are in general tiny but not completely insignificant for two of the studied defect systems, i.e. one with O impurities for N and the other with B vacancies.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Computational Method of Finding the Ground State Energy and Expectation Values

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    We propose a new quantum computational way of obtaining a ground-state energy and expectation values of observables of interacting Hamiltonians. It is based on the combination of the adiabatic quantum evolution to project a ground state of a non-interacting Hamiltonian onto a ground state of an interacting Hamiltonian and the phase estimation algorithm to retrieve the ground-state energy. The expectation value of an observable for the ground state is obtained with the help of Hellmann-Feynman theorem. As an illustration of our method, we consider a displaced harmonic oscillator, a quartic anharmonic oscillator,and a potential scattering model. The results obtained by this method are in good agreement with the known results.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Venture Capital in Japan: A Financial Instrument Supporting the Innovativeness of the Japanese Economy

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    Two factors: First, the relatively small number of new companies as well as the number of companies subject to liquidation over the year ("firm turnover") in Japan, and second, the insignificant prestige associated with the profession of entrepreneur do not foster growth in the dynamics of this form of financing ventures. The cited indicator for Japan in among the lowest in comparison with other highly developed countries1, while the profession of entrepreneur is not the foremost dream of college graduates. They would much rather prefer realizing their professional careers as members of the government bureaucracy or employees of a major corporation2. However, this mindset is slowly changing, if for no other reason then, in spite of popular conviction, because most small companies are not established during periods of prosperity, but near the end of the downward phase of the economic cycle. That is exactly the phase Japan has been dealing with for several years now. Young, creative people, recruited from the unemployed, are seeking self-employment, using all possible opportunities embedded in the "again starting up" machinery of the economy.Dwa czynniki: pierwszy - stosunkowo mała liczba nowych firm, a także firm likwidowanych w skali roku ("firm turnover") w Japonii oraz drugi - niewielki prestiż, jakim cieszy się zawód przedsiębiorcy, nie sprzyjają dynamizacji omawianej formy finansowania przedsięwzięć. Cytowany wskaźnik, dla Japonii należy do najniższych w porównaniu z innymi krajami wysoko rozwiniętymi (Grabowiecki 2000), zaś profesja przedsiębiorcy nie jest szczytem marzeń ludzi po studiach. Znacznie bardziej chcieliby oni swoją karierę zawodową realizować jako członkowie rządowej biurokracji lub pracownicy dużej korporacji (Corver 2008, s. 2). Ta świadomość ulega jednak stopniowej zmianie, chociażby dlatego, że wbrew popularnym przekonaniom, większość niewielkich przedsiębiorstw, powstaje nie w okresie prosperity, lecz pod koniec spadkowej fazy cyklu koniunkturalnego. Z taką fazą mamy do czynienia w Japonii od paru lat. Młodzi, kreatywni ludzie, rekrutujący się z bezrobotnych, poszukują samozatrudnienia, wykorzystują wszelakie szanse, tkwiące w "ruszającej na powrót" maszynerii gospodark (Yonekura, Lynskey 2003, s. 11)

    Linking entanglement and quantum phase transitions via density functional theory

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    Density functional theory (DFT) is shown to provide a novel conceptual and computational framework for entanglement in interacting many-body quantum systems. DFT can, in particular, shed light on the intriguing relationship between quantum phase transitions and entanglement. We use DFT concepts to express entanglement measures in terms of the first or second derivative of the ground state energy. We illustrate the versatility of the DFT approach via a variety of analytically solvable models. As a further application we discuss entanglement and quantum phase transitions in the case of mean field approximations for realistic models of many-body systems.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Instanton Calculus of Lifshitz Tails

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    For noninteracting particles moving in a Gaussian random potential, there exists a disagreement in the literature on the asymptotic expression for the density of states in the tail of the band. We resolve this discrepancy. Further we illuminate the physical facet of instantons appearing in replica and supersymmetric derivations with another derivation employing a Lagrange multiplier field.Comment: 5 page