364 research outputs found

    Stable multiple-charged localized optical vortices in cubic-quintic nonlinear media

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    The stability of two-dimensional bright vortex solitons in a media with focusing cubic and defocusing quintic nonlinearities is investigated analytically and numerically. It is proved that above some critical beam powers not only one- and two-charged but also multiple-charged stable vortex solitons do exist. A vortex soliton occurs robust with respect to symmetry-breaking modulational instability in the self-defocusing regime provided that its radial profile becomes flattened, so that a self-trapped wave beam gets a pronounced surface. It is demonstrated that the dynamics of a slightly perturbed stable vortex soliton resembles an oscillation of a liquid stream having a surface tension. Using the idea of sustaining effective surface tension for spatial vortex soliton in a media with competing nonlinearities the explanation of a suppression of the modulational instability is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Journal of Optics A. The proceedings of the workshop NATO ARW, Kiev 2003 Singular Optics 200

    Optimization of the Androgenesis Method in the In Vitro Culture of Anteneson the Basis ofT. AestivumHybrids

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    This study aimed to examine the regularities of the regenerationprocesses of haploid plants, the dependence of in vitro microspore morphogenesis in anther culture on optimization factors, and their efficiency in F1 hybrids of T. aestivumof different ecological and geographicorigin. It was found that heterosis contributed to an increased yield of haploid chlorophyll-bearing regenerants from hybrids obtained from the crossing of parental forms with different responsiveness to androclinia. Results were obtained for the complex optimization of the androgenesis method for the in vitro anther culture of T. aestivum, in order to create diploidized haploid lines (DHL) regardless of the influence of the genotype. The agroecological properties for a complex of economically useful traits were also assessed. DHLs were created that combined high yield (5.1-6.8 t / ha) with lodging resistance (straw height – 60-80 cm) and consistently high grain quality; these were characterized by increased resistance to major leaf diseases in comparison with the standard variety in the conditions of the Central Economic Region of the Non-Black Earth Zone of the Russian Federation. Keywords: spring soft wheat, androgenesis, embyroidogenesis, callusogenesis, diploidized haploids, in vitro, yield and qualit

    Digital holographic camera for plankton monitoring

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    A submersible digital holographic camera for measuring plankton and other particles is described. The camera provides underwater recording of digital holograms of water volume containing plankton followed by automatic restoration of holographic images of plankton species, determination of their sizes, shapes, and concentrations, and their recognition and classification. Particles with sizes of 200 μm and larger are analyzed. The water volume registered per exposure is about 1 L. The special features of the software for automatic information retrieval from digital holograms are discussed. Examples of application of the camera as an integral part of the hardware-software complex for field measurements are given. Prospects for application of this complex for ecological monitoring are discussed. The recognition criterion of the digital holographic camera and the data volume and the averaging time required for obtaining statistically reliable data on plankton species are also given

    Stability of two-dimensional spatial solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media

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    We discuss existence and stability of two-dimensional solitons in media with spatially nonlocal nonlinear response. We show that such systems, which include thermal nonlinearity and dipolar Bose Einstein condensates, may support a variety of stationary localized structures - including rotating spatial solitons. We also demonstrate that the stability of these structures critically depends on the spatial profile of the nonlocal response function.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Forest structure and individual tree inventories of northeastern Siberia along climatic gradients

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    We compile a data set of forest surveys from expeditions to the northeast of the Russian Federation, in Krasnoyarsk Krai, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (59–73∘ N, 97–169∘ E), performed between the years 2011 and 2021. The region is characterized by permafrost soils and forests dominated by larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr. and Larix cajanderi Mayr). Our data set consists of a plot database describing 226 georeferenced vegetation survey plots and a tree database with information about all the trees on these plots. The tree database, consisting of two tables with the same column names, contains information on the height, species, and vitality of 40 289 trees. A subset of the trees was subject to a more detailed inventory, which recorded the stem diameter at base and at breast height, crown diameter, and height of the beginning of the crown. We recorded heights up to 28.5 m (median 2.5 m) and stand densities up to 120 000 trees per hectare (median 1197 ha−1), with both values tending to be higher in the more southerly areas. Observed taxa include Larix Mill., Pinus L., Picea A. Dietr., Abies Mill., Salix L., Betula L., Populus L., Alnus Mill., and Ulmus L. In this study, we present the forest inventory data aggregated per plot. Additionally, we connect the data with different remote sensing data products to find out how accurately forest structure can be predicted from such products. Allometries were calculated to obtain the diameter from height measurements for every species group. For Larix, the most frequent of 10 species groups, allometries depended also on the stand density, as denser stands are characterized by thinner trees, relative to height. The remote sensing products used to compare against the inventory data include climate, forest biomass, canopy height, and forest loss or disturbance. We find that the forest metrics measured in the field can only be reconstructed from the remote sensing data to a limited extent, as they depend on local properties. This illustrates the need for ground inventories like those data we present here. The data can be used for studying the forest structure of northeastern Siberia and for the calibration and validation of remotely sensed data. They are available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943547 (Miesner et al., 2022).</p

    Effect of antibodies to glutamate on age-related memory changes in C57Bl/6 mice

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    Chronic intranasal administration of antibodies to glutamate to aging C57Bl/6 mice improved passive avoidance conditioning, had no effect on horizontal and vertical locomotor activity, but slowed locomotion in the open-field test. Administration of antibodies to glutamate increased the content of dopamine and its metabolites in mouse hippocampus, but had no effect on the metabolism of neurotransmitter amino acids. In the frontal cortex, antibodies to glutamate did not affect neurotransmitter metabolism, but increased the level of both excitatory and inhibitory amino acids without changing their ratio

    The influence of a combined strain-heat treatment on the features of electromagnetic testing of fatigue degradation of quenched constructional steel

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    The possibilities of the magnetic and eddy-current methods for testing fatigue degradation during low-cycle loading of quenched steel 50 (0.51% C) that was subjected to a combined strain-heat treatment according to an optimal regime that included friction treatment with subsequent tempering at T = 350 C, were investigated. It is shown that for steel that was subjected to a combined nanostructuring treatment, the accumulation of a plastic strain under "hard" cyclic loading can be tested using the coercimetric method and values of the residual magnetic induction on the major and minor magnetic-hysteresis loops, values of the maximum and initial magnetic permeabilities, and readings of an eddy-current instrument at a low excitation frequency of the eddy-current transducer. The appearance of surface fatigue cracks can be tested via eddy-current measurements at high frequencies, when the contribution of the crack formation in the hardened layer to the eddy-current characteristics is considerable. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Genetic and morphologic determination of diatom community composition in surface sediments from glacial and thermokarst lakes in the Siberian Arctic

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    Lakes cover large parts of the climatically sensitive Arctic landscape and respond rapidly to environmental change. Arctic lakes have different origins and include the predominant thermokarst lakes, which are small, young and highly dynamic, as well as large, old and stable glacial lakes. Freshwater diatoms dominate the primary producer community in these lakes and can be used to detect biotic responses to climate and environmental change. We used specific diatom metabarcoding on sedimentary DNA, combined with next-generation sequencing and diatom morphology, to assess diatom diversity in five glacial and 15 thermokarst lakes within the easternmost expanse of the Siberian treeline ecotone in Chukotka, Russia. We obtained 163 verified diatom sequence types and identified 176 diatom species morphologically. Although there were large differences in taxonomic assignment using the two approaches, they showed similar high abundances and diversity of Fragilariceae and Aulacoseiraceae. In particular, the genetic approach detected hidden within-lake variations of fragilarioids in glacial lakes and dominance of centric Aulacoseira species, whereas Lindavia ocellata was predominant using morphology. In thermokarst lakes, sequence types and valve counts also detected high diversity of Fragilariaceae, which followed the vegetation gradient along the treeline. Ordination analyses of the genetic data from glacial and thermokarst lakes suggest that concentrations of sulfate, an indicator of the activity of sulfate-reducing microbes under anoxic conditions, and bicarbonate, which relates to surrounding vegetation, have a significant influence on diatom community composition. For thermokarst lakes, we also identified lake depth as an important variable, but sulfate best explains diatom diversity derived from genetic data, whereas bicarbonate best explains the data from valve counts. Higher diatom diversity was detected in glacial lakes, most likely related to greater lake age and different edaphic settings, which gave rise to diversification and endemism. In contrast, small, dynamic thermokarst lakes are inhabited by stress-tolerant fragilarioids and are related to different vegetation types along the treeline ecotone. Our study demonstrated that genetic investigations of lake sediments can be used to interpret climate and environmental responses of diatoms. It also showed how lake type affects diatom diversity, and that such genetic analyses can be used to track diatom community changes under ongoing warming in the Arctic


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    The aim of the study – to review current issues and clinical guidelines in medical care for pregnant women with Marfan syndrome, as well as the experience of the national multidisciplinary team to reduce maternal and perinatal losses. Materials and Methods. Our pregnancy heart team from National Amosov Institute of Сardio-vascular Surgery took care on 16 pregnant women and parturients with aortic aneurysms from January 2014 to June 2020. Hereditary diseases of the thoracic aorta with a typical phenotype (Marfan syndrome) were observed in 3 pregnant women. Among them – two were with AAD in the III trimester and in postpartum. One patient was observed by a multidisciplinary team from 14 weeks of gestation up to the delivery. Preventive cardiac surgery in 19 weeks of gestation with fetus in utero was performed. Results and Discussion. In the group of pregnant women and parturients with thoracic aortic pathology, one maternal death was observed on the 7th day after cardiac surgery (parturient with MS and AAD at 40 weeks of gestation after emergency cesarean section and urgent Bentall de Bone intervention). The cause of death was spontaneous acute dissection of the thoracic aorta type B with ruptures of the descending thoracic aorta. Long-term results were observed in both other mothers – there were not maternal mortality or "near-miss". There were no perinatal losses. In the article we discuss pathomorphological and pathoanatomical factors that affect the increased risk of AAD in pregnant women with MS. Current views on medical care for pregnant women with MS, the principles of primary and secondary prevention of major cardiac events, including a life-threatening complication – acute aortic dissection. Obstetric and cardiac surgery tactics in pregnant patients with MS, including AAD, are discussed. We talked over recommendations for delivery methods in patients with MS, indications for preventive aortic surgery, a clinical case of preventive surgery in pregnant women with MS from the experience of national pregnancy heart team. Conclusions. The presence of Marfan syndrome significantly increases maternal and perinatal risks and requires careful multidisciplinary support of the pregnant woman and parturient. The development of AAD in patients with MS during pregnancy is a life-threatening complication, the prevention of which requires medical and sometimes preventive cardiac surgery for pregnant women.Цель исследования – проведение анализа современных рекомендаций и клинических руководств, а также опыта работы национальной мультидисциплинарной команды по медицинскому сопровождению беременных с синдромом Марфана (СМ) с целью уменьшения материнских и перинатальных потерь. Материалы и методы. С января 2014 года по июнь 2020 мультидисциплинарный коллектив на базе клиники ГУ «НИССХ им. Н.М. Амосова НАМН Украины» провел лечение 16 беременных и рожениц с аневризмой аорты. Наследственные заболевания грудной аорты с типичным фенотипом (синдром Марфана) наблюдались у 3 беременных. Среди них двое были с ОРАА в III триместре и после родов. Одна пациентка сопровождалась мультидисциплинарной командой с 14 недель беременности до родов. В 19 недель пациентке было выполнено кардиохирургическое вмешательство с fetus in utero. Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. В группе беременных и рожениц с патологией грудной аорты наблюдалась 1 материнская смерть (роженица с СМ и ОРАА на 40 неделе беременности после экстренного кесарева сечения и неотложного вмешательства Бенталла-де-Боне на 7 сутки после операции). Причиной смерти стала спонтанная острая диссекция грудной аорты типа В с разрывами нисходящего отдела грудной аорты. Отдаленные результаты прослежены в обоих других рожениц – материнской смертности или «near-miss» не было. Перинатальных потерь не было. В статье обсуждены патоморфологические и патанатомические факторы, влияющие на рост риска возникновения ОРАА у беременных с СМ. Представлены современные взгляды на медицинскую помощь беременным с СМ, принципы первичной и вторичной профилактики больших кардиальных событий, в том числе и опасного для жизни осложнения – острой диссекции аорты. Обсуждены акушерская и кардиохирургическая тактика у беременных пациенток с СМ, в том числе и при острой диссекции аорты. Рассмотрены рекомендации по ведению родов у пациенток с СМ, проведение превентивной хирургии аорты, приведен клинический случай профилактической хирургии у беременной с СМ из опыта национальной команды «акушерская кардиология». Выводы. Наличие синдрома Марфана значительно увеличивает материнские и перинатальные риски и требует тщательного мультидисциплинарного наблюдения за беременной и роженицей. Развитие ОРАА у пациенток с СМ во время беременности – угрожающее жизни осложнение, профилактика которого требует медикаментозного, а иногда и превентивного кардиохирургического сопровождения беременной женщины.Мета дослідження – проведення аналізу сучасних рекомендацій та клінічних настанов, а також досвіду роботи національної мультидисциплінарної команди щодо медичного супроводу вагітних із синдромом Марфана (СМ) з метою зменшення материнських та перинатальних втрат. Матеріали та методи. З січня 2014 до червня 2020 року мультидисциплінарний колектив на базі клініки ДУ «Національний інститут серцево-судинної хірургії імені М. М. Амосова НАМН України» провів лікування 16 вагітних та породілей з аневризмою аорти. Спадкові захворювання грудної аорти з типовим фенотипом (синдром Марфана) спостерігалися у 3 вагітних. Серед них дві було з ГРАА у III триместрі та після пологів. Одна пацієнтка супроводжувалася мультидисциплінарною командою з 14 тижнів вагітності до пологів. У 19 тижнів пацієнтці було виконано кардіохірургічне втручання з fetus in utero. Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. У групі вагітних та породілей із патологією грудної аорти мала місце 1 материнська смерть (породілля із СМ та гострим розшаруванням аневризми аорти (ГРАА) на 40 тижні вагітності після екстреного кесаревого розтину та невідкладного втручання Бенталла-де-Боне на 7 добу після операції). Причиною смерті стала спонтанна гостра дисекція грудної аорти типу В із розривами низхідного відділу грудної аорти. Віддалені результати прослідковано в обох інших породілей – материнської смертності або «near-miss» не було. Перинатальних втрат не було. У статті обговорено патоморфологічні та патанатомічні фактори, що впливають на зростання ризику виникнення ГРАА у вагітних із СМ. Представлено сучасні погляди на медичну допомогу вагітним із СМ, принципи первинної та вторинної профілактики великих кардіальних подій, у тому числі й небезпечного для життя ускладнення – гострої дисекції аорти. Обговорено акушерську та кардіохірургічну тактику у вагітних пацієнток із СМ, у тому числі й при гострій дисекції аорти. Розглянуто рекомендації щодо ведення пологів у пацієнток із СМ, проведення превентивної хірургії аорти, наведено клінічний випадок профілактичної хірургії у вагітної із СМ з досвіду національної команди «акушерська кардіологія». Висновки. Наявність синдрому Марфана значно збільшує материнські та перинатальні ризики та потребує ретельного мультидисциплінарного спостереження за вагітною та породіллею. Розвиток ГРАА у пацієнток із СМ під час вагітності – небезпечне для життя ускладнення, профілактика якого потребує медикаментозного, а іноді й превентивного кардіохірургічного супроводу вагітної жінки

    Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramics Doped with Silver, Copper, Zinc, and Iron (III) Ions in Concentrations of Less Than 0.5 wt.% for Bone Tissue Regeneration

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Novel materials with a variety of properties, such as biocompatibility, antibacterial activity, interconnected porosity, and functionalities combined in one, are required for regenerative medicine. Porous β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) ceramics doped with Cu2+, Zn2+, Ag+, and Fe3+ ions in the concentrations of less than 0.5 wt.% were synthesized and investigated. The obtained samples were analyzed by the diversity of analytical tools. The structure, solubility, and antimicrobial properties of the porous ceramics are shown to be very sensitive to the presence and the type of the cationic substituent. It opens the way to manage structure and properties of the materials for bone tissue regeneration by co-doping of the initial matrix simultaneously with different types of substituent ions