482 research outputs found

    An invitation to use craigslist ads to recruit respondents from stigmatized groups for qualitative interviews

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    Craigslist.org is a website devoted to classified advertisements as well as discussion forums with locations in more than 700 sites in 70 countries. At an estimated 30 billion page views per month and more than 50 million new classified ads posted monthly, craigslist ads have the ability to reach a wide audience. Although wildly popular, no studies to date have investigated the use of craigslist ads for qualitative research study recruitment. In this research note, I offer my own experiences from 2011 to 2012 using craigslist ads (N = 77) to recruit obese respondents (N = 38) for qualitative interviews in one major metro area in the southern United States. I also discuss some advantages and limitations of using craigslist as a recruitment tool. Overall, I invite social science researchers to consider craigslist as an innovative tool to recruit respondents for qualitative research.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Debate for Civic Learning

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    В статті представлено результати досліджень щодо живлення цьоголіток коропа в ставах із застосуванням різних органічних удобрювачів.Встановлено, що внесення у дослідні стави пивної дробини та перегною ВРХ сприяло підвищенню рівня розвитку природної кормової бази. Отримані дані щодо живлення цьоголіток коропа в ставах з різними варіантами удобрення свідчать, що риба в усіх варіантах досліду була забезпечена природним кормом. Його відносний вміст в раціоні цьоголіток коропа дослідних груп складав 42,2±4,2–46,7±4,1 % і був у 1,2–1,3 рази вищий, ніж у контрольних (35,3±4,4 %). Індекс наповнення кишкового тракту риб при внесенні пивної дробини впродовж вегетаційного сезону поступово збільшувався; при внесенні перегною – збільшувався на початку періоду вирощування, із наступним зниженням його з початком годівлі штучними кормами; у контролі даний показник мав чітку тенденцію до зниження. Середні за вегетаційний сезон індекси наповнення кишкового тракту цьоголіток коропа в досліді були на рівні 256,5±22,4 – 348,1±23,5%, у контролі – 239,8±31,1 %.В статье представлены результаты исследования питания сеголеток карпа в прудах с применением различных органических  удобрителей. Установлено, что внесение в опытные пруды пивной дробины и перегноя КРС способствовало повышению уровня развития естественной кормовой базы. Полученные данные относительно питания сеголеток карпа в прудах с различными вариантами удобрения свидетельствуют, что рыба во всех вариантах опыта была обеспечена естественным кормом. Его относительное содержание в рационе сеголеток карпа опытных групп составляло 42,2±4,2–46,7±4,1 % и было в 1,2–1,3 раза выше, чем в контрольных (35,3±4,4 %). Индекс наполнения кишечного тракта рыб при внесении пивной дробины в течение вегетационного сезона постепенно увеличивался; при внесении перегноя – увеличивался в начале периода выращивания, с последующим снижением его с началом кормления искусственными кормами; в контроле данный показатель имел четкую тенденцию к снижению. Средние за вегетационный сезон индексы наполнения кишечного тракта сеголеток карпа в опыте были на уровне 256,5±22,4 – 348,1±23,5%, в контроле – 239,8±31,1%.The paper contains the results of the studies on young-of-the-year carp feeding in ponds with the application of different organic fertilizers.It was found that the application of brewer’s grains and cattle manure into ponds contributed to an increase in the level of the development of feeding organisms. The obtained data on young-of-the-year carp feeding in ponds with different fertilization variants indicate that fish in all experimental variants was supplied with natural feeds. Its relative content in young-of-the-year carp diet in experimental groups was 42.2±4.2-46.7±4.1% that was 1.2–1.3 times higher than in the control (35.3±4.4 %). Gut fullness index of the experimental fish when brewer’s grains were used gradually increased during the culture season; when manure was used – it increased in the beginning of the growing period and then reduced with the start of feeding fish with artificial feeds; in the control, this index had a clear tendency for decreasing. Mean gut fullness indices of young-of-the-year carp during the culture season were 256.5±22.4 – 348.1±23.5% in the experiment and 239.8±31.1% in the control

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Wtp (Willingness To Pay) dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Obyek Wisata Taman Alun Kapuas Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

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    Berbagai fungsi yang terkait dengan sumber daya alam (fungsi ekologis, sosial, ekonomi, dan arsitektural) dannilai estetika yang dimilikinya (obyek dan lingkungan) dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan dan untukkelangsungan kehidupan perkotaan juga dapat menjadi nilai kebanggaan dan identitas kota. Sebagai obyekwisata alam, Taman Alunalun Kapuas belum tertata dengan baik, pelaksanaan upaya pengelolaan objek wisataTaman Alun Kapuas membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Untuk itu diharapkan bagi pengunjung untukmembayar dalam pengelolaan Taman Alun Kapuas. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi logistik dalammenganalisis faktor-faktor kesediaan pengunjung untuk membayar. Sedangkan metode CVM (ContingenValuation Method) digunakan untuk mengestimasi biaya yang akan dikeluarkan oleh pengunjung, dan metoderegresi berganda digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi besar kesediaanmembayar pengunjung. Program yang dapat membantu dalam penelitian ini yaitu Microsoft Excel 2007 danMinitab For Windows Realise 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 84% responden bersediamembayar dalam upaya pengelolaan lingkungan obyek wisata Taman Alun Kapuas. Faktor-faktor yangmempengaruhi kesediaan membayar responden pengunjung dalam upaya pengelolaan lingkungan obyekwisata Taman Alun Kapuas antara lain pendapatan (PNDPTN3) dan pengetahuan (PNGTHUAN). Nilai rata-rataWTP responden pengunjung adalah sebesar Rp 3360,00/orang. Faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai WTPresponden yaitu usia (U)

    Differential Effects of Migration and Deportation on HIV Infection among Male and Female Injection Drug Users in Tijuana, Mexico

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    HIV prevalence is rising, especially among high risk females in Tijuana, Baja California, a Mexico-US border city situated on major migration and drug trafficking routes. We compared factors associated with HIV infection among male and female injection drug users (IDUs) in Tijuana in an effort to inform HIV prevention and treatment programs. IDUs aged ≥18 years were recruited using respondent-driven sampling and underwent testing for HIV, syphilis and structured interviews. Logistic regression identified correlates of HIV infection, stratified by gender. Among 1056 IDUs, most were Mexican-born but 67% were born outside Tijuana. Reasons for moving to Tijuana included deportation from the US (56% for males, 29% for females), and looking for work/better life (34% for females, 15% for males). HIV prevalence was higher in females versus males (10.2% vs. 3.5%, p = 0.001). Among females (N = 158), factors independently associated with higher HIV prevalence included younger age, lifetime syphilis infection and living in Tijuana for longer durations. Among males (N = 898), factors independently associated with higher HIV prevalence were syphilis titers consistent with active infection, being arrested for having ‘track-marks’, having larger numbers of recent injection partners and living in Tijuana for shorter durations. An interaction between gender and number of years lived in Tijuana regressed on HIV infection was significant (p = 0.03). Upon further analysis, deportation from the U.S. explained the association between shorter duration lived in Tijuana and HIV infection among males; odds of HIV infection were four-fold higher among male injectors deported from the US, compared to other males, adjusting for all other significant correlates (p = 0.002). Geographic mobility has a profound influence on Tijuana's evolving HIV epidemic, and its impact is significantly modified by gender. Future studies are needed to elucidate the context of mobility and HIV acquisition in this region, and whether US immigration policies adversely affect HIV risk

    HIV Risks and Seroprevalence Among Mexican American Injection Drug Users in California

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    Latinos in the United States are an ethnically diverse group disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. We describe HIV seroprevalence, HIV risk behaviors and utilization of health services among Mexican American injection drug users (IDUs) in California (n = 286) and compare them to White (n = 830) and African American (n = 314) IDUs. Study participants were recruited from syringe exchange programs (n = 24) in California. HIV seroprevalence among Mexican Americans (0.5%) was dramatically lower than Whites (5%) and African Americans (8%). Mexican Americans reported fewer sex-related risks than Whites and African Americans though injection-related risks remained high. Compared to Whites, Mexican Americans were more likely to participate in drug treatment during a 6 month period (AOR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1, 2.0) but less likely to receive any health care (AOR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5, 0.8). Exploring cultural and structural factors among Mexican American IDUs may offer new insights into how to maintain low rates of HIV seroprevalence and reduce barriers to health care utilization

    Border Crossing to Inject Drugs in Mexico Among Injection Drug Users in San Diego, California

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    We examined correlates of ever injecting drugs in Mexico among residents of San Diego, California. From 2007 to 2010, injecting drug users (IDUs) in San Diego underwent an interviewer-administered survey. Logistic regression identified correlates of injection drug use in Mexico. Of 302 IDUs, 38% were Hispanic, 72% male and median age was 37; 27% ever injected in Mexico; 43% reported distributive syringe sharing there. Factors independently associated with ever injecting drugs in Mexico included being younger at first injection, injecting heroin, distributive syringe sharing at least half of the time, and transporting drugs over the last 6 months. One-quarter of IDUs reported ever injecting drugs in Mexico, among whom syringe sharing was common, suggesting possible mixing between IDUs in the Mexico-US border region. Prospective studies should monitor trends in cross-border drug use in light of recent Mexican drug policy reforms partially decriminalizing drug possession

    Does Respondent Driven Sampling Alter the Social Network Composition and Health-Seeking Behaviors of Illicit Drug Users Followed Prospectively?

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    Respondent driven sampling (RDS) was originally developed to sample and provide peer education to injection drug users at risk for HIV. Based on the premise that drug users' social networks were maintained through sharing rituals, this peer-driven approach to disseminate educational information and reduce risk behaviors capitalizes and expands upon the norms that sustain these relationships. Compared with traditional outreach interventions, peer-driven interventions produce greater reductions in HIV risk behaviors and adoption of safer behaviors over time, however, control and intervention groups are not similarly recruited. As peer-recruitment may alter risk networks and individual risk behaviors over time, such comparison studies are unable to isolate the effect of a peer-delivered intervention. This analysis examines whether RDS recruitment (without an intervention) is associated with changes in health-seeking behaviors and network composition over 6 months. New York City drug users (N = 618) were recruited using targeted street outreach (TSO) and RDS (2006–2009). 329 non-injectors (RDS = 237; TSO = 92) completed baseline and 6-month surveys ascertaining demographic, drug use, and network characteristics. Chi-square and t-tests compared RDS- and TSO-recruited participants on changes in HIV testing and drug treatment utilization and in the proportion of drug using, sex, incarcerated and social support networks over the follow-up period. The sample was 66% male, 24% Hispanic, 69% black, 62% homeless, and the median age was 35. At baseline, the median network size was 3, 86% used crack, 70% used cocaine, 40% used heroin, and in the past 6 months 72% were tested for HIV and 46% were enrolled in drug treatment. There were no significant differences by recruitment strategy with respect to changes in health-seeking behaviors or network composition over 6 months. These findings suggest no association between RDS recruitment and changes in network composition or HIV risk, which supports prior findings from prospective HIV behavioral surveillance and intervention studies

    The social production of substance abuse and HIV/HCV risk: an exploratory study of opioid-using immigrants from the former Soviet Union living in New York City

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several former Soviet countries have witnessed the rapid emergence of major epidemics of injection drug use (IDU) and associated HIV/HCV, suggesting that immigrants from the former Soviet Union (FSU) may be at heightened risk for similar problems. This exploratory study examines substance use patterns among the understudied population of opioid-using FSU immigrants in the U.S., as well as social contextual factors that may increase these immigrants' susceptibility to opioid abuse and HIV/HCV infection.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 FSU immigrants living in New York City who initiated opioid use in adolescence or young adulthood, and with 6 drug treatment providers working with this population. Informed by a grounded theory approach, interview transcripts were inductively coded and analyzed to identify key themes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The "trauma" of the immigration/acculturation experience was emphasized by participants as playing a critical role in motivating opioid use. Interview data suggest that substance use patterns formed in the high-risk environment of the FSU may persist as behavioral norms within New York City FSU immigrant communities - including a predilection for heroin use among youth, a high prevalence of injection, and a tolerance for syringe sharing within substance-using peer networks. Multiple levels of social context may reproduce FSU immigrants' vulnerability to substance abuse and disease such as: peer-based interactional contexts in which participants typically used opioids; community workplace settings in which some participants were introduced to and obtained opioids; and cultural norms, with roots in Soviet-era social policies, stigmatizing substance abuse which may contribute to immigrants' reluctance to seek disease prevention and drug treatment services.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Several behavioral and contextual factors appear to increase FSU immigrants' risk for opioid abuse, IDU and infectious disease. Further research on opioid-using FSU immigrants is warranted and may help prevent increases in HIV/HCV prevalence from occurring within these communities.</p