6,007 research outputs found

    Kinetic Scalar Curvature Extended f(R)f(R) Gravity

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    In this work we study a modified version of vacuum f(R)f(R) gravity with a kinetic term which consists of the first derivatives of the Ricci scalar. We develop the general formalism of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity and we emphasize on cosmological applications for a spatially flat cosmological background. By using the formalism of this theory, we investigate how it is possible to realize various cosmological scenarios. Also we demonstrate that this theoretical framework can be treated as a reconstruction method, in the context of which it is possible to realize various exotic cosmologies for ordinary Einstein-Hilbert action. Finally, we derive the scalar-tensor counterpart theory of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity, and we show the mathematical equivalence of the two theories.Comment: NPB Accepte

    Unitarity cutting rules for the nucleus excitation and topological cross sections in hard production off nuclei from nonlinear k_t-factorization

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    At the partonic level, a typical final state in small-x deep inelastic scattering off nuclei and hard proton-nucleus collisions can be characterized by the multiplicity of color-excited nucleons. Within reggeon field theory, each color-excited nucleon is associated with the unitarity cut of the pomeron exchanged between the projectile and nucleus. In this communication we derive the unitarity rules for the multiplicity of excited nucleons, alias cut pomerons, alias topological cross sections, for typical hard dijet production processes. We demonstrate how the coupled-channel non-Abelian intranuclear evolution of color dipoles, inherent to pQCD, gives rise to the reggeon field theory diagrams for final states in terms of the uncut, and two kinds of cut, pomerons. Upon the proper identification of the uncut and cut pomeron exchanges, the topological cross sections for dijet production follow in a straightforward way from the earlier derived nonlinear k_t - factorization quadratures for the inclusive dijet cross sections. The concept of a coherent (collective) nuclear glue proves extremely useful for the formulation of reggeon field theory vertices of multipomeron - cut and uncut - couplings to particles and between themselves. A departure of our unitarity cutting rules from the ones suggested by the pre-QCD Abramovsky-Kancheli-Gribov rules, stems from the coupled-channel features of intranuclear pQCD. We propose a multiplicity re-summation as a tool for the isolation of topological cross sections for single-jet production.Comment: 53 pages, 16 eps-figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Zhivaia Starina

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    The Russian journal Zhivaia Starina [Living Antiquity] continues the activity of the journal of the same name that had been published by the Russian  Geographical Society in 1890—1917. The renewal of its publication was  undertaken in 1994 by the State Center of the Republic for Russian  Folklore

    Anatomy of the differential gluon structure function of the proton from the experimental data on F_2p

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    The use of the differential gluon structure function of the proton F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) introduced by Fadin, Kuraev and Lipatov in 1975 is called upon in many applications of small-x QCD. We report here the first determination of F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) from the experimental data on the small-x proton structure function F2p(x,Q2)F_{2p}(x,Q^{2}). We give convenient parameterizations for F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) based partly on the available DGLAP evolution fits (GRV, CTEQ & MRS) to parton distribution functions and on realistic extrapolations into soft region. We discuss an impact of soft gluons on various observables. The x-dependence of the so-determined F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) varies strongly with Q^2 and does not exhibit simple Regge properties. None the less the hard-to-soft diffusion is found to give rise to a viable approximation of the proton structure function F_{2p}(x,Q^2) by the soft and hard Regge components with intercepts \Delta_{soft}=0 and \Delta_{hard}\sim 0.4.Comment: 37 pages, 25 figure

    Role of direct exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in magnetic properties of graphene derivatives: C2_2F and C2_2H

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    According to the Lieb's theorem the ferromagnetic interaction in graphene-based materials with bipartite lattice is a result of disbalance between the number of sites available for pzp_z electrons in different sublattices. Here, we report on another mechanism of the ferromagnetism in functionalized graphene that is the direct exchange interaction between spin orbitals. By the example of the single-side semihydrogenated (C2_2H) and semifluorinated (C2_2F) graphene we show that such a coupling can partially or even fully compensate antiferromagnetic character of indirect exchange interactions reported earlier [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 88}, 081405(R) (2013)]. As a result, C2_2H is found to be a two-dimensional material with the isotropic ferromagnetic interaction and negligibly small magnetic anisotropy, which prevents the formation of the long-range magnetic order at finite temperature in accordance with the Mermin-Wagner theorem. This gives a rare example of a system where direct exchange interactions play a crucial role in determining a magnetic structure. In turn, C2_2F is found to be at the threshold of the antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic instability, which in combination with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction can lead to a skyrmion state.Comment: 10 page

    Spin Relaxation Times of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    We have measured temperature (TT)- and power-dependent electron spin resonance in bulk single-wall carbon nanotubes to determine both the spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times, T1T_1 and T2T_2. We observe that T11T_1^{-1} increases linearly with TT from 4 to 100 K, whereas T21T_2^{-1} {\em decreases} by over a factor of two when TT is increased from 3 to 300 K. We interpret the T11TT_1^{-1} \propto T trend as spin-lattice relaxation via interaction with conduction electrons (Korringa law) and the decreasing TT dependence of T21T_2^{-1} as motional narrowing. By analyzing the latter, we find the spin hopping frequency to be 285 GHz. Last, we show that the Dysonian lineshape asymmetry follows a three-dimensional variable-range hopping behavior from 3 to 20 K; from this scaling relation, we extract a localization length of the hopping spins to be \sim100 nm.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The Wave Function of 2S Radially Excited Vector Mesons from Data for Diffraction Slope

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    In the color dipole gBFKL dynamics we predict a strikingly different Q^2 and energy dependence of the diffraction slope for the elastic production of ground state V(1S) and radially excited V'(2S) light vector mesons. The color dipole model predictions for the diffraction slope for \rho^0 and \phi^0 production are in a good agreement with the data from the fixed target and collider HERA experiments. We present how a different form of anomalous energy and Q^2 dependence of the diffraction slope for V'(2S) production leads to a different position of the node in radial wave function and discuss a possibility how to determine this position from the fixed target and HERA data.Comment: 20 pages and 6 figures. Title change