54 research outputs found

    Moduli Stabilization in Type IIB Orientifolds (I)

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    We discuss flux quantization and moduli stabilization in toroidal type IIB Z_N - or Z_N x Z_M -orientifolds, focusing mainly on their orbifold limits. After presenting a detailed discussion of their moduli spaces and effective actions, we study the supersymmetric vacuum structure of these models and derive criteria for the existence of stable minima. Furthermore, we briefly investigate the models away from their orbifold points and comment on the microscopic origin of their non-perturbative superpotentials.Comment: 97 pages + 2 figs, harvma

    Direct Production of Lightest Regge Resonances

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    We discuss direct production of Regge excitations in the collisions of massless four-dimensional superstring states, focusing on the first excited level of open strings ending on D-branes extending into higher dimensions. We construct covariant vertex operators and identify ``universal'' Regge states with the internal parts either trivial or determined by the world-sheet SCFT describing superstrings propagating on an arbitrary Calabi-Yau manifold. We evaluate the amplitudes involving one such massive state and up to three massless ones and express them in the helicity basis. The most important phenomenological applications of our results are in the context of low-mass string (and large extra dimensions) scenarios in which excited string states are expected to be produced at the LHC as soon as the string mass threshold is reached in the center-of-mass energies of the colliding partons. In order to facilitate the use of partonic cross sections, we evaluate them and tabulate for all production processes: gluon fusion, quark absorbing a gluon, quark-antiquark annihilation and quark-quark scattering.Comment: 43 pages, RevTeX 4.

    Scalar geometry and masses in Calabi-Yau string models

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    We study the geometry of the scalar manifolds emerging in the no-scale sector of Kahler moduli and matter fields in generic Calabi-Yau string compactifications, and describe its implications on scalar masses. We consider both heterotic and orientifold models and compare their characteristics. We start from a general formula for the Kahler potential as a function of the topological compactification data and study the structure of the curvature tensor. We then determine the conditions for the space to be symmetric and show that whenever this is the case the heterotic and the orientifold models give the same scalar manifold. We finally study the structure of scalar masses in this type of geometries, assuming that a generic superpotential triggers spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We show in particular that their behavior crucially depends on the parameters controlling the departure of the geometry from the coset situation. We first investigate the average sGoldstino mass in the hidden sector and its sign, and study the implications on vacuum metastability and the mass of the lightest scalar. We next examine the soft scalar masses in the visible sector and their flavor structure, and study the possibility of realizing a mild form of sequestering relying on a global symmetry.Comment: 36 pages, no figure

    Non-Perturbative Superpotentials in F-theory and String Duality

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    We use open-closed string duality between F-theory on K3xK3 and type II strings on CY manifolds without branes to study non-perturbative superpotentials in generalized flux compactifications. On the F-theory side we obtain the full flux potential including D3-instanton contributions and show that it leads to an explicit and simple realization of the three ingredients of the KKLT model for stringy dS vacua. The D3-instanton contribution is highly non-trivial, can be systematically computed including the determinant factors and demonstrates that a particular flux lifts very effectively zero modes on the instanton. On the closed string side, we propose a generalization of the Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential for type II strings on generalized CY manifolds, depending on all moduli multiplets.Comment: 49 pages, harvmac, 1 figure; references & figures adde

    Scattering of Gauge, Matter, and Moduli Fields from Intersecting Branes

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    We calculate various tree-level (disk) scattering amplitudes involving gauge, matter and moduli fields in type IIB toroidal orbifold/orientifold backgrounds with D9,D5 respectively D7,D3-branes or via T-duality D6-branes in type IIA compactifications. In type IIB the D-branes may have non-vanishing fluxes on their world-volume. From these results we extract the moduli and flux dependence of the tree-level gauge couplings, the metrics for the moduli and matter fields. The non-vanishing fluxes correspond in the T-dual type IIA description to intersecting D6-branes. This allows us to determine the moduli dependence of the tree-level matter field metrics in the effective action of intersecting D6-brane models. In addition we derive the physical Yukawa couplings with their correct normalization.Comment: 51 pages, harvma

    One-loop Correction and the Dilaton Runaway Problem

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    We examine the one-loop vacuum structure of an effective theory of gaugino condensation coupled to the dilaton for string models in which the gauge coupling constant does not receive string threshold corrections. The new ingredients in our treatment are that we take into account the one-loop correction to the dilaton K\"ahler potential and we use a formulation which includes a chiral field HH corresponding to the gaugino bilinear. We find through explicit calculation that supersymmetry in the Yang-Mills sector is broken by gaugino condensation. The dilaton and HH field have masses on the order of the gaugino condensation scale independently of the dilaton VEV. Although the calculation performed here is at best a model of the full gaugino condensation dynamics, the result shows that the one-loop correction to the dilaton K\"ahler potential as well as the detailed dynamics at the gaugino condensation scale may play an important role in solving the dilaton runaway problem.Comment: 19 page

    Classical and Quantum Analysis of Repulsive Singularities in Four Dimensional Extended Supergravity

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    Non--minimal repulsive singularities (``repulsons'') in extended supergravity theories are investigated. The short distance antigravity properties of the repulsons are tested at the classical and the quantum level by a scalar test--particle. Using a partial wave expansion it is shown that the particle gets totally reflected at the origin. A high frequency incoming particle undergoes a phase shift of π2\frac{\pi}{2}. However, the phase shift for a low--frequency particle depends upon the physical data of the repulson. The curvature singularity at a finite distance rhr_h turns out to be transparent for the scalar test--particle and the coordinate singularity at the origin serves as a repulsive barrier at which particles bounce off.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    A special road to AdS vacua

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    We apply the techniques of special Kaehler geometry to investigate AdS_4 vacua of general N=2 gauged supergravities underlying flux compactifications of type II theories. We formulate the scalar potential and its extremization conditions in terms of a triplet of prepotentials P_x and their special Kaehler covariant derivatives only, in a form that recalls the potential and the attractor equations of N=2 black holes. We propose a system of first order equations for the P_x which generalize the supersymmetry conditions and yield non-supersymmetric vacua. Special geometry allows us to recast these equations in algebraic form, and we find an infinite class of new N=0 and N=1 AdS_4 solutions, displaying a rich pattern of non-trivial charges associated with NSNS and RR fluxes. Finally, by explicit evaluation of the entropy function on the solutions, we derive a U-duality invariant expression for the cosmological constant and the central charges of the dual CFT's.Comment: 41 pages; v2, v3: minor improvements, references added, published versio

    Five-brane Instantons vs Flux-induced Gauging of Isometries

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    In five-dimensional heterotic M-theory there is necessarily nonzero background flux, which leads to gauging of an isometry of the universal hypermultiplet moduli space. This isometry, however, is poised to be broken by M5-brane instanton effects. We show that, similarly to string theory, the background flux allows only brane instantons that preserve the above isometry. The zero-mode counting for the M5 instantons is related to the number of solutions of the Dirac equation on their worldvolume. We investigate that equation in the presence of generic background flux and also, in a particular case, with nonzero worldvolume flux.Comment: 27 pages; reference adde

    Asymmetric Orbifolds, Non-Geometric Fluxes and Non-Commutativity in Closed String Theory

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    In this paper we consider a class of exactly solvable closed string flux backgrounds that exhibit non-commutativity in the closed string coordinates. They are realized in terms of freely-acting asymmetric Z_N-orbifolds, which are themselves close relatives of twisted torus fibrations with elliptic Z_N-monodromy (elliptic T-folds). We explicitly construct the modular invariant partition function of the models and derive the non-commutative algebra in the string coordinates, which is exact to all orders in {\alpha}'. Finally, we relate these asymmetric orbifold spaces to inherently stringy Scherk-Schwarz backgrounds and non-geometric fluxes.Comment: 30 page
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