1,320 research outputs found

    A Potential for Improving Honors Retention with Degree Planning

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    Students who begin in honors do not always complete program requirements. As an investigation into student retention, the author introduces a degree-planning workshop into a freshman seminar. The study involves two groups of students from different incoming classes: one (2018) participating in their degree-planning through the workshop and the other (2015) not. Students (n = 150) were compared against three retention criteria based on successive enrollment and withdrawal. Chi-square analyses reveal significant differences only for program withdrawal, indicating that those completing the workshop were less likely to be removed from the program due to lack of progress. The workshop group (2018) showed higher levels of voluntarily removing themselves from the program than the non-workshop (2015) group. Seminar materials, procedures, and learning outcomes are presented. Implications for future research involving additional student populations and achievement variables are discussed

    Statistical modeling of wet and dry spell frequencies over North-East India

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    In this paper an attempt has been made to develop a discrete precipitation model for the daily series of precipitation occurrences over North East India. The point of approach is to model the duration of consecutive dry and wet days i.e. spell, instead of individual wet and dry days. Various distributions viz. uniform, geometric, logarithmic, negative binomial, Poisson and Markov chain of order one and two, Eggenberger-Polya distribution have been fitted to describe the wet and dry spell frequencies of occurrences. The models are fitted to the observed data of seven stations namely Imphal, Mohanbari, Guwahati, Cherrapunji, Silcoorie, North Bank and Tocklai (Jorhat) of North-East India with pronounced attention to summer monsoon season. The goodness of fit of the proposed model has been tested using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. It is observed that Eggenberger-Polya distribution fairly fits wet and dry spell frequencies and can be used in the future for an estimation of the wet and dry spells in the area under study

    Upaya Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Tolak Peluru Yang Efektif Dengan Metode Pakem Pada Siswa Kelas V SD N 163/8 Muara Tabir Tebo

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    The difficulty of students in carrying out basic techniques on learning material to shot put is the background of this study. There were still many students who have not been correct in carrying out a series of repulsion movements. This study aims to determine the application of the PAKEM (Active, Creative, Effective and Fun Learning) method to improve learning of shot put to students in the 5th grade students of SDN 163/8 Muara Tabir Tebo.The research method used PTK design which was carried out in two cycles. The subjects of this research were 24 students of the 5th grade students of SDN 163/8 Sungai Jernih Muara Tabir, Tebo. The data of shot put results were obtained through performance tests and observation sheets were used to collect data on student activities in following the learning process of shot put using the PAKEM method. The results of this study were obtained based on the assessment of three aspects namely psychomotor, affective, and cognitive. The results of the assessment shown that there was a significant increase from the condition of cycle I to cycle II. The results of the assessment of learning shot put obtained from the first cycle were as many as 15 students or the percentage of completeness 71.3%. Whereas in cycle II there was an increase to 20 students or the percentage of completeness to be 83, 3%. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that learning shot put through the PAKEM method can improve the learning outcomes of the fifth grade students of SDN 163/8 Sungai Jernih Muara Tabir

    A study on scrape smear cytology in oral leukoplakia in a tertiary health care centre of southern Assam

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    Background: Oral cavity is susceptible to countless changes with advancing, environmental, and lifestyle related habits and factors. Oral mucosal lesions especially related to chewing and smoking of tobacco have led to the increased incidence and prevalence of potentially malignant and malignant disorders worldwide. Oral leukoplakia has been a very frequent finding in patients coming to our department and with an increasing rise of oral squamous cell carcinoma in the region, the study was conducted.Methods: Patients referred to our section from various department with white oral lesion. Scrapping smears were prepared. Stained with MGG and PAP stain. Study period: January 2019 to May 2020.Results: Total number of patients with white oral lesion were 83. Out of these 65 were male and 18 were female. Most of the patients had addiction to betel nut and leaf with tobacco and few had history of intake of bidi for several years.Conclusions: The study reveals that most of the oral leukoplakia cases is attributed to smoking, betel nut and lime intake. Exfoliative cytology of oral mucosa serves to be an easy, convenient and reproducible technique for early diagnosis of premalignant condition. Biopsy can be used as an adjunct in cases showing atypia and mixed type of keratosis

    Path-Integral Formula for Computing Koopman Eigenfunctions

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    The paper is about the computation of the principal spectrum of the Koopman operator (i.e., eigenvalues and eigenfunctions). The principal eigenfunctions of the Koopman operator are the ones with the corresponding eigenvalues equal to the eigenvalues of the linearization of the nonlinear system at an equilibrium point. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a novel approach for computing the principal eigenfunctions using a path-integral formula. Furthermore, we provide conditions based on the stability property of the dynamical system and the eigenvalues of the linearization towards computing the principal eigenfunction using the path-integral formula. Further, we provide a Deep Neural Network framework that utilizes our proposed path-integral approach for eigenfunction computation in high-dimension systems. Finally, we present simulation results for the computation of principal eigenfunction and demonstrate their application for determining the stable and unstable manifolds and constructing the Lyapunov function

    Modeling for the Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Sapota Fruit

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    Modified atmospheric packaging utilizes polymeric films with selective permeability for O2 & CO2 and modifies the storage environment by lowering O2 concentration and increasing CO2 concentration. Modeling and design of the Sapota fruit for modified atmosphere storage was done with different packaging materials for the higher shelf life. Based on the respiration rate and permeability of the packaging material the suitable packaging films obtained for the modified atmospheric packaging of Sapota fruit were low density Polyethylene, Polyvinyl chloride, Polypropylene and Polystyrene film. Saran and Polyester films were found to be unsuitable for MAP storage of the Sapota fruit. The developed model provides an effective way for selection of the proper packaging material for Sapota fruit and this model can also be employed for designing packaging films for other fruits and vegetables

    Revisit of non-linear Landau damping for electrostatic instability driven by blazar-induced pair beams

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    We revisit the effect of non-linear Landau (NL) damping on the electrostatic instability of blazar-induced pair beams, using a realistic pair-beam distribution. We employ a simplified 2D model in k{\bf k}-space to study the evolution of the electric-field spectrum and to calculate the relaxation time of the beam. We demonstrate that the 2D model is an adequate representation of the 3D physics. We find that non-linear Landau damping, once it operates efficiently, transports essentially the entire wave energy to small wavenumbers where wave driving is weak or absent. The relaxation time also strongly depends on the IGM temperature, TIGMT_\mathrm{IGM}, and for TIGM≪10T_\mathrm{IGM}\ll10 eV, and in the absence of any other damping mechanism, the relaxation time of the pair beam is longer than the inverse Compton (IC) scattering time. The weak late-time beam energy losses arise from the accumulation of wave energy at small kk, that non-linearly drains the wave energy at the resonant k\mathbf{k} of the pair-beam instability. Any other dissipation process operating at small kk would reduce that wave-energy drain and hence lead to stronger pair-beam energy losses. As an example, collisions reduce the relaxation time by an order of magnitude, although their rate is very small. Other non-linear processes, such as the modulation instability, could provide additional damping of the non-resonant waves and dramatically reduce the relaxation time of the pair beam. An accurate description of the spectral evolution of the electrostatic waves is crucial for calculating the relaxation time of the pair beam
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