7,371 research outputs found

    Effect of Local Electron-Electron Correlation in Hydrogen-like Impurities in Ge

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    We have studied the electronic and local magnetic structure of the hydrogen interstitial impurity at the tetrahedral site in diamond-structure Ge, using an empirical tight binding + dynamical mean field theory approach because within the local density approximation (LDA) Ge has no gap. We first establish that within LDA the 1s spectral density bifurcates due to entanglement with the four neighboring sp3 antibonding orbitals, providing an unanticipated richness of behavior in determining under what conditions a local moment hyperdeep donor or Anderson impurity will result, or on the other hand a gap state might appear. Using a supercell approach, we show that the spectrum, the occupation, and the local moment of the impurity state displays a strong dependence on the strength of the local on-site Coulomb interaction U, the H-Ge hopping amplitude, the depth of the bare 1s energy level epsilon_H, and we address to some extent the impurity concentration dependence. In the isolated impurity, strong interaction regime a local moment emerges over most of the parameter ranges indicating magnetic activity, and spectral density structure very near (or in) the gap suggests possible electrical activity in this regime.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Theoretical investigation into the possibility of very large moments in Fe16N2

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    We examine the mystery of the disputed high-magnetization \alpha"-Fe16N2 phase, employing the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof screened hybrid functional method, perturbative many-body corrections through the GW approximation, and onsite Coulomb correlations through the GGA+U method. We present a first-principles computation of the effective on-site Coulomb interaction (Hubbard U) between localized 3d electrons employing the constrained random-phase approximation (cRPA), finding only somewhat stronger on-site correlations than in bcc Fe. We find that the hybrid functional method, the GW approximation, and the GGA+U method (using parameters computed from cRPA) yield an average spin moment of 2.9, 2.6 - 2.7, and 2.7 \mu_B per Fe, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    The role of tool geometry in process damped milling

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    The complex interaction between machining structural systems and the cutting process results in machining instability, so called chatter. In some milling scenarios, process damping is a useful phenomenon that can be exploited to mitigate chatter and hence improve productivity. In the present study, experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of process damped milling considering different tool geometries (edge radius, rake and relief angles and variable helix/pitch). The results clearly indicate that variable helix/pitch angles most significantly increase process damping performance. Additionally, increased cutting edge radius moderately improves process damping performance, while rake and relief angles have a smaller and closely coupled effect

    Endothelial Progenitors Exist within the Kidney and Lung Mesenchyme

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    The renal endothelium has been debated as arising from resident hemangioblast precursors that transdifferentiate from the nephrogenic mesenchyme (vasculogenesis) and/or from invading vessels (angiogenesis). While the Foxd1-positive renal cortical stroma has been shown to differentiate into cells that support the vasculature in the kidney (including vascular smooth muscle and pericytes) it has not been considered as a source of endothelial cell progenitors. In addition, it is unclear if Foxd1-positive mesenchymal cells in other organs such as the lung have the potential to form endothelium. This study examines the potential for Foxd1-positive cells of the kidney and lung to give rise to endothelial progenitors. We utilized immunofluorescence (IF) and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to co-label Foxd1-expressing cells (including permanently lineage-tagged cells) with endothelial markers in embryonic and postnatal mice. We also cultured FACsorted Foxd1-positive cells, performed in vitro endothelial cell tubulogenesis assays and examined for endocytosis of acetylated low-density lipoprotein (Ac-LDL), a functional assay for endothelial cells. Immunofluorescence and FACS revealed that a subset of Foxd1-positive cells from kidney and lung co-expressed endothelial cell markers throughout embryogenesis. In vitro, cultured embryonic Foxd1-positive cells were able to differentiate into tubular networks that expressed endothelial cell markers and were able to endocytose Ac-LDL. IF and FACS in both the kidney and lung revealed that lineage-tagged Foxd1-positive cells gave rise to a significant portion of the endothelium in postnatal mice. In the kidney, the stromal-derived cells gave rise to a portion of the peritubular capillary endothelium, but not of the glomerular or large vessel endothelium. These findings reveal the heterogeneity of endothelial cell lineages; moreover, Foxd1-positive mesenchymal cells of the developing kidney and lung are a source of endothelial progenitors that are likely critical to patterning the vasculature. © 2013 Sims-Lucas et al

    Mars rover sample return: An exobiology science scenario

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    A mission designed to collect and return samples from Mars will provide information regarding its composition, history, and evolution. At the same time, a sample return mission generates a technical challenge. Sophisticated, semi-autonomous, robotic spacecraft systems must be developed in order to carry out complex operations at the surface of a very distant planet. An interdisciplinary effort was conducted to consider how much a Mars mission can be realistically structured to maximize the planetary science return. The focus was to concentrate on a particular set of scientific objectives (exobiology), to determine the instrumentation and analyses required to search for biological signatures, and to evaluate what analyses and decision making can be effectively performed by the rover in order to minimize the overhead of constant communication between Mars and the Earth. Investigations were also begun in the area of machine vision to determine whether layered sedimentary structures can be recognized autonomously, and preliminary results are encouraging

    New development: Directly elected mayors in Italy: creating a strong leader doesn’t mean creating strong leadership

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    More than 20 years after their introduction, directly elected mayors are key players in Italian urban governance. This article explains the main effects of this reform on local government systems and provides lessons for other countries considering directly elected mayors

    Mars Rover Sample Return: A sample collection and analysis strategy for exobiology

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    For reasons defined elsewhere it is reasonable to search for biological signatures, both chemical and morphological, of extinct life on Mars. Life on Earth requries the presence of liquid water, therefore, it is important to explore sites on Mars where standing bodies of water may have once existed. Outcrops of layered deposits within the Valles Marineris appear to be ancient lake beds. Because the outcrops are well exposed, relatively shallow core samples would be very informative. The most important biological signature to detect would be organics, microfossils, or larger stromato-like structures, although the presence of cherts, carbonates, clays, and shales would be significant. In spite of the limitations of current robotics and pattern recognition, and the limitations of rover power, computation, Earth communication bandwidth, and time delays, a partial scenario was developed to implement such a scientific investigation. The rover instrumentation and the procedures and decisions and IR spectrometer are described in detail. Preliminary results from a collaborative effort are described, which indicate the rover will be able to autonomously detect stratification, and hence will ease the interpretation burden and lead to greater scientific productivity during the rover's lifetime

    Evaluation of systematic review utilization in the development of OB-GYN randomized controlled trials

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    Introduction: The issue of research waste has been raised due to the fact that 85% of funding for biomedical research has been improperly utilized. A prominent issue is the frequency of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) being conducted without prior consultation of existing support, such as systematic reviews (SRs). Meticulous monitoring is necessary to ensure that clinical recommendations are being made with confidence in high-quality biomedical practices. The aim of this study was to survey Obstetric and Gynecology journals to analyze their published articles for citation of SR for justification of conducting the RCT.Methods: We conducted a search of PubMed for RCTs published between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2017, in the top ten Obstetric and Gynecology journals. Each included study was evaluated to determine the number of SRs cited within the introduction, methods, and discussion sections. We further analyzed whether the SR was cited verbatim or indirectly, number of participants, type of intervention being studied, funding source, type of trial, and how the outcome was perceived.Results: Of the 720 articles from our initial search, 458 (63.61%) met inclusion criteria. Of the 458 included studies, 279 (60.92%) cited an SR in the introduction, 34 (7.42%) cited an SR in the methods, and 207 (45.2%) cited an SR in the discussion as justification for conducting the study.Conclusion: A large portion of the RCTs being published in clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology journals are not citing SRs as justification for conducting their studies, which may be leading to an increase in research waste

    Pipeline network features and leak detection by cross-correlation analysis of reflected waves

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    This paper describes progress on a new technique to detect pipeline features and leaks using signal processing of a pressure wave measurement. Previous work (by the present authors) has shown that the analysis of pressure wave reflections in fluid pipe networks can be used to identify specific pipeline features such as open ends, closed ends, valves, junctions, and certain types of bends. It was demonstrated that by using an extension of cross-correlation analysis, the identification of features can be achieved using fewer sensors than are traditionally employed. The key to the effectiveness of the technique lies in the artificial generation of pressure waves using a solenoid valve, rather than relying upon natural sources of fluid excitation. This paper uses an enhanced signal processing technique to improve the detection of leaks. It is shown experimentally that features and leaks can be detected around a sharp bend and up to seven reflections from features/ leaks can be detected, by which time the wave has traveled over 95 m. The testing determined the position of a leak to within an accuracy of 5%, even when the location of the reflection from a leak is itself dispersed over a certain distance and, therefore, does not cause an exact reflection of the wave