8 research outputs found

    Sustainability of European winter wheat- and maize-based cropping systems: Economic, environmental and social ex-post assessment of conventional and IPM-based systems

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    In order to ensure higher sustainability of winter wheat and maize production in Europe, cropping systems featuring different levels of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) need to be tested in the field and validated for their sustainability before being adopted by farmers. However, the sustainability evaluation of cropping systems is difficult to perform effectively due to the complex economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability. Within the EU research project PURE, nine long-term experiments were conducted in various European regions from 2011 to 2014, comparing two IPM levels against the conventional system (CS) in winter wheat- and maize-based cropping systems. IPM1 encompassed some pesticide use in semi-diverse crop rotations while IPM2 favoured reduced- and non-chemical methods in diverse rotations. The modified DEXiPM (DEXi Pest Management) model for arable cropping systems was used for ex-post assessments to compare the economic, environmental and social sustainability of these systems. The assessments showed that in six out of nine trials the CS was overall unsustainable because of low evaluation of the environmental sustainability that was mainly due to high pesticide use and simplified crop rotations where the choice of crops is primarily market-driven. In contrast, six IPM1 and five IPM2 systems could be classified as sustainable, achieving ‘medium’ or ‘high’ scores for all three sustainability dimensions. Differences in the socio-economic conditions across countries and/or climatic and soil conditions across experimental trials highlighted that IPM is based on general principles that must be adapted to address specific local conditions. Overall, IPM systems included more diverse crop rotations and practices compared to the CS, promoting IPM-based strategies with less pesticide use but also a reduced reliance on pesticides that could partially compensate for any yield reductions by the savings on pesticide and application costs. It is recommended that the results of the study should be disseminated to policy-makers, advisors and farmers and that their implementation should be considered on a regional level. Regional policies to encourage the adoption of more sustainable systems based on IPM principles, as well as better support by more closely involving the regional advisory services for the general implementation of IPM is further recommended. Ex-post analysis with DEXiPM also identified the constraints of the IPM1 and IPM2 systems evaluated as not sustainable. These were related to i) environmental issues for those IPM1 systems that still relied mainly on pesticide use and had less diverse crop rotations, and ii) economic issues for IPM2 systems, mainly due to the choice of less profitable crops in the rotation, as well as to yield penalties caused by the very low pesticide use or replacing pesticides with less effective non-chemical methods. The identification of these constraints is a valuable input to the local and regional discussion on how to adopt IPM and develop more sustainable cropping systems

    Networking of integrated pest management : a powerful approach to address common challenges in agriculture

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    International audienceIntegrated pest management (IPM) is facing both external and internal challenges. External challenges include increasing needs to manage pests (pathogens, animal pests and weeds) due to climate change, evolution of pesticide resistance as well as virulence matching host resistance. The complexity of designing effective pest management strategies, which rely less heavily on the use of conventional pesticides, is another external challenge. Internal challenges include organizational aspects such as decreasing trend in budget allocated to IPM research, increasing scarcity of human expertise, lack of knowledge transfer into practice and the communication gap both at country level and between countries, and lack of multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary IPM research. There is an increasing awareness that trans-national networking is one means to overcome such challenges and to address common priorities in agriculture. A large number of stakeholders (researchers, policy makers, growers and industries) are involved in the sector of crop protection, which needs to be coordinated through effective communications and dynamic collaboration to make any IPM strategy successful. Here we discuss a decade-long IPM networking experiences in Europe emphasizing how IPM research, implementation and adoption in Europe may benefit from a broader level networking

    Eight principles of integrated pest management

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    The use of pesticides made it possible to increase yields, simplify cropping systems, and forego more complicated crop protection strategies. Over-reliance on chemical control, however, is associated with contamination of ecosystems and undesirable health effects. The future of crop production is now also threatened by emergence of pest resistance and declining availability of active substances. There is therefore a need to design cropping systems less dependent on synthetic pesticides. Consequently, the European Union requires the application of eight principles (P) of Integrated Pest Management that fit within sustainable farm management. Here, we propose to farmers, advisors, and researchers a dynamic and flexible approach that accounts for the diversity of farming situations and the complexities of agroecosystems and that can improve the resilience of cropping systems and our capacity to adapt crop protection to local realities. For each principle (P), we suggest that (P1) the design of inherently robust cropping systems using a combination of agronomic levers is key to prevention. (P2) Local availability of monitoring, warning, and forecasting systems is a reality to contend with. (P3) The decision-making process can integrate cropping system factors to develop longer-term strategies. (P4) The combination of non-chemical methods that may be individually less efficient than pesticides can generate valuable synergies. (P5) Development of new biological agents and products and the use of existing databases offer options for the selection of products minimizing impact on health, the environment, and biological regulation of pests. (P6) Reduced pesticide use can be effectively combined with other tactics. (P7) Addressing the root causes of pesticide resistance is the best way to find sustainable cro