300 research outputs found

    Do personality traits and self-regulatory processes affect decision-making tendencies?

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    Objective: This research attempted to clarify the role played by personality traits and self-regulated motivation in affecting decision-making tendencies. Method: Study 1 (n = 209) examined whether the Big Five personality traits predict minimising, maximising, and satisficing tendencies; Study 2 (n = 460) tested the mediating role of self-regulatory orientations in the relationship between personality traits and decision-making tendencies by performing structural equation modelling with latent variables. Results: Conscientiousness emerged as the strongest positive predictor of maximising, whereas openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreeableness emerged as negative predictors of satisficing. As for the mediational model, both locomotion and assessment played a role in mediating the relationships between the personality traits and decision-making tendencies. Conclusions: This research provided interesting insights into the underlying motivations and strategies that lead individuals to maximise, satisfice, or minimise

    Decisional procrastination in academic settings: The role of metacognitions and learning strategies

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    Nowadays, university students suffer from a broad range of problems, such as educational underachievement or the inability to control themselves, that lead to procrastination as a consequence. The present research aimed at analyzing the determinants of decisional procrastination among undergraduate students and at assessing a path model in which self regulated learning strategies mediated the relationship between metacognitive beliefs about procrastination and decisional procrastination. 273 students from Southern Italy filled out a questionnaire composed by: the socio-demographic section, the Metacognitive Beliefs About Procrastination Questionnaire, the procrastination subscale of the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire, and the Anxiety, the Time Management, and the Information Processing subscales of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory. Results showed that the relationship between negative and positive metacognitive beliefs about procrastination and decisional procrastination was mediated only by time management and anxiety. Such findings underlined the crucial role played by learning strategies in predicting the tendency to delay decisional situations and in mediating the relationship between metacognitive beliefs about procrastination and decisional procrastination

    Meissner to vortex phase transition in a two-leg ladder in artificial gauge field

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    International audienceWe consider a two-leg boson ladder in artificial gauge field with hard-core intraleg and negligible interleg interactions. Using numerical simulations based on the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) algorithm, combined with a bosonization approach, we study its commensurate-incommensurate transition to a vortex phase at a critical flux. We discuss the finite-size scaling behavior of the longitudinal current near the transition. For weak interchain bo-son hopping, the finite size scaling is in agreement with the predictions from bosonization

    The genomic landscape of 8-oxodG reveals enrichment at specific inherently fragile promoters

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    8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is the most common marker of oxidative stress and its accumulation within the genome has been associated with major human health issues such as cancer, aging, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. The characterization of the different genomic sites where 8-oxodG accumulates and the mechanisms underlying its formation are still poorly understood. Using OxiDIP-seq, we recently derived the genome-wide distribution of 8-oxodG in human non-tumorigenic epithelial breast cells (MCF10A). Here, we identify a subset of human promoters that accumulate 8-oxodG under steady-state condition. 8-oxodG nucleotides co-localize with double strand breaks (DSBs) at bidirectional and CG skewed promoters and their density correlate with RNA Polymerase II co-occupancy and transcription. Furthermore, by performing OxiDIP-seq in quiescent (G0) cells, we found a strong reduction of oxidatively-generated damage in the majority of 8-oxodG-positive promoters in the absence of DNA replication. Overall, our results suggest that the accumulation of 8-oxodG at gene promoters occurs through DNA replication-dependent or -independent mechanisms, with a possible contribution to the formation of cancer-associated translocation events

    Enhanced optical conductivity and many-body effects in strongly-driven photo-excited semi-metallic graphite

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    The excitation of quasi-particles near the extrema of the electronic band structure is a gateway to electronic phase transitions in condensed matter. In a many-body system, quasi-particle dynamics are strongly influenced by the electronic single-particle structure and have been extensively studied in the weak optical excitation regime. Yet, under strong optical excitation, where light fields coherently drive carriers, the dynamics of many-body interactions that can lead to new quantum phases remain largely unresolved. Here, we induce such a highly non-equilibrium many-body state through strong optical excitation of charge carriers near the van Hove singularity in graphite. We investigate the system's evolution into a strongly-driven photo-excited state with attosecond soft X-ray core-level spectroscopy. Surprisingly, we find an enhancement of the optical conductivity of nearly ten times the quantum conductivity and pinpoint it to carrier excitations in flat bands. This interaction regime is robust against carrier-carrier interaction with coherent optical phonons acting as an attractive force reminiscent of superconductivity. The strongly-driven non-equilibrium state is markedly different from the single-particle structure and macroscopic conductivity and is a consequence of the non-adiabatic many-body state

    Publisher's Note: “Attosecond state-resolved carrier motion in quantum materials probed by soft x-ray XANES” [Appl. Phys Rev. 8, 011408 (2021)]

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    Recent developments in attosecond technology led to table-top x-ray spectroscopy in the soft x-ray range, thus uniting the element- and state-specificity of core-level x-ray absorption spectroscopy with the time resolution to follow electronic dynamics in real-time. We describe recent work in attosecond technology and investigations into materials such as Si, SiO2, GaN, Al2O3, Ti, and TiO2, enabled by the convergence of these two capabilities. We showcase the state-of-the-art on isolated attosecond soft x-ray pulses for x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy to observe the 3d-state dynamics of the semi-metal TiS2 with attosecond resolution at the Ti L-edge (460 eV). We describe how the element- and state-specificity at the transition metal L-edge of the quantum material allows us to unambiguously identify how and where the optical field influences charge carriers. This precision elucidates that the Ti:3d conduction band states are efficiently photo-doped to a density of 1.9 × 1021 cm−3. The light-field induces coherent motion of intra-band carriers across 38% of the first Brillouin zone. Lastly, we describe the prospects with such unambiguous real-time observation of carrier dynamics in specific bonding or anti-bonding states and speculate that such capability will bring unprecedented opportunities toward an engineered approach for designer materials with pre-defined properties and efficiency. Examples are composites of semiconductors and insulators like Si, Ge, SiO2, GaN, BN, and quantum materials like graphene, transition metal dichalcogens, or high-Tc superconductors like NbN or LaBaCuO. Exiting are prospects to scrutinize canonical questions in multi-body physics, such as whether the electrons or lattice trigger phase transitions

    Effective action for Superconductors and BCS-Bose crossover

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    A standard perturbative expansion around the mean-field solution is used to derive the low-energy effective action for superconductors at T=0. Taking into account the density fluctuations at the outset we get the effective action where the density ρ\rho is the conjugated momentum to the phase Ξ\theta of the order parameter. In the hydrodynamic regime, the dynamics of the superconductor is described by a time dependent non-linear Schr\"odinger equation (TDNLS) for the field Κ(x)=ρ/2eiΞ\Psi(x)=\sqrt{\rho/2} e^{i\theta}. The evolution of the density fluctuations in the crossover from weak-coupling (BCS) to strong-coupling (Bose condensation of localized pairs) superconductivity is discussed for the attractive Hubbard model. In the bosonic limit, the TDNLS equation reduces to the the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the order parameter, as in the standard description of superfluidity. The conditions under which a phase-only action can be derived in the presence of a long-range interaction to describe the physics of the superconductivity of ``bad metals'' are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Neurological assessment with validated tools in general ICU : multicenter, randomized, before and after, pragmatic study to evaluate the effectiveness of an e-learning platform for continuous medical education

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    BACKGROUND: International guidelines recommend systematic assessment of pain, agitation/sedation and delirium with validated scales for all ICU patients. However, these evaluations are often not done. We have created an e-learning training platform for the continuous medical education, and assessed its efficacy in increasing the use of validated tools by all medical and nursing staff of the participating ICUs during their daily practice. METHODS: Multicenter, randomized, before and after study. The eight participating centers were randomized in two groups, and received training at different times. The use of validated tools (Verbal Numeric Rating or Behavioral Pain Scale for pain; Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale for agitation; Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU for delirium) was evaluated from clinical data recorded in medical charts during a week, with follow-up up to six months after the training. All the operators were invited to complete a questionnaire, at baseline and after the training. RESULTS : Among the 374 nurses and physicians involved, 140 (37.4%) completed at least one of the three courses. The assessment of pain (38.1 vs. 92.9%, P<0.01) and delirium (0 vs. 78.6%, P<0.01) using validated tools significantly increased after training. Observation in the follow-up showed further improvement in delirium monitoring, with no signs of extinction for pain and sedation/agitation measurements. CONCLUSIONS: This e-learning program shows encouraging effectiveness, and the increase in the use of validated tools for neurological monitoring in critically ill patients lasts over time.BACKGROUND: International guidelines recommend systematic assessment of pain, agitation/sedation and delirium with validated scales for all ICU patients. However, these evaluations are often not done. We have created an e-learning training platform for the continuous medical education, and assessed its efficacy in increasing the use of validated tools by all medical and nursing staff of the participating ICUs during their daily practice. METHODS: Multicenter, randomized, before and after study. The eight participating centers were randomized in two groups, and received training at different times. The use of validated tools (Verbal Numeric Rating or Behavioral Pain Scale for pain; Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale for agitation; Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU for delirium) was evaluated from clinical data recorded in medical charts during a week, with follow-up up to six months after the training. All the operators were invited to complete a questionnaire, at baseline and after the training. RESULTS : Among the 374 nurses and physicians involved, 140 (37.4%) completed at least one of the three courses. The assessment of pain (38.1 vs. 92.9%, P<0.01) and delirium (0 vs. 78.6%, P<0.01) using validated tools significantly increased after training. Observation in the follow-up showed further improvement in delirium monitoring, with no signs of extinction for pain and sedation/agitation measurements. CONCLUSIONS: This e-learning program shows encouraging effectiveness, and the increase in the use of validated tools for neurological monitoring in critically ill patients lasts over time

    Biomarkers and outcome after tamoxifen treatment in node-positive breast cancers from elderly women

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    The predictive role of tumour proliferative rate and expression of p53, bcl-2 and bax proteins, alone and in association with tumour size, nodal involvement and oestrogen receptors (ER), was analysed on 145 elderly patients (≄70 years of age) with histologically assessed node-positive breast cancers treated with radical or conservative surgery plus radiotherapy followed by adjuvant tamoxifen for at least 1 year. The 7-year probability of relapse was significantly higher for patients with tumours rapidly proliferating (hazard ratio (HR) = 2.0, P = 0.01), overexpressing p53 (HR = 4.4, P = 0.0001), weakly or not exhibiting bcl-2 (HR = 1.9, P = 0.02), without ERs (HR = 3.4, P = 0.0001) or with ≄ 4 positive lymph nodes (HR = 2.3, P = 0.003) than for patients with tumours expressing the opposite patho-biological profile. Conversely, tumour size and bax expression failed to influence relapse-free survival. Adjustment for the duration of tamoxifen treatment did not change these findings. Oestrogen receptors, cell proliferation, p53 accumulation and bcl-2 expression were also predictive for overall survival. Within ER-positive tumours, cell proliferation, p53 accumulation, bcl-2 expression and lymph node involvement provided significant and independent information for relapse and, in association, identified subgroups of patients with relapse probabilities of 20% (low-risk group, exhibiting only one unfavourable factor) to 90% (high-risk group, exhibiting three unfavourable factors). Such data could represent the initial framework for a biologically tailored therapy even for elderly patients and highlight the importance of a patho-biological characterization of their breast cancers. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Toward an international consensus-Integrating lipoprotein apheresis and new lipid-lowering drugs

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    Background: Despite advances in pharmacotherapy of lipid disorders, many dyslipidemic patients do not attain sufficient lipid lowering to mitigate risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Several classes of novel lipid-lowering agents are being evaluated to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk. Lipoprotein apheresis (LA) is effective in acutely lowering the plasma concentrations of atherogenic lipoproteins including low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lipoprotein(a), and novel lipid-lowering drugs may dampen the lipid rebound effect of LA, with the possibility that LA frequency may be decreased, in some cases even be discontinued. Sources of material: This document builds on current American Society for Apheresis guidelines and, for the first time, makes recommendations from summarized data of the emerging lipid-lowering drug classes (inhibitors of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 or microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, high-density lipoprotein mimetic), including the available evidence on combination therapy with LA with respect to the management of patients with dyslipidemia. Abstract of findings: Recommendations for different indications are given based on the latest evidence. However, except for lomitapide in homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia and alirocumab/evolocumab in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia subjects, limited data are available on the effectiveness and safety of combination therapy. More studies on combining LA with novel lipid-lowering drugs are needed. Conclusion: Novel lipid-lowering agents have potential to improve the performance of LA, but more evidence is needed. The Multidisciplinary International Group for Hemapheresis TherapY and Metabolic DIsturbances Contrast scientific society aims to establish an international registry of clinical experience on LA combination therapy to expand the evidence on this treatment in individuals at high cardiovascular disease risk
